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Extreme Thai Street Food - JACUZZI MEAT PARADISE! | Hat Yai (หาดใหญ่), Thailand

May 30, 2024
Hello everyone, I hope you are having an amazing day. I'm Mark Wiens. I am in Hatyai in the south of Thailand in Suncla and today I am absolutely elated because we are going to a restaurant and hopefully we will see her cooking. literally specializes in curried goat and beef


s and also their specialty is a boiled beef bone soup with a sour leaf called chamuang chamuwang in this video I can't wait to show you the huge boiling curry and soup


s. This place is amazing. We just arrived in the morning at 8 am and she already started cooking, uh, she already added the spices, the aromas are coming out of the giant walks, oh man, that's so much


and she is amazing at cooking over charcoal, cooking all the aromatic


extreme thai street food   jacuzzi meat paradise hat yai thailand
The aromas that float here are already incredible. There are six rides in front of the restaurant, all bubbling with different dishes and then there's even one in the back. She said that she is looking forward to a great day today. There is a whole goat they are. cut cut cut the whole goat into small pieces foreigner foreigner literally hot tubs of boiling meat um and we got here she already added the spices to the goat curry and the beef curry uh but you can see she just added it to him and the meat It's still fresh, the meat is not even cooked, but it will simmer for hours mixing those spices.
extreme thai street food   jacuzzi meat paradise hat yai thailand

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extreme thai street food jacuzzi meat paradise hat yai thailand...

Oh, she said she'll still add coconut milk and maybe some more spices. Then if you go down the line, we have the cow hooves on this one. okay, amazing, so they are both boiling soup, boiling bone soup, meat soup, and she will add this leaf called chamuang, which is a sour leaf that will leave, it is one of her signature dishes here, she is so amazing, He is incredibly friendly, without a doubt. one of the best



