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Everything Testosterone Does to Men (And a Little Bit to Women...)

Apr 27, 2024
Testosterone has become a very hot topic in the health and fitness spaces in recent years, causing many men to wonder about their own


levels and whether they should be monitored; However, we should probably first know what


is supposed to do before jumping in. In The Low T or testosterone replacement therapy, testosterone


much more than just help with muscle mass and libido, which we'll cover in today's video, but we'll also cover some of the other incredible effects it has on the body. human. as well as including a


fun and we'll even do a slightly humorous comparison of testosterone and estrogen in


, so we hope you enjoy what we have to talk about today and that we don't upset anyone like the ER Doctor who sent us an email about some of the things you didn't like about our previous video on testosterone replacement therapy, so of course we'll have to spend some time answering that at the end of the video, it'll definitely be a fun one, so let's jump right into this anatomical and physiological marvel, so let's quickly go over some key points about testosterone and where it comes from, taking a look at some of the cadaver dissections.
everything testosterone does to men and a little bit to women
Testosterone is classified as an androgen. Androgens are steroid hormones that promote development. of masculine characteristics and testosterone is the main or primary androgen. Testosterone is primarily produced in two places, the adrenal glands, specifically in this outer portion of the adrenal gland called the adrenal cortex, and of course, testosterone is also produced in the testicles. The testes produce the majority of The amount of testosterone produced by the adrenal cortex is minimal, representing less than 5% of testosterone in men, but this minimal amount contributes to the development of the armpit and pubis in


, within of the testicles there are cells known as litig cells and These are the cells that produce and secrete testosterone into the bloodstream and as you can see in this dissection there is a cord attached to the testicles called the spermatic cord and it has blood vessels, nerves and the large deine that transports sperm out of the testicles and FYI, this is a tube that is cut during the male contraceptive procedure called a vasectomy, but testosterone will be secreted into the blood vessels within this cord and this is how it will circulate through the whole body to have its various effects. effects, so what are the effects of testosterone and how


it vary throughout the different stages of our lives?
everything testosterone does to men and a little bit to women

More Interesting Facts About,

everything testosterone does to men and a little bit to women...

Testosterone is important even before birth during male fetal development. Testosterone is secreted in moderate amounts and promotes the development of male parts of the body such as the penis, scrotum, prostate, seminal vesicles and other male genital ducts, it also helps promote the descent of the testicles before birth and shortly after birth. , you get another surge of testosterone that lasts for the first few months of life, sometimes called first puberty. or mini puberty now we don't fully understand all the reasons why this happens, but you may notice more acne on a baby during this period, the skin may be a


