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Every Mainline Final Fantasy Ranked (Except XI)

Jun 28, 2024
Final Fantasy is one of my favorite series of all time. This series is where I learned the magic of role-playing games when a friend of mine told me that she had never played a Final Fantasy game. I knew what I wanted to do next. Now I want to make This very, very clear ranking doesn't mean that I think any of these games are bad; In fact, making this video feels much more like a celebration of the franchise to me than an exercise in dismissing some games just to root for others, so if you feel differently about the order, that's okay, and honestly, this isn't even just a classification video.
every mainline final fantasy ranked except xi
I'd call it a ranking with some mini flashback elements, so we'll call it a Final Fantasy Extravaganza retrospective ranking celebration, but I have to start with Final Fantasy. 11 this is the only one I haven't really played. I had no way to connect Ethernet to my PS2 back then nor did we have a good PC or that internet dongle for the 360, in fact the computer we had I had a hard time running Maple Story, if you know what that is, but I still want to highlight this game because I respect it a lot. I'm quite familiar with parts of the story from other games like Final Fantasy Recordkeeper, yes, me too once.
every mainline final fantasy ranked except xi

More Interesting Facts About,

every mainline final fantasy ranked except xi...

I suffered because I play Gadget games and I think this is an important part of the history of the Final Fantasy franchise, as it paved the way for games like Final Fantasy 14, which is on this list and you can still play it through Steam. Wait, you can still play. this on Steam, well, that's the video, guys, see you, but I don't want to officially rate this game because it would be false. This game represented a new experiment for the developers, as it was announced at the Square Millennium event alongside 9 and 10, which we'll obviously talk about later after moving to Hawaii and being exposed to more Western games, including MMOs.
every mainline final fantasy ranked except xi
Hironobu Sakaguchi Sweet Sweet Sakaguchi saw an opportunity for the Final Fantasy franchise to fill the void of high-quality Japanese MMOs; It was then designed and produced by Hiromichi Tanak, who worked alongside Sakaguchi on many of the great series and carried the torch after Sakaguchi left this game being based on the world of Vanel. I think that's how you put it, it included several different races and jobs to build your characters, including Humes basically. humans Elon elves tarutaru basically children adults shantotto probably has the most representation in the entire spin-off series Mytra, a race of humanoid cats, and Galka, this Hulk-like race.
every mainline final fantasy ranked except xi
There are so many details I could go into about this game, but this one stands out. For me, what I really wanted to talk about is the design choice to make this game almost impossible to play solo, as The Story Goes, the developers looked at the existing library of Final Fantasy games, took note of the system based on groups and they wanted to emphasize this. Encourage players to participate in the global community in order to progress. This of course caused some to love this game and others to move on, but I really think it was a brilliant move at the time for an MMO to overcome this kind of difficulty by playing with others.
It's a sure way to forge bonds between players and that's exactly what it did for the people who played this game, but even though this game's excellent party-based system is a big reason for the fanbase, I'll have to agree with the channel. rasnov from the comments section of one of my previous videos, my channel friend rasnov mentioned here that they would love to see a single player modded version of Final Fantasy 11 since they already introduced what are called trusts into the system which basically They make the game a single player experience as is and I totally agree.
I would love to see them turn this game into a single player experience. If 11 is anything like 14, it's a story that should be experienced even after 20+ years of running as an MMO, but Brandon handsome hero of light, I hear you say this sounds like a fever dream, but hold your horses Without connection. Dragon Quest 10 in Japan is doing exactly this, so it's not outside the realm of possibility, even if it's unlikely, so now without further ado let's get to my actual ranking and of course let me know where you'd be at number 11 if you have played it starting with number 15 Final Fantasy 1 Final Fantasy 1 tells the epic story of four Heroes of Light prophesied to save the world from a time of darkness in which the four crystals that govern the elements and therefore the state of the world are threatened by the four demons who were sent by the real big villain chaos chaos this is the classic tale that is the basis of the entire series because you know it was the The first one, Final Fantasy 1, was created by Hirobo Sakaguchi after Square saw the success of Dragon Quest from its rival at the time, Enix, the difficult love story between Square and Enix is ​​a topic for another video, apparently before the success of Dragon Quest Square really out.
I didn't hear Sakaguchi say that he wanted to make an RPG because they thought for sure it was going to be a failure as time went on and the project featured more dancing. Hiromichi Tanaka, another legend and his B-team decided to join the Final Fantasy train they brought. many notable names including Yoshi taka Amano for the designs, noou yumatu for the music, who is honestly like 50% of why I love these games, as well as nir gabelli, who coded the entire game inspired by games like Ultima and Wizardry, of which this dream team would take. Dungeons and Dragons creates a story based on Sakaguchi's contributions, creates a class system with six classes as well as upgrades for some of the classes, and combines it all with a spectacular soundtrack.
The game was initially released in 1987 in Japan and in 1990 in North America to great success. In fact, so successful that it not only started development on a sequel, but over the years it was re-released and remastered like 20 times and that's how I ended up playing the game originally, specifically in this case Final Fantasy 1 and 2 Dawn of Souls, which was a remaster that introduced four additional dungeons, a bestiary, and some additional changes. This was a classic Final Fantasy experience and it was much better than I expected, especially since it was the first in the series, not to mention playing it in the game.
Boy Advance SP was Mah. I also bought the PSP 20th anniversary version and this GameStop didn't take it away from me, it included better graphics, more dungeon super bosses, added the soundtrack to the version of The Final Fantasy Origins which was the remaster for PlayStation 1, as well as more. Amano artwork and new FMV cutscenes and of course now there's the Pixel Remaster, although this version doesn't include all the bonus content of the Game Boy Advance or PSP version, it has better pixel art, redone music and the ability to modify things like the meeting. rate Gil's experience, etc. and seriously don't skip this music, even to this day some of these tracks are iconic so this is probably the best version to listen to, although I personally prefer the PSP game and as much as I like it This game is still 15th on the list because it's still the most basic Final Fantasy game, but it's much better than you'd expect if you're looking for a classic RPG experience and are willing to go back to the roots of the series. , this is still a great game. number 14 Final Fantasy 3 Final Fantasy 3 Final Fantasy 3 did not introduce the job system to the Final Fantasy franchise, but we wouldn't know what this meant in the West until it came out 16 years later as a remake for the Nintendo DS.
This game begins with the heroes of light embarking on a journey, by which I mean falling down a hole and desperately trying to escape, where they meet the wind Crystal, who gives them this new power so they can change to different jobs instead of their starting the onion night class and of course they are assigned the task of restoring the balance of the world, of course we will eventually return to that Union night class, during their journey the crew comes and fight alongside many named NPCs, like Princess Sarah Dash, poor thing. Dude and our classic Sid had to have Sid on his journey through this massive world, lose multiple airships and defeat the bad guys sent by the main antagonist x and good, a kind of main antagonist and eventually infiltrate the iconic Crystal Tower to face xand and the force.
Every player in this game has to consider if it's really worth beating after multiple deaths and having to start from scratch


time you're defeated. I'm not better. The options and jobs designed in this game would become the basis. from later games in the series, so despite its lower place on my list, I really appreciate this game. The original Final Fantasy 3 was developed by the same dream team that formed one and two and would be the last new Final Fantasy game that ner gabelli would continue to run and this would become the biggest game ever made for the Nintendo or Famicom in Japan, with a whopping 512 kiloby per cartridge, which at the time was the second highest capacity cartridge for the console and it makes sense.
If you've played this game, you start on what you think is the world map and it turns out after you progress, it's this simple floating island floating above this huge world map for the moment. I'm sure this would have been absolutely mind-blowing, but of course it was never localized or brought to the United States in its original form because the team started directly building on Nintendo's newly released Super Famicom or SNES in the United States and didn't. they had the manpower at that time to do that and locate. Final Fantasy 3 in English, in addition to the new job system, this is the first in the series to include some iconic battle commands for different classes, it is already a core part of the series and it all started with Final Fantasy 3 in 2006, this game


ly came out to the United States in the form of a remake for the Nintendo DS.
This remake included additional backstories and real names for the main characters in the original. They were just your generic Warriors of Light that you could now name known as lunithaa and Ingus, but their backstories didn't really have much of an impact on the story and the enemies were harder because why not make a difficult game even harder to endear newcomers? And of course I went into DS because you know it was the only option for me. at the time I had no idea how to emulate what an English translation package was. I got this one in high school and honestly didn't take it all the way at first.
