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Every Pokémon Season RANKED From Worst to Best.

Jul 02, 2024
In this video I'm going to rank each


of Pokémon from




, since it's the anime's 27th anniversary, now is the perfect time to reveal where I think each of these


s stands in comparison to each other, including Pokémon Horizons, but before we start. A quick shout out to the sponsor of this video Opera GX Are you a Pokémon Master struggling with a browser that eats up your resources like a Snorlax? Well, Opera GX is here to change the game with its GX control feature. Say goodbye to delays while browsing. With multiple tabs open during your Pokémon adventure, relive the nostalgia of your first Game Boy experience with GX mods.
every pok mon season ranked from worst to best
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every pok mon season ranked from worst to best

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every pok mon season ranked from worst to best...

Things worked out in the end, we have the


adventures of season 16 in Univa and Beyond the Univa League and in Team Plasma Arc and Charizard returning finally have a good balance of events between Ash's Gym Battles, however this season also has some of the worst. In episodes like Misty throwing toga tick double Max and whatever Team Aqua and Magma were doing half the time, there are definitely some great moments here too, but you can tell they were still trying to find their footing when it comes to no- ash and may episodes season 3 the journeys of the jodo because it is the season to introduce a new region we have a little more events Here we have Ash catching the initiators of the jodo Charizard's burning ambition the first two gym battles are not not bad at all, but what stops it from going even higher is its pace, it slows down quite a bit compared to the previous season due to the long stretches of formula 8 fillers that would continue to plague the rest of Jodo Saga's season 2 adventures in the Orange Islands. some credit for giving us moments where Charizard obeyed Ash, Ash caught Snorlax, and Ash won the Orange League, but other than that, the Orange Islands were pretty forgettable, they got rid of Brock for Tracy, and most of it felt like filler until we got Jodo, which is ironic considering Jodo was mostly filler, but technically this season includes Kanto hits like The Ultimate Test, Breeding Censer, Secret Volcano, Panic, The Pahuna, Go West, Young Meowth and even the league that helped elevate him that much higher.
every pok mon season ranked from worst to best
The sixth season of Pokémon moved forward, this is the first season where Ash started again with just Pikachu and it was really refreshing, it was great to see how he improved as a trainer and this was also the first season that really focused on someone you know besides by Ash. Here we have May, who discovers her own path to becoming. a top coordinator, this really distinguished itself from the original series and made things much more interesting except for Max, we didn't really talk about him season 24 Pokemon Master Journeys like kloe Eevee Pokemon Journeys had unlimited possibilities but in the end it was a disappointment. and what do you know, this is the season to introduce Khloe's Evolution Quest now, although there were many fun moments in this season, such as the return of old characters in Pokémon, as well as a handful of exciting battles in PWC, this is the worst season by Journey. because it's the one with the most useless fillers or just downright disappointing episodes and when the first half of the season came around especially OMG it was the horrible pacing of season 5 Master Quest this is the season where jodo finally found its footing , still suffers something. of the same problems as its previous seasons, but it had a lot more to offer to make up for that, not only did we get the Lugia Arc but we also got three solid Gym Battles and then this season's amazing jodo league has some of the best ones. battles throughout the original series and does a great job of not only concluding this series but also setting up the next season. 12 galactic battles this season provided the final setup for the incredible Team Galactic Arc.
every pok mon season ranked from worst to best
It was epic, not only that, but I also got great battles from Byron and Candice, the Twinley festival and even the battle at Lake Acuity, which makes this the worst season of DP, although it is the fact that here it is where Dad gets his second losing streak, which is a huge character regression, as well as being this. the beginning of the infamous one-year gap before Ash's final gym badge, season 15. Rival Destinies now, yes, they got off to a pretty terrible start with possibly one of the worst gym battles, but after that, the season Moving very quickly, Chuck is full of great gym battles with no real gaps between them and, as the name implies, there is a greater focus on rivals thanks to tournament arcs like club explosion and youth world cup. .
We also get Cynthia's return, Dawn's return, and even a proper Team Rocket arc. where Giovani takes action now this was amazing season 23 Pokemon Journeys say what you want but the first season of Journeys is really fun ash makes a lot of long awaited catches here we see how they handle a Pokemon go type character with go and of course going back to visiting the older regions after a long time were an absolute tree, their episodic nature was a double-edged sword, however, it allowed the season to keep things moving, providing for interesting events to happen one after another, but also not allowed things like the darkest day arc. to play out like Indigo League Season 1 probably should have been now, Indigo League isn't perfect, but there's no denying the impact it's had on the entire Pokémon franchise, it's the one that started it all and has a lot of elements iconic. moments that help shape the rest of the anime, the first 32 episodes specifically are really well paced and I love how interconnected they feel with almost


