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Jun 28, 2024
So many of my friends are


ly lonely and desperate, like Drew here, okay, you say, okay, so let's set them up on



dates that will challenge their ability to find love without seeing. strange concept I like and you know what they say love is


oh that's strong yeah okay let's get started have you ever been on a blind date before? I haven't thought about it, well, there's a first time for everything, so today I'm going on some blind dates using only four senses to determine which girl you end up with. Smell, touch, hear, taste, how is that possible?
extreme blind dating in real life
Okay, so Jeremy go ahead and put this blindfold on the five girls right behind you. Oh shit. Okay, so the first sense is smell, this is going to be hard because I can't see anything, bro, okay, you ready for the first girl, okay, let's do it, let's go ahead and smell it, it was Ben's armpit , no, it's not brother, that's disgusting. Hey, number one has been eliminated, how do you think the bathroom smells and the body works when you walk in like that? No, no, that's a good set, although number two, the first two smell good like sweet flowers in a way, now let's do number three, okay, okay, you recognize the smell, I think it's from me mom or something, okay, so number four you're up, I'd say it smelled a little expensive, oh, let's wash clothes number five in a way like dirty or clean. wash the clothes now you have to eliminate one of them


ly who is it going to be? oh man that's so hard bro, let's say girl number two, what's up loser?, oh what, I'm so sorry, what's wrong with me?, no, nothing, I just like, throw. many options.
extreme blind dating in real life

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extreme blind dating in real life...

What does zero out of ten smell like? The next sense is touch oh what, then girls will guide your hands towards something they want you to touch okay, okay, okay, she has very soft hair, this is very hard to describe, oh yeah, oh yeah. oh yeah, she definitely works well, number four, step up, I don't want Jeremy to touch me, it's crunchy, oh, that's your hand, okay, it's got a lot of rings, oh yeah, it's


