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EXTREME 1v1v1v1 Bed Wars Challenge in Fortnite! ft. Typical Gamer

Jun 09, 2021
What happens, beautiful people, if you have never played Bed


before like our beautiful friend, a


player here? If your bed breaks, you will no longer respawn, you must protect your bread at all costs. Did anyone notice that there are 200 woods you can buy? an airstrike yeah that's awesome you can buy it dude stop shooting my stuff dude you're so sweaty I need to protect my island you're the sweatiest Canadian guy oh my god stop did you fall? It's okay, he just fell and died. you like that you like that come on baby there you go buddy I almost got you what you got what you got tony I don't know what you'll see every time you see me he bought the strange thing there no way he bought the airstrike who shot up my bridge that wasn't it amazing this generation protection no, oh god this is bad, what happened, what do you mean this is bad, you're in my basement exactly, ring finger, garrett, stop it buddy, oh my god, if I can grow, let's go?
extreme 1v1v1v1 bed wars challenge in fortnite ft typical gamer
It's too hard to break, you don't understand, it's too hard to break my weapons, quibby, you don't have to do this quickly, they're bullying me, oh my god, you want to come back, buddy, and you're out of this. Are you taking last place? Well, that's stupid. Remember earlier you said you were using your brain. I don't think so, friend, it was my first time. No, I'm literally dying right now. Oh God, wrong button. Sit down baby I'm so bad in a fortnight now I can't do anything I'm just trash like wagon forky it's the delay I'm black and the delay believe it in the delay you covered my generators and I can't.
extreme 1v1v1v1 bed wars challenge in fortnite ft typical gamer

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extreme 1v1v1v1 bed wars challenge in fortnite ft typical gamer...

