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Every BLOCK You Place MULTIPLIES in MINECRAFT! (too many blocks)

May 31, 2021


the books


time we




down in multiplications, wait: we


one, it becomes two, we place another


, it becomes four and then eight, sixteen thirty two, before you know it, there are



in the game. Now our goal in this video is to find diamonds and I think you all know what we are thinking, if we place a diamond block down we can get infinite amounts of diamonds, warning this game might break anyway, make sure you like it this video, otherwise. You are a fan of jellies and without further ado let's get into the video guys, what do you build?
every block you place multiplies in minecraft too many blocks
Okay, okay, I'll break it, I'll break a tree, so what's wrong with that? I just attached it with a block of wood, okay, how did you do it? I just look, it's funny, he told you why don't you do it in the world. Did you have a place that wouldn't tear it down? Wait, why don't we make what you're complaining about into multiples? Well now I have three point oak wood so I'm good I'm just going to put crafty that looks interesting I'll get the rest of this tree yeah you want some wood Jenna here you go some wood , oh, sorry, wait, so the guys give me one


time it was for two, so we already have a lot of multipliers here, by the way, some jars, well, yes, we can break it, leave it, oh, we have dozens of them, I'm going down, that sounds like Creina, we have to get as much wood as possible first, I mean, it's not like what grows on trees, come on exactly, so you guys want me to get this rock down here, wait, yeah , we do it, why not, no, no, we don't want to place it.
every block you place multiplies in minecraft too many blocks

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every block you place multiplies in minecraft too many blocks...

I don't want Oh jelly things Oh Oh ladder my oh yeah Josh Josh this isn't funny Josh guys look at this Oh I got a rock, aha, put it down, oh well I guess it's an easy way for me to get my rocks, boys. It's not going to get dangerous anytime soon, a lot of things are being placed, maybe we need to relax and think about our lives, although it doesn't seem like there are too


yet, so maybe we were okay, okay, next thing we need. Iron, you guys have your tools alright, should we go out then and see if we can find something?
every block you place multiplies in minecraft too many blocks
Okay, take some of that. We can't put this back, wait, so I need, oh boy, I bought 19 more that I just picked out. Up guys stop how many my place will become impossible guys oh that was my mistake I just did it. Our thinking is automatic to do that, oh, there are so many, why did you get it, you got it, because we rose to the surface. Please, I like it, I did it without realizing it, just no, oh wait, that's what's up here too Oh, it's okay, you guys ran in the opposite direction, it's okay, come on, do it, do it, oh, it's Well, that's nice, isn't it a lot more than we should? having now not because you put out so many torches that was an accident okay, delicious, it was guys, what's okay, I'll go get some, oh wait, that was iron down here in this hole, okay, I'm grabbing something, call this. in oh no, I made a big mistake.
every block you place multiplies in minecraft too many blocks
I could have tried to build and I think I'm going to die, yeah, okay, I'm back, oh, there's too many, okay, wait, wait, away from the crafting bench, away from the crafting bench. far away, it might not be far enough, okay, there's a dead cow right there in one place, it's still working here, man, okay, that's good, that's a lot of ovens, okay, I guess it doesn't really matter, anymore that we couldn't cook several. right, I think you guys are ready to go, we have stuff, okay, let's explore, yeah, I need some too, we could probably do that next, we need more food than that, believe me guys, I see a town what we needed, wait guys.
Honestly, the best idea, well we need this one guys, carrot or potato, okay, that made so many, you want some more jelly, I got you, I got you, what's the same? P, see on his chest, something good, great, that's enough, ah, here we go. UNAM a little good, why would you make that jelly now? I know it does and you could have told us wait, someone broke the well let me fix it guys, didn't they kill you? I think I'm dead too, okay? again, gelatin. and everything oh no, I'm fine, so I can't think I'm fine, I'm fine, I thought, thank you, great, I'm not shy, I can understand it, I can jump, come on, let's wait, oh, too bad, too bad.
I'm so sorry, yeah, I was trying to get out, okay, oh, I was trying to get you out of here, Josh, I was trying to get out, oh, village boys, guys, I can help the villager get out. Wait a second. Oh, I was trying to get the villager out, but now he's probably dead, yeah, yeah, that place's too far away now, okay, it's still John, it's still good, what a jelly, no, no, don't let the TV of flowers to reproduce literally forever, you know what I think we should go find? our mine is now going we need to get those diamonds as soon as possible.
I'm just going to dig. What are you doing? Why would you do that? Oh, I accidentally planted a torch. Didn't you die? Wait, wait, oh, you're an idiot, what are you doing? Yes, that suffocated me. I'm just going to dig. I'm done and seriously this time, don't kill me this time. Please wait, what are you doing? Angels, I'm not building. What do you mean it's still someone's house you robbed? my house I don't know what you mean Jenny, what are you doing? Why are you laughing? okay, we can get more, okay, I have three, someone built the block, you really, really, do it.
I think it's the key to the infinity diamond. here, let's go out somewhere open, yeah, Jenny, put her here, okay, and make Reina go to the hill, that's a shame. I think this is going to suffocate the gelatin. You need Jenny's place to be as far away as you can and she runs, I think she looks at how white. it's actually they're putting it out there just don't don't do anything else because I put another one in as soon as this one is ready it'll do it again no, jelly, do it again, can we really get on it safely?
Wait, Jenny, where did you do it? place the next one, okay, I'll go up to the top, it's literally building as we go up, okay, there's plenty of time, okay, hopefully, at least Ted, this was going to happen at some point, there go our diamonds , if you enjoyed that video. a couple more videos on your screen, clickable with your mouse or your finger, Aryan controller or something, you can hit this one here, which will probably be the best one for you. I mean, if you don't want that one, you can also check out this one here, which is also good, enjoy it.

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