Not only was this game difficult and confusing with the job system specifically because some parts of the game essentially required certain types of jobs to survive and that's not always obvious, but 2006 to 2007 were also huge years for RPGs on PS2. , DS and PSP, many of which I talk about in this video and I was surprised to learn that I already knew some of the music for this game due to being introduced to albums like Black Mages Final Fantasy Prey and Final Fantasy. However, love will seriously grow if you've never heard of Black Mages and are an end.


fan, do yourself a favor and look them up, they're a rock band led by noo yumatu, there are three albums and it's all epic



I was that kid in high school listening to this on my CD player while others enjoyed the tunes of bands like Fallout Boy Green Day or Lincoln Park now this game beats Final Fantasy 1 because I love a good job system, but It's still lower on my list for a couple of reasons. I can now look back and see that this was a good mix of Final Fantasy 1 and 2 in many ways with the job system on top, but the characters added to the DS version seemed to promise this new adventure with new character development. when I first played it, but they actually ended up being just skins. with some minor new backgrounds, that's not to say there's no story or characters in this game, in fact there is a lot, especially with those NPCs and number two, this may be one of the most frustrating games in the entire series in a Effort to Really highlights the job system in this game, the developers really leaned into needing specific jobs to beat certain areas or bosses and if you don't know what's going on or can't understand it, it just feels like you haven't put in much work. is giving you the advantage in this game.
I just couldn't understand why I was getting demolished after spending so much time working or maybe I just preferred being other classes because ninjas are awesome, that being said if you run this game with a guide. or you're willing to figure out some of those things and you know how to best prepare for some of these scenarios. The job system in this game was really cool, especially right now and I still think it's worth a try, like probably Final Fantasy 1. the easiest way to get into this game is to check out those 13th pixel remastersFinal Fantasy 2 Final Fantasy 2 final Fantasy, not that one was the first in the Final Fantasy series to feature named protagonists as well as the activity-based leveling system instead of your traditional experience Point leveling system and I know that this It's a little controversial, but I actually really enjoyed the uniqueness of this game.
Final Fantasy 2 was originally released in 1998 in Japan on the Famicom just a year after Final Fantasy 1 and this is why. that there are some strong criticisms that this bad boy was a bit rushed due to the unexpected success of the first, leading to things like poor dungeon designs, a not-so-great implementation of the leveling system, etc., but we wouldn't watch this game . in the west until a later time, much like three, well, not as late as Final Fantasy 3, specifically this game came out as Final Fantasy Origins on the PS1 and later on the Game Boy Advance in one and two, Dawn of Souls and the PSP and well,


Also, more recently, the Pixel Remaster and this game introduced some of the staples of the series, like the chocobos, which I love, the drones with their cool armor, and Spears, the recurring character Sid, as well as things like Ultima. Spells that the team, of course, is the same, all the legendary stars of the first and the third decided to move from the standard leveling system in Final Fantasy 1 to an activity-based system. What this means is that every action taken had a chance to level up specific weapon proficiencies. stats and magic that you can buy in the game this time, by the way, it's like Skyrim, you know, Final Fantasy 2 was kind of like that, except, a much less good game, they would eventually bring this leveling system to their Saga franchise. and other games like Legend of Legacy would include something similar although much more simplified.
The plot of this game revolves around the four light fury warriors. María and León flee their burning village and are handed their asses. They wake up after being saved by the princess. Hilda Lon is gone for some reason, they demonstrate her strength and join the rebellion and adventure to confront the evil emperor of palomia who is using Hells spawn to try to destroy everything and are joined by several additional characters as they search for Leon . of which, well, let's just say they don't stick around for long and are the focal point of the additional content added to the Game Boy Advance version of the game.
You know, Dawn of Souls RP friends. I played Final Fantasy 102 Dawn of Souls in the game. Boy Advance in order and honestly I loved them both, maybe it was the form factor, maybe it was the excitement of having these games for the first time until I no longer had them at GameStop, but I loved the time I spent with both , especially in contrast to one you see. I have a problem, my problem is that I love working on role-playing games. I love that sweet dopamine hit when you level up, level up, gain new magic and when you can take down bosses and the leveling mechanic in this game gave me that massive hit. and I won't go into all the details of Dawn of Souls' content, but I loved that you got to revisit all the other characters that accompanied you on your journey.
In fact, I enjoyed this one enough to replay it on the PSP release, which I honestly didn't. Not surprising considering I did that for all PSP releases; That being said, this is still number 13 on my list because as much as I enjoyed certain elements of this, it could definitely be an SLO, especially with some of those dungeon layouts there were. so many trap rooms with this higher encounter rate which could be very annoying when all you wanted was that sweet, sweet treasure and as much as I loved leveling my proficiency skills it could all become too granular which can easily lead to to exhaustion.
People liked it, so while this is a unique franchise experience, it's definitely not a standout; In fact, I'd say that if you've never played the series you can ignore the first three unless you're really curious, but it's probably best to focus on some of the others first and, if you're going to get these, of course, as I said before, I would always recommend the 12th pixel remasters of Final Fantasy 15 and Final Fantasy for fans and beginners alike, at least that's what they pushed over and over again, this game focused on the journey of Noctis, the Crown Prince of Insomnia, a Fallen Kingdom and his brothers, and the marketing for this bad boy was intense.
They came out with a movie, an anime series, a lot of twists. outside of games, including several mobile games Final Fantasy 15 was released in 2016 10 years after development began on a title called Final Fantasy Versus 13 that looked like it was going to be a very different game than the original Vision was going to develop a game darker in the series that shared the same mythos as Final Fantasy 13 and would be developed with the same engine, but there was a change for it to become the next


Final Fantasy game, there was a change in the next generation consoles that were had announced and an eventual transition. from tetsuya Numa to target Tata directing this project and with all this transition the original introduction of the game was cut and much of the Nova crystallis Final Fantasy Mythos fable based on Final Fantasy 13 was drastically reduced to help with marketing, they also changed to a new development engine known as the Luminous engine, which has since been retired, poor people said they would take care of that, but one thing that can't be said about this game is that the marketing didn't work, people were excited about this game which It sold over 10 million units, making it one of the best-selling Final Fantasy games in the entire franchise.
One of the big changes to this game is that the main characters or the brosies as I like to call them could travel around the world of AOS now with a big opening. world, whether with the badges of this epic royal car or with chocobos because chocoo with your brothers is the best, the world is full of characters, dungeons, side missions and of course enemies, including these terrifying demons that would appear in the evening. Noctis' journey is largely made up of finding the magical Royal Arms of past Kings to rescue the Crystal and reclaim his throne after the King was killed and reuniting with his love lunaaa the base game's battle system.
It focuses on Noctis as the main fighter and your brothers fighting alone. Although this would change a bit with the DLC, the battle system is described as an action-based real-time battle system, basically instead of the standard menu we've seen in all previous games, you only have buttons to attack, defend and use items that also has parry warp blocks and a special weapon ability that you can use depending on what weapon you have equipped at the time. There is also magic and summons in this game, but they were a little different than previous entries and some magic is locked behind finding a specific royal weapon. for knus and finally there is the pretty basic Ascension Grid or skill tree that you can use to build each of your characters when it was announced that versus 13 would change to 15 I was honestly ready to see what they came up with having only got a PS4 for Christmas, a big win from my wife.
I was so ready for this and the marketing hooked me like a Floppy Fish and don't get me wrong. I liked the game as it was, but there were a lot of things I didn't do. I don't love the story, although I had some really amazing moments, it felt really fragmented and although there were some genuinely emotional moments, the ending felt a little confusing, dark and unsatisfying. Now this doesn't mean that I think this game isn't worth playing and The DLC for this game addresses almost all of the story issues by developing characters that show what happens during some of their absences in the base game and includes areas that They were omitted in the base game like insomnia, the kingdom that fell but I don't.
I love that DLC was needed to fill in these gaps, so if you're going to try this one, definitely get the Royal Edition, which includes all the DLC personally, although I think a remake would be silly this soon in theory, unless you're Sony. They came out with a definitive edition of this game that somehow merged the DLC with the main story, as the chapters playing in chronological order maybe bring some of the DLC's improvements to the base game's battle system or something. I think it would be very useful. In some ways, I might even push this bad boy much higher on my tier list because the overall package is still pretty good.
Number 11. Final Fantasy 13 jumped back to 2010 and we saw the worldwide release of Final Fantasy 13. This game was the reason I finally bought a PS3, specifically the slim one, when it was less insanely priced, this game promised this adventure on a large scale in the worlds of cocoon and pulse with the main character, not Cloud Lightning and friends, with a new paradigmatic battle system. The world in the story of 13 was conceptualized by Kazushi Noima. who had worked on many of the other games in the series, such as Seven and its spin-offs Eight 10 102 and many other titles, specifically came up with what was called the crystal mythology and worked with Fyama to create a story in which the main characters They were fighting the destiny of a predetermined path specifically because there were divine creatures called fou sea who could mark people to do their bidding if the people with the mark known as ly could not discover their purpose or focus as it was called.
