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Everything Wrong With Iron Man 3 According To Our Viewers

Jun 07, 2021
so I guess the rights to limp Biskit Snooki were too expensive and they're already predicting his sin count in case you confuse him with Berne Idaho mullets weren't in style in 1999 Jon Favreau at a New Year's party but he's not picking up Beautiful Babies Tony is a sucker for nerds, so this is basically the same research Oscorp did on The Amazing Spider-Man. Happy is addicted. Genetically modified superplants. Giant holes in Tony's arm after the injection and a miracle cloth cleans them up, so basically Tony built. a bunch of suits that can get to him as shown in the final battle scenes, so what's the point of building the brand 42 and could he just call a suit from one of the other 40?
everything wrong with iron man 3 according to our viewers
He specifically wanted a suit that came to him in pieces. Seriously, Iron Patriot, I'm not sure if Iron Captain America or American Iron Man Joan Rivers Tony and Colonel Rhodes discuss important classified information in a bar. One Paltrow is happy, he's too stupid to know how to flip an iPad. Tony's security guard doesn't know how to use an iPad, but he can research


about the bad guy in less than five minutes of discovering him when we suggest that the iPhone could take a distinguishable image of a license plate from the parking lot entrance while the car is moving .
everything wrong with iron man 3 according to our viewers

More Interesting Facts About,

everything wrong with iron man 3 according to our viewers...

A shameful film noir scenario. At Christmas, how original, an idiot, Tony Stark manages to trade the phone in front of him for a significantly better phone just by being in his presence when Tony sends a Christmas greeting to the Mandarin eeeh, sunglasses on, but then , in the next shot from behind. he doesn't have glasses on, then they reappear in the next shot, he removes them from the vertical video and I'm just saying you're a damn good guy at mic placement haha, this guy only brought a pen and a notepad Tony Stark is addictive phones cars point in a direction when he enters and then goes in the other direction mm-hmm what are you doing eh what is that over there tits tony is able to make an exact copy of a crime scene that was not completely photographed or sketched for a Tony Stark, international supplier of superheroes and weapons, seemed suspiciously lacking in the safety department.
everything wrong with iron man 3 according to our viewers
I don't remember what I had for breakfast. Gluten Tony Stark eats gluten-free waffles. Yes, Tony, great idea. Tell the bad guy exactly where you live so he can come after you. After being Iron Man for so long, shouldn't the bad guy know where he lives? No one polices US airspace for a living. He notices these suspicious unauthorized helicopters, armed with explosives, heading straight for Iron Man's house. The force of the explosion would definitely kill Tony when it hit the concrete wall, if only there was some kind of protocol for Activate all the other Iron Man suits into action, where the hell is the shield.
everything wrong with iron man 3 according to our viewers
Tony Stark was underwater much longer than humanly possible. Jarvis uses Apple Maps. child character. represents the expected age demographic that Athens represents, no need to be a better Tony is an idiot with children Tony gives a dangerous weapon to a small child my boss is working for the Mandarin ex-lover turns out to be working for the cliche guy bad Dora the Explorer Watch The only enemy that really threatens to defeat Tony Stark is panic attacks. Halle Berry Discount. Nobody in this entire city recognizes the most famous man in the world. How the hell did Killian's soldiers find Stark in the middle of nowhere while the extremis soldiers can heat the metal to liquid states of new year, his clothes are not affected at all.
I see Tony Stark went to the old school of running away from things, not even half an hour of screen time and he's already better than Carl Grimes flipping paper. and it means something more cliché the last time I disappeared if I remember correctly you came to get me no that was the other discount roadie Brian Austin Green this tattoo villain kidnaps the cliché hero girl the time it takes for Tony's grenade to explode the hallway is significantly longer than the one he drops into the fountain now the gloves are on his right hand the electric glove is made for his left hand as shown here Ben Kingsley is not Gandhi in this scene my name is Trevor surprise except It's stupid if Trevor is an actor, how come none of the members of his previous productions he worked on or any of the actors guilds he was affiliated with can recognize him?
We rule behind the scenes. I see that Killian went to the Miranda Tate School to explain the whole plan. For the only person who could thwart him before killing them, there is nothing in either of Killian's hands, but when he goes to shoot Maya, that gun appears when he raises his arm in the next shots, when he comes out the gun disappears again in one moment. the movie aldrich killian spits fire from his mouth completely destroying a ladder however in the final fight he never uses it even once even though it seems to be one of the most powerful things he can do the windows of Air Force One are bulletproof bullets when Tony is in captivity and asks for his Mark 42 suit, the suit frantically tries to escape from the garage in Tennessee, once he finally escapes it only takes a few minutes for the suit to catch up to him, meaning he must have been flying at around 23,000 miles per hour still. when Tony is saving people falling from Air Force One, he barely has the speed to catch them all in time.
Tony Stark's car changes locations during cuts. thick monkey thick monkey that's offensive to big people falling from the sky honestly now they're traumatized and offended why are they yelling, they're going to get free skydiving in isn't a dramatic slow motion shot of people falling into the water. cliche Iron Man suit being ripped apart by a truck no matter if Tony is in it Whether or not in the first movie, the suit could take a direct hit from a tank shell and Tony shrugged as if it was nothing. Now a damn truck can destroy it at that moment.
House party protocols House party protocol does not include children or games, yes. That sounds like protocol: leave the president chained up with a fully functional Iron Man suit and a place where you can easily escape. The number of Iron Man suits is too high. A gigantic, badass suit that makes an incredible entrance, ruins


