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Everything 'Call Her Daddy' Host Alexandra Cooper Eats In A Day | Food Diaries | Harper's BAZAAR

May 20, 2024
- Hi, I'm Alexandra Cooper and this is "Everything I Eat in a Day." The first thing I do when I wake up is roll over, pick up the phone, and text my boyfriend, “Coffee and Henry,” who is my dog. And then I wait and wait and wait and then I hear the little chime and my boyfriend opens the door, my dog ​​jumps on the bed, I hug him and my boyfriend serves me coffee every morning. He is a gem. I usually drink iced coffee unless it's very, very cold. I'm not a masochist, like, I'll have a hot coffee, but I do like an iced coffee and I'll put oat milk in it.
everything call her daddy host alexandra cooper eats in a day food diaries harper s bazaar
I recently switched from almond to oats and it's been a pretty fabulous transition, I'll say that myself. It's purely just the milk. I'm not going to go try something new at Starbucks, a mocha latte frappe chai, look, I don't even know. It's just normal coffee, maybe blonde roast, medium roast, dark roast, I can alternate, but always with a little bit of oat milk. I grew up never drinking coffee. I went through my entire college experience and had never had a cup of coffee. Honestly, I started drinking coffee because I think I started going to meetings in my adult life and thinking, "Do you want a coffee?" "Sure." I like it but I don't depend on it, if that makes sense.
everything call her daddy host alexandra cooper eats in a day food diaries harper s bazaar

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everything call her daddy host alexandra cooper eats in a day food diaries harper s bazaar...

So I will never go out of my way to get it, but when it is brought to me, I appreciate it, cherish the moment and drink it all. Every morning, unless I run out, I eat an all-toasted bagel with cream cheese. I like to make a bagel with regular cream cheese and a side with chives. It was a struggle when I came to Los Angeles when I moved here from New York for New York bagels. Everyone says, "Are New York bagels better or is it just because you like buying them at a deli and you just like to mistreat them to get the bagel?" That might be true, but I feel like New York bagels are better than LA bagels.
everything call her daddy host alexandra cooper eats in a day food diaries harper s bazaar
So, I mourned the loss of my New York bagels. I thought, you know, "Is there a way to get them sent to me?" No one has sent them to me, so if you want, my address is, I'm just kidding. (laughs) But, you know, I've gotten used to a bagel being a bagel. I will eat the ones from the supermarket that are like in the package. As if I didn't care. I am a very hungry person and I am not ashamed or ashamed of that. It's okay to say it, okay? The success of my relationship, I will say, depends on whether or not I have eaten that day.
everything call her daddy host alexandra cooper eats in a day food diaries harper s bazaar
My boyfriend will say, "You're a different person when you haven't eaten." So I constantly make sure I have snacks around me. I usually go to my office and I'm sitting in an editing room editing whatever episodes are coming up, so there's plenty of time to snack, okay? I, in the morning, after my bagel, sometimes I go down to the kitchen and maybe buy some Welch fruit snacks. You can't just eat one, you have to eat three, so I usually have a handful of those, maybe some chips, I love some sour cream and onion Pringles. But usually I'm waiting for lunch.
You know, I thought about lying because I watched some of these videos and I saw the bone broth, I saw the tea and for me it's going to be a sandwich. It's what makes me feel happy and good and lately I have two places where I always have a sandwich for lunch. Joe and The Juice, I'll bring a tuna. Whatever you do with that bread, it will be so crispy. Okay, that crunch that Joe and The Juice have perfected is unmatched. So I almost bought Joe and The Juice a sandwich and then a smoothie, it's like this strawberry banana almond milk smoothie.
Is very good. But sometimes I want to turn up the volume a little bit and get All About That Bread, which is this amazing place in Los Angeles. I basi


y make my own version of an Italian. It is ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, pepper, mayonnaise, mustard, salt, vinegar, pepper. I need all the flavors, I can't, and then I eat some Cheetos and put them in there or whatever chips I can get. I love fries on a sandwich. If you don't like that, I don't trust you. I love fries. Cheetos, Lays, sour cream and onion, salt and vinegar.
If it's a certain day I need that kind of vibe. My office usually makes popcorn, so I'll do that. An Arnold Palmer is always a good option. I'm actually just eating fries. What else would you eat? Again, I could sit here and lie and say that my favorite dish for dinner is salmon. And that would be true because I cooked that recently and it was one of the first things I tried to cook. It didn't turn out great. It wasn't horrible. I ate it, not all of it, because it was a little disgusting. I think I undercooked it.
I'm not a great chef, but I'm going to keep striving to improve, if that makes sense. So I'm always ordering, okay? This will surprise people who live in Los Angeles. My favorite


