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Everything wrong with Woke Culture (and the impact on feminism)

May 31, 2021
They don't, it's because of their toxic masculinity! 
And she dies a hero, and everyone says, "Hooray, we should always believe women, even when they are terrible leaders." Can Hollywood create better villains than the just society?   That society does not believe in our heroine and that is why she is not achieving greatness. I know it's supposed to represent the struggles of women today, but believing in yourself is just one aspect necessary for success. Do you know why I loved the first Wonder Woman movie? Because even though Diana is a literal Godslayer, she's not just an instant warrior.
everything wrong with woke culture and the impact on feminism
No, she works at it, she trains hard with incredible warriors and suffers falls and strong blows. But she learns and grows. So when we finally see her kick some German ass, we delight, because she's worked her blood, sweat, and tears to achieve it. But what happens in the second movie? Well, they undo all that. They show 10-year-old Diana easily besting women 3 times her age and ultimately losing over a minor detail. So she's been magical the whole time?  Why did she need to train as hard as she did in the first movie when she was a teenager and as an adult?
everything wrong with woke culture and the impact on feminism

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everything wrong with woke culture and the impact on feminism...

The problem with these perfect princesses is that it is impossible to connect with them.  That is not me. I am not perfect! I was not born with magic that allows me to throw spears at the enemy. I'm sorry! And if the lesson here is that every woman has innate abilities that she is born with, that are being crushed due to society's restrictions, well, that's just a terrible lesson.  Because we are telling women that we have nothing to learn. We are born with


we are capable of being and we only have to trust and listen to women and men.
everything wrong with woke culture and the impact on feminism
They are only interested in sex and keeping you down. I guess my question here is: what are


feminists looking for?   Are they working for equality? If so, why does it seem like all of your TV shows and movies are about putting men down and highlighting women as perfect? "Oh, I'm back to normal, right? The only time I was a man, that last body. Dear Lord, how do you deal with all that ego?" And if they are for equality, why are they teaching the worst possible lesson for women: that women don't need to be criticized? A lot of growth occurs when we are criticized.
everything wrong with woke culture and the impact on feminism
Yes, not all criticism we receive in our lives is legitimate.  Sometimes it is born from jealousy or fear, but criticism is necessary to grow, to change, to adapt and to stand out. Telling women that you don't need to grow, that you don't need to change, that the world owes you success, that the world needs to adapt to you. That you can be arrogant, you can assume that every man in your life is a sexist bigot, and if they challenge you, well, it's because they want to suppress you. It's almost as if


feminists don't want us to be the best versions of ourselves.   But instead, be the worst version of men.
Like all the bad things we accuse men of being: arrogant, intolerant or unpleasant. I think Brie Larson in real life is the true embodiment of conscious


. "She did all my stunts because I thought that's what everyone did" "Tom Cruise around here?" "No, I'll be my first, not the next Tom Cruise, thank you very much!" "Wow, I mean he does his own stunts, you know?" As someone at the top of her game, Brie Larson doesn't take the opportunity to credit the unsung heroes of filmmaking as her double, but rather she needs to tell everyone how amazing she is. "Work to be the best person I can be and use this platform--" "Is that a personal attack or something?" Finally, this is not


.  This is toxic femininity.
But what do I know? I am probably the result of years of brainwashing by the patriarchy.

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