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Everything Wrong With Thor Ragnarok In 15 Minutes Or Less

May 30, 2021
41 seconds of logos, you know what this Disney Fox merger goes through, there's a good chance it will result in even longer opening logo sequences with even more logos per movie and that's going to suck. I don't know what you're thinking, oh no, Falls. in a cage, how did this happen to Asian? I met Hugh. Someone got this skeleton as an agent because he has tremendously dramatic timing. Oh son of Odin, Holy SH, that's Clancy Brown. Things just got a hundred times more parallax in this place. Also this is what happens when you open up your superhero cinematic universe to aliens, it gets unstable and cartoonish quickly, just ask Steppenwolf, who by the way is also a giant flaming alien monster.
everything wrong with thor ragnarok in 15 minutes or less
I cannot die until I fulfill my destiny and destroy yours, which should be. fate for him and everyone else is like an intergalactic air b&b nightmare and have you seen full


from asgard ragnar great prophecy credits prophecies also great prophecies oh oh we will burn this whole opening scene is a villain monologue done to the extreme, not that you are crazy and hiding the fault of NASCAR right next to what this guy wants needs to combine it. Are you crazy about Hammer porn? Although I warn you not to look for Hammer porn on a real porn website un


you like Smashbox. and makeshift dildos, why not start with that when I wasted the 25 seconds crushing enemies individually?
everything wrong with thor ragnarok in 15 minutes or less

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everything wrong with thor ragnarok in 15 minutes or less...

If you can do this, would you like to level up or something? Wow, he gave Surtur's ass a complete beating. I wonder what the point of keeping Thor prisoner was, why? Not just killing him, wouldn't that probably be an important step in fulfilling the prophecy? The aura sure that Thor will make the right decision to put his horns in the eternal flame. Later, Odin accused Hod-tie of neglect of duty because he disappeared earlier. The damn scourge of judgment, do you ever stop exposing? You were literally telling those girls about the plot before Thor came along and now you're telling them about weed.
everything wrong with thor ragnarok in 15 minutes or less
I'm supposed to announce that you arrived. Goth friend, there's no point in running to the city to get there. 10


after Thor, as if you have achieved something, also note that Asgard invests in intercoms and all radios or shorter bridges. I'm sorry about this with the tesseract between this Eurotrip Jay and Silent Bob fight back to find Forrester and his entourage, I'm thinking. Matt Damon has a chance to have the best collection of cameos a war that doesn't exist do me a favor look here in the vault so he doesn't turn into a giant monster and destroy the entire planet, the only thing that can fulfill the prophecy of Surtur transforming into a mecha Godzilla stays in the only place where he can cause damage.
everything wrong with thor ragnarok in 15 minutes or less
This is like burying parallax in the pet cemetery, also planet planet. At the end of this we will see your entire civilization as a city floating in space. on a jagged rock is a comet or an asteroid long before it is a planet the male and female actors behind Thor here are partnered, faking a conversation so important that you would ignore Thorne's first appearance years that I wonder if they want a contest. There's no job in this scene, just what's true, but Thor can also fly, which can't be this guy's fault. Damn, if you were worried about Thor returning to Asgard without you knowing, you should have chosen a better hero, let him live.
That's why, in general, you can never take death seriously in these movies. Big dramatic death scenes become parody plays starring Matt Damon and you don't have a phone. No, I don't have a phone, but you could have sent an e-letter. Is called. an email while these jokes are pretty funny, you have to think that Doctor Strange has ways of communicating that don't involve phones or emails look at this place it's beautiful Wow Norway seems fake --it's-- no, I stopped Ragnarok I put an end to it, sir , it's already started, she's coming. Odin being thousands of years old plays the pronoun game so Thor has to ask who the hell he is, he suggests hello no sister how come Odin has a daughter that he has kept a secret the whole time?
This time, and although he admitted that he was


for not telling Thor about her and what she can do, this sounds more like the kind of thing that Odin's character also didn't know about her until the script for this one was written. movie. I don't stop him, so I'm a prisoner, isn't that practically the same thing? A crazy universe we live in when someone can imprison a person with magic but can't stop them with the same magic. Now I'm a different person, yes, you. You have to face it alone, well thanks dad, you created this mess by your own admission and then waited until you were so close to death to even tell us about it.
Damn space. Catwoman is hot, she's fine, so if Hellas' power is drawn from Asgard, how can she do it herself? do this on earth Odin told us that his powers would be unlimited in Asgard so how come this is not already unlimited? This is not possible why Hemsworth decided to channel the talk for this scene. I have it on good au


