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EVERY SINGLE Jedi That Survived Order 66! (2024 Updated)

Jun 17, 2024
Order 66 is perhaps the most significant event in the entire Star Wars timeline. The Sith's grand plan finally came to fruition when Darth Cidus uttered three iconic words. Execute Order 66. The Secret Order identified all Jedi as traitors to the Galactic Republic and therefore subject to summary investigation. execution by the clone troopers, the


was programmed into the Clones at a young age through behavioral inhibitor chips implanted in their minds by the shaman scientists, this made Order 66 along with 149 other clone contingency


s They were almost impossible for the Clones to disobey, even if he wanted the Jedi to have no idea that the clones they had fought for years would turn on them in an instant, this in addition to the fact that the clones were modeled after the Notorious Jedi assassin and bounty hunter D Jango Fett made Order 16 66 few survivors and Long before Order 66, the Jedi were said to number around 10,000 and perhaps between 1 and 200


the initial Purge, while many others would be hunted for years to come, so with many recent additions, let's take a look at the


list. these are all the Jedi who


Order 66, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi, let's get the two original survivors of Order 66 out of the way.
every single jedi that survived order 66 2024 updated
Obi-Wan and Yoda obiwan Kenobi was in udow at the time of Order 66 after of having killed General Grievous Clone Commander. Cody received Order 66 just as Kenobi crossed a cliff. Cody ordered an atte to shoot the Jedi Master with Kenobi falling to the waters below and assumed that the dead Kenobi would escape the planet and reunite with Yoda before handing baby Luke Skywalker to him. aunt and uncle on Tatooine, where he hid and protected Luke, and eventually trained Anakin Skywalker's son. Grand Master Yoda was leading the Republic forces as they repelled the droid attack on the Wooki homeworld of Kashik when Order 66 fell in such unmatched force.
every single jedi that survived order 66 2024 updated

More Interesting Facts About,

every single jedi that survived order 66 2024 updated...

