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Every PIXAR Villain: Evil to Most Evil

Jun 09, 2024
A popular, preppy but downright nasty frat team, and that describes these guys perfectly. They act as the rival team to Oozma Kappa and are made up of some of Monster University's best and brightest scarers.   Basically, if Sulley and these guys are the jocks, Mike and his gang are the nerds. That said, they're not that


. Barring some standard idiotic behavior, which is pretty tame by the standards of this list, the worst thing they do is publicly humiliate OK on one occasion in an attempt to get them to drop out of school, but that's not that bad in the grand scheme of things. things. –especially considering the fact that there are legitimate criminals and murderers in other films on this list...
every pixar villain evil to most evil
Also, who you are as a teenager is very little indication of who you will eventually become; just look at how nice Sulley is in Monsters Inc., and look... um... Randall in Monsters Inc. Yeah, we'll get to him... For


good dinosaur, there's... a less good dinosaur. That being said, Thunderclap is next. Now, like literally


other aspect of this movie, there's barely anything interesting to say about Thunderclap. How do you make a truly reprehensible


in a dinosaur movie? The answer is that you really can't. The worst thing you have is a carnivore that just wants to eat the main characters to survive, and I hate to be real for a moment, but that's nature.  Thunderclap is certainly a brutal carnivore, and that scene where he eats an adorable raccoon whole will haunt our dreams for a while, but hey, a dinosaur has to eat.
every pixar villain evil to most evil

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every pixar villain evil to most evil...

The real


here is the food chain... but Thunderclap is a big jerk about it, so we won't give him a TOTAL pass.  Gluttony Metal can transition into Thunderclap. The guy has to eat, but... come on, man, that poor raccoon. Near the finish line of this category is Cars 3's main villain, Jackson Storm. Jackson Storm is Lightning's parallel as he was in the first film: a nice redemption arc, by the way.  But where McQueen showed genuine admiration for racers like Hudson and the King; Storm looks down on the older generation and will act in any way he needs to emotionally manipulate his competition into giving up or making bad moves, going from condescending to passive-aggressive faster than his notable top speed. .
every pixar villain evil to most evil
We ranked him a little lower than ROR simply because he was willing to get physical when his normal tactics failed, but it wasn't long before Lightning alum Cruz showed it. Jackson storm? More like... idiot storm.  But morally he is not the worst Cars racer: that honor goes to Chick Hicks. Compared to Storm, Chick's methods of dealing with his on-court opponents are al


ridiculously forceful. While Jackson was a master manipulator but otherwise played fair, Chick is simply a dirty cheater.   He caused a massive crash to try to delay Lightning, and intentionally sideswiped the King, causing one of the


horrific accidents of any of these Cars movies.
every pixar villain evil to most evil
He is simply a spiteful and bitter racer who deserved all the boos he received. And these next villains will deserve even more: now we're getting into the really bad guys, The Bad to Evil. Here we have a name that should not be confused with the legendary inventor of steamed hams: it is Chef Skinner. Sous chef and right-hand man to beloved chef Gusteau until his depression-induced death, Skinner is far removed from Gusteau in terms of both ideals and goals. Gusteau had a warm presence in his own kitchen, he firmly believed that anyone could cook and followed his career out of love for the art of cooking itself.
Meanwhile, Skinner is an angry, authoritarian head chef dictator who sows doubt and negativity wherever he wants him to go.   No wonder why Gusteau's was in decline while this guy was in charge and that's not even taking into account his tarnishing of Gusteau's good name by using his recognition to create a line of frozen food products to cash in on the notoriety of a dead man. Once he lost Gusteau's to Linguini, Gusteau's biological son, he proceeds to do everything in his power to shut the place down and even captures Remy and makes a simple deal: create a new frozen food empire for himself. or die.   And unlike Sid or Dr.
Sherman, he knows that Remy is sentient, or at least has human intelligence, considering he knows that Remy was Linguini's secret to becoming a master chef. How sick.  We're done playing; Seriously, we can't play with a collector's item like Stinky Pete.   Stinky Pete, one of the main antagonists of Toy Story 2, is a Woody's Roundup collector's item. Still in the box and in excellent condition, Pete encourages Jessie, Bullseye, and even Woody to embrace destiny, as Al will soon sell them to a collector for a lot of money.   But when Woody tries to escape and return to Andy, Pete stands in his way, assuring him that he won't let anyone stand in the way of his destiny to be loved by children for eternity, and revealing his true intentions.
Pete had even turned on the TV while Al was sleeping so that Woody couldn't get his arm back and escape, even leaving Jessie to take the blame. While that's bad enough, we should keep in mind that Stinky Pete is basically a victim of solitary confinement, having been stored for years alongside Jessie and Bullseye, and while Jessie was by far more visibly shaken by it, she wasn't would be reasonable. We should not assume that this also affected Pete's mental state. This doesn't justify him threatening to destroy Woody in any way, but it does put him in a sympathetic light;
Anyone who has researched solitary confinement, much less BEEN there, knows that it is not a place he ever wants to return to. Pete just wants to be loved, which is surprisingly human for a toy. Let's hope he does well with Amy. The Darwin Medal goes to the search engine Stinky Pete. Has anyone seen his peak...?  It may be surprising to see a villain as young as Ercole Visconti so low on our list. He's a teenage bully, but he's far from typical; While Luca is a lower-stakes film than many of Pixar's other films, that doesn't stop Ercole from standing out as a surprisingly vile antagonist.   He assures those around him that he loves to be bad and hurt others;
Not even his friends are safe from this, as they are constantly treated as slaves to his every whim. He only cares about himself and his reputation, and he is even willing to murder Luca and Albuerto to hand them over in exchange for prize money and status. Despite being sea monsters, they are still just children, and even if they weren't, the attempted murder is no joke. Honestly, being abandoned by his henchmen and thrown into a fountain was the least this guy deserved. And unlike Tyler before him, he doesn't show any redeeming qualities at all: this guy is just a total idiot.

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