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Even Stevphen - Aging

May 20, 2024
Hey everyone, leave it for Lou, go late, it's so bad, thanks everyone, that's for you bro, you guys are the only birthday present I need, guys, as you've probably realized, because I keep mentioning it like I do. I did a moment ago, today is my birthday and thank you, thank you and as I mentioned this is a big 60 and it's the kind of milestone that makes you reflect but I have to say that I think getting older is a good thing, you're wrong Stephen, What is that, my good friend Steve Carell? I was Steve Steve, I was just explaining to the good people here that I think getting older is really wonderful and I was surprised to hear how wrong you were.
even stevphen   aging
It seems like we're at a stalemate, a disagreement, it's interesting. It reminds me a little bit of that long-running debate segment we used to do on The Daily Show,




, yeah, that works, what he says is let's solve this the old-fashioned way, guns at dawn. I was thinking, even Steven H. I still like the gun idea, but sure, let's do it. You just made me throw up in my own mouth. How's the weather in your own ass? Tonight's theme


is good no no no it is yes it is no yes no zephen we are born in a grave and every day the cruel grip of time brings us closer to Oblivion, you will never be younger than you are at this moment and Let's face it, my friend, you haven't aged badly, as always.
even stevphen   aging

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even stevphen aging...

Steve, age matures us like a fine wine because with age comes experience and with experience comes wisdom. With wisdom comes the ability to see yourself for who you are, a sad, dumb idiot Stephen, if you are so wise, you should know that the best years are behind you, you are simply speeding towards the next exit on the highway of life. in the mainland city population, your pants, as far as we know, it already happened, how come you never get up from behind this desk? Steve, I just did the monologue right there, you were younger and we hadn't seen you standing in minutes, you're breaking down sooner. our eyes grandpa, can you still hear me Steven, do you know who I am oh yes, I recognize you, you're the brand Kirkland Ricky Jes Steve getting older


is a reward for a life well lived at 60, walking counts as exercise Can I take my pants off? as tall as I want and no one judges me for having dinner at 4:30 my dessert is three more hours of daylight the only thing bigger than your denial is the font on your old phone you're older than me Steve you re 61 shut up there's nothing wrong with being 61 steve yes there is do you know what happens to men in hollywood after they turn 60 they match us with 30 year old women 30 stephen i'm so sorry, i had no idea and i thought this point worked? mostly with minions haha ​​Stephen, well I didn't know you were allowed to tell jokes on this show.
even stevphen   aging
I better let the network know you've gone rogue, hey CBS, look that's how old I am. I still do this to indicate a phone, hey, CBS, come on. Quick, something is wrong with your older Sheldon. I'm very happy with this job, Steve. I get to talk to some of the most famous and fascinating people in the world and other nights I get to talk to you. Sorry if I'm not as exciting as a paid integration with Nissan or the 4M host on MSNBC, she has a name Steve and I don't know what it is, just admit it Carell, of all the people you should be grateful for every year you passes, each one adding more distance. between you and welcome to Marwin, not all of us have the gravitas to be cast in The Love Guru, says the guy who was in the 2005 movie Bewitched, we were both in that movie, okay, that's a tie, but you know why , Steve, I'm grateful. grow older because I am grateful for my growth, why would I want to live in the past, where you and I were forced to share an office on a small cable show where we could explore our communicative voices late into the night enjoying the joy of discovery?
even stevphen   aging
Since we argued passionately twice, sometimes three times a week, I don't need it anymore, in fact, I like that these days we argue more once a year, usually on my birthday, when you go through a Pity fight, wait, that That's what this is all about. Do you miss arguing with me? Are you worried that the spark has gone out? Well, it's just that as we get older it becomes a little harder to get your anger out. Well, Stephen, it's okay, we can't argue so much. like we used to but that doesn't make it any less sweet when we do it so you think as we get older our relationship changes but maybe it also deepens no wait a second you're just saying no to be argumentative yeah wait wait a second, did we do it?
I just don't agree twice in one night, sure buddy, we still got it and Stephen, yeah, I'll always be here for you. I promise yes, absolutely any time I have something to promote. Thanks Steve, that means a lot. Thanks Steve. That means a lot coming from an old man. like a year Tic Toc, my friend, happy birthday, dusty witch, thank you, ghastly witch, we'll be right back to old Steve Carell.

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