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Exploring Al Capones Former 16.5 Million Dollar Mansion Built In 1898

May 23, 2024
So what's up everyone today? We're filming an insane


, probably one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to. I mean, look at this look, I'll take you through this place, show you every detail. Go in, so this first room has this amazing chandelier and there's another one on the other side, way too huge, so this


was actually




, so it's over 120 years old. It is almost incredible that it is still standing today. This fireplace is amazing. Let's see this. We have a bathroom over here and then we have this room, look at this ceiling, this place is so beautiful.
exploring al capones former 16 5 million dollar mansion built in 1898
I'm going to come down here later because it's like an office that was added, so we'll see that at the end. because it really doesn't go with the theme guys just look at the detail on this fireplace it's absolutely beautiful it goes so well with this ceiling these hallways are crazy the stairs let's keep going down here we'll do a full detail of the stairs in a minute it's caution tape I have a fan here look at this room another crazy room this has some cool hidden cabinets in here too um it's crazy like I don't want to break it but let's see if the other side works Yeah, he's like roll out and cover the window.
exploring al capones former 16 5 million dollar mansion built in 1898

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exploring al capones former 16 5 million dollar mansion built in 1898...

It's really beautiful. This must have been a library of some kind. I wonder if these lights work? I see power on here. It's not okay, let's get out of that room. It's a beautiful window. Oh, it's so. well let's try this light switch oh it worked another room this one is nice and bright no fancy walls or ceilings though I love these bookshelves okay let's take a look at the main area now this is beautiful, guys, this is like marble and gold leaf, it's absolutely beautiful. unfortunately the floor is covered in wood, they started working on this place, I don't know if they still are, they need to restore it, although here is the main entrance, a very nice iron door and I suppose there is a guest bathroom for everyone who They come and visit. big and spacious tree here is a staircase this is beautiful okay let's go up the stairs look what this place has to offer.
exploring al capones former 16 5 million dollar mansion built in 1898
I'm joined by uh Romano Ash on Instagram and where is she. She is magical. Make sure you give them both a follow, say hello, do the next thing on the stairs, which looks interesting, kinda small door, um, it doesn't go anywhere, yeah, it's just a little closet, let's see if we can see some rooms, possibly, look, I like this cool staircase, we'll go up there. in a small pink room, it looks like they broke this part, it's probably the bathroom. It looks like we have another bedroom here. Nice and white. I love the moldings. The moldings are so ornate that it looks like maybe, yes, the bathroom cabinet is totally trashed.
exploring al capones former 16 5 million dollar mansion built in 1898
It hasn't been a house in a long time, they are using it for different things, different businesses, I think all the bathrooms are torn out, yeah, sad, it's a nice room switch, continue here, see if there are any rooms in here, it has one nice door here, oh, you have a picture, it could be a bathroom, it could be a men's bathroom and yeah, it's really trashed, maybe a women's closet, um, this is nice, I was looking out this window and I saw this kind of cabinet , it's like blinds. I think our shutters come out like that, that's cool, I've never seen anything like that, it's amazing, oh, this is a real balcony, it's pretty, yeah, the places definitely do a lot of work, okay, let's go up these stairs now, hello, the stairs are all marble.
Oh wow, okay, this part has definitely been vandalized a bit. It's a little sad that they took away a lot of this. Oh, there are doors with four frames that might look the same from the outside, but from the inside you have to remove everything. mostly just empty rooms, not very impressive, definitely dig the wallpaper, though I'll go through this pretty quickly. Do you want to check these cabinets before you go back down? Really nice work gloves, though yeah, empty, okay, let's go back there, so next. to the stairs they have this big old one, I think it was a shrine at one time, um, but they're completely redoing it, oh wait, take a picture of what it used to look like, probably right in this corner, I'll just line it up for real. quick so I think this was taken right here big difference oh look guys you actually have a photo of the stairs too that's beautiful look at all the paintings there in the back so it's like a little walk around here, not too.
There's a lot to see, they're really gutting this part out, but it's still pretty, it's pretty broken down, look at all the tools, Jesus, it's mainly the ceilings, the ceilings are beautiful, especially over here, a little staircase over here, not sure where does this come from? Nice window, oh, me. I'm on top, so there's actually a little staircase down here, go look at this, oh, go on, it's like it's really big, just more, oh my god, there's nothing left here, nothing, it's probably a big room and very open and they are just building. walls in it now, so yeah, this is not such a nice staircase, go up the stairs, go down, go down, go down some stairs, okay, let's go down, yeah, it looks more like the same, it's a big window, although some lights come on here though it looks interesting, break room oh yeah this is like your makeshift office it's pretty dark down here go to this fan it's hot in here so this fan feels good it looks like a hospital wing sorry guys it's probably pretty noisy on your side oh nice stairs, looks like possibly a kitchen down here, yes definitely in the kitchen, this big freezer door on this side, looks like we have some nice checkered floors and a bathroom, men, I think there's a nice trailer here at one point, oh what the heck, smoking section, non-smoking section, they just had a whole room. that's smoking what I don't understand this oh those keys oh yeah that's a lot of keys okay so I got to those offices.
These don't look very special, but we'll check them out, they look like rooms, what if there is something like that? a nursing home at one point or something I have to look up some history yes this doesn't really match quite ugly it reminds me of a covenant oh it's wet here's another floor of this I like this window it's pretty it looks a bit More damaged, all empty, so that will be enough for this video. I hope you enjoyed this place. I loved. It's absolutely incredible. It is so beautiful. Be sure to leave a thumbs up or thumbs down comment if you don't like it.
A thumbs down, but until next time, see you later.

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