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Everything GREAT About The Dark Knight!

Jun 01, 2021
so simple so quiet a note dragged down a violin string putting your teeth on the edge zimmer started something special when batman starts and then he really outdid himself with the joker theme do you want to have any idea who you're stealing from you and your friends are dead someone give me william fichner his own movie that's all he's right to be fair the joker isn't a


archer whatever doesn't kill you it just makes you weirder i mean has there ever been a best opening in a comic book movie in the history of We never learned so much about the Joker through his heist in just over five minutes.
everything great about the dark knight
He is a master planner who was able to maintain his anonymity in front of all the guys he hired. He specifically he is robbing a mafia bank with a future plan in mind. He fears nothing and more. all just from this nonchalant murder, no looking, slight tilt of the head, absolutely strange response and close-up of his face, we know that he is a man to be feared and a villain to be feared above all others villains, since he doesn't even subscribe to the adage honor among thieves and he's not above a simple smoke grenade faking a joke I told you my complex would take you places I never said they would be places you wanted to go and under the use of my boy Killian for sure, but I'll never complain watching him and good for him for showing up to give continuity to this universe, I can't say the same for all the actors, that's more of it, also killing Murphy is always a win , yeah, this has to be the cleanest Batcave ever, no one leaves something like that. that by chance I don't make my own luck ah double cup of follow-up hostile reference to the original origin of harvey has two faces where they throw acid in his face in a similar situation you want to kill a public servant mr. maroney I recommend it you buy american, get him out of here it's my honor to you I'm not done yet good tough guy for now fancy stuff for the city cop have help we've reached out to multiple agencies multiple agencies did I mention Gary Oldman is always a victory, what's up with that? reflector on top of the mcu if you have problems with equipment malfunctioning I suggest you take them in for maintenance you know I think part of the story that people often forget is that while maybe it should have been more easy to discover Batman's true identity, he was making life easier for most of the cops, especially Gordon who now had access to all this technology and genius, so why would they go to such lengths to investigate him?
everything great about the dark knight

More Interesting Facts About,

everything great about the dark knight...

It's one of those things that everyone probably decided not to think about. I'm sure Gordon always had his suspicions but he really didn't want to know that three buttons is a bit 90s Mr. Wayne, now I'm sure you have quite a few, in fact you never know when chainsaw spray might ruin your clothes, just be thankful you're no longer obsessed with business cards. you want to be able to turn your head, I sure got out of the driveway easier, another incredible attention to detail from Nolan, most directors would just upgrade the suit between movies and expect everyone to play along, and even the most hardcore fans Batman diehards would do it.
everything great about the dark knight
They just shrug and say yeah, that's what they do in superhero movies. Vader's suit received inexplicable upgrades why not Batman, but Nolan actually brings back the original suit and then Batman requests the upgrades. Stuff like this is what separates Nolan from the pack. Rachel told me all about you I certainly hope not even Batman is above a little ex-girlfriend sniffing around an intimidating new boyfriend so let's get a couple tables together I'm not sure they'll let us oh they should own the place or you die a Hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain, what a line two face, shadowing his own destiny and at the same time imparting wisdom to Bruce, he wouldn't really understand until he fought the joker, oh man, you thought they already had it presented, you thought wrong. no one will ever touch this chilling laugh how about a magic clue that's gone oh murder jokes heath ledger it's always a victory may he rest in peace i'm going to make this pencil disappear it's also amazing how something as gruesome as sticking a pencil in the brain of a boy through his eyeball can play to make you laugh but you are still terrified of the joker and let's talk about the aesthetics of this joker.
everything great about the dark knight
He's dirty, his makeup is caked on and dripping with sweat and you can imagine that he and his breath smell terrible. batman has no jurisdiction truer words you're crazy I'm not, no I'm not, I'll let you have the weird comment, look at a guy like me, but that's strike two, plus this is so key to the wild card, He's not crazy, he's coming. by laughing because he is mocking Lau, the laughter is a performance to inspire fear, just like his laughter when he kills the fake Batman. I guess he may be crazy, but he is in complete control and calculated at all times.
Let's not ruin these disproportionate puns even in a universe where the joker is the scariest guy in the world, he can make threatening puns, you think you can rob us and just walk away, yeah, honesty, 500 thousand dollars for this dead clown, hit three, here's my card, sorry,


it does is a victory, love. This pans around the three of them talking while Batman stands there silently, you're sitting there with words like scum and Ramirez and I never realized how much they set up the questionable nature of Gordon's men, but Dent mentions it almost every time. talk to gordon it's a


