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Exploring Dubai’s Empty $13 Billion Man-Made Islands

Jun 01, 2021
Alright, we're leaving. You are currently looking at a collection of completely artificial


that about 15 years ago didn't even exist and I am incredibly confused and intrigued to understand why they have been mostly


. and forgotten over the last 10 years and what the future currently holds for them. I would like to welcome you to the


of the world, introducing the world to a place beyond imagination and an epic achievement. This multi-million dollar experiment built off the coast of Dubai as an attempt. looking like an outline of the earth from the sky has been puzzling me for months so as the first stop on my trip out of America I decided to go to Dubai and see if I could get close and to my complete surprise after many emails back and forth and back I ended up in the same room as the creator of these islands and somehow found myself the first official overnight guest on the longest three-month trip from Los Angeles since we moved here, I moved here, peace , friend, see you.
exploring dubai s empty 13 billion man made islands
Then okay I love you buddy peace guys bye take care see you on the other side first international trip in a long time here we go yeah I just watched your video talking about how you're leaving welcome to the Dubai airport, finally arrives at 1 in the morning. Hello, today is a very special day and I forgot to tell you before, because, well, because I was distracted, today is actually the first day in which seeking discomfort I will take a step to become a more conscious and environmentally friendly brand atmosphere. It's also the day we launched our seating connection delivery and our essentials, which are all the clothes that I'll be wearing throughout this video as gifts from us for the holidays, any purchase you make over the next seven days you'll receive. a free seat discomfort bracelet, which is an amazing reminder that getting out of your comfort zone is the best way to grow and connect with those around you, as I mentioned above, being aware of our environmental impact is a big priority for us with discomfort and for that.
exploring dubai s empty 13 billion man made islands

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exploring dubai s empty 13 billion man made islands...

Our first two steps to improve in that area are to switch to 100% organic cotton, which means less water, less energy, less harmful chemicals in the production of clothing, and then the second thing we are doing is switching to biodegradable packaging. and recycled materials of plant origin. c-connection is available for the next seven days and our essentials will now remain on the website. I think it's time to tell you why these islands have been basically


for the last 10 years. The goal for the islands of the world. was to extend Dubai's limited coastline and create an island environment on the outskirts of the bustling city, construction of the 300 artificial islands began in 2003 and was officially completed five years later in 2008, not the best time for a real estate project massive because even though around 60 percent of the islands were sold to private contractors due to a global financial crisis, most private owners decided to completely halt their construction for the time being, in addition to solving the logistical challenge of how to get the materials out. to build on the islands and then eventually finding water and energy sources to live on the islands also delayed some developers.
exploring dubai s empty 13 billion man made islands
Now getting permission to go to the islands is a bit difficult to get, so while I was waiting for answers I decided to start with an aerial view from above we have arrived at the skydive