They became this thoughtless thing that would basically be a monster if they could succeed in their mission and good luck to them because they have to find out. They would become a crystal that was understood to receive eternal life. See why people don't like any of these options. This is the context and plight of the main characters, as the citizens of Cocoon, the floating island they live on, are controlled by a theocratic government that seeks to purge those who have come into contact with anything. from Pulse, the giant earth beneath the cocoon, when the sister of Lightning, the main character, is on a train to be purged because she becomes a group of Ley who works together with a group of resistances to save her, but in doing so they are they encounter the same four SEs that he encountered with Ena and they all get marked as lc and put them on that predetermined path to either becoming a monster or becoming a crystal, neither of which are good, the paradigm shift I mentioned earlier was a key concept for this game's battle system, according to the developers, the goal of this new battle system was to take the good things about the strategy included in your standard command-based battle system, but allow for a faster strategy than It will encourage you to make the most of your attacking skills and, therefore, new classes or roles were created for each character.
You could use individually, but the most important thing was to have loadouts for the entire team that you could switch between. This, combined with the fact that enemies often moved around and included a scroll bar that you could break to deal more damage, made these battles more engaging in the game. It also spawned a whole trilogy which I won't go into, but some consider 132 to be the best of the trilogy, while Lightning Returns, the third one, was, you know, it was kind of like what I said: I bought this game and the PS3 in University. I was really looking for an excuse to buy a PS3 and the Slim that came out in September 2009 and the 13 that came out in March 2010 was more than I could handle and while this is at the bottom of my list, it doesn't mean I think So.
It's rubbish since I've had more time to consider it. I think some standout reviews I have for the game that put it lower on this list really have to do with the characters in the story, the story is such a mix of words, terms, concepts that it was quite difficult to keep track of it all. and figuring out what the hell was going on, and to be fair, as you continue to play, you figure it out and you figure it out, but you keep it together the whole time. and then you know that, a few years into playing the game, you have no idea what the hell happened.
That being said, this is still above 15 for me because it didn't require DLC to fix some of the holes in the story that it could have been. super confusing but it was complete and the characters for me really weren't as compelling as other titles as the protagonist could be all over the place and characters like Snow Hope and Venil, you just drive me crazy but even with everything. That said, I think both the story and the characters grew on me over time, the game was and still is beautiful and the soundtrack was directed by Masashi Hutu who did an incredible job, it absolutely holds its own against any of the series soundtracks and Although I doubt I'd swear I'd actually do this, I'd honestly love a Trilogy compilation.
Put those things together. Launch it on XboxSteamSwitch. PS5. I don't care as long as I can get a physical version. Would be happy. I think it would be great. number 10 Final Fantasy 5 and we go back in time to Final Fantasy 5 while we wait in the swamp of controversy with my top 10 Final Fantasy 5 brought back the job system of Final Fantasy 3 but did much more, it also introduced one of the best recurring characters of the entire series Final Fantasy 5 was originally released for the Super Famicom in Japan in 1992, it would eventually be ported to the PlayStation in 1999 along with 6 and then to the Game Boy Advance in 2006 along with many subsequent ports and eventually our beloved pixel remaster, this game was once again directed by the legend sakaguchi with tatsuya Numa in Monster designs am mono back on designs and the story was a collaboration between sakaguchi and kitasi who added more lighthearted elements to the story and yumatu was in the music. once again comes in hot with another fantastic soundtrack featuring some of the most iconic tracks from the series, so the party was here.
This game has a simple story that revolves around Barts or Butts, depending on its translation, who together with his trusty Chocobo set out on an adventure. when a giant meteorite hits near them they investigate and find Lena another main character eventually goes crazy and then Ferris the four travel the world and discover that the crystals that make the world habitable have been abused by people who live comfortable lives and are shattered, but not before granting them. About Our Warriors of Light, the power of works, the best part of the game turns out that those crystals were also on the roof of the main villain exde, who was essentially the incarnation of nature, returning for Revenge, so that the heroes set out to stop him from destroying all things, but come on.
He returns to that job system with each visit from Crystal in the games. New jobs were unlocked and more were added to the advanced version of the Game Boy game. These jobs have skills, passive skills, and skills that can be permanently learned and configured with a different job so you can mix and match learned skills, this means there are a billion permutations for these characters. Consult someone with a job as a mathematician to get some real numbers, but there are a lot of combinations and, unlike Final Fantasy 3, the game doesn't punish you for experimenting with different ones.
Chomps combos you are free to mix, match and break the game by combining that sweet dual wielding of the ninja with the rapid fire ability of the Rangers to hit all eight enemies. times, man I live for this stuff, in this sense, Final Fantasy 5 perfects what Final Fantasy 3 introduced, instead of feeling restricted by class combinations required for a specific dungeon or boss fight, you can enjoy the freedom of doing what you want or the overwhelming need to do it. Work until you learn all the classes because you have a problem because the initial freelancing in this game that you start with is significantly improved based on the number of jobs you have mastered.
I have a problem. I picked it up, of course, when it came out for the Game Boy Advance in 2006. Can we stop and realize how amazing it was that all of these games were on the Game Boy Advance? I remember at the time I made these long trips to Pasadena and California because I had to be at the Rose Parade, the round trip week after week gave me hours of time to play this game. Is it bad to say that was one of my favorite parts of Rose Parade? Sorry Mom, the Chom system was simultaneously a happy dream for RPG and Nightmare lovers with the extra jobs added to the advanced Game Boy version.
I found the enemy art objects and the ball castle basement and mastered each job and then, excuse me, I went through the rest of the game with my epic freelance job, this game too. introduced Gilgamesh's right-hand man from Final Fantasy. 5 every time he appears in any other game in the entire series coming from the void and I love seeing him appear so with so much love for this game why is he so far down the list? Probably because I shouldn't be, honestly, I do. I think this game is criminally overlooked, but the biggest thing that keeps it lower on the list for me is that the story is one of the most bland in the series, most of the characters don't They develop a lot, with the exception perhaps of Ferris and Gallo.
Gilgamesh is my favorite character and he was a villain but this game will always have a special place in my heart, even if it's not in the top five I would definitely recommend it and it's really a shame that the advanced Game Boy version isn't. It's already so easily accessible outside of emulation because the Pixel remaster actually removed the extra work on Dungeons and I honestly don't understand why they would do that, but that being said, as I already mentioned, you get those cool extra features with Pixel. remaster, so it's hard to go wrong without mentioning the remaster's soundtrack, it's good, number nine.
Final Fantasy 4 Final Fantasy 4 4 brought the series into a new era on Super Nintendo with new iconic musical characters and a more developed story, motivations, connections. narrative-driven character classes and it was this game that would introduce the active time battle system, as for me, once again, I would end up enjoying it later, after the release of Final Fantasy 3. Square actually planned to make two more to follow, one would be on the famicom. and then there would be another one on the Super Famicom, these would have been Final Fantasy 4 and 5, but budget and time constraints actually caused them to abandon the first one and turn the Super Famicom game into what we now know as Final Fantasy 4, which would have been Final Fantasy 4 has been largely lost to history, except for this excerpt from a Japanese preview indicating that the popular job classes are back with even more classes, mage, priest, cook and carpenter, among others Jobs, that appear, wait for the unexpected man you wish you could take. a peak in a parallel universe where this game would have been completed, jobs would be included in this game, but we wouldn't see cook and carpenter classes until basically Final Fantasy 14, the themes of this game ranged from darkness to light to strength gross By themselves it is not power.
These themes, combined with the addition of Tekashi Tokita, who previously pursued a career as a theater actor, resulted in the first game in the series to really lean into character and drama, but this game was created by a team of 14 and finished in one year. and was forced to reduce the script due to cartridge storage limitations at the time, but they still managed to put out a classic in the series. Tokota later admitted that the result of all this meant that the story could be confusing at times or not look as good. in depth, such as constant characters dying, but not really Trope in this game and there was an entire dungeon cut that would have required each individual character to progress, but would be added back for the Game Boy Advance version.
This game also featured a beautiful new soundtrack from the legendary yumatu and this game was the first in the series, as I said, to introduce that active time battle system and this resulted in the need to think on your feet during battles, no longer The enemies were waiting for you to figure out how they were going to kill them, they were going to go down swinging, so while I wouldn't consider this game difficult by any means, the battles became more interesting when you had to think fast. Final Fantasy 4 would come to the West as Final Fantasy 2 on the Super Nintendo because they kept crashing and getting localization for the previous entries and this is not the version I would personally recommend.
