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Everything Wrong With Top Gun: Maverick in 23 Minutes or Less

Apr 30, 2024
thanks for reading too, not just for reading, but for the same reading as the last movie, which is a good indicator of the helmets. This movie wants you to remember that movie while watching the sequels. I am right? It wouldn't be me if I did. I didn't go back and check they were actually making me reread the same text and while doing so I discovered that in 1986 they used insure and Maverick changed it to ensure that upon further research sure is not necessarily incorrect but make sure it fits the context better to understand the change, but guess what I had to do to find out by reading more after zero research.
everything wrong with top gun maverick in 23 minutes or less
I can confirm that they don't call the best weapon in the school Maverick. Now that's what we came here for, don't be shy, show me those. Island rounds, honey, look at those vertical stabilizers, they just last for days, that's what I love about these Top Gun planes, man, I'm getting older, they stay the same age, we'd be in the danger zone if we heard the song, but it feels like someone thought of it. waiting 30 years for a sequel would make recycling The Originals Kenny log on with a plain porn background, okay no, in case you confuse it with the Mojave Desert, Minnesota Maverick decides to dominate this chair with a discount maneuver of Riker instead of sitting like a normal. human being then the director said why don't you use this key at an awkward angle instead of getting a step ladder?
everything wrong with top gun maverick in 23 minutes or less

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everything wrong with top gun maverick in 23 minutes or less...

It will make you look more like Tom Cruise. I feel like this photo of the source of the evidence is trying to remind me of something important from the first movie but it seems to be slipping through my grasp. I'm sorry, but this mustache seems to scream nothing more than look who my father was. Understand it. He also had a mustache. He put information about your confidential experimental mission on a calendar like. It's someone's birthday, so are underwear schedules, thank goodness Maverick awkwardly stashes his sunglasses on his test pilot badge so we can see what his job is because, ooh, boy, when we get to the next scene and he's testing airplanes, I totally would have been like, wow, what! it's Pete Maverick Mitchell from that Top Gun movie testing planes and that's totally out of character.
everything wrong with top gun maverick in 23 minutes or less
Also thank goodness Maverick is wearing that same jacket and riding that same bike because hey look what I'm saying here is that these opening five