in its path, and then wears it. to support the tower seriously oh yeah that's awesome give me a suit okay oh sorry they're just covered for me yeah and Pepper and Killian Iron Man suits are racist seriously? where are the Avengers even if Stark didn't do it?
Call them for help. You think Nick Fury or Captain America himself would have maybe intervened when the President of the United States is kidnapped by some intractable, fire-breathing terrorists. When the president wears the Patriot


armor, he in the end is trapped and can. It doesn't do shit and yet when Rhodey puts it on it becomes functional, why are Iron Man suits one size fits all, no matter who wears them throughout the movie, it seems to fit the Bond villain that is thought dead, but not actually the dead Killians cliché? not fighting in his own Ironman suit in the climax, damn, he missed the trifecta.
The stunning Gwyneth Paltrow survived the scene. She's not that shocking before she's captured. Pepper decided to choose a bra that was 100% fire and extremist proof, maybe she bought it at the same place. Bruce Banner takes his shorts, rips off his arm from the suit, and then uses the repulsor without a power source at the end of the movie, at the end of the movie, Pepper is able to instantly fire Iron Man's suit's hand-held blaster without any experience. . Damn, Gwyneth Paltrow did it. the saved the day scene doesn't include a thermonuclear lapdance the shareholders Jarvis blows up all the suits and then hits his ears even though he had an earpiece even though there's nothing in his ear but Jarvis still heard him the clean slate protocol new the clean slate protocol that you can save the bride or this important political figure, but not both, since the movie would be a copy of the Dark Knight if it weren't already copying the Incredibles, then all the armors have fireworks, why shouldn't the suit explode on Pepper's arm?
Don't I mean that the Eagle's armor should also be destroyed and the tower should fall on them? The police arrest Trevor instead of Shane Black. Tony removes the shrapnel from his chest, now he only has to worry about living his life with his eyes open. hole where his sternum used to be, yeah, it's totally cool to just throw your leftover machinery into the ocean. Tony is a sucker for the env


ment. The Iron Man movies still don't talk about Tony's alcoholism. Tony drives an Audi r8 e-tron, which is an electric car. car electric cars don't make that noise there's no ac/dc in an Iron Man movie way to copy Nolan's Batman trilogy with the movie title appearing at the end, especially since Iron Man 1 and 2 didn't do this in the movie He says oh, stay for the end credits scene, it's 20 minutes, what are you going to do to me?
He'll see his zipper tied to a bed, sir, it really is Mr. Incredible, you know he was right to idolize you. I always knew you were tough, but I tricked the probe by hiding from another super's bones. Oh, you know who I am, you don't know where I am, I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want, the level position just became vacant, so which of you gentlemen would like to join our team?

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