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Everything Wrong With Groundhog Day in 19 Minutes or Less

May 29, 2021
There are tons of establishing shots of this partly cloudy sky and I understand rolling the main credits before the show starts, but can't you scroll through the hot spots in Pittsburgh or anything to keep us interested? Three steel factories of the Premonte brothers of the River stadium, here come the problems to ruin you. country, what is this Fox News thing tomorrow is


day? six weeks of credits rita thinks it would be a great idea to stay for some of the other events why did they have to send a producer to puxeltoni for this bull about the


everything wrong with groundhog day in 19 minutes or less
Won't Phil be his own producer on that segment? What a waste of station resources. Oh great, this is my favorite scene in The Dark Knight Rises. I can't wait for Bane and his team to break into the Gotham Stock Exchange, which is entirely located in Gotham. It's also a movie that forces you to stare into the horrible, sinister eyes of Pittsburgh for more than five seconds. Someday someone will tell me. You will see interviewing a groundhog. I think I have no future. You are also about 40 years old and you are looking at images of the groundhog. for on air talent anyway you're a meteorologist from pittsburgh what kind of stories do you hope to get?
everything wrong with groundhog day in 19 minutes or less

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everything wrong with groundhog day in 19 minutes or less...

I think it's a good story. He comes out, looks around him, wrinkles his little nose. How loud is Annie Mcdowell supposed to be acting? Now, because I think we're aiming for the four to five range and she's clearly at 14. Also, Punxsutawney Phil does absolutely none of these things. The Punxsutawney mafia bought you, you can't say anything bad about the groundhog. they had the police in their pockets plus not wearing a seatbelt was definitely a van death trap, the original climate capital of the world, the lying poster piece, this is how much goatee you gobbled up to get that distinction.
everything wrong with groundhog day in 19 minutes or less
I totally disagree with this. Theater Marquee Heidi II is where they got into some very adult themes and took the series in a markedly different direction from a family-friendly original that was so good it could interrupt an exciting professional football game. I won't stay here. I'm not staying here. Seriously, they didn't tell Phil where he was staying during this whole trip to Boxitani. We booked into a very nice bed and breakfast at Cherry Street Bed and Breakfast. Could you help me with my pelvic tilt? And this starts the first one. Of Phil's many displays of sexual harassment in this movie, sure he eventually turns things around, but after what are probably years of abusive behavior with the workforce, why does the cycle start at 6 a.m.? m., why doesn't the second start after midnight on February 2nd or when?
everything wrong with groundhog day in 19 minutes or less
Phil first came to Punxsutawney, it's not like he didn't go before he got there or before he woke up that morning and what if he woke up early? Did the deity who organized all this really put all his trust in what looks like an old alarm clock is also a huge alarm clock in relation to the nightstand between that and the lamp and the flowers there is barely a place for a glass of water and much minus a place to keep your condoms holds your bottle of whiskey and charges your phone Do you think Phil is going out?
I know we have to listen to all this discussion between the GM to have context for the days ahead, but what about Phil's character? I would have you believe that he put up with these yapping, dim-witted personalities early on. in the morning I was this kind of person who would not only press the off button as hard as I could, but would immediately urinate on the watch just in case, I don't think there's any chance of having an espresso or a cappuccino this morning, is there? ? The '90s, when you could really show it by mocking an establishment's lack of premium coffee options, also Phil must be a fish out of water here, as he's used to luxury accommodations in the thriving metropolis of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, high.
He is going to crystallize. and give us what we call Snow Phil's glide, this moron has been waiting for years to see the official groundhog ceremony and he writes a sign that says come to us Phil, nothing about winter, spring or shadows, just come to us , John 3 16 would have done it. More sense I also thought the quirky morning DJs were complaining about how cold it is here if that's the case why can't we see anyone's breath? These people are great. Some positivity. I definitely see a shadow. This is all fixed as hell. very cloudy out there and it's been all morning not to mention a front is coming in and Phil even told the hotel manager that there was a ton of humidity from the south that would be there until noon.
My point is, why even have this sham of a performance if there's no reasonable chance that the groundhog's forecast is based in reality, hey, maybe that's what you get for making a groundhog your deity, you all know that's not a good lion and also how many of these people are going to keep track of whether the groundhog was accurate or not, that's right, no one, it's like when your grandma gives you Gi Joe soap for Christmas, you'll say, yeah , I'll totally use that grandma and then you'll forget about it and five years later someone finds it in the attic. next to the doll twins and the gang member camping in the left lane when there is no one in the right lane and don't tell me it's because of the snow, that lane on the right is just as clear as the one they are in. time to send real life here because why do people honk when they see this in front of them?
Does this seem like a situation that honking can resolve? Go out into a snow storm wearing this. You can go back to Puxatani or you can move on. and I freeze, I guess this is police hyperbole like when the cop on duty threatened to arrest me for being high on bath salts outside the Denny's on Eastern Parkway, but are those really your only two options? I'm not an expert on Western Pennsylvania, but I know there are other roads you can try to get back to Pittsburgh or, if you want to try to escape a blizzard, you can always turn around and head to aforementioned Altoona or spend the night in Harrisburg Punxsutawney or death no. the only options are who gets in the shower and turns on the water before the test gets hot.
Does Phil really remember the morning show comment from the day before? He looked like a fucking zombie and was barely functioning until he splashed some water on his face. How much attention do you pay to rando's radio when you wake up at this point in yesterday's radio broadcast? The truck has already made its turn, but in order for Phil to have the right sense of sameness,


