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Everything Wrong With Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) in 57 and a Half Minutes

May 30, 2021
I learned nothing noise from crowds of people. I don't understand if it describes the type of noise or the word noise is a verb either way they both sound bad. I heard that the princess left to go to dr. Eggman's base, in response to his earlier threat, was hijacked again. Shh, what are you trying to do, dr. Eggman, why do you wish to revive the flames of disaster? Are you serious? He already told you world domination. What other reason do you need? Well, you may have noticed this little meter in the bottom right corner of the screen that also limits Silver's ESP powers. like Sonic and Elise's shield and quantifies the energy of the shadow chaos drive, but Sonic still has it even when Elise is not around and that's because you can buy these special gems that go in Sonic's shoes, lick , running or special abilities depending on the gem but the thing.
everything wrong with sonic the hedgehog 2006 in 57 and a half minutes
The programmers of this game are idiots and didn't code Sonic's meter correctly, which means that Sonic's gem abilities have no limit, the meter never ran out, so you can use gem abilities all the time. whatever you want and that breaks the game completely because you can. use the red gem to slow down time indefinitely or the purple gem to jump indefinitely. You can do things you shouldn't do because all you care about (they didn't code the meter) is the one that shares its name with the game, how come the self proclaimed biggest Sonic fan doesn't recognize them as cool, so if you try to use a spring while slowing down time, I guess it just doesn't work or I just hit the spring


, who really knows so I don't show it? because Amy is a faster choice, but you have to choose between Amy or liberation, but if you choose Elyse, why don't we leave Elyse with us?
everything wrong with sonic the hedgehog 2006 in 57 and a half minutes

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everything wrong with sonic the hedgehog 2006 in 57 and a half minutes...

Aren't we heading to Kingdom Valley precisely to go find Elyse, not to mention what the hell is she? The point of this is a test let alone a mission, no choice matters anyway Pam was amazing. I barely got S rank for that. I did it in less than five seconds. How quickly they expect you to do it. It's not even like she can pull it off. rings to increase my rank, at least not that I know of, wait, we needed to do those tests so an eagle could take us to the mirror of Kingdom Valley, why didn't the tails take us there to throw the bastards already here, Uh, yeah, Sonic? oh six, the game that asked you and I quote capture the six children from the time limit again.
everything wrong with sonic the hedgehog 2006 in 57 and a half minutes
I feel the need to ask what the point of the tests was if silver can fly into the mirror, what are the people in charge up to? to say no to the 3 foot psychokinetic


, okay so I know I explained why the Mach speed section sucked but this one in particular sucks because I can't see the dick and if I get hit I have to do this section again . and if I can't see enough cock, I have to do this whole level again. I'm not supposed to do this, why just random? Because I mean, no one has done anything to the engines.
everything wrong with sonic the hedgehog 2006 in 57 and a half minutes
Couldn't you just evacuate? You've got that egg mobile you've been using to kidnap the police, why not take it to an abandoned ship? If we go back to a previous point in time we can save her. I get it, okay, so I was wondering what happened to this. emerald because it's the one the Duke uses to seal a bliss and Elise, but we never see him give the emerald to the silver, so I thought you left it in the past, how does either of them know that the other knows how to do this? We never saw each other do it and Silver literally just learned how to do chaos control today the battleship is taking off any second Tails Knuckles let's hurry up wait you ran into Tails and Knuckles at what point would it have been nice to see what too?
It's good to see that the aquatic bases have not changed in the last ten years. It looks the same as when we came here with shadow and silver. Discounted snake egg. Oh really. The lasers. The struggle. I'm floating. Brilliant. Said the final boss of lightning and hell of the