way to set up his betrayal the cia had a program in the 60's to get their people out of hot spots called sky hook you mean the big boss in the 60's should do well against the cats we're talking by pfeiffer barry hathaway all different levels of feline, it must be very difficult to like dent and want him to succeed so you can stop being batman, but also want to rub your life in his face and ruin every day he continues with your ex tightrope walk, do you want to know how?
I got these scars three hits and you can hear a story before you die why so serious I love it when it is revealed that this famous phrase was actually nothing more than a way to instill more fear and create a sense of anxious loyalty in his new bullies for how serious too yeah sound like a submarine mister wayne I mean or a bat I'm batman you silly fox batman in hong kong wins batman jumping officer brutal building in hong kong wins batman flying through hong kong when the music fades and Everything you hear It's the wind fluttering in his cape when that moment you realize the joker was right about Batman's jurisdiction.
I wonder how far Mother Bass is from Hong Kong. Oh boy, she looks good on the tube. Gordon. What you mix is ​​an Eminem joke. Have you ever wondered if Nolan said, "Okay, Heath," you know, he tone it down a little bit and he turned to him and said and Nolan shit his pants. I'm a man of my word and then I make my pants too if you look up. evil, manic laughter in the dictionary it's just this sound now that's an entry look at this face this is the face of Gotham's bright future that's half true but only for a short time until you throw them off a building I just have one question Where's Harvey?
Dent, what a performance, very few actors can walk into a room and take over the way Heath did, combining intimidation with a nervous, unhinged evil, you know, you remind me of my father, uh, praise, hair-parting beautification , I just wanted to know no. I worry about scars I put a razor in my mouth and I do this and now we get confirmation that he was just playing with the game while the razor blade against the violin string sounds louder, little by little we begin to realize that he's not actually sane and although he feels pretty safe, he wouldn't kill Rachel.
You're not so sure anymore and I really appreciate that Batman's fights are more on screen, with less quick cuts in this movie. They've definitely upped the editing game. You must love it. The Joker is excited to see Batman and can't wait to show him how his rules and the Joker's lack of rules give him an advantage. Very bad choice of words. Seriously, the Joker can't pass up a pun opportunity, come on Batman, some men just want to. watch the world burn and that's what makes this joker so special just an agent of chaos don't tell me you didn't recognize your baby out there smashing police cars on the nightly news finally someone recognizes the madness of the amount of engineering and manufacturing.
That means being Batman, obviously, they're mostly going to cover their tracks, but even the world's greatest detective and his assistant make mistakes sometimes and I should've known Mr. Reese would solve the Tumblr riddle, uh, you're thinking all. right, Batman's one step ahead this time, he knows what's going on, uh, no, here comes the Joker's music, there it is. I'll talk about the Joker's larger plan later, but this small section also captures some black. How did the Joker know that Bruce would find the fingerprint? and he ended up in that room, he didn't, it didn't matter to the plan, sure he planted the evidence because he's crazy, but even he probably thought it was a long shot, the window blind is just a distraction right before you try to shoot him .
Mayor Bruce didn't need to be there for that to work and this is awesome, don't get me wrong, but is anyone tired of this picture showing up on all those Click Baity links in nightclubs? Sometimes he's so Batman it hurts. counting on it brutal his name is chef thomas he is a paranoid schizophrenic you know if he also had dissociative identity disorder technically he could be Kurt from Ant-Man only with a new accent a name you can't give ooh the first crack in his psyche the joker's plan is exposed it is as planned to endure master wayne take it, I find it interesting that although alfred is always the one who seeks to protect bruce, in this case he is the one who gives bruce the best advice, he is the one The only one who understands any concession to the joker can't end well it's like bruce can't even understand what the joker really is because it doesn't fit into his world of motive and control alfred understands it after dealing with his kind before they I was Batman, look, we know. you're not batman because batman doesn't call himself batman oh sorry did you think this was going to be a prisoner transport with no jokers even in his amusements the joker likes little fire truck puns ?
It's funny because the Joker. he loves to laugh but apparently he likes to slaughter even more great answer saving all the good guys, yeah, and that's almost as good as having dormant nanobots in your bloodstream to restructure your anatomy and turn you into a bat pod. I wrote it right, that's not good. astute observations from The Talkative Guy Who Stole Chandler's Hat everyone already knows about it, but I'm still surprised that they actually built the bat and it was a fully functional cape and