Even get my wood right, come on, that's the goal, I took out the heart, yeah, but you're the one that went, come on, come on, let's kill quick, let's kill quick, okay, I'm in, you know, you wish you could kill me, Preston, you wish power let's go quickly I'm on this it's over uh-huh uh-huh it's over I see president I'm not going to shoot him we have the alliance let's go look for him bring him the sandwich he's 43. he's about 86 86. but you're supposed to be the team b on him, sneeze on him and he's done with him, go, go, go, push, push, push, I'm not coming until you come, Garrett, I'm literally going to finish you off right now for stealing my message that you're not going to use, are you good?
extreme 1v1v1v1 bed wars challenge in fortnite ft typical gamer
Come on, come on brother, I don't have a choice right now, okay, quick, we're too close to your bed, yeah, there's no choice, we should just be friends, get up, bring him over, Gary, this guy's done, I'm coming in . I'm taking your wood, thanks for your wood, come on, you were strengthening my defenses, bro, oh, come on, come on, buddy, I'm so slow at editing and filming, oh, I see, Garyvee, I'm heading towards your breaks, Preston. I just saw you going to Quigg's base, so don't even lie, oh, they're both cutting me off right now, okay, I've got something, I've got something to distract him, no, he's in there attacking, no, it's not 30 seconds until I finished. oh death come on c4 is open earthquake is out of the game let's seriously wait oh my god that's it buddy since c4 is operational btw c4 does 500 damage to beds no that's how i got your bed, oh my god, wait. what happened wait, we tied, we can shoot the bridge if someone is building the base of it no, no, no, bridge, no, bridge, shoot, just shoot them, right?
extreme 1v1v1v1 bed wars challenge in fortnite ft typical gamer
Andre, you were so lucky to move. I think we both have the same skill level. I loved our flash sale last time we will do it again if you spend 50 or more at use this code and you will get free domestic shipping this Wednesday and Thursday only don't miss out. Thank you so much. I wish you when you have eliminations you have materials that would be so good that would be your materials a good game I have taken control of the central island yes you are right you have never developed a team garrett I am shooting I stopped shooting I stopped Shooting, it's okay, you're doing it , I was going to leave you alone, but there's almost no reason to eliminate someone, unless you're in the center, oh, I hear a big battle over here, oh, a big battle, there's a big battle in the center. alley right now i'm so bad with these guns at close range who is it i'm all oh god i'm so dead i didn't even hit you i know the way to win i know the secrets andre plays this game too much he's level 215. oh yeah, literally level 26.
I'm sorry, oh well I know I'll never mention your name, oh you're down quick, oh God I'll just sit down, why don't you sit down and sit down, take this, oh? Oh my god, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, oh yeah, wait, what if I break this, what if I break this, oh well, let me tell you, Preston, you made that explosive, although no, it didn't explode, the second one didn't explode. , if you? you know what you're doing buddy I'd rather eat it or eat that's deep uh that's pretty deep when for you I bought one I bought the smoke bomb and it was one of those other bombs you know what I'm talking about. shadows hit oh pretty boy let me tell you something smoke bombs are useless okay they don't have to be all he goes to my face andre I intimidated you enough in the last round okay I'll let someone else have your bed me let them get the preston satisfaction question why do you want to go to my face so much?
Oh my god, my best grenades are lagging behind, bro, defense mode, bro, I got 4 fps in this smoke, that's the trick you thought I really got away with, you know? I literally couldn't see anything, does anyone know how to use airstrike? I have yet to use one of these, just throw it, throw it, yeah, just throw it everywhere, down, Preston, cold shot, judge, you don't have it. to do this, are you kidding me guys? fast it's like hitting he's one shot andre has a shotgun i'm not one shot i'm not one shot buddy garrett you're a smelly old dude i'm just shooting all over the map you're literally like i need to not be pressured but , again, Preston, they are warning me, God bless you victorious, brother, my aim is crazy right now.
Who is better? It hasn't even been touched. We have a boy. We have his bed. we have your bed no, my bed has been damaged andre already hit me with uh, he hit my bed with all those explosive things preston why do you want my bed? 'cause you're Canadian oh shoot that's it you've taken it too far we get some kind of feud here ooga booga that bad thing is mine I'm going to get this bed out of here yeah wow the explosive damage holy smoke you really did a number on it thank you that was really bad it's actually going to hurt my feelings they're just destroyed oh my god who is that who's so fast get out of here I know you're here fast you're using the machine gun and going down the head that's whose head bet wait that means fast guys i think its a temporary alliance for andre fast i'm okay with that.
I can agree with you we have we have rockets over here oh yeah I'm doing a good job andrei is trying to do a job for my brother quick he's still alive we know we knew we didn't know that brother gary is still going over the edge your island, oh god, someone did it. I kept touching it twice. I did it. I did an oopsie guys. I made a big oopsy. Poopsie Scoops. Where are you? Don't stop right now. André in the name of. Jesus, stop it, my bed is so close to dead, guys, it's almost dead, Garrett, I won't shoot you, just don't take it, Preston's bed, no, I'll let you break it, stop, really, yeah, no I'll shoot you, you can stand on it. oh my god, too bad, my bed, my poor bed, it's so confusing, so yeah, andre is just flying.
I see andre, he's okay. I think so, it's bad, it's impossible, I'm going to look for it, doesn't it suck? It is not like this? Oh, shoot. I don't see his bed, oh it's about to break, oh my god, oh please stop, why are you buddy? Wait, I can't hear dude, I literally can't hear the jet pack, don't do this to me dude, your bed will break. preston is a god the bed paid the debts i paid the bills no no andre dirty man I think this is over for me guys I think the game is over for me I just lost my base the bed is gone for Garrett, the only bed left is Andre, oh my God, and you guys are harassing me, hey, you guys are harassing me, yeah, that's how it's done Andre hey, I'm not even going to curse, I'm not going to, I'm just going to use my melee weapons, no don Don't kill me cause I'm dead I'm just watching I want a spectator let me wait for him please we gotta do it quick don't let him go buddy I had an airstrike I had an airstrike and you killed me before me.
I have to use it, I ran out of materials, oh my god Kuwait, get it, it's as low as 20 health, oh brother.

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