I didn't play this game, of course, until it was remastered on, you guessed it, Game Boy Advance. I know, surprise. Surprise and I fell in love with this game, it was by far one of my favorites on the Game Boy Advance and I would play almost every re-release of this game including PSP DS and the Pixel remasters that I remember at the time. I'm so impressed to have a new Game Boy Advance SP with a backlit screen and be able to play this Final Fantasy masterpiece on the go. This was also the game where I discovered that some friends had described me as a person with a stupid amount of I got lucky when I was working on the game with a friend of mine to find this item needed for the best armor in the game.
There was about a 1.5% drop chance from a rare enemy, so you can imagine most people would just abandon it, but not us. and in about 30 minutes to an hour I got two of them. It took my friend much longer to find one. I don't know why I was so angry. You should be happy for me. So why does the number nine and four do so much good? things like the characters in the story, the ATB system would improve a lot over time, so even though I liked it more than five, it's hard for me to put this game higher than the rest of my list, that being said, play it this game while I'm a big fan of pixel remasters especially the music oh man that music I think the PSP version is the best the DS version was interesting with the 3D visuals but the PSP had a great art style, included all the bonus content from the GBA version and included new content. called the interlude and the years after, all in one unpacked, both of which provide an additional story about how the characters and their children developed after the main story of the game.
I cannot stress how much I love these games and would recommend them once again. for anyone interested number eight Final Fantasy 10 Final Fantasy 10 was the first Final Fantasy in the new era where the katas would take a more direct lead and Yumatu was no longer the sole composer of the games and Sakauchi would soon go on to give us others. incredible games that I talk about in this video, the launch of this game was a fundamental point for Square, since they needed to show that the evolution of this franchise could work and not only did they achieve it, but this game is possibly one of the most Shocking RPGs from the PlayStation 2 era, as mentioned above, Final Fantasy 10 was announced at the Square Millennium event along with 9 and 11. 10 was the first Final Fantasy to come to the PS2 and captivated all viewers with its version more realistic visual style. was released in December 2001 to high praise, was the first in the series to include voice acting and went from completely pre-rendered backgrounds to mostly three-dimensional areas with some pre-rendered areas mixed in and while this was not in the first Final Fantasy that included cutscenes, this game took it to a whole new level as it was very story focused with a minimum of 8 hours of those cutscenes.
As for the music, Yumatu was involved, but he was joined by Masashi Hutu and Junia Nakano and the soundtrack. They came up with this game and it is absolutely one of the best. I love all the Final Fantasy soundtracks, but songs like xanar Calm before the storm, Orin's theme, not to mention one of the main themes, Sueki Don, are some of the highlights of the series in this game. from the active time battle system and switch to a conditional turn based system where players can see the turn order and work strategically to impact the order in their favor with things like haste, characters can also be swapped within and outside the group during the battle with no penalty, which may seem like an assumption, but it definitely wasn't on this occasion.
The only downside is that only the characters who were in battle got the experience to level up, making it a little trickier to keep everyone at the same level. and then they added the sphere grid, this allowed players to choose how to build their characters by choosing spheres to level up, gain skills, magic, etc. oh man this thing was a player's dream because at the end of the game, you could literally break the damage cap and hit 99,999 damage and although Waka wasn't my favorite character in the game, he had an attack reel that could hit 12 times if done correctly, so yeah, 1.2 million of damage in one turn, that's crazy; otherwise, puzzles were included to break up the rhythm between events. and battles, as well as of course minigames like Blitzball anyway, in my case I picked this up years after its release as I was late to the Final Fantasy party, it was far enough away from release that I got in a random hobby store and the guy was selling it for like 10 bucks so I grabbed it right away of course and dove right into the story of this game, that's really what got me hooked.
While FinalFantasy 10 starts with Titus, I refuse to call him Tetus, the real main character is actually. Yuna, his pilgrimage is the driving point of this entire story, and yet there are some really interesting twists between these two as you go along. I will say this, the intro scene with all the characters sitting around a campfire with the xanakin game in the background really set it up. The tone of this game and Titus being the only name-changing character in the group may have more meaning than you realize. I also remember pulling out some of these lime wire tracks.
Anyone remember that garbage. Now, as much as I love this game, there are several. Things that cross it off the list for me, mostly related to boss battles and getting the ultimate weapons. Sorry, but if you make me dodge 200 lightning bolts, where I have to count in my head and get it right without fail. To get a stupid stuffed animal, Ultimate Weapon, I'm going to get a little mad, but even that wasn't the case. You also had to break records with Chocoo Racing, I admit the music was cool and do things like Blitz Ball to get Waka's weapon.
Of course I'm going to do it, but man this is the worst part of the game for me and some of the bosses, specifically Seymour and Unesa, felt unbalanced punishments at some point, especially Unesa with her mega deadly attack G and there are a few others little ones. I have a few complaints, but I don't want to take away from the fact that even though this is 8th on my list, this could easily be in the top three for anyone else and I wouldn't bat an eyelid, this is a great game and absolutely stands the test. of time number seven Final Fantasy 16 pH I can hear some of those comments clicking right now Final Fantasy 16 is your number seven, are you mad?
Yes, I hear it. I know this is going to be controversial. Take because this game is very different from the rest of the series, but in my opinion, this is one of the strongest sets of characters and stories in the entire franchise and I admit that it was the characters and stories that led this game to me, but I also found the combat to be quite fun and rewarding once you got the hang of it and let's face it. 16 is absolutely what happens if you take a story arc from 14 and plug it into a single-player game.
Final Fantasy 16 was released in 2023 and was led by Naoki Yoshida, also known as Yoshi P, and a team largely made up of Team 14, as well as members of Team E, not to mention supporting development by the Kingdom team. Hearts and remake team Seven, plus additional staff from Platinum Games also brought back Amano from the classic games to design the logo, including eph and Phoenix, and brought in Final Fantasy 14's composer for the soundtrack and continues to work on Epic soundtracks for Final Fantasy 14, in short, this is an All-Star team, the team took criticism of Final Fantasy 15, specifically criticism about the open world and issues with the story, and worked to build a game that would be a visual showcase for the PS5 with simpler combat, a beautiful but less open world, and a narrative that spoke to all audiences as they moved away from the teen party that saved the world.
Trope, therefore, was born Final Fantasy 16, a mature, brave and narratively rich game. This game is set in the world of Valesa, a world that is filled with the mother crystals that grant power. to some so-called dominances that embody the power of classic Final Fantasy summons like Shiva Bahamut Titan and others and it is very clear from the beginning that the dominants are basically the nuclear weapon of each nation when the dominants transform and fight, no one wins, Slavery is also a very strong topic. In this game, as those who can wield magic are marked and oppressed, often forced to work until they essentially turn to Glass for excessive use of magic, this Dark Fantasy setting shows its clear influences from series like Game of Thrones.
Thrones from the beginning as you go through betrayal. Power struggles and of course those who would oppose it. All very early, Clive, the main character, has a chance meeting with Sid from this game, the best Sid in the series, in my opinion, he reunites with Jill, a lost friend. a long time ago and the love interest of the story, plus Torle his dog, which is more than meets the eye and is absolutely one of the best doggos in any game and it just gets better and then there's the combat, probably one of the most controversial parts of this game.
Yoshi GP addressed the fan base and saw a division among those who wanted to tour. base battles or ATB again and those who preferred a more action RPG approach looking at the market, there was enough evidence to show that the more action oriented approach would make this game more accessible to the masses and of course Squarex is trying to earn money. capcon brought Legend Rioto Suzuki of Devil May Cry fame as a battle system designer and what we got was a battle system that focused only on Clive for Simplicity with Tor loyal always by his side and the others were AI controlled companions who they bonded throughout the The story of Tole is a good boy.
Clive gains iconic powers or powers from different summons that essentially represent different classes without being called classes. They all have pros and cons, like Phoenix having attacks that heal or Garuda having quick attacks that can stun enemies. You can follow others like Titan to deal massive damage and you can also heal. Look, I can't overstate how good of a kid he is with these skills. It all comes down to creating combos that stun enemies, dodge attacks, and eventually destroy them. all things and I should probably touch on the side quests since they are constantly criticized as well.
