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Extreme $10 Keyboard vs $100 Keyboard Challenge! - Fortnite

Jun 02, 2021
Today beautiful people, we are going to do the 10 vs 100





, if I can kill five times with this


, it scares me so much, oh, of this keyboard, but you have to win and if not, you have to do what be. in this briefcase, oh, that way, that wasn't part of the video, yeah, it is, I'm your sister and no, I don't do whatever is in the case, dude, come on, welcome, um, this, uh, here same, by the way, these are the ten. Dollar keyboard, okay, so if we want to finish updating, I need to get five kills if I want to wait again, that's one person, oh, that's okay, four more kills and then we can go back to the keyboard well, which is uh. cool that's a good keyboard you guys I love you if we're going to win this


I need everyone to join in and hit the like button below please this is so weird so it feels like something is going wrong It feels so bad to play. so you know it's abnormal so I have to go a little like this normally this is not what I like I play quite aggressive but in this game I have to go like a really aggressive you know what I'm saying because I don't know what's in that briefcase and I don't want to do anything.
extreme 10 keyboard vs 100 keyboard challenge   fortnite
I'm going to be honest, four more deaths, we can do this, let's find people, let's bombard him with this rare cod. impromptu oh wait we have tangos oh we have tangos on the reset fan I'm grabbing the mechanical bow even though we don't have many masks but it's okay oh I think I killed myself he's in the oh he's in the corn oh, he's sweaty, oh, he's sweaty , he's sweaty, he's sweaty, look at him, look at him, look at him, oh man, this guy is so sweaty, oh my god, oh my god, how did this get so nice?
extreme 10 keyboard vs 100 keyboard challenge   fortnite

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extreme 10 keyboard vs 100 keyboard challenge fortnite...

Okay, okay, okay, we played against the sweaty guy, but okay, we won, okay, listen, I'll blame the keyboard, don't you dare blame me every time I can use a really good keyboard, I'll be very happy, you know, actually I will, I think I will. I'm going to keep the smg because it's actually like helping me aim discreetly. I know I had more power, okay, I listen. I know I had mats in that fight that we could have used, but I decided not to. I was trying to be a conservative okay don't bully me please don't bully me viewers by the way you all are so beautiful if you're still watching this video here's a cookie I love you so this That's what we're going to do. take advantage of this area because there are so many bones that people literally listen to if you play fortnut as much as I do take advantage of the bones that are here I don't know why people don't do this no it's literally free creation i I don't understand it I literally don't understand it do okay, okay, this is what we have to do.
extreme 10 keyboard vs 100 keyboard challenge   fortnite
I dropped the medicine cabinet because I have a very small brain. Why did I drop the first aid kit? I listen to beautiful people. I don't understand. I don't think I've begged you to subscribe to the channel yet, so now I'm going to beg you, if you haven't subscribed to the channel, go ahead and do so. It would help me a lot. I'm literally doing the shockwave bow. 'cause I think this is the best way to get real victory, I'm not even joking, oh okay, we can play so aggressive with this, come on bro, I'm taking a bandy, taking a bandy, taking a bandy, oh no There are people dying. too fast stop dying people wait what's this wait an hour they brought back the egg launcher for april fools day what oh buddy it's about to light up oh talk about the devil we got people oh wait wait on the egg launcher oh brother please oh these We're not even going to connect come on let's go for it baby let's go for it oh it's just bouncing this might be a bad idea I think it's a bad idea because we haven't even upgraded our shotgun , Why are we doing this?
extreme 10 keyboard vs 100 keyboard challenge   fortnite
We haven't even upgraded our shotgun no yeah oh I just stole that guy's death so hard he's so mad you know he's mad come here banana man what are you doing oh this guy is a robot, I feel bad, can we really do this? I'm really going to do this to him or, oh, he's not even as robot as I thought he was, I mean, we could do this, oh, let's go okay, one more death and then we can switch to our keyboard, we might actually be able to. to get it with this guy, let's see if we can destroy him a few times oh, he's done, he's not even moving, what is this?
Okay, this guy is weird, wait, what a bloom, hello game, here we go, we can finally upgrade to non-trash keyboard, get this out of my face, boom, baby, oh thank god, okay, in case Just in case you're wondering, this is keyboard 100, this is the one I normally use on a regular basis and I feel much more confident, it's like when we're used to a keyboard, it's hard to use a new keyboard. I really don't know how to fully explain it. It's just weird, so I'm pretty sure that in this challenge too, if I don't win, I'll have to.
Whatever's in the briefcase, I really want to win because I don't want to do whatever's in here. There is no camp. I don't know what's there. I do not want to do it. The real question is: do we stick with the egg launcher? I mean. the egg thrower is a kind of pig, but so is this. Everything is so good that we have it in our inventory right now. It's a little difficult, okay, let's get out of here. We have someone. Wait, we're going to fall, yeah, oh, we're going to cover. He, oh, he's got a cap, oh, he's sweaty, he's sweaty, hit him with a cap, though, wow, I missed, I missed, he fell, he fell, oh, he's going to heal, ah, come on, baby, I mean, I shouldn't have missed that second edition, that's my kind.
Bad but I'm getting a little better at the game okay oh also I probably haven't begged you guys to use my follower creator code yet so if you haven't used codetv and our snippets on the Fortnite item. buy if you want to help us hey help us pay for videos like this too how did that guy have a golden fight? Does anyone know how this guy managed to get this gun? He's a crazy guy, I love him like I can't get over him. the mobility you have with it unassisted, probably in normal