Connecting to the light side of the forest, Yoda could sense the shift in balance in the Galaxy as the death of his fellow Jedi sent shockwaves through the force as Clone Commander Gree and Captain Jack SN quickly attacked Grandma Yoda. Backflipped and decapitated the two soldiers, the Jedi Grand Master then fled the planet with the help of Chewbacca and Wooki Chieftain Turl and went into exile on Deoa, where he would later be found by Luke Skywalker, whom he helped train. before dying of old age, Yoda and Obi-Wan. They both received training from Qui-Gon Jin, allowing them to become one with the Force after his death, granting them the ability to appear as Force ghosts.
every single jedi that survived order 66 2024 updated
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every single jedi that survived order 66 2024 updated
Countu and many more, the blade can be changed to 12 different colors and 11 different lighting effects. It is also equipped with a smooth flash turn on Clash tip drag and Blaster blocks. If you want to grab the red net, head over to onus red5 net web, the link will be in the description and the comment pinned now back to the video Ahsoka Tano Ahsoka was leading the siege of Mandalore alongside Captain Rex and company 332 just Before Order 66 while transporting the captured mall through hyperspace, the order was issued by Rex, who Ahsoka was aware of ARC Trooper 5's investigation and biochips was able to briefly resist the order.
Ahsoka employed some specialized techniques taught to her by Anakin Skywalker to evade the Clones' Blaster fire once he learned about the inhibitor chips. Ahsoka helped Rex take off his. and the two escaped the crashed Jedi cruiser, then faked their own deaths and would later serve in the Rebellion alongside the Specter Rebel cell that resurfaced in the Mandalorian timeline. Ahsoka now finds herself trapped in peridia with Sabine and Ezra at the end of the first season of her own spin-off series, Balen Skull was a Jedi Knight and general in the Grand Army of the Republic when Order 66 was issued.
We have yet to find out how He exactly survived the purge, but we do know that he became disillusioned with Jedi ideals and became a mercenary, later taking on Shin Hati as his apprentice. He trained her to be more than just a Jedi. Shin was born and trained after Order 66, hence his admission to the list. Caleb Doom Caleb Doom was the DEA trainee bleated with his The teacher sacrificed herself and gave Doom enough time to flee from the clone troopers. Doom was able to evade further attempts on his life with the help of the bad lot whose mutations made his inhibitor chips ineffective, apart from Crosshair, who is the young Jedi and then went into hiding. and he changed his name to Kanan Jerus and eventually joined the rebel ghost team Keller and Beck and Grou in season 2 of The Mandalorian.
Ahsoka revealed to us not only Gru's name but that she was present at the Jedi Temple during Order 66 after a small tease in the book. Boba Fett's Mandalorian season 3 finally showed us exactly how the group was initially protected by many Jedi, but were quickly taken to an elevator that took them to Keller and Beck, nicknamed The Saber Hand. Beck showed off his lightsaber skill by defeating With the help of Naboo's royal security forces, Beck and Grou were able to flee Corusant aboard a Nabu yacht. Calcus Calcus is the protagonist of the Jedi Fall in Order and Survivor games, as is Caleb Doom.
Cestus was a young Padawan at the time of Order 66 with Jaro Toal. Serving as his master, Toal and Cus were able to evade the 13th Battalion for some time by sabotaging their Jedi cruiser while making a break for the escape pods just before boarding a pod, Toal was fatally shot before giving Cal his saber. of light and with his last words saying his padawan would trust only in the force, the sabotaged Jedi cruiser would explode and the calculation would hide his Jedi identity working as a scrapper in brocka until the events of Fallen order quinland Voss quinland Voss was a Maverick among the Jedi Order and gained a reputation for bending. rules Voss was included in a deleted scene from Revenge of the Sith Order 66 having been present on Kashik along with Yoda, that scene showed Voss being brutally killed by a Juggernaut clone tank;
However, thanks to the Obi-Wan Kenobi show we know that Voss survived Order 66 and later helped lead a network that helped smuggle fugitive Jedi after Order 66. We're not sure exactly how Vos survived. the initial purge on Cannon, but in Legends he survived the explosion depicted in the deleted scene and fled to the Kashik jungle before resurfacing. killing the psychotic clone commander Fay before the soldier could call in an airstrike on a nearby forest. Town the wall of Kenobi the wall we just mentioned From the path The safe house in Kenobi also contained some other engravings with names, this includes romoda Akira Drake Logan Valen houseon Jin alus Corwin Shel roganda isarin and Mos falcona, all of these Jedi exist In the Legends continuity Luminara Uli as Quinland Voss Luminara Uli was also stationed in Kashik and also appeared in a deleted scene from Order 66 where she was shot dead by several clones on a beach.
In Star Wars Rebels we learn that Luminara survived the events. initials of Order 66 shortly after being captured by the Empire and executed, her body was then used by the Grand Inquisitor to lure other Jedi to their demise, the Inquisitors telling the Inquisitors that they are all former Jedi and, therefore, Therefore, survivors of Order 66. The Inquisitors were dark agents who reported to Darth Vader with the task of hunting down the Jedi survivors of Order 66. We are working on a video that will go over all the Inquisitors very soon if not. Already published jasta new josta new was the librarian of the Jedi Temple on Corusant for decades before the great Jedi Purge, she managed to flee Corusant and attempted to establish a new Jedi School Jo Costa returned to the temple to retrieve a holocron that listed