ity that this script started out as Maleficent too and this is the only thing that survived from the first draft two mythical beings will now resort to punching each other while flying through a wormhole that's what Einstein what a Moody woman casually kills to a couple of Thor's friends and it should be a lot more meaningful to us because of what they mean to Thor but it's just an accident Thor lands on a planet full of trash and tell me this isn't the same place where the Transformers were found and the Transformers the movie we are about to hear dare to be stupid During a fight scene, the player dragged a stone somehow, all this the lady.
Thor, it's a little crazy how little he has to do with Ragnarok. It's like a side quest you play in a Thor RPG if you had the moment where we last saw Hell. She was at the door to Bifrost. The man had killed two people. She now she's in deep. In the city surrounded by a giant army of Asgardians, what exactly happened? She walked from one end of the city to the other and attracted this type of audience without the army immediately trying to attack her. I thought you'd be happy to see me. maybe give them I don't know any kind of proof that you're actually a descendant of Odin and maybe they'll come around.
You just said something. Now you seem surprised. Nobody believed you. What's the point here? She defeated and banished Thor and Loki with 10% of the effort she's putting in here by sending the generic Asgardian army, can't she just do something that doesn't last more than two hours? The answer is Sekar. It is tremendously good for this planet to have the infrastructure to put in place. prisoners through a virtual tour of Epcot Center that gives them all the details they need to know about the planet they are on. It is the collection point for all things lost and unloved.
Not true because I don't see either my college CD Temple of the Dog or my college Self, one of which was lost and the other unloved, so the rumors are true every 20 years or so. Jeff Goldblum emerges from hibernation to feed his mate. He appears in movies and becomes a big deal for three or four years before returning. In 20 more years he will be in Avengers Infinity Star Wars and will be the priest at Han Solo Peter Quill's wedding. You should not be afraid un


you are made of scissors. Just look at some small roles as a joke. for you in space, far away in space, they still make rock, paper, scissors.
I'll do another one, yeah, well I tried to start a revolution but I didn't print enough pamphlets so hardly anyone showed up, they haven't taught anyone, oh, history. You've been banished for decades but you're finally coming home. Hope the society that banished you taught your story to impressionable children. The scourge somehow prevents his head from being smashed by that whole seal that just collapsed with the eternal flame. You have been reborn, that's exactly it. What this person who has so much power that she can eliminate an entire army by herself needs an army. Besides, this eternal flame has many uses, doesn't it?
It is very certain that he will become a huge colossus when he puts his horns on him and can form an army of undead. It's one of those strange elements and movies that does what you need at any time. It's so helpful it makes you wonder why they haven't used me until now. Oh, bright green army of the dead. and cate blanchett, but lord of the rings has similarities, well this movie thinks about the soundtrack of the next movie, briefly thinks it runs under the blade runner sequel, the grandmaster created this place to be the that he wanted, so why did he create a world where the blade fails?
The hologram exists Chris Hemsworth is much prettier than me, it's quite funny, isn't it? Yes, I took it off. This is... okay haha, we all remember what Hulk did to Loki in The Avengers, but he's been here for weeks and is in good shape. with the Grandmaster, so how come he doesn't know the Hulk is here after weeks of being on this planet? At least they would have given him this guy's description. Oh, better, I never thought he'd say this, but I'm happy to see it. You definitely know not to target Hulk with this sign or think that one can influence the other.
Okay, this is what we've been waiting for for Hulk vs Thor. We've never seen this before, except in the first Avengers on the airship. and Thor had his hammer, people should probably make quick work of Thor under those circumstances, since it was essentially a draw the first time, but probably no more than three