act. like Top Gun as an obscure independent film from 30 years ago and not the highest-grossing film of 1986. The funny thing about guard huts on military bases is that they frown on you driving through them at full speed, but clearly you don't have to do it. stop because it's Tom Cruise, well that's not good enough, he says who Admiral Kane is, who this guy is, and why the writers thought Hondo couldn't finish this conversation without the help of discount Jack Quaid.
everything wrong with top gun maverick in 23 minutes or less
He wants our budget for his unmanned program. He is on his way to kill the test and shut us down personally. I know villains are going to be villains, but does Admiral Kane really need to be there in person? Seeing the expressions on his faces is so important that this couldn't have been done over email or Zoom now. remember the contract threshold was marked at 10, not 10.1, not 10.2 Mach 10. That's to keep the program alive, right? Listen, this has already arbitrarily moved up their Mach 10 deadline by two months, so why do Hondo and Maverick think that jumping through this hoop will make a damn difference, sure it ends up working out, but that's only because they're in a movie that he needs to force Maverick into a teaching position, he doesn't want to, you know what will happen to you if you go through with this, I know what happens.
For everyone else, if I don't look, buddy, you're not saving the latest Blockbuster here if you don't move forward with this. I think it's fair to assume that this highly skilled flight crew working on experimental technologies would be reassigned to a different location. The show also works in experimental technologies, but the film acts as if their fate could be anything from scrubbing toilets to summary execution. Plus, I'm pretty sure that by going ahead with this he's guaranteeing that Hondo and anyone else in a position of authority will also get him fired for being an accessory. These innovative helmet lights look very modern and would definitely not affect the pilot's vision in any way.
I'm sorry, it was a joke. They are stupid and just there. so we get to look at the face of Thomas the plane engine, cool but why is this security shack at the end of an active runway in the first place and why are people allowed to get so close before questions are asked ? It's almost like Admiral Kane getting sandblasted was a much bigger concern to the Navy than the actual security of this base. The angle of these windows suggests that there's no way Maverick can look back from this plane, so I guess I cut this shot to make it look like they are. staring at each other was just a fun way to disguise the artificial tension between these two characters just in time, sir, I'm early, so are you, but not early enough to guarantee what you came to do, since you decided to announce your arrival before.
Maybe if Kane comes in totally out of nowhere, none of this happens and he gets exactly what he wants, this is where we've had problems with the compositions or is it the curvature of the Earth, yes it's called Earth bulge, see if the bulge of the Earth wouldn't fly as an excuse for my unfortunate erection during my college field trip. I also don't see why I should fly here. I may have slept through high school physics, but breaking speed records in my Toyota Corolla taught me that turning tends to create friction and friction tends to decrease. stuff down everywhere except the bedroom, so until Neil deGrasse Tyson tells me otherwise, I refuse to believe that doing a semicircle with your big ass will help you break the tenth sound barrier, talk to me, Goose, despite As for being a main character, Anthony Edwards doesn't have the best of it.
The billing in this movie put it in this line that seems to be the only reason this character exists. Sorry, Pete loved your work on Strange Angel. I see Google. These shots are great for the movie, but in terms of providing valuable information to the crew, wait. Where is this camera supposed to be? Who thinks this thing has side mirrors? Maverick is ejected from a plane flying at Mach 10.4 10.4 and for the non-military Among Us, that's almost 8,000 miles per hour, he didn't survive this the rest of this movie is literally this universe is Tom Cruise impersonating Maverick for the rest of the movie and I will not accept any Twitter thread that indicates otherwise at this time distinguished distinguished distinguished distinguished distinguished one day sooner rather than later they will not need pilots at all totally agree the rest of us pilots will work on extracting precious metals to sustain our AI overlords when the inevitable Singularity occurs now, while Ed Harris may actually be pushing for a future with fewer human casualties.
I'm more inclined to believe that he is supporting the previous one and this is just a prequel to Westworld, all you did was buy those men some time, yes, but the time we now have to spend rebuilding that damn plane you just finished decorating the Mojave Desert with the call of the lord of the North Island came with impeccable timing. impeccable and sinful for reasons not only for the almighty and your guardian angel and the writers, do not forget the writers, you have been called back to the top, that was said with such vigor that I feel it makes up for the lack of the archives Maverick attachments, so do a barrel roll, I mean the credits, you also have the standard only man for the job cliché, but this one feels especially egregious when said man just blew up a multi-million dollar top secret supersonic stealth plane, I don't care how much.
How much is he needed for this other thing, his ass should probably be fired in prison. How come he always drives on taxiways? Also, helmets may not be great, but they sure beat repaving this runway and Pete Maverick Mitchell mauve serving a limited number of fifth generation fighters. Oh yes, the fifth generation fighter with its intelligence apparatus has a high-resolution digital representation, but for reasons related to the distribution of the film they could not decipher the name of it, not even some old F-14s. I always assumed the F-14s were American made, but if that's the case, why are they called Chekhov?
We remember 12 Top Gun graduates from their squads and inexplicably show them in black and white because the PowerPoint guys don't have much opportunity to be creative here, this sin is in name. from the poor bastard who was super excited to get cast and Top Gun only to have Tom Cruise block the photo of him in the scene, grabs the Bradshaw rooster, aka Gallo. I understand he used to fly with his old man. Everyone in this room ultimately agrees with a direct conflict of interest because the mission is actually about Tom Cruise dealing with his demons what was his call sign Goose mister tragic what happened so tragic you couldn't remember his name or, worse yet, you remembered it but you felt the need to be absolute about it and point


