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Every ECU Sucks. Fueltech, Motec, Holley EFI, Pro EFI, Etc.

Apr 26, 2024
This is the third computer I bought this week. While going through the computer repair, I realized that this is the exact situation many of you are going through with ECU. Remember when the iPhone came out and what's happening? The joke was how do you know if someone had an iPhone? and the answer was: don't worry, they will tell you that it works exactly the same way when someone has motch. I have no idea how to use this. They are two totally different types of computers, but at the end of the day they do 95% of exactly the same thing in the big schemes, there are very minor differences between them, but people love or hate one of the other and they will basically fist fight you to try to tell you that.
every ecu sucks fueltech motec holley efi pro efi etc
His opinion is right and yours is wrong. This exact same thing happens in the ECU industry all the time. Let's look at some different things to consider when choosing an ECU for your car. When choosing an ECU, there are some differences. The categories of things you consider are important, but the number one thing that worries most people is price: we have cheap, we have expensive, we have some people who always want the cheapest option in


thing, I swear to God , that's me. and then we have other people who always want to buy the most expensive thing, but this is where most people end up somewhere in between wanting to buy the best investment or spending the least amount of money and getting the best price. most of what they need, there is no reason to buy the most expensive if you only need the most basic.
every ecu sucks fueltech motec holley efi pro efi etc

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every ecu sucks fueltech motec holley efi pro efi etc...

The nice thing about price is that it's not totally linear now, as you'd expect, if you buy the cheapest it's going to suck, but just because you spend more money doesn't mean you get a lot more, so it's pretty easy to think that the curve is like this: as I spend a little more, it gets a little better, a little better, if I spend a little more. a lot, it improves a lot, but personally I think the curve is more like this. If you spend the least amount of money, you always end up with the worst, but as you start spending a little more money,


thing gets a lot better. pretty quickly and then it hits a point where the returns are diminishing and yes as you spend more it does get better but a lot of these features and this really expensive range are things that most people don't need but they do. you need It's worth it.
every ecu sucks fueltech motec holley efi pro efi etc
This was actually the first of three computers I bought, but after using it for about half an hour I finally ended up returning it because it got really hot and the fan ran all the time. the loud sound like a helicopter that's when I decided to get something a little better. I usually use relatively cheap laptops for tuning because they just wear out and I have to replace them all the time, how hard is it to use? It's probably another category, if you're not tuning or installing it yourself you may not care, but it's pretty important to a lot of people.
every ecu sucks fueltech motec holley efi pro efi etc
Let's see if it is easy to use. Generally not very adjustable. It's hard. Usage generally has a lot of adjustability and this accounts for the learning curve. I think this is what has made Holly so popular over the years is that it is easy to use but also offers a lot of adjustability without a huge amount of learning curve at least in comparison. to some other options available so I've never actually used a Mac until the last few days and there's a lot of awesome things that I really like and there's definitely a lot of things that are super frustrating just because I don't really know how to do it yet and there seems to be a hotkey for literally everything, so you have to memorize a lot, but I can definitely say that I see why people really rely on this stuff on the learning curve part of this.
So autotune seems to be important to a lot of people and in this case we have our expectations of autotune versus the amount of disappointment that we have, so if you have very low expectations and you're just using it to get the car. started before adjusting it or maybe it's a very basic setup or something, but if you have low expectations, chances are you won't be too disappointed, but on the other hand, if you have high expectations and think that self-learning is going to completely tune the car on your thousand horsepower project, then you're probably going to be very disappointed and this isn't just for Holly, this is for all the different systems, this applies to most things in life, the more time and effort If you spend on something, the better your results will be, if true, this took probably 3 or 4 minutes to get up and running, this says, this will take 30 minutes, I'm still waiting to try to set it up, update it and prepare it. use it to remind me when you try to pole the dyno with a fuel Tech car and you have to wait 6 months for broadband to heat up this category here should be everyone's top priority, which is the support we have. the manufacturer themselves, if you need to talk to them, we have a tuner, what's your tuner, that helps you or even find a tuner, and then we have self-help, which is like the ability to find information on how to do things yourself now .
This seems to be very much related to popularity, so for an ECU that is not popular it will have bad support or at least be difficult to find support and then if something is very popular it will usually have good support or at least easy to find support and you can see this is relatively linear and if we talk about self help and it's easy to find, if you're interested in learning how to tune your hly EFI system yourself, I actually have an online training for that. check the link in the description, the camera specs of both are the same but you can see that on paper they should be the same but they are drastically different from each other.
What I mean, it's overrated, in my opinion. You run into this exact same scenario with ECUs when it comes to choosing an ECU based on features, which is both the easiest and hardest part, because if there is a feature you need and the ECU doesn't have it . so that's not going to work like if my personal car, for example, had a Holly Dominator. If my car was the exact same model but a year newer, I would need the ECU to be able to plug in and get through the car can. which wouldn't be an option with Holly, so at that point I'd have to look for a different option, like with this thing.
I can't really run any tweaking software on this without jumping through 1,000 hoops, so no matter how much I like or dislike that thing, I'll always have Windows-based computers on hand. Now the tricky thing when it comes to features is that most of these ECUs say that. They do the same thing as boost control and no control for example, although let's say Holly has no control and a link ECU has no control, one of them is really good, one of them is really bad, but on paper they seem to be more or less equal. The same goes for boost control.
You know one computer may have a really complex boost control strategy and the other may just have an open loop fixed duty cycle table, but on paper they both have boost control, so that's where it gets complicated and You really have to dive in and compare apples to apples when it comes to ECU features. I think the ship will turn when you compare ECUs to find out what you want, make sure you can tell the difference between facts and opinions, for example the speakers on this computer are absolutely rubbish compared to this one, that's just a fact, but when It's about the OS of these two, some people are going to swear that the Windows OS is better, some people are going to swear that the Mac OS is better and it's a really personal preference and if it wasn't there wouldn't be two options just there would be one or the other the same thing happens with ecus they all have their pros they all have their cons some are better at some things and others, some are terrible at some things and excellent at others, that's why there are 50 different manufacturers to choose from and even within From those manufacturers you have 20 other options on top of that and you can research everything as much as you can. what you want, you're not always going to make the right decision the first time, and sometimes your needs and wants and things like that grow, which is what happened to me.
I used to be able to use these $3 $400 D computers and everything was fine now that I'm doing all this video stuff and screen recordings had to step up a bit to this, even this would struggle editing 4K footage, This is where this comes in handy, before I switched to this I used to Use this was astronomically expensive and treated me well for a long time, but now I do most of my editing on a desktop at home, but it's much nicer to use when it comes to editing the things I have to do. While I'm here in the store and not at home in front of my nice computer, 90% of my life has become video editing.
One big thing you need to understand with all of these ECUs is that they all have their pros and cons, sometimes the ECU. It may be great in every way, but it is very complex to use or maybe it is very expensive, but either way you will find a flaw in everything. The same goes for computers. This was the cheapest. It lasted about 9 months before the hard version. The drive went bad, this was the most expensive one and it has been a great computer, but it definitely has its flaws. This one is very similar to this one but it's been around for a few years and it's been great if you try to set it up on your lap while you're tuning a car it would actually set all your balls on fire.
That thing ran at 400°. These two are new so wait to see what the verdict is on them and this one is like an old motch M4 running Doss. you can't actually even email data logs on this, you actually have to use a fax machine. I think if you want to see another video comparing a bunch of different ECUs, click on the video on the screen now and if you want. For more information on how to tune your Holly EFI system, click the link below. We have free and paid training available. Thanks for watching.

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