I did every single side quest and I'm honestly really glad I did so much of this world, the conflict, the impact of the current Injustice system coming together between the main narrative and the side quests to create a rich narrative and complete that cannot be enjoyed in its entirety without going through those secondary missions. That said, you don't need to do all the side quests to enjoy this. game, this is just a personal thing for me, I love making them and if someone asked me I would really recommend checking it out. I went back and forth on where I should place this game on the ranking list.
I even considered it in my top five. But there are a couple of things that stop me first. Upon reflection, I realized that this game lacks a lot of the character of the previous entries in the franchise because they lean a lot towards the M rating and because of this you lose some of that levity. and even some of the fun side quests in the mini-games and the tone of this game doesn't really let up a lot of times, because of this the world itself can feel oppressively bleak at times, not that it's bland or uninteresting, but just a great Part of the plot takes place in tragic locations with a dark atmosphere, and even in some of the most beautiful areas you are constantly reminded of the grave injustice and tragedy of Brandon.
It's not necessarily bad, it can just feel very heavy and I think this world. Even with its limitations, it could have been done in a much more rewarding way where, as you explore, there are different corners that you can find in cities or in the Overworld, where you are actually rewarded with considerable upgrades or items and even other surprises, while most of the exploration in 16 came up with no items or nothing really important again. All that being said, like all the games on my list, I loved this game and I honestly wish Yoshi P could still be involved, especially when it comes to the narrative. and characters and world building for me personally this is one of my favorite games of 2023 so check it out on the PS5 if you haven't already and I think this one will also come to PC in the future number six Final Fantasy 8. is one I keep coming back to again and again, this is the game that got me into the franchise and I love it, it also stands out as one of the most unique games in the franchise as the game mechanics were not repeated in any other Final Fantasy game and maybe not any other RPG in general.
Final Fantasy 8 was released in 1999 in the United States just 2 years after 7. Even as a side note, it's crazy that we've gotten


Final Fantasy games in such a short amount of time. frame and followed a similar style in that it was a more mature story with a more realistic aesthetic. The story follows Squall, a temperamental protagonist with his trusty gun, one of the coolest weapons in the series, who is an orphan and now resides in a military school. known as Balam Garden, where he and many others go through a program to graduate into a mercenary force called Seed that carried out missions around the world, protecting citizens and ultimately our task of defeating an evil sorceress, but this game would also include a side story after a mysterious character named lagona and his team that would culminate in later parts of the game, sakaguchi was less directly involved in this game and took on the role of executive producer, leaving primary direction to yashi nori katas. while working on Final Fantasy, the spirits inside a CGI movie. that would come out later, we wouldn't have Lost Odyssey without this bug, like I said before this game would have one of the most unique battle systems in the entire franchise and for some people it's probably best to leave it here, but not for this guy, seed mercenaries .
You had access to the Guardian or GFS forces, which were essentially your summons from other Final Fantasy games. With these GFS came the infamous binding system that allowed players to choose what additional actions characters could use, such as magic items or summons, and also allowed you to draw. Enemy magic and draw points that were treated more like items in the sense that you have a limited amount and you assigned that magic to a stat to increase it depending on the level of magic and how many you have, for example if you are crazy. Yo, maybe you spend the entire beginning taking hits from enemies just so you can get the maximum amount of Fire Blizzard heal just so you can boost some of those stats from gameplay.
GFS could also level up individually and gain AP that could be allocated for a wide range of skills, such as stat boosting skills and even the ability to change the game, such as nun encounter skills or being able to swap cards that you can get from this miname called triple Triad in elements and don't skip this by the way. The game was super fun, besides GFS the leveling system was changed to a flat rate of 1000 experience per level compared to the standard level scaling which requires more experience, but on top of this the enemies would increase with you with the except for some bosses that had level limits to prevent the game from becoming impossible to progress and let's not forget to talk about that incredible soundtrack.
I have nothing but good things to say about this entire series because of the amazing soundtracks, but Yumatu tried really hard on this one with songs like Libery fatali. man with a machine gun and don't be afraid it was made 58 times it's very fun to direct and dance also what no one else does that seriously look for these tracks and don't sleep on the versions made by the black magicians I've made reference to I've seen this in some of my other videos, but this was the first game that got me into the franchise and RPGs in general.
The story is essentially that I had a friend who loved these games and I used to make fun of her. ooh fantasy, huh, I would scoff like an absolute idiot until one day she essentially told me to sit down and play Final Fantasy 8 and my entire gaming life changed in that moment. I became obsessed with this game for the next few weeks. money for lunch by not buying food at school and asking my friends if they were going to finish that breadstick or not what a man has to do what a man has to do and after several weeks I finally got my mom to take me to GameStop where she would be confused to discover that she needed to go in because her son was trying to buy a PS2 slim and at that point I devoured the entire series almost like those excellent leftover breadsticks, but despite all my love for this game and your special place.
In my heart, if I'm trying to be objective, I can see why this is a bit more controversial while in theory The Junction system, flat experience requirement, enemy level scaling should balance out in practice, this was not the case at all. As a grinder by trade, I found myself having some serious mid-game problems with some of the standard enemies in the Overworld. I wouldn't say this breaks the game in any way, but that balance isn't as natural as it should be, sometimes progression wins. and the story may seem a little out of sync depending on how much you've leveled up, but the story and music will keep you going and even find some of those GFSoptionals was super fun, the overall experience is still fantastic and I would highly recommend it.
And did I mention our boy Gilges appears in this one too? Yes, the same and Final Fantasy 8 is available almost everywhere and it is not a game you should miss. Final Fantasy 6 alert number five. Final Fantasy 6 is not in your top. four, so this is an amazing game I'm about to talk about, nevermind, you've broken one of the laws of being a Final Fantasy fan, I have all kinds of different opinions and it's not that I'm hating on this. game because it's not in your top three hey, you said top four, shut up because it's not in your top three, you're not a real fan and the internet will agree with me, go away, people understand that there are different opinions and will act reasonably. in the comments, right, right, Final Fantasy 6 is, in my opinion, without a doubt, the best of the pixel era and this game is insane.
You want an epic opera scene crashed by a crazed octopus. How about a quirky character with surprisingly tragic stories? How about a boss fight? where a character can literally take a train and let it fall headlong or how about a villain who is completely crazy and actually breaks things or how about an entire village that gets poisoned and dies, wait that escalated quickly Final Fantasy 6 was released in the USA in 1994 as Final Fantasy 3 on SNES and for many who played the original Final Fantasy 3 this game was great even long after this period, it is still one of the best but imagine discovery games like this , Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana and many more back then would have been amazing, which is why I came back and continue to do so.
One of the things that makes this game so special is that the team decided that they wanted all the playable characters to be protagonists in this game, they all had backgrounds, ambitions or reasons to fight and that made the cast feel much more alive When you think about this game, who comes to mind first to accomplish this? Everyone on the development team came up with ideas for characters and settings for the overall plot and kitas, one of the directors of this game would put it all together, so to name a few, sakaguchi came up with terara and lock kitas came up with celis and GA namura came up with Shadow, Setzer and Tanaka, who We came up with Edgar and Sabin and with each of these beloved characters conceptualized with stories included, Kitas had the difficult task of tying it all together into an overarching plot provided by Sakaguchi and What we got was an amazing, epic, dark, intense and fun game, and we can't forget about KFA, easily one of the most memorable villains in a Final Fantasy game, let alone any RPG.
Making this story downright shocking, especially for the time, and of course bringing it to the end was the music by our beloved yumatsu, who wrote not only some of the most iconic tracks in this game, but literally wrote a little opera. for a scene where the characters had the trick to sneak onto a ship but are attacked by a crazy octopus and, of course, the epic battle theme from Mad Boss. The combat in this game was based on the ATB system introduced in Final Fantasy 4 and each character essentially has a class like four that gives each a special ability, but this time there were more experimental characters like Edgar who has what I would consider a mechanistic class. allowing you to purchase and use tools for special attacks, as well as terara and celis, which are similar to a Mystic Knight but different.
Celus is a Rune Knight that allows him to use magic and weapons effectively and includes the ability to absorb Magic from enemies to restore MP, while Tera is a Magic Knight that is similar but can learn magic by leveling up unlike other characters and can become an esper with his trance and Tera can be an absolute unit in this game, in addition to the special abilities that each character has to increase magic stats. and the summon can be achieved by finding and equipping espers in this game, which are the standard Final Fantasy summons like eph Shiva Bahamut etc.
Because of this, many recommend that you don't level up too much at the beginning of the game in order to max out. the stat boost provided by leveling up with an equipped Esper later. I loved this game along with Final Fantasy Tactics. I actually played this version with a friend, we literally just handed the controller to each other to control specific characters, but I didn't finish this. full game until you guessed it, Game Boy Advance. I watch Final Fantasy on Game Boy Advance. I buy Final Fantasy on Game Boy Advance and I know a lot of people want a remake of this game, but this is my opinion, so to speak.