ly soft hair, oh, it's okay, so Jeremy, now you have to delete. One more girl, so who didn't you like to feel?
extreme blind dating in real life
I'm going to go with number four. Oh, I think you're really going to regret it. I didn't even want to be here. This wasn't my idea. The next sense is to listen. Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe in love at first sight because you can see it was pretty good and I like his accent. If I were a cat, I'd spend all nine lives with you, bro, that guy really sounds. familiar you are a transformer because you are optimus well my question is did you google that before this yes, which one are you going to eliminate now but I'm going to eliminate number one what the hell okay then jeremy there are only two girls left The final meaning is flavor, what?
extreme blind dating in real life
What the hell does that mean? It means uh, a real kiss, oh my God, three two one, okay, that was a good kiss, three two one, okay, look at that, what the hell just happened? So, Jeremy, you have to delete it now. The last girl, what number are you going to eliminate based on those kisses? I'm going to have to eliminate number five, oh I'm so sorry Jeremy, that leaves one girl, wow, she was blindfolded this whole time and she still chose you. Yeah, we're going on a date now, you know, I'm already dressed, we're ready, oh, where are you taking her McDonald's?
We're out of here, brad, okay, so pearson for your blind date we have three mystery guys, right? Here each boy is standing on a trap door. You will ask a series of questions based on those questions. You will eliminate them one by one. Okay, Pearson, do you have your first question? What is your favorite characteristic in a girl? Honestly, she probably would. say lips what about you number two? I think nothing is better than a beautiful smile oh that's nice after smile. I would go to the eyes. He likes your eyes. Pearson and you're telling me that no one here likes a big butt.
Let's be honest. Sorry, number three, no, I can't offer that, so you want to eliminate number three, yeah, okay, number three, you can reveal yourself. Sorry, number three, do you get a countdown or can I just, oh, I'll high-five you? Okay, well, Pearson, two guys are gone, what's your ideal first date downtown, to a nice restaurant by the beach? Probably, oh, no food, although, oh, it's up to me, what do you like? Yes, typhoon, I'll allow it, okay, number two, we can go. the cold of the beach, have a picnic, who do you want to eliminate?
Honestly, both answers were more or less similar, but I think the accent will drive it home, so yeah, eliminate number one, number one, reveal yourself, come on, three, okay, one, two, all of them. right, pearson, that leaves guy number two, number two, when are we going to go on that picnic date on the beach whenever you want? You know what I don't think, so they're leaving him jealous, I'm sorry and I understand, man, so now it's time for the most extreme version of blind dates, the kissing boot, now it's your turn, oh no , we have four very hot girls here and they will blindfold you and you will kiss them once, okay Brent, round one it is.
It's going to be a kiss on the cheek, but you're going to be blindfolded, so you're going to have to take someone out without even looking right, okay, let's do it right, the first lady, oh, she got right to it, how's that Brent that was it really really? nice, really, mystery lady number two, oh yeah, that was passionate, I feel like she just tried, you know, yeah, oh damn, that was good, hey, I want to take her, oh wow, that was good, well, now you have to make a decision. Brent, all four girls went, so now you have to eliminate one.
Eliminate one. I think I have my choice. What is it? I'm going to have to eliminate number three. Okay, Brad, now it's time to show you what you lost. Here you have. I changed. my mind no no you can't sorry can I give you a hug no oh what about round number two kiss on the lips brent okay now it's time for girl number one round two come on let's do it oh that was good sounds wow that was so good oh my gosh you sound like you know what you're doing brent what's going on that was amazing I could tell that was good what's going on like she's slowly going in and coming out.
You have butterflies. might have given me goosebumps last but not least oh wow that was nice describe it well it tasted like strawberries oh well im trying to eliminate one yeah this is going to be difficult no way how do i eliminate that ? You are all good, choose. wisely she's better off okay I'll make the wrong decision girl number one oh no it's okay you might have made a big mistake check it out oh my god you're so cute wait why did you eliminate her? No hard feelings, she's fine, yes she was. Perfect, I mean it was perfect, now it's time for the final round, which will be a little longer kiss, are you ready for that?
Yes, lady number one, things are getting serious starting off strong, oh wow, oh wow, that was sweet. wow, what's going on, I felt the passion, yeah, she's good, she's good, she's good wow, now it's time for the last girl, oh my god, wow, okay, that was that. I think, put your thoughts together, you need to eliminate someone and there will be One last girl left I think I've made my decision I'm going to have to eliminate the number one kisser, let's see what you're missing in the piercing Wait, she's playing, yeah, bro, Don't talk to me, yeah buddy, you blew it big time, man.
You were wrong, okay, it's time to reveal the lucky one. Okay, so I'm Brent. Anna, nice to meet you. Oh, she has an accent. So what are you doing after this? Brent, are we all going to dinner? What are you doing? I think I'm just going to hang out with her. The other day we met a subscriber named Vishnu, so we learned that Vishnu never got to go to the prom in high school and we also learned that Vishnu loves Pearson and would love to go on a date with her. Are we stealing your girl? I know, but I'll let it go.
Okay, so today we're going to pick him up and surprise him with both. Hey, hey, hey, come on, so guys, this is it. Vishnu So Vishnu we have a very special surprise for you right now are you ready? I'm ready, let's make you look great, let's do it right after helping him get ready for his big night, it's about time. for its revelation are you ready? I'm ready, let's do this. Do you have any idea what we're doing? It's not quite right. So you are well dressed. You know how you said you never got to go to prom? high school, right, I've never been to prom, that's right, we prepared something for you inside no way, yeah, oh my gosh, this is amazing, obviously, you know prom is not a prom without a date, right, that's right, we thought about it and, um, we have. your date here she is ready to see you so guys we are always looking for subscribers to appear in the videos so if you want to be in the next video please like this video and then comment below that's it and that's it as easy as that easy.
Like that, this week's shout out is to Zayden and we'll see you next week. Goodbye friends.

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