episode flowing extremely well into the next.
It's also the season with the best collection of filler episodes that are fun. and memorable late season 8 battle, this is the climax of Ash's trip to Hoen and they started it with the terrible Team Aqua and Magma Arc, well at least it's only gone up from here, although the chicken league isn't as memorable Like most, she's still a great Moving on from the advanced challenge, we also get to see May compete in her first major festival, which was a solid conclusion to the chicken, as well as a good start to season 20 of the Battle Frontier Saga.
Sun and moon. Now Sun and Moon got off to a pretty shaky start. As moving Ash into a school setting made the series feel slower and more episodic, thankfully this season had some great moments with the Lily the Litton story and even Ash vs. Hala once we got to episode 20, however, this season really finds its groove and eventually introduces Gladon through Kala Island. arc and even ends with the epic return of Brock and Misy season 17 XY after the disappointment of Adventures in univa competent trainer shows off his high-quality battle animations and gives us a great new group dynamic right from the start, aside from Serena taking a little while to find her target and the occasional bad filler here and there, this is honestly the right way to start a new one. season season 14 black and white okay let me cook minus the fact that they made Ash a rookie again.
The first black and white season honestly wasn't as bad as we all remembered, it's one of the most refreshing seasons ever. captures the feeling of playing a new Pokémon game, it's basically a modernized version of Indigo League and what gives it a slight edge over the first season of x and is its incredible pacing. Ash takes on the first three gems in episode 23, and top that off with lots of capture and rival-focused episodes and you've got a season that's always moving and has little room for filler now, unfortunately, things slow down a bit after Ash's battle with Berg, but then he recovers and finishes strong with the Club Battle Tournament Arc followed by the Nimbasa Subway Arc, Now That's an Amazing First Season Season 25 Pokémon Ultimate Journey Journeys Season Journeys ending doesn't play into giving us the exact type of episodes we were expecting, we get things like Gengar's development, the return. of Cassidy and Butch Ash versus Marne the return of Clemen and Bonnie Ash versus drasna the return of Serena the return of Greninja the return of Paul and all of Ash's Pokémon the family reunion of Aether and then of course the Master's is now a tournament, although the start was quite difficult. which makes up for it with Ash versus Cynthia and especially Ash versus Leon, aside from the recaps that don't really count, the pacing of this season is phenomenal.
Honestly, I could have been in the top five if I had finished right after the Master tournament, but unfortunately I got the Mew project, a terrible end to ghost progress, followed by a goal of being in the middle, which completely ruined the momentum of this season with a mediocre ending to Ash's Journey. If it were any other season, it wouldn't be so bad, but because it carries the weight of being Ash's. Final Journey, the season ended up taking a tremendous hit in the final stretch of season 18 Kos Quest, so this is basically an advanced challenge, but much better.
Serena gets a lot more focus and real progression here, which balances out well with the gym battles, and speaking of which, run through half of Kos' gyms here with real standouts like Ash versus Clement and Ash versus Olympia, which were incredible and visually stunning. The season also begins to plant the seeds for XYZ with the inclusion of three Mega Evolution specials featuring Sawyer and teasing the legendary. satosi G so this season was really setting up for bigger things to come season 21 sun and moon ultra adventures this season is where the sun and moon anime really started to pick up now that the slap has toned down a bit we can focus on some solid story arcs like the nebbi arc that introduced the ather family to Ultra space, the AA OA island arc where Ash received training from Tabuu and swept away nanu, as well as the overall plot with the ultra beast and the Ultra Guardians that led to the necrozma arc. as the series finale, a sort of season 26, Pokémon Horizons as the first major series not to feature Ash.
