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Exploring Roblox Car Games That Fell Off

Jun 02, 2024
ladies and gentlemen, today we're going back in time to look at the ROBLOX car


that dropped like this game here, driving simulator, a game that once had over 4000 players, but is now down to under 500 players. on average and before we look at Driving Simulator, make sure you subscribe and watch the finale because we'll be looking at a game that once averaged 30,000 players but now can't even hold 50. Okay, let's get that sad music out of here and let's have fun. starting here on the driving simulator, looking at this graph from Ry WS right here you can see that this game was released in 2020 with an average of around 2000 to 5000 players and since then it has been slowly falling without updates and now it has an average of around 300 players, so let's see what the game is really like.
exploring roblox car games that fell off
If you've been around the Roblox car game scene for a while, you probably know what this game is. This game was really awesome back then a lot of YouTubers were making videos on it the size of the server in this The game is 80 so it was awesome you would always be racing people flying on ramps like this and honestly it was the best game on That time, in my opinion, not so much now, but this game is still amazing. In the garage here you can see the selection of cars that is absolutely wild. The cars in this game are fictitious.
exploring roblox car games that fell off

More Interesting Facts About,

exploring roblox car games that fell off...

Did they know something that other


didn't know or something? Did you know all this was coming or just everything about this game? It was crazy, this map is huge, super smooth, the car models are absolutely amazing, it has amazing customization. Speaking of customization, let me show you guys in customization. Here we have engine things. Turbo Tires Brakes. Moving on to the looks we have the accessories which is probably their best feature, they can put so many things on their cars like you know what I have an ODT why not put an engine that sticks out of the damn hood?
exploring roblox car games that fell off
And this was made in 2020 guys come on like I'm going to this race right now I'm joining a race let me show you this there are probably a lot of people in this race and because of the size of the server yeah there's usually four people when you compete in a game you can never find. people to compete with and that's what I love about this game because you can always compete with people looking for someone to compete with, you have that and I'm actually following Senna and an LTT somehow and he spins that LTT is in the leads, oh man, this is awesome, oh, I forgot there's a shortcut there, um, I haven't played this game in a while, two seconds later, oh, okay, let's fly, oh, okay, though Driving simulator is an amazing game, we have to move on.
exploring roblox car games that fell off
The game here is a little special because you can't even play it anymore. It used to have over a thousand players but now it has zero because it's private but I have PR but today I have special access to play it and that game is Drive City. This game used to be owned by YouTuber It Matrix and after some complications it went private so let's go back in time and see what this game was like, so here we are in Drive City. I'm the only one. here and keep in mind that this game used to host over a thousand players, let's press play, let's take a look at this game.
I'm excited man I haven't played this game in 2 years because it's been that long since it went private. I have $100 million. and let's use that wisely, friends. I just remember this game. I remember when The Matrix announced that people were going crazy. I joined this game at launch. It was packed like there were 100 people at this dealership, but we had to pick a car. man ah we got it we might have to go for the Veyron right now yeah this looks good let's do it now look at this baby this is Drive City. I can't forget that one of the developers gave me access because he had a copy. and holy shit, this brings back memories, okay, I'm flying down the road right now, okay, okay, the road just ends.
Wow, what a great game, so I found some cows. No, I don't think cows are supposed to look alike. these guys, I don't know, if it's just me, they look a little weird, okay, let's check out the customization real quick. I don't remember if the customization of this game was good or not, where do I customize it? Oh, here they are okay, let's see how. customization is fine, so we have appearance, we have the main border, the secondary, pretty standard, what kind of parts we have, oh, we have spoilers, holy, we have a lot of spoilers, you know what we are going to put on this huge spoiler? back, let's unequip that, please, can I unequip it?
Well, I literally upgraded this car to the max, so here we are, you know, we're going to buy a different car and oh my god, guys, you guys have Lamborghinis, look at this, this is a sight to see on Roblox nowadays look at that. they have the gardo they have the approval that they are all Lamborghinis but still that's sick I'm going to get the centennial real quick oh man look at this I haven't driven one of these cards in a Roblox game in a while this is cool, holy, okay, so let's move on to our last game before we get to the game that used to have 30,000 players, but now with you 50, we have Tycoon vehicles, check this out.
I used to play this game too I think I used to play all these games they were just from my childhood check this out if you used to be on Roblox for a while you recognize it and here we are back on Rymon in 2020 this game had 10,000 players who could have been their peak, which maybe they weren't, but then it just went boom boom boom boom now an average of 100 to 200 players maybe even less than 100 players on average, man this game dropped. I know a lot of you want to get to the final game so I'm going to go through this one quickly because there's really nothing interesting about it but yeah this is basically Tycoon Card Dealer but what was Tycoon Card Dealer inspired by so here That's it, it's a beautiful game, I like you.
I can say that I used to play this game. I know I am a proud player. They actually have a lot of cards in this game, which is really cool. They also have Lamborghinis, so I'm going to bring out my favorite Lamborghini Aventador, so yeah, look. This game came out, this game is bringing back so much nostalgia, it's crazy, this was the best car I've ever had in the game. I never finished the game, which is a little sad looking back on it, but I used to play this game while I was at my Cottage, baby Carter, I was at my Cottage, I was working on this game, who needs to go to a lake when you could be working in Vehicle Tycoon back in 2020 20, those are the things like I was saying, this segment was going to be very short, but the timing?
Everyone has been waiting for the game that used to have 30,000 players but now only has 50 or even less Vehicle Simulator so here we are in Vehicle Simulator oh man it used to be Driving Empire and all the big Roblox games on back then, but then, the owner did some questionable things, now the game is dead, but let me show you the rhymes, so the rhymes don't go back far enough, but still in 2020, this game had 7,000 players, it was like 30,000 . back but now look at this it's been flat for so long and over here the owner decided to do something questionable but now it's averaging 50 players oh my god this game is dead completely dead even though the game is dead Still, let's take a look.
Let's take a look at my vehicles, this is also a game I used to grind baby, oh man look at all my cars. I have this game. It wasn't easy to get cash either, especially if you didn't have any roo, so here's my diablo 16, baby oh. Yeah, look at this guys, look at this if I go to benefits. I still remember this madness. Power Up This was my favorite part of this game. Turn on the insanity and boom, okay, oh my goodness, oh, okay, the insanity just adds an incredible amount of horsepower. to your car and torque and your car is literally flying flying, oh my God, and if this is a vehicle simulator, we have to take out Hot Wheels, the peak of its players, the 30,000 players.
Mark when the Hot Wheels event happened, man I remember when this happened. I actually made a pretty original video, but I missed this game. I mean, it sucks, but I miss it honestly. I don't even know what else to say about this game. It's an amazing game, but I mean it doesn't have a lot, I mean it has racing customization, cars and nothing that special, honestly, so yeah, it was the Roblox C games that


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