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Explaining YOUR Unexplainable Conspiracy Theories

May 27, 2024
Welcome back everyone to another video, so I haven't done a


video in a while and I didn't want to stop the series after episode 10, but I did want to change things up a little. I still haven't figured out how. I'm actually still going to do that, but the thing is, the series is about debunking Instagram



and I've seen so many of them at this point that the


I end up putting in the videos end up becoming very similar to the ones I They've already been in previous videos at this point I'd probably have to wait for real world events to happen for people to make conspiracy theories about them and then I can make a video debunking those theories.
explaining your unexplainable conspiracy theories
A couple of examples of what I'm talking about. Firstly, NASA has revealed that there is a high probability that a life-ending asteroid will impact Earth within 300 years. After two years of study, scientists calculated the probability of a large Bennu asteroid colliding with Earth and discovered. which has a 1 in 1750 chance of hitting the planet within the next 300 years, so this is recent but still the same as what we have seen in other videos, scientists say this will happen all the time and while it will probably happen, I'm not saying it won't happen, although I doubt them or anything, it's been 300 years already, I don't care, I know it's selfish not to think about what it will be like then, but at the end of the day it is an astral you can't do anything about it, it's not like I'm actively doing it to make things worse for them in the future, plus if humans still exist 300 years from now on earth I'll just assume they'll have the technology is what advanced enough to solve this problem, considering that we already have methods to do it, I think that in 300 years they will be fine, then you have the theories of the average time traveler that we always look at like a time traveler from the year 2582 says that The astronauts They will discover an Earth clone this weekend on May 8th.
explaining your unexplainable conspiracy theories

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explaining your unexplainable conspiracy theories...

He claims that this planet is within our solar system and is exactly like Earth but with a mirror effect. Now, who is this time traveler? I have no idea, they just didn't elaborate on that. part you can't just say time traveler, you need to give us a reason to believe it because that doesn't mean anything. Also, why the hell would you go back 500 years just to tell us this? You


self said the astronauts were going to do this. discovery this weekend, are you really that impatient that you had to travel back in time 500 years ago just to tell us a couple of days before they made the discovery and then you sit around with varying theories, but you know They will generally be something like this?
explaining your unexplainable conspiracy theories
Amazon is reportedly offering shoppers at its cashier-less Amazon Go stores 10 in-store credits if they scan their palm instead of using a traditional barcode. Customers can pay for products in the store by waving their palm prints over these scanners. I'm going to sit here and say that you shouldn't question this or anything like that, but I find it funny how everyone in the comments is complaining and how they know they're going to keep


