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Everything Mila Kunis Eats In A Day | Food Diaries | Harper's BAZAAR

May 19, 2024
- Hello, I'm Mila Kunis and this is all I eat in a day. (upbeat music) (Mila laughs) When I wake up in the morning and open my eyes, I get up because I have to get my kids ready for school. But from Monday to Friday, now I have to set an alarm. My kids used to be the alarm that woke me up and now they're not. Then what do I do? I roll over, hit snooze once and then go back to sleep for about five more minutes and then the alarm goes off: Baby, beep, beep. And then I roll over and I wake up and my room passes by the bathroom.
everything mila kunis eats in a day food diaries harper s bazaar
And sometimes, or many times, I have to go pee. So that's what I do. I'm going to pee. Sometimes I brush my teeth before I enter the kitchen, because once I enter the kitchen, I have to prepare their lunches. I must prepare breakfast for you. That's why I like to brush my teeth, urinate, get into the kitchen, start the process. The first thing I eat when I wake up is coffee. But I have a very specific way I like coffee. Oh, but it'll make me sound like (bleep) whatever. I like filter coffee, like old school filter coffee.
everything mila kunis eats in a day food diaries harper s bazaar

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everything mila kunis eats in a day food diaries harper s bazaar...

Uncool. But I am very specific about my cream. This isn't an ad, it's not even organic, okay? People, don't be mad at me. It is oat milk and silk cream. And they have two flavors. They have vanilla or oatmeal cookies. I like vanilla oat milk cream. Very specific. And here's why. Because I bought my frother from Amazon and I put cream in it and I froth my cream and it turns out beautiful and delicious and vanilla and sweet. And then I serve my morning coffee there and it's wonderful. So I don't eat first thing in the morning.
everything mila kunis eats in a day food diaries harper s bazaar
And I don't know when that changed because it used to. And now I wait until two hours after drinking my coffee. So call it, let's say I have coffee at 6:30, take the kids to school, whatever, I do all that. I came back at 8:30, probably around 9, 9:30. My typical breakfast is sometimes leftovers that my kids didn't eat in the morning. And I have this against


waste. And then I will eat their leftovers, which is not always satisfying. So I will always top it off with an avocado toast that I make myself. When I make my own avocado toast, I like to make sure I grab whatever bread I have.
everything mila kunis eats in a day food diaries harper s bazaar
So what I have is what we are using. And many times it's a healthy thing because again I have children and so you try to do


you can. So it's like a killer Dave bread, right? Like we have one of those. And then it will be like whole wheat bread with nuts and things like that, texture and crunch. Then I grab it. Most of the time I am late and don't have time to toast. But let's go with the theory that I have a magical moment, I provide it. Then I take my avocado, cut it, take it out and mash it.
And then sometimes I like to put a little Everything But Bagel seasoning on top. And then, if I'm feeling more feisty, I might add an egg or I like sauces. So sometimes I like, this won't make sense, but I'll make two eggs over easy and then I'll make like toast and then I'll put little sauces on them. And sometimes it's hummus, and sometimes I don't know, I like tzatziki, some, it's whatever, like salads, like whatever I have. I usually work, so nowadays I go and plop down in front of a computer. And then we Zoom. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll eat something like fruit or string cheese.
But most of the time I don't have that time. Somehow lunch gets the better of me. Now my husband and I work at home. And so, if one of us doesn't have an afternoon or something, the other one grabs


from the other one. So we'll shred something from the fridge, leave leftovers, or something small and quick. Even like a protein shake, like the one I have, there is a service that comes and delivers the shakes to your house. It's frozen. You put it in the freezer, it's really convenient. I put up with it or my husband does, he serves me like plant milk and then a protein powder and then we blend it and then he leaves it on my table and I'm so grateful.
So, it's probably not healthy if you're a dietitian, but sometimes I have a protein shake for lunch. I cook? Boy. Sometimes I do something I call bowl night, where it's like making your own bowl. And I like two bases and there will be like a salad base and a grain base, a quinoa and then I just chop a bunch of vegetables and cook a bunch of things. And then you make your own vegetables, so to speak. My son is a Pescatarian. She does not eat meat. So, since she doesn't eat meat, neither does my husband. That's why I don't cook two separate meals, because I'm not a restaurant.
I often find it much easier to eat fish and a healthy meal throughout the week. So that's what we do. That's why I make baked salmon and fish. There is a service that I use guys. You can choose two meals, two dinners per night or whatever and they send you all the food for said meal with a si