is exact and


is not exact. small differences from where people are located to how many people are in the frame due to the fact that this car on the far right of the screen appears here but not in the previous shot, why didn't they use the same shot?
Groundhog Day is still only once a year, isn't it? By now Phil should already know that he is reliving the same day or that he is in a movie. Sure, it's totally independent to think that you could be reliving the same day, but the alternative is that you aren't. t and you know what's going to happen, which is equally dumb un


you're Miss Cleo's psychic doing this again. I know there is a snow storm, when will the long distance lines be repaired? Why are you calling 404am about this? Well what if there's no tomorrow, there wasn't one today yeah, I'm going to say goodbye to this irreverent movie about an unreasonable just because it's damn magical how they not only pulled it off but also made this a modern American classic as quickly as Phil ran out of the b b today there was no way the same lady from yesterday is here right now in fact she shouldn't be watching Ned Ryerson at her usual time either so eat me movie I love when you're done come meet me .
At the restaurant, the blizzard hasn't arrived yet, so why doesn't Phil immediately call the station, a friend, or his mother when he realizes that today is the second time he's wasted so much time going to the restaurant? festival let alone the time it took? to get his suit and tie, which he could have used to get real help, who does this guy think he is? That same night, Alfred Tarantino, I told you there's a blizzard, okay, blizzard, I don't doubt Dr. Egon is skeptical of some. of phil's claims, but he's making light of his blizzard prediction, everyone knows the blizzard is coming, hell, even the owner of b b mentioned it before, so did the quirky morning djs , that is an unusual problem, Mr.
Connors, Jesus Christ, these people are surely lucky that the few medical specialists in Pakistan are available to see you at any time even though there is a giant festival in the city and the massive increase in population, what would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same and nothing you did mattered? That sums it up for me, let me ask you a question, what if there was no tomorrow? Okay, but haven't you guys been talking about this exact topic all night? If not, why did the guy leave the glass half empty or a complete analogy?
Whatever we want, Louis de Joy, sometimes I think we have to take big risks. This is a fun sequence, but Phil has only been at this for probably three days. How can he be so sure that there will be no consequences for his actions, especially if they are lethal and/or illegal non-consensual kisses now that Phil knows what and who he is going to encounter on the way to the wedding celebration? Groundhog. Why does he keep taking the same route? Wouldn't it be nice to not run into Ned Ryerson just once? Assault and battery would soon be bad enough, but none of this does anything to Phil for knocking this guy out.
I guess it's true what they say about Pennsylvanians. Now that Phil has realized that his actions have no consequences, he will go to work next time. One day, I know he'll do other nefarious things later, but do you think the first thing a Phil like him would do after getting out of bed would be anything other than registering for his new place and yes, he remembered not to step in the puddle this . time, but why did he walk to the same place he always walks after hitting Ned? Why didn't he cross the street right then and there?
What the bastard concentrated on answering in a poem Does this never try to get back to pittsburgh before the blizzard hits if nothing matters then he can risk not showing up for work to see if it breaks the spell phil connors wow that's amazing , you don't remember me, do you like it? I know Phil is an idiot, but he manipulates this poor woman. talking to him later that day, after creepily stealing his high school information, is a whole different level of melody, okay, once it makes sense, but twice after Nancy already caught your attention, this It's the worst experience Nancy Taylor has ever had with a reporter. since william hurt fake cried in front of her on the news, it's a truck, phil has memorized all the events in the town square so he can perfectly execute this robbery, but how long has he been in the time loop before now 10 days a month? a year, I'm just saying that some indication of the time elapsed between the start of filming and now would be a big help in extracting some empathy for this supposed protagonist.
Can I have a roll of quarters asking an armored truck operator for change? This is real? Phil, are you just trying to make me look like a fool in the original timeline? Phil was a dad squad, but Rita still seemed to tolerate him, if she didn't appreciate him, so what's with this harsh evaluation of him now that she hasn't been watching all the squad stuff? He's been doing it in this city for God knows how long. He's been describing his perfect guy for what seems like 30