palm prints and all that, when those same people will probably just unlock your phone a few minutes before with Face ID or with your fingerprint like I said, although these are new theories and new posts, but we have seen them countless times in the past in some form and I am going to continue to do so. my main series is about this because I still enjoy doing it and there will be new theories that always pop up from time to time, but today I wanted to try something a little different.
explaining your unexplainable conspiracy theories
I'm not going to say this is what you know he's going to do. It will be the future of the series, although I'm going to do another one in the future, but for now I want to try something a little different, so instead of reading these theories, I'll read yours and try to debunk them, okay? So what if the Mandela effect is that time travelers change little things in the past that alter things in the present? So I'm not an expert on the Mandela effect or anything, but I think it's where large amounts of people remember things differently than they actually remember them.
It was the only example I think of because I've seen it in a post before. It's the story of Pikachu. Many people remember that he has a black mark at the end of his story, but in reality it was apparently always just yellow. Now this theory is. As for the Mandela effect, I'm not here to say whether it's real or not. I've experienced it with other things too, but the theory is that the Mandela effect is a time traveler changing things and I'm here to say that's probably the most. That's probably not the case, why would a time traveler change something as minuscule as, seriously, you can go back and stop World War II from happening, but instead you change the design of Pikachu's tail, go and Do you take the Monopoly man's monocle?
I think this theory is that if they're just trolls from the future, just trolls who go around messing with people and just have access to a time machine to do things like this, that's the only time I'll believe this theory if the Titanic goes to disappear completely. corroded by 2030 then there will be conspiracy theories that the Titanic never existed except for the photographs of it and the 706 people who survived and the videos of the people who went down there into the rubble other than that yeah I guess there isn't evidence from the companies. that make products to prevent something like acne and dandruff, they don't actually prevent it, but rather maintain it so you can continue using the product now.
This might be true for certain things, but I think in general products are made for the benefit of not only you but other people as well. For example, take toothpaste and deodorant, you could make a theory that okay, toothpaste doesn't actually clean your teeth, it makes them dirtier or discolors them so you continue buying it, you could make that theory, but I think in There are generally companies like this. and you want to give people toothpaste and deodorant so you don't smell in public, like think about it this way if no one had access to toothpaste or deodorant in public and everyone stinked like if you thought about starting a company to be able to provide people with people deodorant so they can stop smelling bad, I think for some products that's probably true, but for products like deodorant, I think it would just exist for the benefit of all of us, what if the meteor was actually a spaceship and humans invaded the earth killing? all the dinosaurs, I mean the timelines, right?
I don't think the timelines really add up. You know, the asteroid hit the dinosaurs 65 million years ago at that time. I think so, 66 million years ago, but not even the oldest form of human being was. Back then it wasn't even a close gap where that could be a possibility because that was 65 million years ago and if the asteroid hit the Earth with that impact in my way, it just wiped out the dinosaurs completely, don't you think there would be killed? the people on the spaceship too, unless it did, maybe there were advanced humans on that spaceship, but it just killed them all and that's why it took us millions of years to restart again.
The modern art industry exists to launder money. Not now. I don't know about this one, but there are cases where something so silly sells for millions of pounds that it would be something anyone could do. You know, where it really seems like it's just some kind of lame excuse. Know? Sometimes I feel like just by drawing a wavy line on a piece of paper and selling it, you come up with some backstory, someone has to buy it either that or the rich just don't know what to spend their money on they've run out of things to buy What if we were all in a simulation?
One thing I think about all the time is what if one day we could create a video game world and a character in that world who has his own thoughts and spins around in this huge video? game world like this huge world that would take a long time for the video game character to explore, you know, we're controlling it, putting things in there expanding it with the character completely unaware that they're in a game, but because they have their own thoughts. and they grow up and maybe they start to realize that if I'm in a game, to them it would be like they think they're in this world that's all they've ever known, but they're being controlled and they're not aware of that, what if?
Is that going to continue with this? I don't know if that made any sense, but that's what I think about sometimes. I don't know about simulation theory, to be honest, it probably isn't even. the simulation theory you're talking about but it's something I think about when I think about it and a lot of people have supported this theory in the past so who knows that pets are just government robots for stalkers because some people They already know their phone is listening, but little do they know, so do their pets. Obviously this is a joke, but the only thing I see turning into an actual theory is that there are probably theories out there that you know come up. with something like well, they can't microchip humans, so the closest thing they can microchip is your pet.
What if when you die you wake up and someone takes a virtual reality headset off your head and asks you how it was? This makes me think. of two different things and chances that you're still living and someone puts a virtual reality headset on your head and you know, simulated death or something like let's say I'm sleeping right now and someone puts a virtual reality headset on my head. the head or the other The possibility is that you grow up living your whole life and then you die and then someone takes away your virtual reality headset and your whole life has been an experience.
I wouldn't know what to think. I wouldn't know where I would be. I don't know how old I am, what kind of life I already have halfway through. You know, if I'm going to wake up from a virtual reality headset in some other life and this is just an experience I'm in. I'm already on a decent path through that afterlife to be at a point where I put on headphones. No, I don't think I can't think of this, so this is a very long message. I'm not going to read it out loud, but I will know, put it on the screen and if you want to read the whole thing you can pause it, but essentially this person that you know seems to have experienced a glitch, some kind of glitch in the matrix now.
There are many videos about these stories on YouTube, but I definitely recommend watching the Lazy Masquerade videos. I remember watching these videos a couple of years ago and they really scared the shit out of me. Some of them. There's one where this person when he was a kid had an experience where he was walking by this um I don't know where he was he was walking by this place and he saw a person walking past him who was looking at him strangely and you know he just did it. overlook, but as he grew up and was older and returned to the same place for a different reason, he had the same experience, but like the other person, he essentially met his future self, no, it's not like a trip theory in time, it was just some kind of mistake where both versions of himself collided where they were in the same place just two completely different points in his life and somehow they were few I don't know I just wanted to recommend watching these videos because they are really interesting but You know what I believe in supernatural things like that because actually you know there's a lot of things we don't know about where we live and space and you know what's beyond the universe, I mean there's probably some kind of answer, but at the end of the Today there are many things we don't know and there are many places we can't go where supernatural things happen that may seem incredible, but that's what you can say they can't happen just because they would seem incredible.
When you think about space and everything beyond Earth, basically incredible things don't seem so incredible, but with that being said, I think that's all I'm going to see in this video. I think I wasted a little time at the beginning of the video talking about the old theories, but this was just a test of a subseries. I can start where I read other theories that you know of and you can suggest your own theories that you personally think of and maybe I could do this. If you want to leave your own theories below, know that it's completely random, it could be anything.
If I ever think about doing another one of these, I'll watch this video and look at the comments, but again, this won't be it. replacing the other series, I'm still going to do that, it's something I could maybe do alongside it or something, but that being said, thanks for watching, I hope you all enjoyed it, definitely subscribe if you're new here and I'll see. all of you in my next video

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