ly forced Maverick to say it and either option doesn't seem very appropriate for an admiral, hey, remember that bar from the first movie, unfortunately that one bar wasn't available so they had to create a new bar for Maverick to get in because I know how much we loved seeing him walk into the bar in the last movie.
Sorry, new bar, but it doesn't look like it. Yes, actually, because his options remain the same: retire or be a Top Gun teacher, but maybe he has that option. presented by an old friend he respects instead of an admiral he clearly doesn't like might have made that decision easier let's not start this time they're going to start this time omez a stealth pilot literally a weapons systems officer actually, Oh my god, movie Yes We know we caught it in the first video. YouTube made us very aware that Goose was not a pilot. Take out the four more on the veteran and hilarity will ensue as the executioner approaches Maverick and notices the Old Man.
Timer is their new mission instructor and honestly, thank goodness, I don't know if this movie is even recognizable as a Top Gun sequel without this specific nod to the original, so how do you differentiate Overboard Bell's Throne from Bell? Also, these precocious wrapped scallions are literally going to knock Professor Mitchell on his ass and it's funny how obvious it is that everyone is going to take his class this semester, but the hilarious antics commit Wait, what movie is this? Did Jerry Lee Lewis require listening at the Academy or something or do all these kids know this song for the sole purpose of making Tom Cruise sad?
Also, this movie made so much money that I'm worried that studios will take this as a sign that the flashback position is not only okay but desirable but it's not okay this is not what the public is clamoring for we want the intelligent use of practical effects when possible and attention to detail when it comes to the use of CGI that's the