story. Eggman even says that when you beat him, speaking of beating him, if you throw the sky gem a few seconds before grabbing onto it, you'll be dragged onto the platforms and get an early victory, you don't even have to damage the Cabin I'm not supposed to do This, don't you worry if you have time to worry tonight?
That's not what it means, at least it's a metaphor to avoid your problems, but he is taking action literally by running, you know them. He should be dead, you also know what I just realized that we are not the piece of cloth that he at least he put on Sonic's arm. By the time they get back to Castle Town, he just disappeared, actually, looking back, where did that piece of cloth come from? nice smile wait that's how he winks one eye he has one eyeball but two eyelids apart you know don't wink at each other Elise sure change her destiny and that in turn should change your future too you know I never thought about that but silver never introduced you call it Sonic, she's there, they never have an exchange, in fact I'm pretty sure Blaze never talks to anyone but Silver in this game, yes she talks in the metallist's presence, but that's more of her reaction to something which Silver said he never directs. a word to anyone but him, okay, so the portal takes you where you want to go when you go through it, but then how does that work?
Silver and fire, just think, take me 200 years from now, it's exactly 200 years in the future I'm still not sure how the rules work I know how to save our world now we don't have to change the past but wouldn't it be easier to go back a when the solarz project was being worked on and closing that down so solaris never splits i got a 30mm time bonus which is more than


the range s that stage took me 14


how long do they expect it to take at this level so that the Bible is not called that? wants high and low energy attacks back Eternal sun the living flame that has been entrusted to the royal family fall into a dream with my lipless soul euchre see flames of disaster because you are not a royal drug addict did you learn nothing from your trip to the past wait?
Chaos control can do that too. What would that accomplish for yours to bring happiness to a different world? How long until he destroys that one too? You might as well keep it here. I don't understand that she is from the royal team and that she can already control fire. Blaze shouldn't be able to hold a bliss perfectly well. I mean, at least she did it perfectly for ten years and all she had to do was not cry. Blaze barely shows any emotion, why should she feel the need to seal herself? in another dimension Lord Metis her daughter and no, I am not going to dignify her by calling her by her real name.
What the hell happened here? Wait, you put explosive boxes as obstacles in your motorcycle driver's license exam, so you either get the license or you die. Her movement shows that she is looking for any Chaos Emerald she can find, supposedly she needs one in order to join Bliss again, but she has had the purple one since the beginning of the game, why would she go looking for another one? It just cuts you off


way. phrase Omega is destroyed who the hell put a space between the I and the T and the word is you had a job it absorbed your power through your shadow from the past what could have worked Ted no longer did and that's exactly why you should have brought the scepter of darkness to the present with you wait, how did you get the green ksmo?
She, as far as I know, never lets go, you have to realize now, did they really have to animate her mouth? I mean, she hasn't. been animated all this time, he would still have understood that it is the one in the middle who is speaking that the world chooses to become. Suddenly, Sonic X too, how did you get those things off? I mean, they just fell to the ground, but you can still see them. like a full ring, which means you must have taken them off your wrist, but your hands are too big to have done that.
Wow, at least that was the calmest response to anything I think I've ever seen in my life. It stands to reason that this would be the game to kill Sonic the Hedgehog they also killed Sonic the Hedgehog finally the seal is broken wait that was your plan to kill Sonic so that Elise would cry and break Bliss' seal which is complicated not to mention that you control the time why not go back to when you voted separately the first time Shadow and Silver were there, but what was Shadow going to do to seal Nephal's web is full of sighs?
You could have teamed up with Iblis then or hell, you were already in the future and you already had silver doing your bidding for you, just have him hit the sound of the most capable until he reverts to his baby form and join him at that time , and I mean, dance, wasn't Flint originally freed from the disaster after he at least died aboard the egg transporter? someday you are going to die anyway, why not just go to that moment and join it? So why did you go to all this trouble just to kill Sonic? So I've forgotten to mention it until now, but this game went back to using motion capture for the cutscenes and I get it when it comes to the human characters, but they also do it with the


characters which look very consistent and this is the worst example about it and it's strange because there are three different types of scenes in this game.
Inogen's scenes with the ugly models and ridiculous movement capture the beautiful pre-rendered CGI scenes at the beginning of each character's story, which are animated without mocap and look better for it, and then there's something weird in the middle where the scenes are pre-. rendered but we're still using the game models and therefore the mocap and it looks weird but then there's this scene where the models are higher poly than the game models and it's pre-rendered so it looks better , but for some reason the characters are still animated through mocap, which makes their movements look cheesy, and I don't understand why they did that the last time they used mocap it was adventurous, and even then it didn't seem as awkward as it does now , they animated it themselves and shadow heroes why did they bring it back what are you doing here this is all so confusing yes I agree with


