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Everything Martha Stewart Eats in a Day | Food Diaries: Bite Size | Harper’s BAZAAR

Jun 10, 2021
- I'm Martha Stewart and this is all I eat in a day. (Turning the pages) The first thing I do when I wake up is check my iPads. I have two. And I check how much energy is left in each of them. I plug them in. And I'm going to take a shower. It is very difficult for me to stay in bed later than 6:15. I wake up very early, much earlier than that. I already read the newspaper, The New York Times, from cover to cover, I did the crossword puzzle, I tried to make word games. And then I get up and go to do my ablutions.
everything martha stewart eats in a day food diaries bite size harper s bazaar
Then I go to the kitchen to get my green juice. My green juice is very special to me. I think it's really the secret to good skin. I think it's the secret to healthy, healthy hair. And I have been making juices for many years. I remember buying the first juicer, which was kind of a contraption. Now I have a really fantastic Breville Bluicer, it's called. But I like juice. I like to make vegetable juice. And the vegetables, mainly, come from my vegetable greenhouse or my garden. All year round I grow my own vegetables because I want them organic, I want them clean, I want them tasty and I want them healthy.
everything martha stewart eats in a day food diaries bite size harper s bazaar

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everything martha stewart eats in a day food diaries bite size harper s bazaar...

So green juice, cucumbers, parsley, mint, if I have it, a little piece of ginger, which I don't grow, I eat half an orange, skin included, what am I missing? Oh, I'm missing the celery. Celery is excellent, with the leaves of course. Don't throw away those leaves. It is extremely important to keep the leaves on. Oh, and I must not forget. Very important ingredient, pineapple. I don't like to put a lot of fruit. And I don't put kale or cabbage. Kale makes you burp. She gives you a stomach ache. She just doesn't taste good in the juice.
everything martha stewart eats in a day food diaries bite size harper s bazaar
After my green juice, I usually run outside and get in my Polaris, which is like a little four-wheel drive vehicle. And I drive around the property. I also control my animals. I look at the horses. I control the donkeys. I have five Sicilian donkeys. They are really cute. And they are very lively. I check the 20 peacocks. I check the 34 carrier pigeons. And I check the more than 200 laying hens and roosters. About the 17 geese that come from four different countries. The dogs love to accompany me on this little tour of the property. And that's only if I have time.
everything martha stewart eats in a day food diaries bite size harper s bazaar
If I have to get in the car and go somewhere, then that little trip is controlled by phone. After making my rounds, I return to my kitchen and treat myself to the most delicious cappuccino made in my trusty San Marco two-cup cappuccino machine. It is a kind of center of the kitchen. And I just found really good organic milk at Mast Brothers. The Mast Brothers left Brooklyn and opened a huge factory where they not only sell milk from the Battenkill farms in upstate New York, but they also make their own delicious chocolate bars. They grind their own flour.
Oh, now they're also making vinegar, delicious vinegar. And it is a beautiful factory. It is simply the most beautiful modern factory right on Mount Kisco. I'm not a snacker. I try really hard to not have anything in the house that appeals to me as a snack. Of course, people always bring me delicious pastas from New York and breads from here and there. But I really like to keep that away from me. When I traveled to New York to go to my office, I stayed in New York until after dinner. So that would be a dinner with probably a cocktail or two, or a wine, bread and butter.
All those things, even dessert. So now at home I just don't do that. I try very hard to eat a very light lunch, maybe a tuna salad. I make a really good tuna salad. Italian tuna, of course, packed in olive oil, celery, crispy apple, maybe half a shallot, lots and lots of lemon juice and a little mayonnaise, salt and pepper. It's really nice. Not long ago, dinner was absolutely delicious. I invited three friends to dinner, three singles. And again during COVID, it's been pretty difficult because everyone has to get tested. Everyone has to be safe. Everyone has to be socially distanced.
But last Saturday I made a delicious dinner. I went to the store on Wednesday or Thursday and bought a chubby organic Chicken D'Artagnan. And I bought a rack of lamb, also D'Artagnan. And for the green beans, I went to my greenhouse and picked all kinds of beautiful frisée and soft, crispy butter lettuces. And I also had new French turnips from my greenhouse. Beautiful, perfect round turnips. I recently learned how to roast chicken nomad style or Eleven Madison Park style. Pretty much the same as all other roast chickens, but with one specific difference. After washing and drying the chicken and seasoning the inside of the chicken, you then let it sit in the refrigerator overnight to dry.
Then, on the day of cooking, if you have some black truffles lying around, it's great to slice them thinly and tuck them under the loose skin of the chicken. Tie the chicken very well. You can learn how to tie a chicken, believe me. I learned from my butchers in Westport, Connecticut, 40 years ago. Grab a whole stick of unsalted butter, the best butter like Plugrá or Kerrygold. Very good butter, but it has to be at room temperature. And you spread it all over the skin of the chicken. Then you put it back in the refrigerator for at least two hours.
Then, just before your guests arrive, an hour before, you place the buttered chicken in a 425 degree oven for an hour. It was the most delicious chicken. And when I have friends over for dinner, I really like to open one or two or three suitable bottles of wine. We have a company called Martha Stewart Wine Company. You don't have to go anywhere except your computer or your iPhone to order one or two or three cases of wine of my choosing. You always have the right wine because we suggest what to serve with what. And you will always serve the right wine for the right dish.
I'm a vodka drinker, if I can be classified as any type of drinker. I really like to drink just a small vodka cocktail. I never drink alone. I don't pour myself a drink if I'm alone at home. I just don't open a bottle of wine. I don't light the candles. I don't get in the bathtub and I drink a lot of cocktails. I don't do that kind of thing. But when friends come over, I have a nice vodka on the rocks with a slice of orange from my own greenhouse. I have a citrus greenhouse. And we have really good oranges.
So, a big, thick slice of orange in that vodka and the vodka has to be really good. It has to be like the best Belvedere vodka, Imperia Vodka from Russia. Also, my daughter just introduced me to the delicious Greyhound Vodka Cocktail, which is simply freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. If you add salty rim to the glass, it's called Salty Dog. And that is also very delicious. It's almost like drinking a margarita, but with vodka. In my refrigerator, which would surprise you, I have a professional refrigerator with a glass door, large, wonderful. But my refrigerator is pretty basic.
Good Parmesan cheeses, cream cheese for the dog's pills, if they are taking pills, very good organic milk, butter, very important to have a lot of good butter, crème fraîche for the tortillas. It is very good made into an omelet. And I have fresh eggs from the chickens. And that saves me all the time. I also love to bake. The other day I baked two large Sally Lunn babka breads. A portion of it is light and fluffy. It's delicious, lightly toasted and makes for the best, best bread pudding for breakfast. That's pretty much what I like to eat in a day.
And thank you very much for watching.

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