on because previously in Top Gun I love that Honda was here in Top Gun Maverick but the movie doesn't explain at all why Hondo is here in Top GunMaverick. It seemed like he had a good job working with that warp-capable space plane, but now he's here teaching.
Young people, what happened to that should keep the program alive? The best of the best. There's an alternate universe where we send directors to have their characters eat toothpicks instead of apples to indicate stupidity. Fortunately, in this universe we are fine sending both the new fifth enemy. The fifth generation fighter has leveled the playing field. I know the movie is trying to make sure we don't jump to conclusions about who the bad guys are, but this movie says fifth generation fighter so many times that he ends up remembering me exactly. I'm not supposed to think about not being on the radar ahead, it must be somewhere behind us, yeah, because planes only work along one axis at a time and this Top Gun grad knows it, and if you didn't understand it.
It's because my sarcasm came at you from below or went over your head, that's why we call him an executioner, he will always hang you out to dry, there are flawed characters and then there are characters that sound like they're going to kill everyone. and this franchise is convinced that the Navy prefers the latter, he obviously starts turning left in this shot oh, it's left, my right, no, wait, his right, my left, whatever direction that is, It is the opposite of the one in the next shot and that Cobra maneuver. yours that could have killed all three of them since Tank Man was nowhere near them during the Cobra maneuver.
I'm not sure who would be the third person to die in this scenario and I'm also not sureNot sure why he mentioned Hurricane Draper. that maneuver instead of this callback to the first movie that really could have killed them all every morning from this day forward, he will inform us in writing of his training plans, given Maverick's colorful history. Does Simpson really think there's a chance Goose could run out of an apartment? Maverick turn respecting that room, they were designed to protect the skies above, not the canyon below, that's because the enemy knows that no one is crazy enough to try to fly under them, but why not put some Sams there too?
The possibility here is that the enemy is Tom Cruise, he does all his own stunts and everyone else's, even if it's not at movie levels of insanity, we're two seconds behind, why is Bob sticking his head out like If you need to make eye contact with the audience instead of sitting with your seatbelt tight in your lap, then it's a dogfight against fifth generation fighters, it's not the plane, sir, it's the pilot, yes, but if that pilot is flying a biplane, then they will shoot them down regardless of their skill, right? You are going to enter combat, son, at a level that cannot be lived in.
The pilots have never seen him, not even him. I know Hangman is being hyperbolic here, but it was very bold of him to assume that Maverick hasn't played in Elden Ring. I can't be the only one who knows that Maverick flew with this old man. Enough with Maverick. was flying when his father I really don't see why the movie thought it needed this executioner detective discovers Maverick and Rooster's past C-plot well, this executioner coming out of being a jerk here will really feel like the bigger man by getting Rooster started the mission and also, how is this even a secret?
All these shooting attempts, so how come a pilot dying in the '80s isn't the most common Legend in circulation, especially when there's a photo in the lobby of one of the Legends they are? all ruled out, never mind that I've only just started this briefing on the extremely dangerous and complex mission that we have a few precious days to prepare for, go rest or play football or something so we don't have to deal with any real conflict resolution . I got this photo again. This photo is the best Maverick with Luke's lightsabers for Star Wars. The Force awakens even with all the interesting things happening in this scene with Maverick and Iceman.
It is the best part of the film that brings these characters to life and connects us. I return to the original in a very touching way, so I have to take away a sin from these two screen veterans and if I don't send it, he will never forgive me. Yes, Rooster will get mad either way, but you totally could. find a legitimate reason not to send him, only six of the 12 pilots go on the mission and the fact that Maverick is teaching him should probably have been enough to prevent Gallo from being selected in the first place, this touch football scene is a One perfect callback to the first film and even makes sense in the larger narrative, but we had to send the deletion to have to err on the side of the good people of Top Gun still wearing jeans while playing beach sports. 30 years of Sandy Bullock irritation against muscular thighs. and no one is learning any lessons, no one is having their breath taken away in this scene.
We waited 36 years to find out what really happened when he became furious with Penny Benjamin, and after watching it, I'm pretty sure Mrs. Goose wasn't using that word correctly. You're on the scene Million doesn't stand a chance against this fifth generation scoop. I got his Naval Academy Gears papers out of his career, so when you're the most hated man in the Navy, you can decide not to let other people in the Navy. I don't know if that adds up, but it's pretty good either way. I thought you were staying at Karen's house tonight. Louie has time for this.
Maverick and Penny are caught like they are naughty teenagers, so Maverick has to escape out the window. Foolishness. the first pair will pass through the reactor by dropping the laser guided bomb onto an exposed ventilation hatch, this will create an opening for the second pair which is Miracle number one, but the chances of achieving said Miracle will increase by sending more planes from the start. The map has said that this mission needs four planes consisting of two teams of two, but what's


with sending three teams of two for redundancy? They will send all 12 pilots and triple the chances of a direct hit.
Well, they may be trying to limit the potential loss of life and don't check my mouth on this, but I feel like an illegal uranium enrichment facility will put many more lives at stake. A steep climb at that speed you're pulling at least AGS, nine minimum, yes, but nine G. It's also covered by at least eight G, which is exactly what God said, nitpickers, I'm right, too, you know who doesn't? Do you have to worry about excessive G-forces tearing the skin off your skull? Drones sir, is this even possible the answer to That question will come down to the pilot in the box.
Look, teach at this stage, we're all fully aware that you need common sense and a whole host of other things that can't be taught to be a great driver, but on this occasion I think Phoenix's question. It's more to do with whether the fundamentals of damn physics and aerodynamics itself are being violated with this trick, how big their pilot balls must be, that was too close, no, I think it was exactly as close as one would expect based on the Today's Old Mavericks briefings. What's the point of practicing if you don't come close to simulating the deadly thing that could really go


during the real Mission birth attack?
First attack, did we really need the spontaneous burn? Attacking Toronto directly after the coyote almost crashes into a mountain. The coyote thing totally makes sense and I was tense since while sudden birds are a real problem. What happens now feels a bit run-timey, Patty, especially when it adds nothing to the plot and everyone except one F-18 ends up totally fine, do you think you're up there? dead, believe me, my dad believed in you kids, take time for whatever you need. I appreciate that term, but there's no time for the mission. I'll take over the training from here if he takes over what was the take time for the whole thing The whole point of the Top Gun assignment was that it would be the last one so if he's not doing this what the hell is he?
The time for Target is now four


