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ETERNALS: Why Kang Didn’t Stop The Celestials - Marvel Phase 4

Mar 28, 2024
Our universe is a constant exchange of energy without us our universe will fall into darkness all life will die every step you took to get here I paved the path you just walked Welcome back everyone this is my


video about


the one remains versus the


and why


't the true story of the mcu


main universe


them and not the arishem lies that the judge told everyone and how that connects to what's going on with the


multiverse war cosmic concepts really great so if you're new to the channel i make


videos every week make sure you subscribe to get everything but during the


movie they revealed the


as the true predators of the main mcu universe despite that the king or the one who remains as you want to think.
eternals why kang didn t stop the celestials   marvel phase 4
He has been controlling the entire timeline from start to finish, pulling the strings of everyone, both ground-level humans and cosmic beings as if they were his own personal toys, marching to the beat of his drum so the tva doesn't erase them. of existence during the In the film we learn a lot of the history of the universe that the eternals thought was true, it was just a lie told to them by judge arishem and even after Sersi discovers the truth about his existence and emergence with tiamat on earth, she doesn't learn the whole truth like Ayrshim tells her this big story about the creation story, but even that story isn't one hundred percent true, so if she's been lying to all the different groups of eternals around of the universe all this time for millions and billions of years.
eternals why kang didn t stop the celestials   marvel phase 4

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't the one left intervene to make adjustments to the celestials? Why did he just let them continue doing what they have been doing all this time lying to everyone and using all these lesser life forms like humans and other planets like cattle to grow more celestials because the one left started out as nathaniel richards, just a normal person living in a future version of earth, and the answer is actually similar to the question of why kang didn't