, and speaking of practical effects, shit, this could be my Joker's favorite moment. he just plays off his carelessness so well with his finger on the trigger as he stumbles to get up after an accident.
He is so committed to chaos that he is willing to die just to ruin Batman, even though he knows he won't actually kill him. No, no, you, complete me. Joker McGuire, what's scarier than an antagonist who laughs harder the harder you hit him? I love the way the batpod accelerates like it's in gear with no max rpm, so let's talk about the much maligned joker plan, it's his own meme at the moment. period, but that's because, for the sake of comedy, people like to point out every detail as if it were planned by the joker. Actually, the first and biggest mistake everyone makes when judging the joker's ridiculously perfect plan is thinking he was the only one just because of the plan we had.
Seeing what happens doesn't mean it was his first plan, or even his preferred one, and it was simple: he knows Harvey isn't Batman, so he'll attack his convoy knowing the real Batman will show up. Best case scenario, he'll catch Harvey and then continue blowing. he or Rachel takes second place, gets captured, and has guys bombarding him on the phone. His escape plan clearly had to capture him as an option and he was totally fine with that. Could you please give me a minute or a third? Batman breaks his only rule and kills him. Which is also fine because Chaos has loyal thugs all over the city ready to do one thing if he is captured or another if he is successful.
I know there would still be comments on the details of his plan before I comment, ask yourself if it was necessary for his plan if it wasn't then it wasn't necessarily part of his plan man what a misdirection, at this point anyone who has heard of Two-face knows that Harvey is going to be two-faced, so one would assume thatThey would rescue Rachel and Dent. he barely escapes with half his face and then we get the silence of the innocents and then there are no last words, tough, nolan, tough, what do you think Logan is? And while Rachel's death is going to hurt either way, the fact that the Nolans were able to turn her into her. a pivotal part of the plot as a large part of the force working against the mob and love interest of both Harvey and Bruce makes it hurt even more than if she was just a side girlfriend and there has never been a more reason realistic and appropriate. that harvey became two-face, but as your friend I'm sorry, oh man Batman, you thought you were doing something good, but you just built up his hopes only to be crushed into oblivion, really cementing that identity and this silent pain becoming full - The rage is so intense.
What did Gordon say? There it is, the only thing you care about is money. Commit yourself completely to watching the world burn identity. Your plan. Do I really look like a guy with a plan? See what I mean. I mean, he's mostly manipulating Dent. here, but there is some truth in that his plan is usually just to create disorder. I'm not a schemer. The surprising thing about this character is how much and at the same time how little we know about him, especially considering how much he actually says. In this movie we are given enough information about the Joker.
Always feeling uncomfortable and unsure of what he could do in a hilarious and carefree way shows that he is disappointed by this little explosion that doesn't go off in succession. Do you have any idea how much whiskey would hurt on those open wounds? Dudes crossed a mental line when if you really revel in pain now, as long as this machine is at Wayne Enterprises, I won't compromise on your principles, you pick the people on the other ship, it may not be so noble, hey, ultimatum, what an amazing way to set up the geography of the building and showing us the immediate threats to Batman.
I love how the hospital evacuation created a super typical cliché. Villain, hostage and clown video game scenario. They are obviously loyal to their new alpha, also remember the metaphor of what the wild card is, one of the few injuries we see Bruce suffer in the series, other than you know, a broken back and a knee problem is the bite of dog that is sewing. at first then the joker does his best to get parallel to the dog like enjoying the wind in his fur I'm a dog chasing cars I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught him and clearly convinced his dent The joker is just a mad dog .
I want to let it go sometime, so it's set up right away so I can make Batman bleed. encounters an immovable object, what line, what character, what actor and what incredible camera movements as the camera rotates to change the orientation of the joker upwards. I think you and I are meant to do this forever and we would have seen you do it. This forever really took Gotham's white


and brought him down from our level. The craziest thing about this whole movie is that the joker part of this movie ends with him winning not all the battles clearly, but he won the war where he destroyed Dent and turned Batman. a murderous villain in the eyes of Gotham unbiased chance fair I know I already talked about the creation of Two-Face being nearly flawless, but digging even deeper into the possibility a coin toss is what determines whether Rachel lived or died, so Of course, this is what Gary Oldman becomes by taking a backseat and praying for this movie because of Ledger, but man, he was amazing too, especially his desperation and how he feels like he failed.
Then before, Genji is there with them, we have to save the dead, I have to save the dead and now. It's terrifying the thought of losing your son he's going to be fine son, he lies the way I like and I know I praised Zimmer for his part in this score, but James Newton Howard actually composed this building scene, Santa Vaca, did I always like it? Does it make you nervous? Incredible. I killed those people, that's what I can be an image of self-sacrifice or as Gordon puts it, because he is the hero that Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now, he is a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a