I'm actually not sure this game translates well to a full 3D remake, allaha Final Fantasy 7. If you play this game, one of the key elements is its charm and how ridiculous the cutscene can be at times. of the opera crashes. by a giant talking octopus and then you'll fight that same crazy octopus with a flying monster on a ship only to jump off and get into another fight with a giant ship falling from the sky and this works in context because the game doesn't usually take itself itself too seriously, but honestly I'd love to see something more like a 2D HD remake with new quality of life features.
Maybe voice acting, but the pixel style lends itself very well to that kind of nonsense in this game. So why didn't this put me in the top three? Well, frankly, it's just that these five places are too close to me and a lot of it came down to how much fun I personally had playing. I know this will be at the top of the list for a lot of people and I absolutely respect the fact that I love this game and if you haven't played it I would highly recommend the Pixel Remaster available on almost all platforms.
I'm sure there are some different opinions on where the game is. This game is the best version, but the music alone is worth remastering for me, especially opera scene number four from Final Fantasy 12, although Final Fantasy 10 was the turning point for this series. Final Fantasy 12 to me felt like the series really took that next. Moving forward, this world felt lived-in and was the first to introduce fully rotating cameras, meaning you could explore in a way not previously seen in any of the Final Fantasy games. I may have had some issues that I'll come back to, but I keep coming back to this one again and again.
This game came out in 2006 and was the first new release of a Final Fantasy game I was involved in and it came with a demo disc included with Dragon Quest 8. It's also an amazing game, but this is not a Dragon Quest list, This game was directed by Yasumi Matsuno of Final Fantasy Tactics Fame, as well as hero Yuki ETO, the director of Final Fantasy 9, and the game was set in E, the same world as Tactics, although the plot is distant. Beyond giving it the ability to maintain its own distinctive style and lore, the presentation of this game was incredible, the soundtrack also had cues from Final Fantasy Tactics, which gave it a different feel as a whole, but it was still really well, all cities and locations had it. so much for them so many characters, many of which had side quests and so many places to explore this was a version of eiss it was great to spend time in a seemingly wandering s eval man story i really need to get to that game The inspiration for the design of This game came from medieval and Mediterranean countries and the localization team did an incredible job of getting voice actors with different accents to represent the different regions and peoples.
Regarding the battle system, the team wanted to move away from the classic turnbas system. Instead, he decided to revamp the ATB system combined with just-in-time automatic combat command mechanics, as well as automate his party's AI with the Gambit system. The Gambit system allowed you to prioritize certain actions based on set circumstances, for example if you wanted to make sure. your characters were always healed when their h reached a certain percentage, say 60%, you could set up a Gambit, this automated the process and you could be sure that the set character would be healed at that time, whether with magic or an item, While this system could take a while to get used to and had some flaws setting things up especially for big battles or hunts and watching the magic happen for your team was very satisfying speaking of hunts, this game also included mini bosses that you can hunt for experience. and rewards. which was an incredibly fun way to change up the pace of the game and get to some amazing battles like our old friend Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy 5 and yes, canonically the same, finally this game included a grid-like character growth system of spheres, but this time it is a license. board the idea of ​​the license board came from the fact that the earth is ruled by judges, meaning you get the right to use your abilities in the zodiac era the relaunch of this game the license board would give up the general board in favor of specific classes and subclasses that your characters can choose from to learn new skills.
Now the area of ​​this game that fails the most is the story and character payoff, there can be a distinct lack of, shall we say, emotion in the story and character stories. I never felt like I was done leaving them to eventually become a little more forgettable than some of the series' other beloved characters. This happens most abruptly in the second half of the game and has given rise to many rumors about what was actually supposed to have happened due to the fact that Matsuno had to withdraw from the project about a year before release due to reasons of health while the team was structured to rest and some adjustments were made, Matsuno actually shot down the most prevalent rumor that Bosch's character was supposed to be the main character and everything changed when he left, but don't let the elements of the story keep you from playing this game it's one of the best in terms of gameplay and I found myself coming back to it again and again like I said and I'll probably continue to do so so all combined it's so much fun to play and the world building is so strong .
Honestly, the story makes me wish they would try this game again or maybe the world itself isn't necessarily another remaster or remake, but rather a game in the same world with similar improved mechanics and a new story with more connection between characters and emotional impact and here's my best take on this one that you probably won't hear from anyone else. In fact, I prefer the original to the Zodiac era. Make no mistake, Zodiac Age is an incredible remaster and I'd say it's the best way to play for any newcomer to the game, but Zodiac Age removed all the ways you could break the game in the original, so I'll give you a For example, after finishing the game for the first time, I discovered that I could get the best spear in the game if I could run through this crazy high area called Necro Hall of Nabudis and grab it in the original.
There was this madness. Requirement that you didn't have to open very specific chests for it to appear in the necro room or you could run like crazy, grab it and try to get out of there alive before you could make that mistake once I did. He made some efforts to get the license and fought some werewolves at first by spamming these super moves called rushes until he dropped a kotetu which was a katana and was as strong as the tenth best one-handed sword in the game that could increase the ability to auto-attack more than once and then just lay waste to the game as if he completely defeated the demon wall with literally a single hit.
I also like the flexibility of being able to do anything with any of the characters by unlocking the entire license board, understandably The original license board wasn't everyone's cup of tea but I really liked it but to me this is like the opposite of Final Fantasy 16. 12. The strength is absolutely in the battle mechanics and fun of the game and not necessarily so much in its story. I think this one can often be overlooked or receive criticism that doesn't necessarily take into account how fun this game is, whether you reach the original age or the Zodiac age, you are in for a treat and if you haven't picked this one up.
I would highly recommend it as number three, Final Fantasy 7, if Final Fantasy 8 opens my eyes to RPGs in general. Final Fantasy 7 is the game that made me a lifelong fan of this series. This game was a big step forward into the 3D era of Final Fantasy. and it would combine a mysterious and compelling story, great characters, a fun world to explore mini-games like those of the golden saucer. Chocobo racing was particularly addictive and one of the scariest villains,interesting and iconic in video game history if this was what the Final Fantasy series had. To offer, I was going to get drunk with everything and made the story of this game.
It's very interesting. Initial conceptual discussion for this game began in 1994, after Final Fantasy 6 was completed, but development stopped after the initial prototype was created. the game so the team could help finish Chrono Trigger. Thank you so much. Final Fantasy 7 team. This prototype for seven was actually a 2D prototype designed for the SNES, which would have been the safest way to go, but the team was interested in the riskier 3D route. they saw the industry moving in that direction once they decided the team looked at the Nintendo 64, the PlayStation, and the Sega Saturn, and even created a full 3D test demo for the 64.
Nintendo was the first choice for testing , of course, because Square was practically a secondary developer at the time and some executives claimed that working there was similar to working at Nintendo, but the 64's testing didn't go as expected with issues with both 64 cartridge storage and the cost, not to mention the impact on the frame rate of some of their testing with models for some of their bosses so in a move that shocked the industry they moved development to PlayStation temporarily burning that bridge with Nintendo and solidified the purchase of a new era for the series. The 3D era of Final Fantasy games would not appear. on a Nintendo console again until the surprise announcement of a special DLC character for smash on Wii U Cloud Strife, this was a historic change since after this we released 7 to 2 on Switch and I'm sure we will see other ports or remasters. in the future too, 13 Trilogy, anyone, how about 15, how about 7 remake?
Come on, the story of this game also went through several iterations, as the initial concept was set in New York City, where the group was blowing up the Moco reactors and would be hunted down. by a detective named Joe Poor Joe, he would never see the light of day again. This concept would eventually change, but its core was actually kept and was used as the basis for a more experimental game, Parasite E, which was built on Final Fantasy 7. Around this time, the concept of live streaming was introduced when Sakaguchi saw the theme of life as a way of coping with the death of his mother.
The team also decided to center the narrative around one character rather than the direction of Final Fantasy. 6 This in no way means that the other characters were of less importance, but rather that the narrative would revolve around Cloud Strife, a character with an interesting backstory who would unravel throughout the game and reveal some mental health trauma connected to another important character, Zach, who also decided in contrast. to the topic of life they needed the topic of death this related to the use of Mako energy killing the planet and one of the most shocking twists in the history of video games death I'm sorry why I can't say that Final Fantasy 7 is almost 30 years old, what's the spoiler, but with all the creative energy and ideas involved in this, they had timeline limitations, so characters like Yui and Vincent, who were supposed to be part of the main plot, were moved to secondary characters, it seems that while what we got was incredible, there could have been a lot more given the time to do it, the gameplay in this game is not much different from its predecessor on a fundamental level, as it still You had your ATB system in battle, however the graphical improvements in this game were huge characters and enemies actually moving back and forth to attack each other.