r recipe. So I do it twice a night or twice a week and it's been wonderful. Okay, I'm very lucky too. I have a mother who lives about 15 minutes from me. I mean my dad. But my mom and my mom is an incredible cook and she has cooked all her life.
I never went out to eat. I always ate homemade food and she loves it, she still thinks she's cooking for four people when in reality it's just her and my dad. And when I had children, she started to like cooking for all of us. So once a week she drops off food at our house and it's always, you know, amazing food that my mom makes. Russian food is like any other food, but at all times. The obvious. You can start with (speak Russian), you can start with (speak Russian), then you can make borscht, which is like a very Russian soup, also made from beets.
But if you don't like beets, don't eat them. Russians like smoked fish or fish in general. Pickled fish. Smoked fish. Russians or Ukrainians. I know we live in a time where I don't even know what to call myself anymore. They like to pickle things, especially since we had winters. And that's how you survived: by pickling your food. So we, we pickled


. My mom is a master picker. If you've never tried pickled watermelon, it's delicious. Kipper. Delicious. It is eaten with some warm potatoes, a little olive oil, a little dill, a little salt. Hmm. Delicious. But my mom, she can make chicken soup.
Is there something about her chicken soup or do I have to be more specific. Her chicken broth. The broth in her chicken soup is unlike anything she has ever been able to recreate. By the way, she cooks like, "Meh, just a little bit of this, a little bit of that. And then there's that and you like it, try it." So you're never going to get a real measurement of it. But however she makes it, her brats are simply extraordinary. She makes amazing beef stroganoff. She is the one who cooks the most meat and everything she cooks has dill.
It's all dill. It's like the magic herb of her culture, dill. I get my fresh vegetables and my fresh food from Imperfect Food, for example, is one of them, or Misfits Market is another. And they have amazing edibles that don't always look so pretty, but they are wonderful, organic, and delicious. Then I order food from there. Sometimes I take supplements at a grocery store. I am lucky that my father-in-law gave me freshly caught salmon and cod in Alaska and it was delivered to me in a flash-frozen refrigerator. It's not very expensive either, far from it. And I put it in the freezer.
And then we have this amazing fish for a year or half a year. Oh wait, Fridays I like to say are plenty of days. And my husband has to do it, it's just that it's everything but kitchen sink food. And that's what he gets. Get all the leftovers to clean the entire fridge. We all had dinner as a family. Oh, we order from everywhere. I love ordering food that I don't make. For example, I don't make sushi. I'll order sushi. I don't do Thai. I'll order Thai. I don't do Indian. I'll order Indian food. Pizza? We just got a pizza oven.
So for the first time we made our own pizzas. My daughter adds pineapple and olives, cheese and tomato sauce. My son likes tomato sauce and very little cheese. My husband makes mushrooms, jalapenos and olives in his cheese and tomato sauce. Oh, my favorite drink. It's water because it's healthy for you. My drink of choice is a glass of wine and water because you want to stay hydrated. And now I've become obsessed too, I blame the kids but now the whole family loves Poppi. Okay, Poppi Drinks. Someone here? Poppi, Olipop. I feel like it's because it says prebiotic, and clearly this is healthy.
I don't know if it is or not, but I like a cute little Poppi. (laughs) After dinner, kids are always allowed to eat something sweet, you know, always. Then they go to bed and then my husband and I open the freezer and eat ice cream every night. So we lied, I'm so sorry. When you go to bed, Dad opens the freezer and pulls out an ice cream cart and we have a couple bites of ice cream every night. Because we are adults and we can, you can't and that's okay. Oh girl. What kind of ice cream?
We have a lot of ice cream. People know that I love ice cream and so for my birthday they send me ice cream of the month clubs or some kind of variety. We have so much, we always have ice cream. I love ice cream. My children love ice cream. My husband loves ice cream. It's my favorite food group. Everything, I mean, honestly, I don't even know how to answer what kind of ice cream. I can tell you that you like my favorite ice cream as much as my childhood memory of my favorite ice cream, which is Thrifty Brand ice cream.
It's become Rite-Aid, but it's Thrifty Brand ice cream and its Malted Crunch chocolate or Thrifty Brand, Rocky Road. Those are the preferred options that I think are amazing. I'm also not going to poop on McDonald's soft serve ice cream. Yes, I know the machines are often broken, but it's good soft serve for all of you. Ashton and I are big food lovers. We love si


r foods, we love exploring food. We love to eat food. We have eaten at, I would say, every ice cream parlor in Los Angeles. What we like to do is drive around and try new ice cream shops.
Sonny. Little known place. It's like this guy owns it. He's older, he's owned it forever. It's in a shopping center. It's not fancy and it's very good ice cream. And that's all I eat in a day. Be sure to watch “The Luckiest Girl in the World” on Netflix.

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