and I can't help but wonder how long he's had this answer about who your perfect guy is holstered and ready. exploiting for many years the groundhog, always drinking world peace, oh so I guess that means you guys can't date, so God, Rita sounds like Phil is an idiot for even suggesting anything other than world peace.
I like to say a prayer and toast the world. peace to world peace, damn, that toast went straight to his vagina, didn't you believe it or didn't you? I studied French poetry from the 19th century. The series of mistakes Phil makes while trying to find the perfect date with Rita is either funny and goes straight to the same moment in time the next day to show that he learned from his mistake, but how does the date go after he makes a mistake? ? Can he learn more things even after that or does Rita just walk away from him and say no? like french poetry, believe it or not, i studied 19th century french poetry, in fact, there's something weird about how all these characters in groundhog day or npcs to fill in is like running into more developed versions of nigel from jumanji hey Where the hell, where did all the snow come from?
I know it's cold out there, but when they're at the festival there's hardly anything on the ground and when Phil looks out thewindow in the morning, there are only patches in the yards, the snowstorm we keep hearing about. doesn't come close to poxatonic, so how did they get enough to make this relatively large snowman? Troubled young people, un


one of them has purchased an extremely anachronistic Bluetooth speaker, are dancing in complete silence, something only psychopaths would do. I have some ice cream on the windowsill. Wait a minute, where did Phil find the time to buy ice cream and then bring it back to his room if he's been with Rita all day?
No, I'm getting real tonight, baby, it's cold outside, Phil vibes right now, oh, isn't it? great god, I love how this movie realizes that it's impossible to recreate spontaneous moments, what are the lakes with your fingers? the second guy, I don't care if you know the answers, don't be this guy, vaguely threatening questions, doesn't it ruin the illusion when? You put the groundhog in a cage and take it in a truck if Phil was going to steal the groundhog to prevent it from seeing his shadow. Why didn't he do it before the formal announcement? Luckily, he has plenty of time between when he wakes up and when he's supposed to film the report. for Phil's groundhog kidnapping plan, the powers that be put the animal in a truck with the keys already in the ignition, this guy directs the other guy where the four of us should go so we can tell people later that he helped .
The scene inspires the shittiest jeep commercial of all time, by the way, Phil sedated this groundhog during the kidnapping. Things are quiet during all this commotion. Hot Dog, there's no way out except the way we came in. Yes, but why did you stop here? Why didn't the cops continue chasing Phil? It's because the movie needs Phil out of the picture for the moment to build up the tension for what he'll do next. This is either an overreaction to a power outage or Mrs. Lancaster sensed that Phil committed suicide with the toaster in the bathroom. and if it is the latter it is a bull the size of a groundhog, not Bill Murray, he looks more like Richard Grieco than Bill Murray.
Wow, the day doesn't end when Phil dies, if that's the case, what's going on if this day requires Phil's enlightenment to continue? What is the purpose of continuing without? Him, you're not a god, you can take my word for it, that's 12 years of Catholic school talking. I'd say 12 years of Catholic school makes Rita the least qualified person to judge whether Phil is a god or not, he works on the dress. he buys and makes noises like a chipmunk when he gets too excited thanks phil does anyone else who loves this movie think nancy taylor deserves more in this movie than to spend a night with phil and then be ridiculed for her sex noises later?
I know we're supposed to love Rita and I love Nancy Taylor. I said it in about five seconds. A waiter will drop a tray of plates. Five four three two one. Here's the thing, though now Phil is going over the entire restaurant and making the timeline. different than normal, so if he has been disrupting the flow of the restaurant it is highly unlikely that this waiter would drop the plates, much less at exactly the right moment. Now the goal of getting Phil off the ground in time is to change things around him for the better, so he has to impact his surroundings, you guys better get going if we're going to get ahead of the weather, this isn't technically a sin, it's a character error, I guess, but Phil knows everything that's going to happen until the end.
Inflection in people's voices and he didn't write this. What Larry is going to say. Note accurately. I don't deserve someone like you, but if I ever could, I swear when they finally get out of the loop, it's up to me that Rita has to catch on. until many years in which Phil was in this relationship something like that. I saw you in bed in the hospital movie that was also very popular in the mid-90s. Did you say something? This is the classic person telling another person how much they mean to them. while they sleep, but they don't register it, but all the meaning is lost and she wouldn't remember it the next morning anyway.
Look, I was talking to Buster Green, he's the groundhog boss and he said let's get ready. here we might have a better chance, okay, no doubt Phil would have gotten this information a lot of the days he did this same routine over and over again, but it sounds like he's saying he just talked to the guy, if that's it The case, where did you talk to? him in the cafeteria when this phil ever had enough time to buy coffee and pastries and talk about the injection any of these days i want to start could i give you a thousand dollars where the hell did phil get so much scratch?