The magic was rendered in sweet 3D and you had full scenes for the summons. Yes, Square. I would love to wait a full minute while I summon the Knights of the Round for the 60th time, literally taking 1 hour. of my play time just to see the summons, the main difference in this game is that it introduced the Materia system, which would also play a big role in the story and limits. Materia could be equipped to each weapon with a certain amount of slots to add and this would determine the character's magical special abilities or stat boosts, caps, special attacks that deal large amounts of damage could also be learned by completing certain objectives and Yumatu finally returned for this one and some consider it his best work, definitely in the top three. yuam matu was inspired by the more cinematic experience of PlayStation's 3D visuals to make music that was more like a movie soundtrack than the individual themes that would define the game.
His compositions would be written taking into account scenes rather than specific characters like the ones coming up. In son, you can comment on many of the amazing tracks in this game, but I have to highlight one: Angel, this masterpiece was inspired by classical music with a strong inspiration from Stravinsky, the right spring. Pretty obviously, in addition to '60s and '7s rock, he spent time writing short, disjointed musical phrases and then put them all together into this iconic song that, in my opinion, is best showcased on the Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children soundtrack, Where was it. able to use a full orchestra choir and the Black Wizards, honey, have you noticed?
I'm a fan of Black Magicians. After eight, I dove into this game and went crazy for everything that came after or before, as the case may be, when the Final Fantasy 7 compilation was announced in Advent Children, the sequel movie would be coming to the US. I was so excited when I found someone with a Japanese version with subs on their Myspace page. Yes, I remember Myspace and watched it over and over again. I also dove in. on curus on the PS2, which I now know was created with the addition of more of Vincent's story in mind, and of course Crisis Core on the PSP, then they appeared in the tech demo on the PS3 and I was very excited about that and It totally prepared us all for the eventual remake that is coming and now the Remake Trilogy turns out to actually be a sequel to Adin's Children and this is a point of confusion.
I see a lot, to be fair, the marketing in terms of remakes is confusing, but these are not. It is intended to replace the original but rather to expand on the original. I'm going to agree with this comment from corn dog 9482 that I got on this video, thanks dude, he said that one that needs a proper one-on-one remaster is Final Fantasy 7, its original format without it being released episodically and it's kind of a game of silly gacha, the old corn dog here is perfect, as much as I love this series. I hate any crisis. In principle, if you like it, don't judge yourself, enjoy your game, but for me it represents what could have been specifically a real one-to-one remaster of Final Fantasy 7 with new models and assets to make the original look more modern but retro and with battles that transition to the Redo the assets while maintaining the original ATB battle system.
The original had blocky characters that had a more mature design when you went into battle and it worked, so why not replace the blocky characters with the art style you have in each crisis and make the battles look like they're more mature. Remake with Remake Style music anyway, as much as I love this game and all of its spin-offs, I won't pretend that nostalgia and Squares' constant push to keep this world alive doesn't have a big impact on its placement in my top. three, but there is a reason why this game in this world is so iconic: the original was and is an incredible game and I would still highly recommend it, especially in its current tweaked remastered form on almost all consoles.
Remastering also includes ways to speed up. something that slowed down the original game, so whether you're into the Remake Trilogy or not, watch the original and if you like it, go down all seven Rabbit Holes just like I did with number two, Final Fantasy 14 , okay, this one. It feels a bit like cheating because it's really several games in one package and I know MMOs aren't for some of you, but if you have the time and money to dive into this game, you'll find one of the best. not the most Final Fantasy of all the Final Fantasy games, this game is a treasure trove of narrative music, oh the musical nonsense, epic battles, so many references to the entire franchise and just a sweet joy, I won't be able to fully capture the incredible of this game. in such a short segment because this game could make hours long videos on its own and I know the original Final Fantasy 14 was released in 2010 and was a complete commercial and critical failure, but one man stood up to get this game out of the picture. grave. in Big Risk it's probably riskier not to fix it and that man was naoki Yoshida Yoshi led the team to start working on version 2.0 now known as A Realm Reborn where they would change the engine, revamp the story game interface, etc. , but when A Realm Reborn arrived it was brilliantly done on November 11, 2012, the original game closed with an entire cutscene that ended in a trailer for a reborn rum, what a way to go down and build anticipation at the same time, little after Alpha access for A Realm Reborn. was open ended, the story picked up where the original left off, treating the actual events of the game's failure and closure as an actual Calamity narrative and starting A Realm Reborn with hope for the future and worked in a crazy turn of events 14 no It only emerged for life, but has continued to grow with each major expansion, making this game one of the biggest comeback stories of all time.
During the restoration process, Yoshi P made it very clear that sales were secondary to redeeming the series' reputation through communication and regaining trust. from the players and to this day he has followed a strategy of constant communication with the players, but also focused on making sure the game's playability was a priority. A key focus was to appeal to hardcore MMO players, as well as newcomers to the genre because of that. Newcomer Focus Yoshi p and team prioritized controller play as well as the standard keyboard setup, and while some always prefer the keyboard setup, I can confirm after hundreds of hours in this game and 90% of my time of gaming in a controller that is designed.
Really great, on top of this the team would address the standard MMO problem of dungeons and raids taking forever by implementing a Duty Finder system that made it much easier to connect with other players, even across servers. Later, the trust system was implemented which even allowed players to run dungeons and bosses with characters from the in-game story, essentially allowing for a complete single-player experience and eventually the team continues to strive to expand the story to bring back old players and boy does it work no matter how much time has passed since I. I have played a new story it always brings me back this game is largely set in the land of aoria which includes ronia, a forest-like area, the sultana ula, the desert area, limsa lensa, the sea empire and ishgard , an isolated, snowy theocracy, while A Realm Reborn focuses on. mainly in ulog grania and limsa expansions like Heaven's word, they take the player to areas like ishgard, their characters, the Warriors of light, arrive in the world of 14 and are soon greeted by a host of incredible characters who continue to contribute to the many story expansions.
Leaders from each area are introduced, as well as the Kindred of the Seventh Dawn, an organization independent of the nation that focuses on preventing a new Calamity from reaching the land, mainly by stopping the mines of the Asens, who are a mysterious group of Hooligans. dark hooded Do naughty things like summon enemies, conspire with enemy nations, possess even your allies to do evil and you know, summon ancient Monster Machines to blow up the planet and this is just the basis of the story, keep in mind that you are a warrior of the light and one of the Scions.
You work with the group to unify nations, protect towns, and uncover what goes on behind the scenes to often find deeper, darker truths about what is happening in the world. The warrior of light has a special power called echo that allows them to resonate with people. Souls can see but not change their past, this often allows the player to learn more about motivations or key information that helps the group advance and finally there are the classes and jobs in this game. One of the most surprising things about this game is that, unlike many other MMOs, your character can have as many classes or jobs as you want.
The way it works is that you choose a class to start with. For me, it was the boxer. As you progress through the story and exploration, you can find and unlock new ones. classes and once you reach level 30 you can upgrade to a more advanced job in my case I was a monk untilThey introduced ninja and then Samurai and now the Viper job, but if you're not a DPS junkie like me, you can run tank DPS. or healer classes or multiples of each depending on what you want to change at any time and I didn't even talk about the craft jobs where you can do all kinds of things.
I was very excited when this game came out in 2013 in On the PS3 I bought the deluxe edition which came with some very cool stuff and got into the Beta which was a bit of a dump when I tried to log in and over the 11 years on this point I have kept coming back, I know. MMOs aren't for everyone because they tend to be huge, they're much slower paced, even just the journey, but this game is incredibly good, each expansion gets better and better and the story almost feels like your favorite show, but you can keep coming.
You will come back and be able to continue spending time with that incredible cast. One of the best things about this game. Every MMO I've played was super fun to play with friends, but the story was never really a focus, perhaps with Wow being an exception. Of course, but this game has some of the best storytelling in the entire series and now that you can run it effectively in single player, it's a great game to start with. It may require some adjustments for those unfamiliar with MMOs, but it is absolutely worth it. the sheer amount of content is crazy right now and I can't stop talking about who the composer of these games is.