, yes, I get two comments on this. channel more than any other comment, I was expecting to see a 10 minute video of a blank screen with the word nothing or why didn't you upload the entire movie.
Both top-notch jokes, don't get me wrong, however, this was the The first time I wrote my script I felt like I was literally marking time in every scene. Every scene in this movie is iconic. I'm not wearing hockey pads it's a real masterpiece and I bet you can guess who I'm going to give a lot of credit for that rating every time the joker comes on the screen it's perfection he never misses a beat jay jonah It's still the best cast of a comic book character because Heath reinvented or, I mean, invented a character, others will come along and do well, maybe.
Even great, you know, I like Leto's version, but nothing will come close to this performance. It's devastatingly sad that we lost him in any part of his mental health and preparation for this role and that, but he deserved the posthumous Oscar and I thank him. Leaving us with this masterful display of talent and devotion to a character. Hello, many of you have probably heard this theory. It's worth mentioning though, as I had a similar thought. The theory is that the joker is actually some kind of war veteran who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. statement or a truck full of soldiers will explode, no one panics it's something that comes out of nowhere, sure you could say it's a good example of society's desensitization to the normal horrors of our world, but it's strangely specific and your other two examples happen in this movie many times.
Many gang members die and people get scared when the mayor's life is threatened, so it's totally plausible that his scars are from being in a truck that exploded, maybe he was the only one left alive and he just couldn't take it, so that we came back to destroy. the establishment and introduces chaos to write the mistakes he suffered. He also seems very comfortable in the honor guard. So comfortable that no one notices. He is also proficient with a lot of different weapons and explosives. He is clearly an incredible strategist and says this never starts with. the victim's head becomes foggy, lending credence to the idea that he has been on one side or the other of some serious interrogation beyond cops and criminals.
He's convincing and I don't put it past Nolan, but I really appreciate that he doesn't explain himself at all. later in the story the joker's empty story the lack of a name makes him the villain he is the fact that the true story of his scars is unknown makes him that much scarier because what real event could be scarier than how our Minds fill the gaps. In some ways I see the wild card as existing in a vacuum. I suppose he inflicted the scars on himself and his self-creation was a response to number one, the lack of proper villains in Gotham and number two, the hero superiority that is Batman's nature. he finds the balance, the wild card was that balance in my eyes, the


knight is about choice versus opportunity or control versus chaos, while Batman tries to control every situation and wants to understand his enemy so he can make the right decision that the joker strives to present.
Chaos to make every choice seem meaningless Batman chooses to save Rachel but the Joker tricked him into making his choice irrelevant. In fact, I also think there's a pretty good chance that each ship had their own detonators or worse, since the joker only had one, each detonator controlled both. ships bomb the unstoppable force that is the prankster forces people to choose to expose something about their humanity or in their fantasy lack of humanity what each of his victims doesn't realize is that their decisions make no sense he will always win even when loses, the only way to deal with it is to not play its game, but even that can end in your death.
I keep using the word chaos so much that it's kind of lost its meaning. The point is he doesn't have an end plan, his plan just goes on and on there is no end game with no goal in mind, how do you stop him? In fact, just to drive that idea home, once he won in every criminal sense of the word, he burned down a forest, that's what makes him so terrifying. Batman can sometimes do that he will not play into the joker's hands because his objectives can change in an instant. Everything in this movie is incredible.
The cinematography, the writing of each performance. It's a film I will continue to return to for years to come, even if it has some depressing aspects. The amazing thing about this movie is that I talked a lot about the Joker and while I think it's the best thing to come out of this movie, that's really saying something because it's so well put together, Nolan made a movie in four acts, I don't feel bloated, I know not everyone loved this interpretation of Two-Face and felt a little cheated, but for me, Two-Face was in the entire movie, just not in his final form.
He's constantly torn between the order and justice of Batman and the chaos and disorder of that Joker. is pushing him towards harvey dent, he lost everything by making the right decisions, in fact the sacrificial decisions, there are actually some more hidden meanings in this movie, but my friends at Wisecrack do a great job of addressing them, they dive deep in the duality and symbolism represented in this. movie, so check it out if you haven't already and if you're one of my super smart, hyper smart fans who caught the Rick and Morty reference in this video and want to hear more, they have an awesome playlist linked at the end This video includes everything from Get Schwifty to Sichuan Sauce and how geniuses Dan Harmon and Justin Roland managed to tell the greatest stories of all time and all done in a truly entertaining way.
More links in the description anyway, this is the hardest thing I can do in this teaser frame. what good luck you

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