Did he steal the armored car again? Which would count against his karma points. There are certainly no ATMs here with such a high limit and there is no way he brought that much cash from Pittsburgh with him and because Phil needed to experience the perfect day. Sally Jenkins here would never become the greatest pianist the world has ever seen and before you say well this is just her first day practicing, remember that at the end of all this, the piano teacher tells everyone in the party that he is his student, so I even did it on the last day when he didn't need any instruction.
I know she's gone, but this is a piano teacher. Isn't she used to hearing missed notes so much that this would be like white noise to her? I'm just going to go ahead and point out that the director himself said that Phillip was in this cycle for about 10 years and I'm sorry, that's not enough time to get that good at ice sculpting, especially since he didn't start training for it until well into . His career is not bad, Mr. Connors, you say this is his first lesson, yes, but my father was a pianist, so were you the one who brought the old man to a medical professional referring to his patient as the old man?
Phil ever thought about taking this guy to the hospital right away this is a nice and touching gesture but right after this it goes straight into the night maybe the hospital could figure something out before the guy collapses when Chekhov saw the long winter he saw a gloomy, dark winter devoid of I hope what the hell did Phil do to attract the attention of all the other media before he started giving this speech and look, I understand it's funny that it goes so deep when it's a ceremony of the groundhog, but none of these reporters would give much for that. oh no, because of this, now Phil will have to find a way to reunite George in the rain at the sea enchantment dance, jack up the car before loosening the lug nuts on the flat tire, man, there are a lot of calamities In this city. today I'm sure the flat tire was a minor inconvenience but a boy fell out of a tree and almost broke his neck the old man can't stop dying and this drowns in a strip of New York or whatever the death toll in This vacation alone would set records in this small town I feel like 80 percent of Andy Mcdowell's character arc and this movie is finding different ways to act surprised.
I just wanted to thank you for keeping debbie going and for all that michael shannon isn't creepily ripping his fingers off. this scene I'm dead 60 do I hear more? 339.88 rita these women were maxing out at 60 dollars, you could have bid 70. I know the point of this is that you really wanted to show how much you like Phil, but this is just bad. Business Nancy seems angry, but now I'm wondering what the hell Phil did today that made him like her so much. I don't think we'll accept any more videos. I think that's why I can't accept any more offers. out of nowhere with his checkbook and there are plenty of women around here who have a throbbing female erection for Phil, Buster doesn't want to make too much money at this charity auction one second, one second, okay, let me turn on the holy light, I know.
I was in a time crunch and all, but this sculpture looks like Rita was frozen in carbonite and is about to be transported by Boba Fett to Jabba the Hutt. I think I'm happy too. Look, the message of the movie is great, you can't. Forcing people to love you hard is a phrase that translates to desperation on the last day Phil showed her worth instead of advertising it, but this is still just one day, how is she in love with this guy? She already remembers that after the groundhog ceremony she left. The day they met an hour or two ago, how come she is so in love with him?
We can't play the music, but the film prompts unobservant viewers to think that even this perfect day hasn't changed the calendar, it's at a different point. the song, but what are the chances that this radio station is playing? Got you babe at the same time on consecutive days anything different is good hipsters and also why Phil has been doing this good deed for a while now but how did he just get the right recipe the old man is still dead right why what would you like this? last night you fell asleep it was the end of a very long day there is no way phil who was so in love with rita would just fall asleep on her no matter how long the day was i think we will spend the rest of the day don't you We'll do nothing crazy and then tonight we'll pay the house money, for some reason you all want to use the kinesins gallows on your body, so we put that on a new product and throw it in the store.
Posters, sweatshirts, socks. Click on the product below the YouTube player or click on the store link at Go yourself, San Diego, pleasant dissolution. Have you ever had deja vu? Mrs. Lancaster, deja vu. Generally it is a technical problem in the matrix. It happens when they change something. I am confused about everything good and bad. Try to imagine all of life as you know it stopping instantly and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light in the sunset we made. I love like sea otters sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar will eat you that was a pretty good day what are you looking for who's your perfect guy?
You know honestly when you're 34 all the physical requirements just go out the window Hey, a murderer, son of a nutcracker, I'm trapped. Does it get easier? No, yes, it gets easier. What did you die from? The blue is old. That's what old people do. They died. Is incredible.

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