Silver just said what are they doing here why only them no one else Solaris consumed all the existing timelines and time itself will collapse and disappear into nothingness the instability of time caused this time-space rift but shouldn't that mean that Blaze should be here too?
I mean, it's a time-space gap. Oh, and she was something important to the story, certainly more important than Knuckles and easier we have no time to waste we have to defeat him now no, he is a transcendent life form that exists in the past present and future defeating him here now would do nothing No, I won't give up. There has to be a way if you say it exists in the past, present and future, I will destroy them all in one go. I don't think you understand how time works, the past, present and future are not exact points in time, there is always more past in the past. and more future in the future what happens?
I feel Sonic's presence in the wind. Oh, nonsense, no, no, I don't think he's dead, what am I sure of, it's not too late, well, it just so happens that your friend is here. he's just mostly dead there's a big difference between mostly dead and all that of course let's call him back with the power of the Chaos Emeralds since they kept the Chaos Emeralds they were able to resurrect someone from the dead hey Joe we're getting lost uniting Sir. ship on that huh, you can do it princess, you were the vessel that was used to seal a 'blessing, you should be able to use the power of the gems to rescue the sonic soul, that makes absolutely no sense because a thing has absolutely nothing to do with it. see with the other Solaris connect the Chaos Emeralds to the distant corners of this distorted world and by distant corners of this distorted world you mean the reaches of Lyanna because that's as far as we can go and I doubt that Solaris is only affecting, I mean, I don't know why the knuckles turned.
Eggman said that he was in the corners of the world and they all seem to be going in the same general direction. How did I do that? What picnic? Some follow terrible advice. Because? Honestly, I don't know which of the two bothers me more. Shouldn't Amy be losing it right now as not only the guy that Elise is attracted to and that she herself encouraged her to chase and kill me because I'm about to say it Sonic but she just kissed him or rather his dead body oh so you can do that Hey. I can't believe this game did something right that Sonic Heroes did


, but at least it kissed a dead animal, so I'm sorry, it's big, the sound effect is to slow down the wolf, is it impossible to defeat a super dimension of being?
After all, something stupid that comes home survives. We charge money. Oh, I wonder if the giant shining in the middle could shine. of the super dimensional beast is possibly the core and therefore what I need to attack, did you destroy it? No, you know, unlike the fake solarz we fought and thenWe'll never have to worry about the flames of disaster, I mean, I guess. Who's to say that time itself won't collapse if Solaris leaves, maybe he simply won't exist from this moment on? You and I will never have happened. To tell the truth, I don't care what happens to the world.
The problem is that you are choosing to meet someone you were talking about literally a day ago over the potential lives of billions of people? So, none of this happened. Is this supposed to be the festival of the Sun? Why wasn't the goal of the festival to appease Solaris if Solaris never existed what the hell are they celebrating? Wouldn't that mean that


that happened because of Solaris never happened, for example the Dukas? Oh, Liana wouldn't be dead unless he died, he was another reason and Silver's. The future isn't a thing which means there's no reason for Blaze to go to another dimension because Able doesn't exist anymore oh no it wasn't cool so every episode has its own credits and you know it's okay I'm used to that in Sonic. games, but in every version, including the last episode after the main theme of the character you played, you have to listen to the same version of the world of him and don't get me wrong.
I like his world. I think it's a good song but there were three different versions when this game came out and they still played the same one in all four credit sequences 465 465 loading screens oh yeah I counted it 465 and those are just the ones you have to see not including any mission where you fail unnecessary times when you go from one hub world to another, this assumes that you do everything perfectly in the game and you want to know how long the loading screens are together. Oh yeah, I did that too: one hour, 58


and 34 seconds, that's almost two hours of nothing.
That's almost too many collective hours of waiting for something to happen and you're an idiot to stop for a second because I wasn't going to count each and every god to sink the loading screen and add to the counter. Remember that you wanted this. I ordered this and now dad is delivering so sit back and enjoy, it's no use. Hello everyone, Charai Five here. Thank you so much for watching my cinesins pastiche of everything that's wrong with Sonic. Oh Six. I would like to thank my followers on Patreon and my channel if you want. to be featured in future videos and consider supporting me a little each month or hit the join button for those who do support please stay, otherwise go to the movies, see the amazing people who pastiche, also go to sister channels that cover music . brand videos and other topics, if you have time why don't you check out everything is wrong with sonic forces until next time stay safe and stay awesome this is jar i-5

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