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Everything Ryan Reynolds Has Said about Blake Lively [2020]

May 31, 2021
I owe you money, you can go first, well, you know, these movies,


is done very carefully in terms of casting and all that. You know, we actually get a chance to read together a little bit before we try to figure it out. who plays what and all that and we just had chemistry and that and chemistry really is one of the few things in a movie that you can't just make up or create within it or not, so it was great to work with her. she just brought


, every part of herself and she's not kidding and


she'd leave the set at one in the morning and she'd be back in New Orleans filming at 6am and not a single complaint, in fact sometimes she just comes. he


after pretending mysteriously and curiously, they have a batch of brownies, it's just like you, so I'm not sleeping at all tonight, no, no, I had to cook these brownies here that you can't eat, Ryan, have you seen the soup, how does it feel to have a wife who literally kills it on the red carpet in whatever outfit she has on the second question is what is your opinion on beyonce wow life changing questions


think carefully I love you I mean it um my wife knows how working red carpet I'll say that um yeah you know she could be the Beyoncé of red carpets so um yeah she's uh she's definitely like that I mean she's turned that into an athletic event.
everything ryan reynolds has said about blake lively 2020
I see how what that real science entails is incredible. um, you guys see the finished product, I see a totally destroyed closet, bedroom, and kitchen, uh, when she walks out the door, so yeah, you think I don't even know how the shoes got in the freezer, that's just how it is. Seriously, I'm crazy, there's kung fu involved, it's really intense, uh, and Beyonce, she's the Michael Jordan of music to me. I've seen four of her shows and that's what comes to mind every time I'm incomparable. I guess you just say she's Beyonce. You can't really say that she is this thing that you know is that terrible thing that everyone does but honestly, she is Beyonce's Michael Jackson.
everything ryan reynolds has said about blake lively 2020

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everything ryan reynolds has said about blake lively 2020...

I see you and Blake together. I think about that interview I did with you before you went. you know going out you're bringing your babies uh yeah they're here they're in Los Angeles we all flew together we live in New York so we all flew together to the hotel you're looking at tonight from the hotel. Be nice, you'll get more, uh, I don't know, we'll definitely see more sex, but we'll see what happens after that. I'm not a professional athlete, please, what does that have to do with what you just told me? I want to do it. thank you to my wife


, who is sitting there, who means everything to me, you are the best, the best thing that has ever happened to me, second only to this star on the hollywood walk of fame, it is the walk of Hollywood fame, cut me a little. slack here um, you make everything better, I mean absolutely everything in my life, better.
everything ryan reynolds has said about blake lively 2020
You have given us two of the most incredible children I could ever hope to have. You have made me the father of my dreams when I thought I was just having fun. potential uncle so uh thank you I love you um the last thing diane keaton called you Mrs. Lively when you feel more like Mrs. Lively oh 24 7. uh I missed her


24 7 and I'm happy so that's great that's good It was heartbreaking for me because when I shot that movie I already had the entire Deadpool script ready and we still couldn't get the green light at the studio and it was just I had that moment where you.
everything ryan reynolds has said about blake lively 2020
I was standing at the altar and I called Fox and said, "Please, is there any chance on earth that you're going to make this Deadpool movie?" I'm going to do this other superhero movie, I thought I really wanted to do this one and so I went, I did it, I don't regret it, it was amazing, I met my future wife and we were friends, so I remember it was fun. because for about a year after Green Lantern had come and gone all that stuff and we were both single, we went on a double date with her, she was on a date with another guy and I was on a date with another girl and that was the The most awkward date for their respective parties because we were like fireworks crossing each other, yes, that was much later, that was the first time you thought, oh, there's something, yes, it was like a long strange first moment, yes, but We were friends for a long time she was the best way to have a relationship.
I think it's the best way to have a relationship. She is an amazing cook. Why wouldn't they be friends? Yes, exactly right, because you need to put on a superhero costume for a while. By the way, I like it. That Blake wore Deadpool's colors tonight. I thought it was a very beautiful look. It's lovely. We show it off. She showed it off. If she were Gwenpool, I'd wear Deadpool's colors too. Your wife Blake loves to troll everyone. another and clapping on Instagram has become a sport, right, yeah, we do it from time to time, yeah, I think there is, you know, it's kind of like what my dad used to say, if you can't say anything nice, say something embarrassing, that's how we master it.
I have to say that if it were an Olympic sport, you two would be like gold medalists. They would really be out of work. He really likes to troll and applaud or whatever. For people in general, it's a sport for them too. yeah I love it I think it's a sign of a healthy relationship personally yeah I mean yeah I see him trolling you guys all the time he does everything you guys do right I finally learned to come in and then slap him back or do it whatever, yeah, clap, yeah, I don't know, yeah, no, clap, really, no, he didn't clap, he just says hello, oh, that's cool, that's cool, I learned to do this, oh no, no, I sent him something on Instagram and then texted him to say hi.
Did you get that oh wow wow yeah welcome to 2007? Does it ever get you in trouble? Does it never lead us to try? I don't really know, I don't know, I think people know what you're doing, yeah, like I think, you know it gets me in trouble, you know, at home, yeah, which is important, I can handle it, I've just been with Blake a few times the first time I sat next to her on a plane and you. I know you are simple people, so you don't talk and I wasn't going. She had never met and that's why she was going to bother her.
Oh, she'll go out, she'll talk her ass off. She did have it. I just realized. It was, I think it was from New York to Los Angeles or something and she was carrying a huge box of cupcakes, she was important, that sounds like her and then another time I think it was at that time 100 and I was at this table with Martha Stewart. and she and I and they had never met but they met that night and it was and Blake was going crazy, yeah, yeah, and they were just passing around pictures of muffins and cakes, yeah, yeah, yeah, everything, yeah, so here it is, but everything leads upwards. to this question your house must be full of baked goods, yes, how, how does that happen?
It's not very Hollywood, it's more or less, yeah, and you look like that, yeah, yeah, you'd think it would just be meth, but it's uh, no, it's, uh, it's. many, uh, yeah, she's like she loves it, she loves it, I mean, when she was a little girl, when she was a little girl, she and her mother, you know they grew up in a very modest home and you know her aspiration with those magazines, Martha. Stewart's and she likes to look at them and it was like she transported them so I think there's a little bit of that now she loves that world and she's very good at it and I don't know how she does it she's much better at more multitasking than I am like a shark I need to look at the only thing I'm doing and that's it huh, but she can do like 10 things at once it's pretty crazy you always look amazing you look so stylish oh thank you so much Last time I interviewed you, actually you were with


and you joked that she would pick out your clothes.
Does she have to approve what you always wear? I would never leave the house without her approval.

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