fourth child. sentients in the Galaxy before Order 66, but the new one was tracked down by Darth Vader and the Inquisitors and killed by the Sith Lord Seir Junda Seir Junda was Trilla's master Sudari and the pair survived the initial execution of Order 66 e attempted to hide several young people, eventually the master and padawan were captured and tortured by the Empire with Trilla breaking down and becoming the second sister.
She turned away from the force for fear of falling deeper into the dark side until she met Cestus and he became her new master dedicated to restoring the Jedi Order and building her own archive. Seer was eventually killed by Darth Vader in his Jedi cash in Jedi Eno Cordova a Jedi Researcher and archaeologist Eno Cordova disappeared after exploring the galaxy in search of the mysterious race known as the Zeo, surviving Order 66. After having a vision of the fall of the Jedi, she eventually reunited with her former padan seir junda and established an archive on the planet jeda that operated as a base for the hidden path Cordova was eventually betrayed and killed by the next entry on our list bod Akuna a former Jedi intelligence officer during the Clone Wars bod Akuna fell in love and left the Jedi behind becoming a mercenary to support his family discovered by the Empire Bod traded the safety of himself and his young daughter by becoming an operative for the Bureau of Imperial Security infiltrating Calus's rebel group.
Akuna was eventually revealed to be an agent of the Empire and a former Jedi when he betrayed Cus and killed Eno Cordova, however Cus and his surviving friends hunted down Akuna and killed him on the mysterious planet known as Tanalur. Taran Malakos was once a trusted Jedi General during the Clone Wars after he shot down the clone troopers attacking him. Mal landed in Damir, home of the mysterious witches known as Nightsisters. There he met Marin and told her that the Jedi were responsible for the genocide of her sisters when in reality it was General Grievous. Malakos promised her revenge if she taught him the magic of the night sisters.
When Calcus arrived at Damir and learned of Malakos' deception, the two dueled until Marin used her magical night sister to inum malakos on the ground ganji the wooki Jedi ganji was a young man introduced into the Clone Wars. We're not sure how he survived the purge, but at some point he was captured by and aided by Vanguardaxis droids. Of the bad lot he was returned to Kashik, his fate seems bleak as we know that the Wookiees would soon be enslaved by the Empire, making Ganji one of the Inquisitors' first likely targets. Nari Nari was a Jedi who survived Order 66 and spent years trying to find a way.
To fight the Empire, his travels eventually took him to Tatooine while he was pursued by the Inquisitors, intentionally putting both Obi-Wan Kenobi and young Luke Skywalker at risk. Obi-Wan attempted to persuade Narri to abandon his Jedi self, but Narri intervened. too late and Nari was killed by the Inquisitors faren bar faren bar was a padawan when Order 66 was issued and it is unknown exactly how he survived the initial events of The Purge faren managed to learn the identity of Darth Vader and Order 66 with this knowledge He began recruiting people sympathetic to the fallen Jedi to overthrow the Sit's control over the Galaxy.
He was eventually killed in


combat by Darth Vader after being discovered in Monola. Eth Coth, a former Jedi Master and member of the Council, Eth Coth, left the order during the Clone. Wars and they settled to have a family Darth Vader and his inquisitors arrived moments after the birth of Eo's daughter and the former Jedi was killed by the Sith Lord. His daughter was kidnapped for Palpatine's Harvester project, which was designed to turn four sensitive young people to the Dark Side. Agents Kak and Fill Karak and Fill was not an active member of the Jedi Order during Order 66, but rather in some form of penance when Order 66 occurred, he felt the death of the Jedi the same way Yoda felt it in The search for a Darth kyber crystal.
Vader tracked down to a Jedi Temple on an unnamed Moon, the Sith Lord defeated and executed in fill by taking the deceased Jedi kyber Crystal and bleeding it red for his new Sith lightsaber. Med introduced in the novel. The Force collector nocm left the Jedi Order sometime before the Order. 66 and fathered a daughter with an unidentified woman after learning of the great Jedi Purge and a confrontation with the grand Inquisitor. Nocm abandoned his family to protect them. Zuban and Canori Zuban was first introduced in the mobile game StarWars Uprising after somehow surviving Order. 66 were given shelter in a Jedi Sanctuary along with other Jedi.
Tragically, all of them were eventually killed by the inquisitors. Darth Vader's List Oppo ran cissus Colman cajj koni and cellro ulos were all names on a list of known survivors compiled by the Inquisitors as shown in the Darth Vader comics, rancisis and kaj, served on the Jedi High Council in a moment, while little is known about the other two or how either of them evaded The Purge mil alth and vivt stag mil alth and vivt stag were former Jedi initiates at the same time. Like Skywalker, however, they both left the Jedi Order during the early Clone Wars and were bounty hunters by the time of the First Order Resistance War.
Dean Gara Dean Gara barely makes our list as a technicality who survived Order 66 because they had actually kept him suspended. animation over hundreds of years since the days of the High Republic it's also arguable that he was still a Jedi even when he went into stasis, but that's enough for our breakdown of


Jedi who survived Order 66, who was your favorite Jedi who survived . Order 66 let us know in the comments, join us to chat more in our community Discord Server Linked in the description, if you enjoyed today's Star Wars video, we have more on screen for you right now.
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