oilier and there are definite increases in the size of the male genitalia. structures due to this peak, but some other proposed reasons for this mini puberty are that it probably influences behavior and cognitive functions.
everything testosterone does to men and a little bit to women
It may also influence spermatogenesis later in life, as serum testosterone levels in childhood can predict total sperm count in adults, in other words. There is some research that indicates that a man's reproductive set point may begin shortly after birth and persist into adulthood and this is a very fascinating research topic and it will be interesting to see what new information comes in the future about how this mini Puberty affects the baby. and how it can affect that person later in life, after this period and for the rest of childhood, basically no testosterone is produced until we hit what most of us certainly wouldn't consider a mini puberty.
everything testosterone does to men and a little bit to women
This is more of a massive and robust puberty. All hell breaks loose, a type of puberty we are all very familiar with, around the ages of 10 to 13. Men get a big boost in testosterone and will maintain these higher levels throughout life, but will eventually begin to decline starting in their 40s. you can see in the chart, but if I can quickly compare what happens at puberty and throughout life with the main female sex hormone, estrogen, like testosterone, it is essentially non-existent during childhood, as you can see with our initial Red Line there, but then puberty. happens and we have something like this menopause and eventually death, now I hope we can all see some humor in that, but in all seriousness, if you understand the power of hormones, you understand how important it is from a reproductive standpoint. feminine and how this can influence. how someone feels about their behavior, emotions, etc., men have daily fluctuations in testosterone levels, but as you can see from the graphs, the overall changes are minimal compared to what a woman experiences throughout the entire menstrual cycle, but Guys, if we had this kind of fluctuation in testosterone every about 28 days, we'll have some things to say about that as well, but two things that are actually very interesting about this herb is again, this menopause, as I mentioned here, this Dramatic change in hormones, especially this dramatic drop, can really influence how someone feels.
Feeling like there are some very uncomfortable and bothersome symptoms that women have to go through during this period of time and the second thing that is very important about the differences between these two charts is how this affects bone health. Both testosterone and estrogen are osteoprotective, meaning they protect. the bones, but because this sudden drop in testosterone does not occur in men, it is more gradual. This is one of the main reasons why women are eight times more likely to get osteoporosis than men and women who watch this video. We've got you covered. with an estrogen video that talks about how wonderful estrogen is and I'll link it at the end of this video, but let's get back to all the many powerful effects that testosterone has on the body, starting with men's hairy bodies.
Testosterone causes hair growth in the pubic region, axis, armpits, face, abdomen, usually on the chest and sometimes on the back. It also causes hair on most other parts of the body, such as the arms and legs. become more prolific yes, that last sentence was actually in one of my favorite medical physiology Hair becomes more prolific, but one of the possible downsides to this is that testosterone can also decrease hair growth on the top of the hair. head, leading to male pattern baldness. Testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the follicles of the scalp and when DHT binds to the receptors in the hair follicles, it can cause the follicles to shrink and cause baldness.
Now we have a more detailed video on how hair loss works which I will link at the end of this video, but it is important to note that testosterone is only one part of this. process because there are many men who have normal and even high levels of testosterone who do not go bald, so you must also have a genetic predisposition to baldness. However, if you are concerned or experiencing hair loss, you can thank the sponsor of today's issue. video iore iore makes this nifty little technology called the Elite IR Reset device and it has been proven to be an effective option for hair loss.
There are many low level laser therapy devices out there, but the reason I prefer this device compared to others on the market is due to its quality and improved scalp coverage, it uses lumatech technology consisting of 500 lasers and LEDs. medical grade and because it uses both lasers and LEDs, you get more even coverage and a complete treatment of all your hair. Follicles is also FDA approved and a drug-free option to help with hair loss and as I mentioned, it has been clinically shown to help support hair growth. It only needs to be used for 12 minutes a day and the triple wavelength power ensures a deeper and more effective treatment that can help improve cellular metabolism in the scalp, improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, which are contributing factors. to hair growth.
IR Reset also wants you to be completely satisfied with your purchase, so if you are not 100% satisfied with your results, they have a 12 month money back guarantee, so if you are interested, visit the link on the screen and use our ioha coupon code to get $625 off the Elite IR Restoration Device. We will also include that information in the description below, so go back to Many Effects of Testosterone Testosterone causes enlargement of the larynx or what many people call the Adam's apple or larynx. These changes eventually result in the typical adult male voice and I say eventually because, as many teenagers know, there is a bit of trans.