. Simpson will now essentially change


about the mission to make it more achievable, but damn. She finds it hard to believe that he doesn't see how stupid he is. Do you walk up to your kids and say, “That 10,000-piece puzzle is too hard,” then just take a picture of the box and claim to have succeeded, except your kids are much less likely to be knocked down in a ball of surface fire at missiles Aaron for cheating on his puzzle, who the hell is he? Amelia Earhart, slipped into the gravity well of a black hole and was flung forward in time to this exact moment of Of course, it's Maverick, who else does she think she was going to be her?
Also, how are these F-18s so easy for pilots on the ground to steal? These parts Holy Bullseye another celebration why didn't he do this two weeks ago? Evidently, half the battle was convincing everyone that the race can be done the way he planned it, so why didn't she just do it from the beginning and give them


? at least a notion that it is within reach mach 10 10 G's 10 commandments excitement what does it all mean once an F-18 strike team crosses the border USS tomahawk missiles later Gulf will launch a synchronized attack on the enemy airfield here the plan is to blow up the airfield, Maverick knows this when he first informs everyone about the mission, he says it's time to aim for two and a half minutes, that's because the fifth generation fighters are waiting at a nearby air base, but the plan is to fly them even before the mission. start, why are they even a factor?
Well, they still have to deal with the planes that are in the air, but there's no way to know where they will be until the mission starts properly. Look, this mission just got a lot easier or impossible and I'm not sure the movie knows which one it is, the moment those battle axes hit the enemy they'll know you're coming, your aiming time will be two minutes and 30 seconds. if the tomahawks are what alerts the enemy and triggers the two and a half minute countdown, why not send them later or maybe not send the tomahawks at all if Team Maven is flying under the radar?
How would the enemy know they were coming? No one has mentioned a tripwire installed at the entrance to the cannon wheel squeezing the blue room takeoffs multiple suspense daggers assume attack formation Star Wars a new Maverick guys we are falling behind we really have to move the rooster hesitates here and falls behind , which makes sense based on what we know about him so far and his tendency to play it safe, which doesn't make sense because he suddenly decides to believe in Maverick based solely on the pity and trust that led him to a seat in this Mission, I could still get you killed, Gallo, the emotion of this moment is undeniable, but the idea that two admirals allowed Maverick to put Gallo in this situation without knowing that he had his like everything Absurd and this, in Ultimately, it makes me think that despite the film's continued attempts to make him seem unreliable, the executioner was still better suited for this mission.
I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with his laser. There is no time. Are you kidding me right now? Even with the laser marking the target, this was supposed to be a miracle, so what does it mean for the rooster to blindly nail it? It makes it an act of God. The dagger beat him to the punch. I repeat. That movie Maverick is Down expects us to believe it has the guts to kill off the main character when there's still 25 minutes of nonconformity on the table for the entire time, hey, rooster to the rescue, but does anyone follow damn orders in this movie, yeah ?
I'm fine, you're right, this is all funny, but considering the tone of the movie leading up to this, the sudden comedy routine behind the Whose Line Is It Anyway enemies feels a little out of place and I'm not sure who is in First, what the hell were you thinking? You told me not to think that Gallo would be Top Gun on Cinemasense. You're not talking seriously. Joseph Kazinski's response to reading the writer's outline for this Escape Plan is somehow included in the script. You have to be. I'm what we all said when we saw this F-14 and realized that the whole movie led to Rooster in the backseat with Maverick, the whole contrived mess of an impossible mission was designed to fail because it succeeded, we wouldn't get this .
