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Every Car vs Reverse Speed Bumps in GTA 5

Mar 09, 2024
get some extra


, here we go, okay, easy. No problem, the tubes are super simple, suck on that tube now. I think we can jump on this. I think well, it's a very high wall. Oh, oh, God, now, come on, man, this is literally like sticking a round peg into a square. hole, get in there Peg, come on oh oh oh oh oh okay, okay, I've got two tires up, I've got two tires up, um man, I can't get traction to lift the other two tires, even though I tried my best. shot I won't do it too very fast look how much is left we're not even halfway there you know what time it is you know what time it is there's no way the wasteland won't go through this soup Campbell's it's a helicopter brother okay he looks drunk I don't know , well, I'm just going to, I don't know, let him do what he's doing trying to see if I can hit him with a grenade.
every car vs reverse speed bumps in gta 5
This is all a matter of time and if that looks good oh Yahtzeeethat's what you do to laze around a gray board, still play, anyway, back to it, this is all very easy, water, no problem, now This is the part I'm worried about, um, I think we're going to want a little bit of the rolling


will go down the hill use the oh, this is going to be a tight fit, okay, I'll wait for it, wait for it and there it goes, let's roll. down, it comes, come on, okay, so that's how it went, it was more about starting with a little momentum and passing it just in time the tube speed


shouldn't pose any threat and now this giant pain in my rectal cavity It's going to be left in a wasteland yeah, first try it baby, okay, oh, that's right, so it has to be in the other way, so just the other way around, I could probably still get out of this with speed, huh, oh, oh , this is a little harder than I had previously anticipated, oh never mind, I can literally crawl up the side of the wall grinding. the Wastelander against this here look, grind it and close it tight.
every car vs reverse speed bumps in gta 5

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every car vs reverse speed bumps in gta 5...

I had to redo the board. I have an idea that we're going to hit this at an angle that I couldn't get out, but if we go like this and shorten it, oh, shorten the distance from point A to point B right, what's going on here what kind of David Blaine ridiculousness is it? this uh uh okay whatever oh my god Pharaoh speed bump in


oh no this is crazy I mean how bad can it be oh oh how about a mummy this is like a strange mummy that teleports in the moment he got over it, man, the wastelands are crazy, okay, now it exists backwards, uh, there's like, uh, that was an alien ray gun, so what you gotta do? you have to shoot the car through the canyon or there's the Pharaoh again, it's the little mummy down there just chilling, it sounds like he's having a live barbecue on the edge of a uh oh, there we go on the edge of a uh, a rocket. or something sounds like there's a stream of Hydra down there I guess he grabs the gun and then what's with the wait?
every car vs reverse speed bumps in gta 5
Are you a troll? So, um, I don't think I was supposed to try. and take that gun, I've been at this long enough since the beginning oh oh Alex, your betrayal is still fresh in my head oh and it tastes like sadness and here we go so I don't know, I think you'll just leave and I can climb up the wall or uh man I can't get traction down here oh god oh no not again okay what if we go one way like this? Oh, you still can't understand it, how do you get through? This is okay, no joke, I've been doing this forever, there's only one way out of here, I have to land on all four tires there, oh my God, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, that is, don't do it.
every car vs reverse speed bumps in gta 5
Don't do it Alex, don't ruin this for me I'm right there I'm on the edge I can taste salvation I can I'm going back to the bottom Let me have this oh oh it's perfect Perfect yeah, yeah, oh my God, do you know what pain is? I want you to show me an American football speed bump in


, what uh uh, okay, this doesn't seem so difficult as legit after what I just went through. I don't see how this is a problem in any way oh there's a soccer ball in the background well I guess Alex calls it soccer.
I mean, you know you use your foot to hit it, but listen, I don't, I don't make the rules, man, they call it football. I wonder what would happen if I told you that getting out of here is maddeningly difficult. I had to do this again because once you're in the pit you can't get out, so you have to go up the ramp and pray to God to do it. Wow, what the hell is this? Does this look much worse than it really is? Can I just increase the size of these pipes? Well, we're going to try to get speed and then we're going to try to push the chassis through the pipes like here look at the chassis through the pipes and then get enough distance.
Wow, okay, I have an idea. Look at this,


tire on


pipe. What about that? Okay, now this is backwards. Oh wow, can I cheat? this can be legit just say all soccer balls aren't dynamic you're kidding okay we'll do it with speed ramp bounce I got it wow that was a lot easier than I thought reversing the speed of reverse, reverse and reverse. speed bump what oh oh I can taste the ending the end of Agony the speed bump moves all the time and there's a lever to speed up so you have to climb this you can't you can't there's no way you can't climb this is impossible oh my god , I think I know what you have to do, okay, get ready because I think I know what you have to do, okay, okay, and then get out.
Gravity runs, gravity runs and then nah, stop, stop, stop, oh my God. oh my god, oh my god, oh Jesus, oh god, I can't believe it, it was so much better than I ever expected, that means we have a winner, well Alex reversed the obstacles and reversed my happiness, Eric, friends, don't forget this. episode from today until next time stay foxy much love

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