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Jun 08, 2021
So this was Emily's idea for Water Blue's 1000 fights, so serious guys, today we are going to make an epic video when you get home from school with Water Blue and we have news that all Dusty is walking, auntie Clyde, man, he's here. Come on, you have this dusty girl, yes, smart, yes, we actually have other news. Suki is going to the hairdresser. They are going to cut her hair. We have new floors. We also have a new apartment here. Look at Sookie. Look closely. Have a beautiful day ro, I'll prepare the



s, bye buddy, have a beautiful day, precious boy, bye, alms, I love you, baby, what's my car?
extreme 2000 water balloon battle
Wow, that was so close, hey, Don't park nearby, come on, zuki, we're outside the bathroom and she knows it, come on, sookie, yeah, you look disheveled, come on, then look, she's coming back, she doesn't want to go two hours later, she's back from the hair salon. over here, he's in the taxi, upstairs, you wonder where he is, hey, look at you. The turkey is all clean, come on, look at it, so we get these for the kids and for us too and you fill them with


. I don't actually know their purpose, but I think they're cool, jump up and throw them. oh no I'm leaking oh I just put another hole in it so I ruined another 120 pounder down the drain we don't even have one that's so bad what have I done here?
extreme 2000 water balloon battle

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extreme 2000 water balloon battle...

This really bothers me now you can't do whoever designed this he's just an idiot really this is my performance during the water fight I'm going to get completely soaked what's the point of these things what's the point and what they really do oh my god, do you want me to put my socks on? upstairs, I'm going to put them together into two separate things, so we just have our snacks, the kids are gaining energy, and then we come back. Oh, he's excited about the waterfall, so here we have all the water. pieces in each bag




s in total now these things, if you haven't seen them, they change the rules of the game, you will no longer have to fill them individually, you will not have more time or you will not put them under the tap, they will fall and be ready to launch.
extreme 2000 water balloon battle
I'll tell you what would happen if I could report this now, so this is what you do and it could go wrong. It could also go wrong so that everything else is a game changer. All of this has been hard work that is about to end. It changes with this good thing, have you seen? So they get this cool when they get to a height where they're pretty much ready, they just fall, they fall to the bottom and they're ready to start falling to the bottom from there. They're ready to be thrown, they're not skipping class, I mean, isn't that just the best?
extreme 2000 water balloon battle
I wonder if I'll leave them on the ground, I started like that so that's the plan to leave them everywhere. and then people can just pick them up and throw them straight to the next one, ouch, okay, so I have a couple of dummies lying around, basically decoys, you can hide behind them if necessary, when the


starts, use them as a protective shield. Taking this very seriously, I've got my tactics set, I know what I'm doing, they're going down especially well, so I think the kids are, yeah, Kate just arrived, they'll be here any minute, they'll be buzzing. about this, this is a kid's dream, leave a like if you would love to do a


water balloon fight with some friends, leave a like on the video, hello, hello, what happened to your shirt, Oh, what happened?
What was your shirt ready? Look at this, thank you. buddy, put them in the orange bucket that's where we keep all the good ones, this is a fun day, right? Yeah, oh, don't put them in the orange butter and then leave them on the ground. Good idea, what happened to your school t-shirt? How did you put the pen right when I was looking at it? Yes, and he was holding the whiteboard. Yes Yes. Suddenly I like the penis to go in that direction. Yes. It turned on me this part and it just cut off. Did you or did you? the pen just do it pain I just did it what did you buy it? yes, they are magic pens, aren't they magic pens these days?
What's that? I'm ready to change oh yeah look this is good now could you just cut a little circle yeah and just squirt like that there you go yeah this one's for you Roman come here buddy to her he likes it, do you like it, there, do you like it, dad, that's who invented that, he's brilliant, how smart is he? this thing you had today is next to it and the grip is satisfied how far you can throw them ready, let's see this, that's what the top things that explode, really top pins, oh close, this one will do it, it's the normal process, although two thousand runways this is a fast system it's taking its time but I can't wait to start launching these things I have to put in the effort guys the thing is everything moms tell you how can you deal with the best all the time?
Well, you can. Be stressful, but Billy has already mastered it. Yes, you have the glory. games ready guys ready look at this epic phone flow see it could float hello guys we're down to one hundred thousand fifty thousand one hundred two thousand it should show how much is left come on then I'm going to see guys well I have a cough look guys, oh, they're doing vlog cam, yeah, I didn't realize. Hey guys, hey guys, we showed you all the balloons, so now we're going to show you hundreds of thousands of slides, so I'm just going. to hide the balloons I have one I'm going to put it under there it's time actually I could hide something now because of this spider on them here's how you guys this is a 2000 oh they tried so this one It was Emily's idea. 1000 blue water fight is a good idea for the video, yes, epic water balloons, million water balloons, waterproof fire, so can we take these guys to ten thousand?
I will accept it. Can you leave ten thousand likes on this video? Your support is incredible. Let's see if we can get this to ten thousand likes now the rules are simple don't make it too loud don't moan don't waste not too much listen I don't know too much I'm going to blow this up in your heads no, not in mine because I'm in your team, okay, so let's team up, jay, that's down my spine, oh, it hurts, yeah, that's how seriously he's taking it. Oh, oh, I'm counting wildly, oh, honestly, get up, she says that's dangerous, no, honey, you have a lot. making sure guys can you just take a look at how bad that is by the way look how seriously you've taken this and I can tell you below a lot more than this look at my makeup oh so that's it for the session, we wait?
You enjoyed the video guys, it was epic. We still have many water balloons left. We could go on and on about this, but to be honest, it actually hurt a little. No? I didn't realize you were a wild baby. I didn't realize until the end when I got one on the back of my head and I thought he was throwing it like Tom Brady, he was literally going, he was trying to take you down, I literally have bruises from it, I'm so sorry, did you forgive me? It was fun. It was fun. Thank you. I hope you guys enjoyed the video, see you next time.

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