I'm happy to say that this season definitely brought its aame from the jump, this series stands apart from all the others thanks to its narrative-driven storytelling. focus more on an overarching plot rather than being episodic like its predecessors, if we were only counting the first arc this season could easily have been the best of the lot, unfortunately its second arc stops the pace of the series by contrasting the first and the other. behaving more like a traditional Pokémon series, now the plot finally returns at the end, but that doesn't really make up for the rest of the arc overall, although it's still a great season, literally one of the best, it's just that the two arcs don't they are really consistent, the first half is almost perfect, well the second half is an average season 11 battle dimension, as we get closer to the middle of the final journey, we continue to get a lot of great things from this season, we see Dawn goes through a self-improvement competition.
Slump May returns and gives us a great battle against Dawn. Ash and Dawn exchange the introduction of Barry, the opposing shield. More tension between Ash and Paul. This continues to build on what the first season of Diamond and Pearl started and talking about what season 10. Diamond and Pearl, the first season of Diamond and Pearl is just a better version of Pokémon Advance. Here we meet someone who has the same goals as May, but now with more background and motivation thanks to his mother. We also got the introduction from Paul, who gave it to Ash. a great new rival to overcome from the start with excellent early gym battles and compete against a cast of new Pokémon with great personalities and finish with the Heart Start Tag Battle Arc and you will have the best and more. consistent first seasonseason 9 Battlef Frontier because Ash in the gang runs through most of Kanto in this season, you will notice that the pace is much faster than Hoen's adventures.
Seeing Ashte in Battlefront here was great as he's also bringing old Pokémon to All of this led to the climactic ending where Ash had to use his original channel team to get the final victory, not only that but this season's contest is a big improvement over Hoen. May is more experienced now, which made her battles much better. It all led up to the epic finale where Ash and May faced off in an incredible battle and let's not forget that this season also planted the seeds for one of the best Pokémon seasons that will follow season 19 XYZ, now this season was a wild ride. we have zygard joining the gang team flare finally taking action ash met hon and the mystery and dominion of sat gga this season was full of incredible action and story.
The Colos League was pretty epic, it was even rushed and then we got to the real climax with the Team Flare Arc, literally the best Arc in the entire anime, but what holds this season back is that it is very, very focused on Ash, I'm sure Serena does her masterclass, but I was never fully invested in her goal because of how rushed it ends and neither was Clement. I don't really do anything until the computer explodes. Arc Bonnie is good because you know, the season starts with some of the worst xwi fillers and ends with some of the most questionable resolutions, although this season has some of the highest highs in all of Pon anime.
I'll never be satisfied with Serena becoming coordinator and Ash releasing Greninja, so I'll have to go at number three for C-League Victors Season 13. This is a great season because it does a fantastic job. I work not only to conclude Ash AO Journey but also for Dons, since this is the shortest season, not much time is wasted and is mainly dedicated to preparing Ash and Dawn for the C-league and the big festival. In Don's case, he was able to make it to the big festival. finals and gave us the best competition battle period. I've never cared as much about the goal of a partner as Ash.
We all know how good the League was, especially with that intense Ash vs Paul ending, so there's not much to say there. Besides damn Tobias who ruined this season, he took first place,


thing else just came together and ended so perfectly and finally the best season is season 22, Sun and Moon, Ultra Legends. It's almost mind-blowing how amazing this season is, the reason it's great is because so much happens here, we have the Pony Island arc, the introduction of your boy Guzma's Guzzlord arc, Ash catching Meltan and that's just like the first half, not only that, but we also have solid and amazing episodes dedicated to the development of Ash's classmates, all of them in almost every episode.
It was important because everything was building up to the 17 episode long Al Lola League arc where Ash finally wins and becomes Champion, my goodness what a monumental moment that was and just when you think that's it, they gave us one of the best battles in history with Ash. versus koui this season was insane and gave Sun and Moon such a satisfying conclusion that it perfectly sums up what this entire series is about and that's why I think Sun and Moon Ultra Legends is the best season of the Pokémon anime, simply put. don't look at the english. dubbed version my dear father

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