I also made 16 as I mentioned before, but no offense at all. 16 seemed like a watered down version to me. From what he accomplishes here in 14, a lot of people think soundtrack 16 is awesome and it is, but if you think soundtrack 16 is awesome, check out soundtrack 14. Every expansion of this game is full of his styles. Absolutely epic experimental themes and it just continues to grow when you finish with Walker, the theme plays notes from each expansion, making the music carry the entire story of the game with it and music like this has a huge impact on the player who has experienced all the story because it just reminds you of the totality of the experience, like I said.
I could gush about this game all day. If I could have one crazy wish, it would be that square committed to turning this game into single-player installments. Imagine A Realm Reborn Heavens Speechless, Storm Blood Shadowbringers and Walker Dawn all reimagined and made into single player, maybe keep some of those multiplayer components of the game that maintains the core story and treats the main characters as characters in your party . Things should be scaled back and adjusted. a little bit, but I would spend all my money on this just to have the chance to relive and play 14 new stories and those Final Fantasy fans who miss this game would have the chance to see what I'm talking about again, just like Dragon Quest . 10 offline, while this is possible, again, I doubt it will happen anytime soon if it's ever number one, Final Fantasy 9, for me.
Final Fantasy 9 is the heart and soul of this franchise, this game encapsulates a lot of what I love from Final Fantasy 1 to Final. Fantasy 8 and celebrates the entire series up to that point. If Final Fantasy 14 is the MMO celebration of the series, this feels like the single-player celebration of the series. Final Fantasy 9 was released in November 2000 and returned to medieval fantasy. The roots that started the franchise in contrast to 7 and 8, this was deliberate as Sakaguchi wanted to create a game that recaptured the spirit and setting of the previous Final Fantasy games at the time, this was his favorite Final Fantasy game.
Sakaguchi as it was the closest to his ideal Final Fantasy game and that is high praise from the creator of Final Fantasy and who am I to disagree. The designs for the game were inspired by The Dark Crystal. The team wanted to focus on the depth of the characters and the relationship, even adding active time events that would allow players. To experience other characters separate from Zidane, the main protagonist has a strong influence from the franchise that can be easily seen in the character designs, which seem like the platonic ideal of the work they represent. zidane looks like a thief with an additional story to achieve the effect.
Steiner Vive Garnet, all designed. to look exactly like her class would, I can also say how much I love Viv. She's one of the best characters in the entire series, not to mention the references to crystal city castles and characters from previous games, even one of the main antagonists that Garland shares. The name of him with the original main antagonist of Final Fantasy without going into all the details you can find references from every previous Final Fantasy if you know what you are looking for, even the music is no exception as there are many illusions from previous ones. games on the soundtrack talking about which yatu hit all the right notes with the soundtrack see what i did there influenced by a mix of medieval and renaissance music, he created several themes that were used to add emotional depth to the story such as the main theme Melodies of Life or my personal favorite, not only, but not only did it create one of the best soundtracks in the series, but it also referenced older themes from the franchise, such as the volcano theme from Final Fantasy 1, the pandemonium theme from Final Fantasy 2 and even the band Tantalus playing Rufus' welcome ceremony from Final Fantasy 7, which honestly confused the hell out of me the first time I heard it like 7 and 8, the battle system ATV had returned and character-enhancing attributes are learned through equipment only this time. there are skills on every piece of equipment that require AP that can be obtained in battles a long experience to permanently learn the skill a dream for happy players like me even better in the remaster since you can speed it up but what did this game do? stand out more than any other are the characters from the beginning, we are introduced to zidane viie garnet and Steiner and we begin the adventure starting with zidane, who is preparing for a performance in Alexandria with the Tantalus Group, which is actually a front for his true mission to kidnap Princess Garnet during the celebration of her 16th birthday, at the same time, Viie and Puck were introduced to the rat, a black magician who makes his way through the busy streets of Alexandria trying to reach the castle to observe his performance.
His innocence and curiosity. over the world is immediately seen creating this interesting contrast between him and the more experienced personalities of Tantalus, meanwhile, Princess Garnet feels trapped by her royal duties and the mysterious actions of her mother. Queen Braun wants to escape from the castle that Zidane encounters during the tantalus performance and it is revealed that she actually wants to be kidnapped, that was a shock and then we see uptight old Steiner leaving to try and head to the princess who is in danger. The way each of these characters is presented and interacts shows a lot of charm and character. humor, but what sets the stage for this entire adventure is that these four strange companions need to learn to work together to survive after the ship they all crash into crashes in an evil forest.
From there, you see that Nine balances some of the humorous elements, but the game isn't afraid to lean towards the darker and more tragic elements as it progresses. For such a lighthearted introduction, the second half of the game might surprise you again. I don't want to spoil anything here because I think this game is absolutely worth playing and it keeps getting better and better man and I remember playing this game for the first time. I grew up in this desert area of ​​California and there was a day when there was this weird storm when we were supposed to go to school.
One Wednesday and my sister and I were at a nearby fast food restaurant, one of the school kids ran in and told us that the school had been flooding and that a transformer was hit by lightning but they were corralling people into buses. and sending children to nearby schools to get that money from the state. I guess my sister and I went home. I remember walking up the stairs where my game setup was in Final Fantasy 9 and in that weird, nice rain. I didn't have any school work to do, just several hours of Final Fantasy 9 and I fell in love with this game and although I wouldn't appreciate it until much later, I love the many illusions of this game and the music.
Oh my god, I love this soundtrack so much. I remember walking into Overworld and just sitting there letting the music wash over me and I still do, sometimes, whenever that song comes up on my playlist for my music, it's just this hit of sweet nostalgia. not to mention the famous not being alone scene which was so powerful and that song is so good, when I played this game for the first time, when I was entering high school, I felt intimidated, a little lonely, and as I played and got to that scene of not being alone, the music.
This is not only good but plays a really interesting role in the story. The instrumentation of the song gave it this kind of battle theme vibe even though much of the scene isn't a fight with any enemies, but that's what it is. a battle only within the main character Z and the characters fight for him in this scene, hence the title, he is not alone, although he felt lost and tried to push them away, they continued fighting for him until he finally regains consciousness and as a student of secondary, I mean, even now this scene hits so hard, this is a great example of why I think this game was Peak Final Fantasy, they just got it so right with scenes like this from a character story music perspective, like Another example of Viv in particular, she's an incredibly written character, she's amnesiac, but as you see, her story unfolds slowly, how she handles it and carries it forward is so good.
I actually had viv's theme on my MySpace page back in the day, I have no idea why everyone else had uh Blink 182 or Evan. Essence in the profile of him some people have no class. This is a game that feels like the Final Fantasy game. It addressed themes such as existential suffering, acceptance of one's own mortality, and the meaning that others can bring to your life in such a satisfying and moving way. probably one of the more mature final fantasies despite its appearance and I'm very eager to see what this rumored remake of 9 will be like.
I seriously doubt it has the crazy scope of the seven remake series, but I'm also not looking for that with nine what I would love to see it taken from a visual standpoint as well as some much needed improvements to the battle mechanics and on that front I want to say that I really wouldn't mind the battle mechanics of the remake series, although no way I would . I would be upset if they just stuck to the ATB system with some modern tweaks and improvements or maybe a new version of ATB. What I don't want is any changes to the story or themes.
There is a reason why this is one of the highest rated games. all the time and even by today's standards, it is highly praised for its story and characters, so give me epic new visual improvements in battles all day long, but I still want this to be a one to one remake from the perspective of the story and don't you dare make this a mobile game Square anyway remaker no this amazing game is available everywhere now switch PS5 PC Xbox whatever so if you haven't played this yet do it ok It's worth it and it's one of the best representations of the franchise and that's it.
I use it for my ranking, but I'm not done yet. I know there are a lot of people who are new to the franchise and don't know where to start, so let me answer one of these frequently asked questions. No it does not matter. What order do you play these games in unless there is a direct sequel like 102 or 132 and my recommendation on where to start will be largely based on what era you are interested in for the series, many of these games are quite different which results in a variety of experiences and a variety of opinions, if you're looking to find one that gives you the best representation of the series, like I said, I would say that playing Final Fantasy 9, as I've already explained, it's a celebration of the first. two eras and it does it brilliantly if you're looking to highlight the highlights of each era I'd say 4 6 79 9 10 12 and 16 are fantastic places to start and if you love them of course you can fill in the gaps and Of course, if you want the Final Fantasy Joy Ride MMO and are willing to put in the time, definitely check out 14 or you can just play all of them and their sequels, and don't forget the spin-off tactics in particular. absolutely amazing, oh and the Theater Rhythm series, once you've seen what I mean by those amazing soundtracks and if you want to check out this sucker, talk more about Theater Rhythm Final Fantasy and some of his other 2023 favorites, the ones I told him, take a look. this video 2023 you don't even exist anymore get out of here

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