meat restaurants I've seen in all of Thailand and the aromas wafting up from the huge pots, the huge hot tubs of boiling meat, it's absolutely crazy and you can tell years and years of experience when you cook at this. level at this size it's all about the proportions it's all about the proportions uh there's no recipe she's just throwing in ingredients she knows by the size of the pan the amount of ingredients the amount of meat she needs to combine with the amount of spices with the amount of herbs with amount of ingredients is all experienced, so I actually had two plates of beef hooves with all that collagen coming out all that gelatin texture on that skin, but she's taking it out, she just boiled it in water. she is taking it out, somehow they will cut it and turn it into a plate, um, and then in the free pan, now she will boil the cow stomach, a variety of beef stomachs will be boiled next and also just her knowledge, her kitchen experience. everything over a fire over charcoal to bring it to a slow boil, this is the style of cooking you need, especially when cooking quantities of meat like this, low and slow boiling charcoal, letting the spices mix, letting the meat tenderize, oh man.
extreme thai street food   jacuzzi meat paradise hat yai thailand
I don't know if there is anything in the world that excites me more than meat jacuzzis and six of them six jacuzzis oh actually there are seven because there is one in the back yes I'm going to prepare I'm going to put my lemongrass in soup like this from now on instead of chopping it or instead of mashing it, she just takes all the broth, twists it like a rope, like tying a knot in a rope, um and then just throws it into the jacuzzi of boiling meat. oh it's so fragrant um and then okay, in comes the muang, the sour leaves wow oh man and his skills, his technique, that style is amazing, he has so much style, same as lemongrass, just take those leaves and , more or less, he crumples them in his hand to unleash that again that's going to unleash the flavor the aromatics the acidity of those leaves in the broth the kaffir limelits go into both curries, the goat curry and the beef curry and immediately when you cut those with scissors that fragrance, that citrus fragrance that comes out, is released from them and someone, she said, someone booked in advance, someone ordered yesterday, oh man, so that's the super special menu, but you have to order it a day in advance if you want the head and she also said. along with curry, I mean their best selling dish is boil, but also hopes that fishhooks will be one of the most popular items here, from here he added most of the spices apart from coconut milk, but first everything needs to boil for an hour or two hours to really tenderize that meat, so we'll rest a little bit and then we'll catch up on the curry and the soup in a bit, okay, just like she adds four kilos for a bag of four kilos of freshly squeezed cheese. coconut, that's the cream, that's the thick, buttery, rich cream, and you can see it looks like a painting, a beautiful painting of goat curry will make it so rich and thick, oh man, and as you continue to stir that and nourish that curry, it's almost unbearable.
extreme thai street food   jacuzzi meat paradise hat yai thailand
I'm so far from just jumping in the jacuzzi and swimming, I'm not kidding, the saliva will just drip from your lips, just smelling the aroma coming out of here, back to the hooves that have been boiling all morning, they have literally become. in a hot tub of melted collagen, fat and skin, its thickness as it boils, bubbling lava, the oils, the collagen, okay, it's getting close, it's almost time to lift the lids off the boiled soup and immediately this puff of steam with garcinia leaves. that heartburn we're getting really lucky today we're the first here we are she's serving us the first bowls of the day from the huge six seven hot tub pots of boiling beef and goat meat and oh man so she said uh I mean she just for pure experience knows when it's ready he said the meat is bi, which means it's reached that braising point where it falls apart tenderly um and all that melted fat has brought all the flavors together, so he's going to serve us one of all i thought there's no way you can't order everything here everything they make so this is their full menu everything that's on the menu but they also have kaijo uh an omelet that she will bring so we have to eat it with an omelet but the flavors, the vitality and its finishing touches are absolutely sensational, the curries here are secondary, its main dishes, the name of the restaurant are the soups, uh, especially the bone soup and the hoof soup, and the final touch could not be missing in the kaijo, the omelet.
Now we have completed this is the full spectrum of every dish they serve. I have to start with the soup. You have to be in this soup because otherwise it will start to freeze and oil will start to form on top. Look at those pieces of skin. and the fat is pure collagen and the chilies, the shallots, it's incredibly fragrant oh wow, okay, hands down, on the first bite, I think it might be the best meat soup I've ever had in my life, oh wow , that thickness is almost sauce-like in consistency because of the way the collagen melts in that broth, it's so meaty, the incredible acidity of the lime juice and the fresh chiles just reduces its heaviness, let me find some of the chunks They move, oh yeah, that's serious stuff. moving pieces, but oh look at the amount of chilies he added here oh man, I'm not kidding oh wow, that melts in your mouth oh man, those chilis set in as soon as you bite into them, they explode and just release chili fumes in the one behind your throat, okay, I'll take a time out and try the curry, look at the rick again, the richness of the natural goat oils, the goat oils have come out mixing with the coconut milk, it's so Rich, it's so heavy. my rice, oh it's so tender, oh look at that meat inside, so incredibly incredibly tender, today she made a whole goat curry, oh wow, the tenderness of that just melts on your tongue, the subtlest pungent aroma and the richness of that coconut. milk the dried chillies in there, the lemongrass, the kaffir lime leaves, the next thing we have to try is this, it's actually the signature dish, I think, with the bones, the chamuang garcinia leaves and then it's prepared the way the same way as the hooves with the chilies. with the lime juice just huge these aren't green beans they're all chilis here and she added she got us hooked that's a ton of chilis oh man that's okay I just have to try that broth and these chilis like they just They will explode. spice in your mouth like almost like gaseous chili fumes unleashed in the back of your throat when you bite into all the spice, the shallots, which are powerful, oh, and the extra depth of acidity from the garcinia leaves acidity on top of acidity on top. of richness saltiness the taste of the meat oh it's sensational the best meat soup I've ever had in Thailand maybe in the world oh man she just set the standard it's tender too but it comes from a different place , it's the bones so it's a little bit chewier texture but it just absorbed that acidity that the lemongrass brought the aromatics in there it's sensational we need to explore the last thing the other protein put this here now we add a little bit of the broth with some of the chiles all of those chiles, oh man, with the tortilla with a little rice and the broth, what a mouthful, oh wow, how fluffy that tortilla, okay, moving on to the meat curry, I almost completely forgot about the curry of meat, oh wow, that's amazing too, it's a little bit stronger dry spice flavor, the cumin, the coriander seed, the turmeric, the richness again from the melted fat and the coconut milk, not at all sweet , but very spicy and salty, and then the last dish we have is the organs, this is a little bit of a different recipe, oh, it's mainly intestines and I think there's some stomach here too, but there are bean sprouts and then he added vinegar like chili sauce.
Each dish is a star status. The next level is like the best version of every dish you've ever eaten, the last component of this meal in southern Thailand, they always give you a plate of raw vegetables to garnish, these are cashew leaves, oh yeah, there it is When you really need to cleanse your palate, it's chalky, almost soapy, savory. and then stinky beans, one of my favorite ingredients on planet earth, take these guys out, okay and now we're ready for another round, this soup is literally amazing, the skin, the fat, the chiles circling back into the curry of meat, that meat curry.
It also stands out as one of the best


furries I've had in Thailand. Amazing, I think the black pepper kind of flavor is the best thing about her as a culinary heroine and her kindness, her friendliness, her hospitality, she's so kind, incredibly nice. the combination with the tortilla is dangerously good the tortilla and the soup the amount of chiles at the bottom floating around here is impressive the hardest part of eating this meal is balancing everything on the spoon and adding just a little more broth to let the tortilla soaked in for good measure wow that's going to be a sponge yeah and those chilis are no joke man they are spicy and how many of them come look at my face closer it might look like I just went swimming or I just washed, took a shower maybe I just took a shower but that's a combination of the chilis the humidity and the meat sweats the digestive sweating the shirt is completely soaked now that's the sign of a successful meal what Food will not only leave you speechless the quantity and the way she cooks and her method, but the flavor is out of this world, it is out of control, the flavor is pure emotion for your tongue, for your mouth, your tongue will never forget that flavor , especially that soup, but the curry is all she makes, it's exceptional.
I don't think I've mentioned it before but the name of the restaurant is right in Hatyai, it's actually more like on the outskirts of Hatyai in Songkla in the south of Thailand, right across from one of the big cities in Hatyai, if I lived in Hatyai I think I could be here everyday it's so good oh man what a restaurant I love everything about this place when you are in hatyai come here for lunch don't miss it they open at 11:30am m. uh, I think it will sell until it sells. and with that we will conclude this video.
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