thanos from destroying half of all life in the universe, why? Didn't the TVA arrest the Avengers? If they were manipulating the timeline so much with the Infinity Stones in the quantum realm, it's partly because the Celestials serve an important cosmic purpose.
eternals why kang didn t stop the celestials   marvel phase 4
They're not lying about that part of their mission, even if Harrison the Judge lies about exactly what they're doing and why they're doing it and, furthermore, lies about his own origins. What he tells Sersi is that it predates the big bang and was created in the void of chaos that existed before the universe formed. as if he claimed that he created the first sun in the first galaxy during the loki series, if you are looking at the main mcu timeline here, like at the beginning of the episode, the sacred timeline, at this point here we see a race version fast timeline from start to finish, as if zooming out as the universe expands after a big bang, then you see the universe contract again and go through another big bang cycle. arishem, the judge claims that it comes from this brief period between big bang cycles where all of reality is just a black nothingness, nothing exists in the multiverse, but the dark elves we know also come from this point in the history of the Thor movies.
eternals why kang didn t stop the celestials   marvel phase 4
There are also other beings like galactus that predate the current mcu universe. He was like another version of. The one who remains the type of character was a scientist who lived at the end of the timeline of his universe and ended up surviving another big bang cycle. My initial theory is that we actually see his spaceship at the end of his timeline during the Loki series. In this intro, as you see the spaceship approaching the painting, no one was sure what it was. I think he belongs to Galen de Ta and he's witnessing the end of his universe because we're witnessing a Big Bang cycle and that's basically a version of his origin in the comic, so when the judge tells Sersi about his backstory , he is lying by omission as if there are many other things he is leaving here from his creation, he is not telling her about the dark elves or the other creatures that existed with him in this void of chaos before the big bang and he is not telling her either about the cosmic being who created it, eternity, which is the living embodiment of the universe, eternity doesn't really get involved in the day to day affairs of lower life forms like humans or even gods like thor odin hella   eternity doesn't even It involves beings like King the Conqueror in all his variants when they go around during the Kang Multiverse War destroying entire timelines, entire universes, but this is where you start to see the cracks in the Judge's story because it's supposed to happen. eternity is born with the big bang, so every universe is born with a big bang.
Eternity is the living embodiment of the universe, so its birth is the big bang and its first act is to create the celestials and their task. them with the mission that irsham the judge explains to sersi so that ayrshim does not lie about his purpose of creating new galaxies to help the universe grow and continue to exist because when the universe dies, its eventual heat death means that eternity would also die , so eternity. Isn't he a benevolent god? He created the celestials to effectively help them live longer. It's an act of self-preservation, so the joke here is that the celestials lied to the eternals about their true purpose, but arishem, the judge, and the other celestials were nice too. of lied for eternity during the movie, they make this metaphor about the apex predators and at first sersi refers to the deviant in the eternals as if he thinks of them, the eternals, as the true apex predators on the planet, but the movie reveals that Celestials are like the true predators of the universe because we are all just their food source, but you take it one step further and realize that the joke is that Celestials are just slaves to eternity.
In eternity is the true predator. The problem here is that eternity doesn't really matter to me what happens, as long as the celestials keep doing what they're supposed to do, creating new galaxies, bringing them back for Kang the Conqueror and all his variants, although as the one who remains, if they are meant to be so powerful. who can control all the timelines in all their universes with surgical precision, are a much bigger threat than the Celestials, so why didn't the one left intervene with the Celestials? The real reason is because the one left needs the help of the celestials.
The universe continues to expand, growing with more life because if they do not do so in the past, as at the dawn of the universe, the celestials will not end up sending the eternals to earth, who will then not end up influencing the evolution of humanity. the way they did during this movie and later in the far future, eventually whoever is left will not be born or become who they are meant to be, so they need the celestials to do everything they have been doing in order to become who is it. destined to be and eventually win the kang multiverse war, that's why he doesn't care about the celestials wiping out entire planets, that whole conversation they have in the ending of Loki where he says you came to kill the devil but I'll keep you safe, do you think ?
I'm evil, wait until you know my variants, if you think I'm evil, just wait until you know my variants, so the tldr is that if they got rid of the celestials before he was born, it would mean the end of all reality in the world. mcu main universe because he couldn't win the multiverse war kang is very similar to why the one left didn't stop thanos from breaking half of all life in the reason why he didn't have the tva arrest the avengers during the end of the game because I needed the timeline to play out in a very specific way and a lot of these cataclysmic events had to happen so that he could eventually be born and become the one left, but here's the thing as bad as the ones seem celestials when Loki and Silvi visit his citadel at the end of time, the literal end point of the main MCU timeline, the sacred timeline however you want to think of it, just before everything resets with another cycle of big bang as if the timeline starts over, in this space he is literally the last living being left that's why he is called the one left he is the only one left at this point in the timeline there are no more celestials nor gods nor other cosmic beings like galactus so eventually the celestials will be killed and remember aeroshim tells sersi that if they stopped what they were doing creating new celestial beings all at once right now, the universe would begin to slowly die from their death by heat, but anyone who paid attention to grade school science would know that Earth's sun has about 10 billion years to go before it dies, so only the soul galaxy as the main mcu galaxy we spend in most of our time with all the main characters, he has 10 billion years before he theoretically dies a long time, while we have a hot minute before the lights go out, so really it's the celestials that are needed .
I think only to the extent that they are useful to the cosmic being of eternity to help it stay alive longer by creating more galaxies, they don't go into this idea during the movie, but the idea is that the bigger the universe grows , there is more life. the more powerful eternity becomes, one could also argue that eternity only created the celestials to help keep them in power or make them more powerful, the only real threat to eternity, their only real natural predator would be like the other cosmos that came before or the potentially alternate universe. eternities there was a plot like that in the comics a while ago where the first version of the universe the first timeline the first cosmos returns as a chained villain eternity up if it wasn't clear the cosmos or as the boss level up to eternity , the living embodiment of the entire multiverse, while Eternity is only the living embodiment of a single universe, they introduced the concept of the Eternity character during Guardians of the Galaxy 2, when Ego, the living planet, explains his history of background to Peter Quill, what was happening in that scene as he was opening his mind in a celestial cosmic way so that he could briefly perceive the entire universe, the totality of all existence in the universe, I know there are also many questions about the ego , the living planet, because he calls himself a celestial, but he is nothing like the other celestials.
You have to think of him as a rogue celestial who is on a mission perverse than what celestials are normally supposed to do. Arishem, the judge sends heavenly seeds to the planets to grow. more celestials make more ego out of them, the living planet was doing some sort of version of that, but he was just trying to create more of himself using his seeds, maybe they'll cover some more of that mythology when they bring the characters back eternals in In a sequel or other space-based cosmic movies, there was a lot they didn't explain during the first eternals movie, so I think they'll just leave that for future movies to cover, but I hope that explains why Kang or whoever is left. any version of kang needs the celestials, not because he likes or enjoys what they are doing, but because without them he wouldn't exist.
If you have any big questions about Marvel's cosmic story, ask them below in the comments and me. I'll try to add them to my future videos. There are a lot of really big things coming up. We'll have Moonlight Night episodes coming soon too. I will make videos for all those episodes. Click here to see that wonderful new moon night. Trailer video and click here to watch the My Eternals deleted scene featuring Kit Harington's Black Knight character. Thank you so much for watching everyone stay safe and I'll see you next time!

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