solos, this is the most powerful bow, without a doubt, because as you know, I can't even explain it, it makes me so happy, it's like someone is here.
However, why is there a car stopped here? Definitely, oh, they're chasing me, wait, hello, there he is, wait, what is this guy doing? What is this guy doing? Hello, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait for this guy. us for too hard I didn't expect that oh oh okay he wants something he wants me to smoke oh you little idiot right there oh it's over it's over get out of here man get out of here bro I mean okay listen , to be fair, um. I played really poorly too to be fair this is like my first solo game today so don't judge me oh man this guy got looted so we're in a bit of a dilemma guys because we're missing out. some key items as we are, I don't want to do what's in that box, but if we don't get real victory, we have to do it no matter what I really need, like a big shield, oh, maybe we should leave. over here, oh we could catch him, you become like a shield fish, it's a little risky, okay though, rex, come on, give me something good, okay, he gave me animal bones, oh, he's trash, rexes are trash I don't like being so short.
I mean we could kill one of the pigs, I don't know mate, there are still 12 people left and we're a little low. Where does the end zone go? Well, we don't know where the area is going. Discreet, almost no mats too. It's bad, oh we have a guy coming, okay, let's face this guy, he's going to challenge us 100 oh, that was a good shot, I think we could honestly go, yeah, there now, oh, he's got the launcher of snowballs, brother, oh, what are you doing? No, you're doing, what is this guy doing? This guy is weird, he has oh, he has a primal, right? yeah, he has a primal, this guy is weird, this guy is a weird guy, I won't go near him, honestly, I won't leave. anywhere near this guy, oh, what is he doing, dude, oh my god, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, what?
Could you imagine dying for that?, oh, that would have been so sad, okay, we'll see, check his loot, check this loot, check the loot, oh, it's the one below. back oh yeah oh this guy was so looted I'm going to take the egg launcher now I like it good initially I was against the egg launcher just because I didn't have the necessary rocket ammo I also got that refuel come on buddy oh let's get the jump I can feel it let's catch the dog can we play aggro? I don't know man I think we should play some aggro here I have it for one oh yeah wait I think I'm just going to kill jack this. boy, we got hugely aggressive, I mean who knows, he was already prepared, dude, he was prepared, unlucky, I'm lucky bro, this blue guy, oh wait, who was he shooting at?
I think it went to this one, oh this is ridiculous, maybe we should just leave, I don't want to do what's in the box, oh there's a guy looking at me too, bunny hat, ouch, he hit him for 89. oh man this is ridiculous oh wait no no no we don't want any part of this guy I mean I'm kind of missing the mats too oh he's got the egg launcher oh no , no, oh God, what is this guy doing? This guy is some kind of psychopath, he's okay, we're limited on that guys, okay. 52 please don't throw an egg at me i feel like this is about to come it's going down well maybe these guys are really bad maybe oh god i just got an arrow buddy is it the same guy in rabbit skin come on this is it crazy oh god?
This is really crazy. I no longer have anger or cures. This guy is so depressed. Dude, let's get out of here. I'm literally a one-shot guy. We only have one choice, oh buddy we gotta get that supply drop please oh we're back in the game we're barely back in the game but we're back we're out of mats bro oh we're out of medicine. There's no mats, okay, three people left in this game, man, we're so low we could have had so many deaths before because, man, there could be someone in these bushes, man, where's that sound?
Oh, there's someone up here, oh, I want to. Killing these people is so bad dude you just don't have any mats bro and the zone is fine let's play around the zone that's what we're going to do let's play around the zone oh god are you kidding are you kidding I don't have any? heels, literally, no heels, this is real garbage, what do we do for the record? I don't like playing like that, it's ugly, but I also don't want to lose and do whatever is in the box, oh my God, that's a great show. Let's go for the big shield, these are dangerous and risky maneuvers, honey, oh, this is scary, this is also what I get for not cultivating enough mathematics, oh, we are in a circle, although well, we have no idea where they are I literally don't have one.
Idea, friend, are they low or high ground? Well, the area is tightening, there is not much damage, we are just going to tighten them, okay, we are going to get out of here now, this guy is ugly. I have five bullets left, friend, we can't. just spam these oh they're coming no yeah they're fighting this is perfect i got them off my back i have no structures my boy oh no no come on bloom get on my side dirty health Dude, it's okay, the box has been opened. Are you ready, Preston, to see what it is?
Just turn it over. No, no, no, no, dude, I'll literally be pooping for years, I'll literally kill someone, no you can't, I'll be president, that's a hamburger, okay, no, I said pillow. Wait, what do you mean, okay, either you eat a chip or you're locked up in prison. I can't use this. Do you know how I am with spicy food? No, you know what I'm not eating. You know what happened. You know how sensitive I am. spicy food is going to be funny no, I'm sensitive to spicy food

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