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May 30, 2021


Josh kisses me I'm going to take off a




, I'm going to take it off, go away, what if I'm outside and he kisses me and then I have to be naked outside in front of the workers, relax, wait? what are you doing, we're filming, put some clothes on, yeah, you're completely naked, okay guys, I don't have


, so hurry up, hurry up with this intro, but what's up? Okay today, either I'm going to be completely naked on the Internet or I'm going to be sweating to death because we live in Arizona and I'm going to have a lot of


s and I'm going to be really hot, but anyway joshy b is in the car, my


and well, That's still very strange. to say it's in the car and basically today


time josh kisses me I'm going to take off a layer of clothes, I'm going to do this in my gym part and then I'm going to see how many clothes I'm going to have to take off and I'm not really working with much, I literally only have this and then I have my sports bra in my pants so he can only kiss me once at the gym, but once I get home from the gym, if I get home because if I have to go naked I'll probably die of embarrassment, but one Once I get home I'll put on my


day clothes so it's not my gym style and then I'll see if I can get naked enough.
every time my husband kissed me i removed a layer of clothing
This is so bad. Although it's very funny, basically all he has to do is kiss me and then Claire, a player, will take off a layer of


, this might be the only day in my life that I don't want Joshy B to kiss me this and if She had her wisdom teeth


but can we also take a moment, how cute is this jd fit cropped hoodie and then I also have the legendary shorts that are so cute and so stretchy, this pair is just I'm so excited in case that you needed that full body fit look I'm obsessed with this sorry guys okay now let's hope this whole outfit stays on my body because like I said I literally only have a sports bra and then this and not taking my pants off , first I'm going to take this off and then I could go topless, oh my god, okay guys, we're going to almost swim, not really, but we both dress like this. glue, yes, we both wear blue, boys, today is the first day your boys go out in public without a boot.
every time my husband kissed me i removed a layer of clothing

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every time my husband kissed me i removed a layer of clothing...

I still can't walk normally, but as if that's an exaggeration, you're still going to use your back. I almost did it to you. You almost got me back why did you hurt me like that I'm sorry hey it's terribly hot in Arizona today it's actually going to be 90 but it's just like taking it off it's in the morning it's only like 70 but pick it up that's all if You're going to drive the jeep with the doors closed You have to be stunned Okay, you know what I'm saying, it's actually not that hot, it's a little cold, it's still morning time anyway, we're going to go to the gym, so we're doing okay.
every time my husband kissed me i removed a layer of clothing
I may have lied it's a little cold I'm freezing you just said you're calling me stupid I'm ah that's cold though I'm a savage guys I'm a savage I don't need a jacket okay it's too early it's so cold for this it's not so cool it's a little cold I'm really cold ah it's really cold okay guys josh just came into the gym but that was too fast first of all I froze because it's hot here but in the morning it becomes real, it's colder because we're in the desert First of all he can't kiss me at the gym like I literally have to avoid him the entire workout because if he kisses me I have to leave.
every time my husband kissed me i removed a layer of clothing
I'd be naked, oh that was too fast. I didn't think he would kiss me so soon. It's okay guys. I just finished running two miles and I've been avoiding Joshua because he can't see me because if he sees me and I can't deny a kiss, but they know what I can avoid so that's what I'll have to do. He is doing legs. I've literally been everywhere, but where he's been at the gym, I can't run into him, okay? I got home joshua is letting the dogs out right now that was so close I froze in the jeep it was so cold it's so cold on the highway but what nothing hello puppies hello topper copper why are you eating me hello topper oh hello benches are so cute, did you miss me? look at him he always does this does someone else's dog do it when they miss him?
He puts his mouth around my wrist hey buddy, okay guys, it's time for me to put on a normal outfit and I'm going to plan on wearing some layers, but I also want this game to be a little interesting. I can't wear too many layers so let's choose my fit guys my outfit is on and I probably didn't plan this. too strategic one because I have a t-shirt and then pants, I can't lose any of these, so I'm in bra, then underwear, but you know what I did, I added the sunglasses and if they kiss I'll take them off, so we must stay away from Joshua.
Can we take a moment? The fact that these jeans are back in style is crazy, but they are so incredibly cute and flattering that we rock them and the low rise is making a comeback. What, brother, if we didn't do the most adult thing we've ever done in our lives, like the first insurance your boy was getting us? You know, I have to protect me, my girl, this, my wife, now I have to feel, I really feel the need for what. breaking you, no you're like crushing me, I feel the need to protect her like you know what I'm saying, yeah you have to protect me, I have to protect yourself, keep me safe, okay I just connected this with the fun of health insurance fire protection. wow, fun moment, i really hope it's a little housewife, thank you so much babe, she cleaned the whole house, look at the house, i don't know what the hell these glasses are, look at the house pretty clean, besides that, that has than being a housewife. and cleaning the house, very good job girl, you're welcome, forget a kiss, give me josh, do you like mini pants?
What's happening? Do you know what you told them? Be honest now. What are pants? They are growing on me. Are good. Josh doesn't like the look of flared pants, they're disgusting, they're really flattering, like my butt looks good now, my legs look nice, I like them, I like them, I like them, you hate me, oh my god, no I'm just kidding, they're growing on me, they're coming at me, they're coming at me, we'll see where it goes oh no frills mommy is crying you have to make her happy mommy's crying stop her go find mommy go make her happy go make her happy , she's crying, she's crying, make her happy guys, oh, give her kisses, go ahead, what's going on?
It's okay, guys, if topper was the one kissing me, I'd be naked by now. Hate, he already