, if it's my


to die for, will always be chicken parmesan. Always from start to finish, I prefer chicken parm, okay? (laughs) One day I couldn't order at Dan Tana's. If you live in Los Angeles, you know that Dan Tana's is iconic. And I couldn't order at Jon and Vinny's. Those are the two places to go to get chicken parmesan. So I'm searching on Uber Eats and see a chicken parmesan option from The Nice Guy.
Whether you live in Los Angeles or not, let me tell you what Nice Guy is. It's a nightclub, okay? But I was so desperate for a chicken parmesan that I ordered the Nice Guy, thinking, "You know what? Expectations are low, but it doesn't matter. I need the crunch, I need the cheese, I need the pasta. Let's do it." there." Phenomenal. It really was phenomenal. I started eating it, again, with low expectations, and now sometimes I order it instead of Jon and Vinny's. It's like I'm eating chicken parmigiana at the club, but I'm not into it. the disco.
I'll be alone at the nightclub with the chicken parmigiana at my house. I'm like, "Should I throw a green one in there?" Asparagus is too chewy and we don't like the side effects of what Broccoli does. No one asked me, I'm just saying. I love this new whiskey I've been drinking, Hibiki Whiskey. You don't even need a hunter. On the rocks is the ideal option. But I recently moved to a new house, which is really cool. I have plants that grow fruits and vegetables. I'm going to go back to my roots in Pennsylvania, okay? Grapefruit is grown on one of the plants.
So I started making grapefruit and vodka. Hey, health and wellness, thank you. Okay, so McConnell's ice cream is my favorite late night dessert. I would say that I restock every six or seven days. I get all the flavors, just in case, and I'll make a bowl of McConnell's ice cream where the salted caramel brownie, the gooey double chocolate chip is. There are all different types and I will put a lot of different balls in different flavors. Who wants an ice cream flavor? I don't. If I come home from a night out, this sounds gross, okay? I've recently been liking Trader Joe's egg rolls with ranch dressing.
Don't come for me, you have to try it. You put them in the oven for 15 to 25 minutes at 400, let those babies kick in, roast them a little bit and then drizzle them with some ranch and I'm obsessed with it. I used to make mozzarella sticks. It's almost like when you eat something too many nights and it makes you sick. You say, "I can't even look at you because you remind me of what I did the other night." So the egg roll makes me feel fresh and new and like I haven't made a mistake, this is beautiful.
Is that disgusting? I've never really come across anything I don't like to eat, except that I love a dirty martini, but I won't eat a single olive. But if you take me to any kind of restaurant, I definitely don't have something and I'm like, "I can't eat that." I don't have any allergies. I am a game. I'll try anything. My food on death row, you shouldn't have asked me that, because now we'll be here for five hours. It's a game, Alex, don't take it too seriously. Okay, I think my breakfast. Wait, do you have breakfast? (laughs) I say, "I get breakfast, lunch, and dinner." Wait, no, no, no.
You only get one. I'm going to go with a pizza margherita, chicken wings, and fries as an appetizer with a couple shots of tequila because we're going down, so I just want to ease my way into that. You know, my main dish would be chicken parmesan. I would like the pasta to have vodka sauce. Please don't judge me. Because I want some surf and turf, and I know it sounds gross, but I'd have a lobster tail on the side and I'd have a glass of wine and the bread that's like puffy bread that has garlic all over it and like melted butter. what's wrong with it.
Oh, and then my dessert. I guess I'd have a huge bowl of ice cream, but I'd like a hot chocolate chip cookie on the side. Well, you know, that was a lot of fun. I hope you learned a little more about me. And if they want to spend some time with me, they can always go see "Call Her Daddy." It's my podcast, but you can watch it now because I make videos. It is fun. We do a lot of celebrity interviews, so check out “Call Her Daddy” only on Spotify.

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