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Extraordinary Until Proven Otherwise

Jun 02, 2021
The outlook reported by one of Roosevelt's squads seems particularly troubling. Given this apparent lack of interest, many point to the intense stigma surrounding the topic of spaceships. No matter how inaccurate it may seem, the term spaceship, for many, has. has become so synonymous with aliens and flying saucers that the government now prefers to use the term "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP) to avoid unwanted associations. Specifically, what sightings are not reported or investigated? The argument is that these people choose to see in it. In the opposite direction because they are worried about their reputation. No one wants to look crazy and could lose a promotion.
extraordinary until proven otherwise
Others believe there was a larger conspiracy because no action was taken due to an advanced and top-secret drone program. He was responsible for the sightings. Some witnesses even suggested this possibility. For example, Sean Kehl, who was the commanding officer aboard the Princeton, considered the senior president's lack of reaction to be clear evidence that the spacecraft had known military origins. But, as we have commented previously, it is difficult to believe that such a radical invention could occur in complete secrecy. We are talking about very advanced technologies that would hardly make sense in a science fiction novel, vehicles that can cross the speed of sound without creating. a sonic boom Vehicles that can fall or ascend to virtually any height in a matter of seconds Vehicles that can forcefully change their direction of travel, as if inertia were just a suggestion None of this should be possible, however, dozens of trained observers They claim to have witnessed it.
extraordinary until proven otherwise

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extraordinary until proven otherwise...

The impossible and least confusing solution is simply not to believe them. Of course, witnesses can be believed, but that doesn't mean they can't be questioned. Everything from optical illusions to faulty equipment can be used to cast doubt. their absurd stories without any evidence to support them except these implausible representations. Obviously, this is not a difficult task, which is why many government officials seem indifferent because they honestly believe that there is nothing to worry about personally. I still feel very conflicted on the one hand. I find the statements of the witnesses very convincing and, on the other hand, this confusing trilogy of points in the sky seems somewhat disappointing, without a doubt.
extraordinary until proven otherwise
The videos are interesting, but at the same time they are too ambiguous to offer a solid explanation. answer. I highly recommend you think for yourself and listen to some of the witness descriptions so you can judge for yourself. This is a circumstance that is developing at the time you watch this video. New information is likely to be released. According to Elizondo, the confrontations (Nimitz and Roosevelt are just the tip of the iceberg. The testimonies of military figures are evident. The thing is that we rarely hear about them. I can only wait for new information to be published in .
extraordinary until proven otherwise
The near future , at least in one video it shows something that cannot be explained, something that is unknown because it challenges... The explanation is not because it is too distant, too small or, in other words, too vague, no, but something really more. beyond reason. This is what I want to see. Translation: 2a_24@.

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