me, no, I lost my sunglasses, what am I going to do? Can you two stop getting a room or something? Look, they are literally going crazy. Ah, his voice is here in the office working a little and I'm literally. I haven't seen my wife all day she's ignoring me I don't know what I did wrong maybe I should go get her some flowers or something because she seems mad at me I don't even know I don't think she Remember the joke I made her yesterday about that very fast.
You know no, I'm in a movie. Come on, I need you. I need my wife. What did you say? Hey? I found her. Are you here? Yeah, oh, you're relaxing. the left is like that oh she's on the side of love give me some love baby you don't love me in the vlogs i do it you don't love me it's really hot wait you're literally making me smell hot right , it's a change, oh. It's that time of the month don't look at this new sports bra look this is not a sports bra this is a t-shirt I call it whatever okay it's a sports bra coming out today yeah I'm just kidding do you like it? how I wore a shirt on your shirt, yeah why did you get lucky just because I thought what is this shirt anyway what's in this?
I don't know, but let's go with your wardrobe recently, you have some flared pants, there is a black shirt listen, who is this man? I'm wearing this because I wasn't sure if I feel like the fitness vibe if I feel like the trendy vibe so what are you feeling now now that you've switched to fitness huh? Bush, do you want your ball? Okay, excuse me, what did you just say young lady, young lady, have some respect for yourself? I do, guys, we are so excited about this room, it's going to be sick, it's about to become a dope film room, this wall is It will be painted black, there will actually be boring plants in here, I don't know what's going on with that and then this wall will be a sickly hedge like grass, you must tidy up, that's why you have everything in one job.
Okay, I'm so sorry, I love you, why are you kissing me so much today? Are you sure you want to kiss me? I don't even think I caught it on camera. You are denying me, but how are you going to kill your


? Surely you want to kiss me I don't know if I have I don't know it's my breath Are you sure you want to kiss me? What does that mean? I smell like boys. I'm sure I'm sure you're that cute, I'm free, well, jd, family, we're left with just the bra and pants, there's not much more room to kiss, otherwise I'll be completely naked in this video, Joshy B, I don't know why I feel good, he always kisses.
I appear a lot in the videos, in fact I should have put on more layers. I'm an idiot, this is my new fit. I guess that's okay, guys, so I'm going to film a tick tock right now and show it to you. a little behind the scenes of me shooting the stick duck but I have to mute it because I don't want to get cut off what are you doing what are you doing did you ruin me what's your outfit what tic tac is this I'm taking the trip, go ahead look how cute the copper, huh, we have nice decorations, does my outfit look weird like today?
People think it's weird, don't tick your outfit. I think you like it, thanks honey, it's okay guys, Josh just came out and Just before we left, he said, Oh, honey, would you like to water the plants for me? And I said, yes, of course, because I don't know how to say no, but I feel very uncomfortable wearing what I am. Wearing it like it's no big deal, but I'm wearing it like a sports bra and then just jeans and there's all these workers outside so it's going to be super awkward because I don't know and then what if what if?
I'm outside and he kisses me, he kisses me outside and then I have to be naked outside in front of the workers, that's my fear. That's where we are now, outside watering the plants and everyone is staring at me and probably even more now that I'm filming guys, look how amazing our pool looks. I'm going to jump into it, but I'm wearing jeans, Josh. What's coming? Give me a kiss. I'm hot. I just want to kiss. I'm hot. You are hot. Come. Kiss me, the construction workers are gone, we can do whatever we want, wait for this, what are you offering me?
Don't worry, wait what you're doing. How about that movie? How would you do it with yourself? What are you doing? What are you actually doing? Is the camera supposed to be recording? Yeah, okay, do you want to explain what you're doing, let's go skinny dipping or are we skinny? We film it, we put on some clothes, I was actually thinking about it, okay, I'm going to move my hands. three two one honey, what are you doing? Okay, we'll be right back after this commercial break. We have to go. Actually, what are you doing? What are you doing?
I just wanted to take off my shirt. It was hot and you gave me a kiss. I wanted to know if we're skinny dipping or what, well let's see give me a kiss okay come on wait what's going on here stop guys I'm sorry this video has to end real soon because joshibi just wanted to. to kiss me a lot today so what do you mean, what do you mean, brother, you have to be very careful with the way you feel, I'm just putting on the tapper face, cover your eyes, this is very important, don't look. to your mom like this oh my god guys I don't know what the hell my wife is doing or what happened to her today I have to run to get an ankle exam when I get back I'm going to get to the bottom of this, no I don't know the bed What are you doing ?
No, but what are you doing? You kept kissing me today like you should. You are my wife. Yes very good. Every time you kiss me today, I will take off a layer of clothes. oh my god, you're bringing back you're bringing back dad, it's been like we haven't done that in years, what is this, oh my god, you're so fucking naked, it's like one in the afternoon, already you're naked obviously I


you enough you're so cute I love you I love you too oh by the way I played a prank on you yesterday last night I don't know if you remember you were sleeping what did you do oh my god baby yeah I don't I don't know you'll watch the video when it's live you'll see the video when it's live oh oh

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