Moment, don't get me wrong, I love this moment for what it is, but now I also hate it for how it got here and we all know a tiger goes downtown, we don't even know if that idiot can. fly Joseph Krasinski's response to someone telling him that Tom Cruise would do all of his stunts also appears in the script. jet that Maverick knows how to fly and is basically fueled and ready to go with keys in the ignition and bullets in the cannon at this point, why not just have the USS Enterprise transport them and take them home this runway too that has just been destroyed by surprise.
Tomahawks should be on high alert, so I can't believe they're leaving an entire hanger unattended. Well here they come, what's your plan? Screw your pet if covering the bottom half of your face is going to make a difference. here, then, your unpleasantly decorated helmets will surely give you away, regardless of whether it's a dogfight, an F-14 against fifth generation fighters, it's not the plane, it's the pilot. I hate to harp on a point except I don't so it's also absolutely the plane I highly doubt you'd say that if you were there on a damn Boeing 737 200 side note if you're a nervous traveler please don't google the Boeing 737 200 and be thankful that the 60s were a long time Come on, math, don't think, just do it and watch as the student became the teacher, completing the circle of life and condemning them both to a well-intentioned existence with confusing platitudes, wrong cliches and discount yoding too instead of taking a few seconds to tell. rooster what is his immediate plan Maverick just springs into action and almost breaks Gallo's neck not everything has to be at your mathematical pace oh what was that was rude is what it was but how did they not recognize that maneuver even if their f- 18 are not able to do it, is it really beyond imagination?
Also said maneuver leaves this guy quite exposed, so instead of feeding a similar, I want Maverick not to shoot them, we have to crouch, the terrain will confuse his targeting system depending on what you werebaffled by this maneuver a few seconds ago and now you are an expert in fifth generation targeting systems. The damn movies made me say it now. Five extra sins of the fifth generation. I know this is perfectly in character, but it's still silly that Maverick thinks it's okay to hum the aircraft carrier after surviving what he and Gallo have been through, please don't tell me we lost an engine, okay, don't worry.
I'll say that, hey Bill, remember in the first movie when the mountain lion shook and then he had that. Incomplete character landing, yeah, that was a super powerful moment exactly, so I was thinking: let me do something dumb instead of ripping off the end of Hot Shots. Damn, Bill, you're a genius, the movie has these two holding hands and an almost exact shot-for-shot remake. from Iceman and Maverick from the first movie because this is the Matrix and the machines have a rooster trapped in a modal screams another death that makes two math has five not sure why the Horsemen needed to bring in Phoenix to agitate the Mavs like they outside He's neither willing nor able to do it himself, and of course all is well and all is forgiven because as long as the most recent thing you've done is a success, who cares about the experimental plane?
You total the F-18 you stole. and he's no longer fit to fly or whatever else you did wrong thank you for saving my life that's what my dad would have done that would have been hard you know, him being a Rio and not a real pilot, is this the only one bolt on this plane that needs adjusting the movie doesn't contain a Merlin or a Berlin responds so loudly you'll think you're a first year cadet again we shake in our sleep we twitch when we hear this sound and we twitch well to end my claws, it's the live recording of our podcast, the staff plays whatever game they want and more, watch clips and highlights between the times we're live CinemaSins live on CinemaSins live, go take off starting with the engine, go to thermal, go to fuel, go to electric, go, okay, honey.
One last ride, oh don't do it, no, no, danger zone, where am I? Meanwhile, you prepare him for extinction, as usual, see these Sams yourself thecoyote lethal the coyotes one that his family will accept at the funeral don't tell me family of the accountants don't take him away from the family a real man without cut to the loot loot of a single mother rooster is gone Maverick is gone you beat me I let my 15 year old client, one of my best friends, die alone in the jungle. Throw some money into a G5. What is that sign?
What did he say? Yeah, I have no idea, I have no idea what he's saying, answer me now, that's very good, I have you now, okay, first. call the ball landing please don't tell me we lost an engine Danger

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