Transition period in which some breathy voice may occur. Testosterone increases the thickness of the skin throughout the body and the roughness of the subcutaneous or adipose tissue. It also increases the size and secretion rate of skin glands called sebaceous glands, especially sebaceous glands. Glands of the face, these glands produce an oily substance called sebum and this increase in sebum results in acne which often appears during male adolescence, but fortunately the skin adapts over time and acne improves for most. Testosterone has a massive effect on protein anabolism and therefore has a powerful influence on the musculoskeletal system, promoting protein deposition in the bones and this causes the bones to retain more calcium with the overall effect of stronger bones. large and thick and one of the most prominent male characteristics is the development of increasing musculature after puberty with most men having an increase of approximately 50% in muscle mass compared to what happens with women during puberty and because of these impressive effects on the musculoskeletal system, that is why some use synthetic androgens to increase athletic and muscular performance, which obviously can have some negative effects. side effects Testosterone also increases metabolism by approximately 10 to 15% and also increases the number of red blood cells circulating throughout the body.
In reality, both are thought to be more of an indirect effect of testosterone than a direct effect, meaning that the increased metabolism is thought to likely be due to testosterone's influence on protein synthesis. Cells that create more proteins result in more metabolically active cells. The same goes for the production of red blood cells. Testosterone does not appear to directly increase this hormone called arthop potin or EPO, which is the hormone responsible for stimulating the production of red blood cells; Instead, they think it was more of a side effect of things like increased muscle and protein synthesis and red blood cell production, they just followed suit because of these other effects, testosterone also regulates.
Sperm production increases libido and as many teenagers are quite enthusiastic about testosterone secretion, after puberty the size of the scrotum of the penis and testicles increases approximately eight times, so you can see where some of it may be coming from. of that emotion, but again, the female secretion of testosterone from the adrenal cortex. has minimal effects on axillary and pubic hair, but has a small effect on bone health, mood, libido, even follicular development within the ovaries and may help a little with tissue maintenance, but estrogen will have a much greater effect on the female body and Again we will provide a link to our video on estrogen.
Now let's talk briefly about testosterone replacement therapy. Many men are concerned about having low testosterone levels. This could be more of a curiosity or they may have symptoms such as decreased libido, fatigue, changes in body composition. There are multiple symptoms that can actually arise from having low testosterone levels. Now we have a longer video on what specifically happens with low testosterone, but we'll cover some key points now and what's interesting about that previous video is what I mentioned inthe introduction. We got an email from someone who claimed to be an emergency room doctor at a hospital in Boston and had some problems with that low testosterone video.
I won't read the entire email, but one of the things he said was this: I just wish you would have said more clearly that low testosterone levels, especially in younger men, are rarely indicative of something bad unless there are other symptoms that accompany him. The first thing I thought when I read this email was did you even watch the video of one of the The main points emphasized in that video were talking about how testosterone replacement therapy shouldn't be done willy-nilly, like in the first 20 seconds of the video. I mentioned how it is estimated that up to 25% of men who take testosterone do not do so. even having a testosterone level before starting therapy, which getting that initial blood draw is an important thing to see if someone has low testosterone levels first and two to be able to monitor the response to therapy if testosterone is started but again in response to this email it was emphasized more than once throughout the video that low testosterone alone is not enough for a doctor to diagnose someone with low testosterone;
It also needs to be matched with specific symptoms, but apparently it was overlooked several times and the last thing I'll address in the email is this seriously, after your videos and others like it came out, we were inundated with young guys demanding testing of testosterone, it was crazy. I mean, I've never worked at that particular hospital, so I can't speak directly to that ER, but that certainly hasn't been my experience in urgent care or even when I was doing my rotations in the ER and I just can't see guys watching our YouTube videos and saying, "hm, I wonder if I have low testosterone, this is a crisis for the emergency department.
I think most men will go to their primary care provider or one of the many men's health clinics that are popping up these days instead of flooding the ERS, so I hope this has given you some useful information about testosterone and if you don't like it please respond to reviews or comments from other creators. or people sending us emails or DMS, let me know in the comments because this is the first time I've responded to something like this in a video, I wouldn't want people to get on each other for being mean and to be fair. , he had some positive things to say about the channel, but this is only useful if it provides an opportunity. so that we can clarify information for you as a viewer and provide additional learning opportunities for all of us, so again we would appreciate any feedback on this.
I also appreciate you watching this video and supporting the channel like I mentioned. I will link estrogen and testosterone. videos somewhere here on the left side of the screen, if you want to check out the Iris store, that link is in the description and I think that finally covers


, so I'll see you next time.

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