drop zone but we are not going to skydive we are going to do something a little different let's see what this number is flying no way okay well to start off the day we were about to take off in this little one okay we're in the gyrocopter that was amazing. I'm even more excited to get out today. After some research, I discovered that there is currently only one island open to the public.
exploring dubai s empty 13 billion man made islands
Lebanon Island was opened about eight years ago. as a daytime party venue, it seemed like my best option for now to get to the islands. This is about to get really interesting, so we just docked on one of the few islands that is actually built, it's called the island behind us. The heart of Europe was supposed to be finished this year, but I guess because of the cove it's been delayed quite a bit, you hear? There aren't many people here, it seems like there used to be a lot of people here and I don't know if it's covid or what but you can still tell it's been a little while since it was built and it's probably hard to maintain.
Oh wow, there's a nice pool, it's like a mix between like that. A dream paradise place and it's like an eerie element just seeing the construction in the background that leaves you so curious about what the future holds for this place that one of the girls on the boat with us said that she leaves. here almost every weekend to just relax, been living in Dubai for a while and the island of Lebanon we are on now used to be much more of a party island where people would go out on the weekends and just turn up. and now it is more used as a place to come to relax and isolate yourself from the noise of the city.
After spending some time discovering the island I felt like I had arrived at one of the strangest but also most unique landscapes I had ever witnessed our trip to the island of Lebanon was an interesting first look, but it didn't give me many answers as far as the future of the world's islands as a whole is concerned, after extensive brainstorming with our friends at Visit Dubai to get some answers . I was finally invited to one of the restricted private islands currently under construction, Coronation Island, part of South America. They told me that not only would I be able to meet the creator of the world's islands, but they also told me that they would be interested in leaving him.
I'll be the first guest to spend the night on this new island so I don't think anyone has had access to this island yet so you guys will probably be one of the first people to come here dude that's awesome yeah. Awesome, I'm grateful we got to do this job, man. It seems we have arrived. I had no idea there were islands that were actually built here, but there seem to be some villas. Okay, let's go explore. This is crazy. What a Muhammad. This is much more built up than even the island of Lebanon. I think they're waiting for it to get to a point where it's actually habitable right before people come to live here.
It seems quite habitable to me. There is a swimming pool. I thought coming here would help me clear things up, but now I'm more confused about what this is like, completely new. This room is amazing if this is what the rest of the island is like. I'm very happy to stay here tonight. Alright. Have a tour from someone who works on the properties here and let's explore. I think three of the villas that are built, you can literally smell the new furniture. All of these different villas will be able to be rented basically as a hotel in In the future, I totally thought they were like privately owned villas, but I guess they are only rented in villa number two, the bamboo bamboo villa.
Look, oh wow, is there anyone else here at night or is it just me? the prettiest one we've seen so far, at least from the outside, it's funny, you can still see that there's building material on the ground and then you turn around and it's like an absolutely luxurious villa with its own pool, huh, when I came to Dubai to try to make a video about the world's islands. I didn't expect to come up with something so built. I mean, look at this place. I was totally expecting to make a video about empty islands off the coast of Dubai. but it seems that it is turning out to be a very different story.
That's why I love to travel. That's why I love telling stories about unusual places. Because it's never what you expect it to be. This is your favorite. We have four people here, four rooms. You can keep saying each one, yes, this is your favorite until we get there, yes, exactly each new one, you are like this, this is your face, come on, come on, come on, yes, that, yes, that is the president's house , okay, yes, the biggest, how? They even bring all the materials here, like you have to ship them by boat every day, like weekly.
It must be very difficult to build here. Imagine bringing a whole boatload of stuff and then realizing you forgot to send the screwdriver. the boat back we have to go pick up the screwdriver 630 villas are going to be built just on this specific island what is this one, just this one and then they have 10 other islands which right now are literally just a lot of sand they go to . build it to look like this, well, another plot twist in the story, we are going to interview the president right now, who built this whole place or who is in charge of it, this is very fun, we are waiting at his house, It's a really nice house, we were able to meet you Mr.
President, thank you, nice to meet you, this is a beautiful property, yes, we are the first people to build a proper hotel, yes, so hopefully we will open in December and try to do something organic . We're an island, you want to feel that canal, you want to sit inside and feel the bamboo, the feeling that you don't want to feel like you're in the city, so were you part of the building of the actual islands? Yes, I developed All the islands that I developed in Pan Palmyra, then we developed this one and then we developed there, so from 60 kilometers of beach in Dubai we ended up with 850 kilometers.
No one built or reclaimed Ireland the way we did, but no one tried. As? It protects the sand from blowing away and how do you keep the water clean and circulating? So we started with seven continents and then we found out that these containers are too big, maybe make them small, so we


the violets break the water, yeah, those are the rocks that protect. In this area, no matter how bad the sea is, it doesn't affect us that much. Water is sent or recycled. No, we designed it right, so we designated water which is awesome so you don't have to send as much water there. nothing, nothing tells you, even the garbage that we turn into gas, all the organic material we don't eliminate, so the only thing we send is plastic glass until everything else is here, so if it's cardboard or paper, it can become in a compound for agriculture and then all the leftover food goes to the system uh, what comes out of the methane gas, then the methane gas goes to the special oven and they cook with it, so it reduced the amount of garbage that I sent and this has been


a year ago, so you're solving all the problems of what it's like, you know you have to find ways that are more conceptual, yeah, creative problem solving, that was really cool, we learned a lot from the people who developed this island and we finished well.
In time for sunset, you're riding, yeah, yeah, well, I guess I have this private island to myself. Now apparently there is a chef here who will prepare dinner for me in addition to the president and his friends and family. There's no one else staying here, so I guess. I am the inaugural guest of the islands of the world. I just have this villa to myself with no supervision. Dubai is known for luxury and they have outdone themselves. This is the most spectacular thing I have ever done in my life and also. having my personal pool wow, this is very extra, but I'm here for the experience and I'm going to enjoy this place while I have it.
You know, when you're a kid and you fantasize about being on your own private island, I actually wasn't. In fact, I hoped it would happen one day. Wow, look at this. Thank you so much. The island chef just brought me food. Wow, this is two burgers, one pizza, two burgers, one salad and one pizza. Very happy, thank you very much for seeing that summary. I ended my stay here in this beautiful villa on the islands of the world. Remember to subscribe and check out the Find Discomfort link to quit right now. It's in the description below.
We are very excited about the dozens and hundreds of new designs coming out this holiday season. We have worked very hard to make this happen and we are very excited about the positive feedback we have received so far. Our goal is to continue making discomfort seeking a source of positive change around the world and also continue to be a way for everyone. identify each other in public. It's amazing to see the photos on Instagram of some of you meeting each other because you saw yourselves using Search Discomfort, so check out the link in the description below to join the Search Discomfort family and continue contributing to our ability to exist as Yes Theory and create positive changes around the world.
I hope you are well, staying safe and I will see you very soon.

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