of marginally exciting, risk-free gladiator fights between two Avengers, basically a space Civil War on a smaller scale. War sliders, so to speak. I'm sorry, is this hammer supposed to have the power of Thor's real hammer? Hulk just threw Thor like a tennis ball a second ago and now with a random huge hammer Thor can hit Hulk like Bryce Harper in a little league game, well they finally did it, they turned Thor into Raiden, Wouldn't the ability to surprise Thor at this moment be impossible, since he has the power of lightning at his fingertips, tell me about yourself, scourge, see, we need to occupy some time? while Thor and the others try to get rid of Sekhar, I don't have much character other than I'm evil and I want to rule the universe, so you need to fill in the gaps, have a gunslinger, let me tell you: feel welcome to Zion.
How did you get here? We're fine, that still doesn't answer the question. Yes, the Quinn jet can be used to fly in space, but of all the places in the universe, Hulk could have flown in that Quinn jet, the fact just happens. being on this planet is 2009 JJ Abrams Star Trek Spock cave level of improbability where is the Quinjet now shows where the jet is Quinn will require an abrupt stop to simply point at the window instead of simply telling Thor to look behind the entire vision is super convenient, did we even know it was possible that Heimdall could bring someone to Asgard through a vision?
This doesn't work Frank The simple Avengers Four didn't see that right? I don't know how this remote worked to release it. From a chakra standpoint, the button he's pressing here is no different than what Valkyrie pressed to surprise him earlier, and considering how this movie works, I'm surprised he's shocked by a big laugh himself. Point Break, well this ship is still fully functional after being Here on this planet a joke for almost two years, this is not what she said in Age of Ultron and that movie, she said the job was done and absolutely nothing regarding the whereabouts of Ultron, it's almost as if this movie needed an easy reference to what movie it was.
So they made up an alternate recording just for the scene, why does this old Black Widow miss him trigger the transformation back into Banner now, but he didn't do it when he originally sent it to you? Yeah, about that, how come Banner's behaviors stay angry enough even? during sleep stay locked up for two years if you gave me 12 hours I could bring you both alive I could do it in two what's the name of that tune just go and try it Jesus is there any single reason? one of them would be sent after Thor and Hulk.
I just don't understand Loki at all, he has all these illusions at his fingertips, but instead of using them, he's like some death guy who wants to steal Charles Bronson. I'm sorry, it must be a very painful memory. Loki accesses Valkyrie's mind to watch the Valkyrie trailer, not to be confused with the Tom Cruise Tries to Kill Hitler movie. This is simply wonderful. Everything in this scene is a rat. Could you somehow stop saying what I said out loud? out of the character's mouth at the same time, well, isn't that the most convenient appearance? Not only does Valkyrie find away to go to the exact place he needed to be at this moment, but the beast that was about to hit Thor also had a control device on its neck which is a dragon.
Most importantly, those grapes are somewhat surprising that the Grandmaster allowed Valkyrie to continue to have control over all of these prisoners after she sold them to him, why doesn't she have her own control devices on her neck? her? them once the sale is complete we won't get help the characters do what they said they wouldn't do immediately after saying they wouldn't cliché I should figure this out it's just another spaceship well that was easy that's right You can stand on it from an exploding spaceship, it won't hurt you at all and through some sort of magic you can be thrown into another ship and grab it by the seams as it hurtles through the air.
How come all these ships are missing? Valkyrie Mario jumps towards her. through the bad guys' ships to perform some miracles and it's super funny your PhD, okay movie, you can't have it both ways, you can't get comedy out of a banner screaming about how hard it should be for him to blow up a ship alien space and then have it. it flies perfectly for the rest of the movie um, not even the special effects i think are guys, this movie has more expressions of the word anus than most anal porn or even most proctology. gives lectures well executed, does it have Any reason to keep him around? has not relied on it for local knowledge. he is no stronger than the next Asgardian. she herself can execute people quite easily.
Her character is here so she can have a change of heart at the end, but I can't think of a single purpose it serves Hella other than to stand and watch her listen as she does and says expository things that we, the audience, need to learn, Yes, the mountains, the heat signatures, the people grouped together, what is it like? It is very easy for this ship to find people and therefore the Bifrost sword, but the god of death, who throws daggers with his brain and crushes magic hammers, could not find it until he threatened to start decapitating the people. fools and someone told him where he was.
It was wow, she really did the eye calculations on those doors perfectly. I'm not sure I understand Thor's battle plan here last time he ran into Hellas she threw his hammer into oblivion he still doesn't realize he can control his power without the hammer so what is the plan? Yeah, no one wanted to see what happened next or anything like that. How did a sharp metal weapon cause that wound, but there are no signs of damage outside the eye? The wolf is immune to bullets because we need a reason for the banner that It has been useless as a character here to return to the whole to know who I am.
This is just amazing even though Edward Norton did this in The Incredible Hulk and it wasn't played for several rounds. I don't think I understand very well how. Bruce's death causes the Hulk to emerge, but I think that's consistent with what these movies say is possible, so I'll take us to this. Yes, no one wanted to see what happened next. Anyway, I am the goddess of death. Fortunately, this triggers Thor's dreams of Dumbledore. so that Odin can give him a message from beyond the grave or the ether wherever Odin went, that Hama was to help you control your power to concentrate it, it is a new source of strength, thank you dad, you could have told me about my power sooner of this literal dream ex machina. sequence, but I realized that these revelations must come and in the stupidest way possible, our Scout is not a place like Idaho, so he begins one of the longest hikes ever seen so the heroes can figure out how to fight.
Hello, the truth about Ragnarok and the very meaning of life before she arrives while God, the more powerful she becomes, hella has shown nothing but complete and absolutely infinite power since she first appeared in this movie, There is no indicator of how much more power he can achieve, he has not shown any weaknesses. and there is nothing in her arsenal that could be more effective. This is never about stopping Ragnarok. It's about causing Ragnarok. Well, it's a good thing you didn't follow Cinemasins' advice and take Surtur's crown light years away from this place, but it's not like I know that so yeah, Loki is going to steal this because Loki has a Loki.
My question is if he had free reign over Asgard for so long, why didn't he already steal this thing and use it? Yes, good for you. finally doing the right thing after all those times you did something bad and horrible almost forgetting the command Karl Urban do you really think it's a good idea to bring me back to earth? No, especially since you've already accepted that it would be best for Loki to stay. in Sekar and you know that Doctor Strange will go to Chloe once he arrives, you forget


to bring out the future plot because space is apparently a one-lane road?
Thor's arc runs into Thanos, a ship on Earth's way to Infinity War. and Beyond, you can't have a revolution without someone to overthrow, so you're welcome and it's a tie, aren't you glad you waited ten minutes of credits to see that holy shit, so many revelations for the future of Marvel? I'm glad I stopped the ushers from clearing this movie because since theaters started the most requested thing has been television ever since and now it's a reality click the link in the description below to watch it and now the audio jacks, but the animal is inside. it came out and exploded it's too strong without my hammer I can't drink it's bupkis I found it in a box of cookies Schwartz is a human star it's in you I can't die until I fulfill my destiny and destroy you well it's My hair down, yeah, jeez .

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