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Escape the LifeGuard for 24 Hours! Dad Sinks & Shark in the Pool!

Feb 27, 2020
What's up, guys? Channel start today guys as you can see run another swim there yeah that's right guys today I decided we're going to do a fun video in the


because summer is coming to an end so I brought a


professional. Hello


, so I brought the teacher's laughter for two days so I can swim and have fun and we don't have to worry about these girls getting in trouble, so let's go have fun and let this lifeguard control our day for 24


first thing That's first thing guys it's time to jump go to the number behind you he jumped right on top of you girl okay which one are you going to get where's my spoon?
escape the lifeguard for 24 hours dad sinks shark in the pool
Kona, right here, can you get it just one per person? Oh, Madison. I'll take this one, you can have your ice cream cone that will make you happy lifeguard let's go find these kids they can never listen, not even their father can follow the rules dan, yeah, he's not a lifeguard, he's pretty picky about his rules, come on all. out of the


code Brown out of the pool Oh girls, it better not have been one of you, that's disgusting, we're going to need that trend, be it boy, false alarm, false alarm, whose camera is it, okay guys, apparently my camera was there. with some leaves made it look like Co Brown Co Brown but there's no code Brown, can we go back to the pool no, I'm just going to relax here girl oh wow lesson, let's not go running by the pool oh my grace guys we were in buried we were barely going fast everyone knows that the first rule of swimming is not to run next to the pool, you will slip and fall.
escape the lifeguard for 24 hours dad sinks shark in the pool

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escape the lifeguard for 24 hours dad sinks shark in the pool...

I'm going to have to go save them and I don't know what I'm going to do. I shouldn't have been a lifeguard today. I don't know, seriously, we have a couple of three year olds alone in the hot tub. I have to go take care of these kids, my shorts, even the lifeguard thought The farting guys are really starting to bother me. This no longer has to do with life's curse sets. Well, the lifeguard, no matter what we have to


. This guy with the silly hat was happy. Yes, guys, this sucks. Look at this, they financed me. they got me all wet this is not what I signed up for I'm out of here oh man guys how my heart wasn't happy now what do we do for my third just prick me the lifeguard he's the lifeguard he's always fine guys there's a new lifeguard and I'm going to get a higher position so we can see everything that's going on, come on guys, it's okay guys, this is going to be amazing with dad being the lifeguard, he lets us do whatever we want, no good, you look like this. rocks ah, I'll just watch you from here, you can get lost if you say so, let's go guys, well she's gone, not you, what's up guys, this is going to be amazing,


from the new lifeguard, mom, Guam, what?
escape the lifeguard for 24 hours dad sinks shark in the pool
Who is he? How does he like the waterfall? says state chin I found another lifeguard that I hope he can do better than the last one and stay in the pool while we swim there, he is right there mr. lifeguard I run a tight ship guys I think he would be more like a drill sergeant that's right this guy will take care of these kids and make sure everything is safe outside. I'm going to go in, get ready and we'll be there. Back to bed Wow, they're crazy, so I'm not going to go in there. They got very crazy.
escape the lifeguard for 24 hours dad sinks shark in the pool
Okay, don't fix one at a time. I don't want to dive in there having to save them every 10 seconds. Oh Oh, what's up with these kids? They never listen to me, don't they know I was an extra in the Baywatch movie? Come on guys, no noodle trays, no noodle trays, come on guys, get off the train. I hope they haven't eaten. minutes before they start swimming, they're fucking kids, hey, hey, hey, no splashing, that's a no-splash zone, hey little guy, don't splash like that, seriously guys, isn't that just one of the rules? basics of swimming? Yeah, it's basic swimming 101, okay. coming in and hopefully we could make any of their rules, we'll get in trouble, okay, well we have another adult here now.
I don't have to do everything myself. Hello lifeguard, can you turn on this light? Shoot, look, buddy, there you go. let's look at the right guy, let's go to the water, hey, tiger neck, hey, hey, sit down, wait your turn, no, wait, guys, that could have been really good, understand the ramifications of your accent, let's go crazy, Trinity always land well, get hooked. I'm I'm not here to pick you up No cannonballs How are you? 12 years No cannonballs Yeah, no, we have to get rid of this guy. Listen, we have to get rid of this lifeline.
That we give? get rid of you, die, I guess I mean, like I'm sitting there, we could probably do that, okay guys, let's go ahead and turn on the waterfall and see if we can scare this lifeguard. Oh, God, that's it, I'm out of here. That's an amazing gift, now we can jump off the waterfall, let's do it right guys, we're going to jump back into this waterfall because we knew no lifeguard wouldn't let us do it, come on Trin, it's going to be awesome guys, this is so awesome. Now the lifeguard is gone and we can each do what don't worry, buddy, I'll save you, wait, I've got you, I've got you, buddy, oh my God, yeah, yeah, well, I'm not going to swim if there's not a life jacket. trained, drainage ok Hi, ok guys, apparently Trinity doesn't want to swim without the lifeguard passing by, what do you think?
Hey, okay guys, so we're all outside ready to jump in the water, except Trey and obviously because she doesn't want to swim today, but since Moe never goes in the pool, we're going to volunteer mom to jump in first, so that mom can jump, go and jump, okay, let's get there to jump, guys. go on, go on, no one else, one more, okay guys, she's scared, come on, get ready, the sun will set in half an hour, you're in a hurry, jump, guys, I don't know, we'll just do it, whatever we have to do. Go over there and push his head it's your last chance if you don't jump someone thinks I'm aggressive okay give me four seconds in four three two okay come on I'm pushing you if you don't jump I guess not "Okay, nothing, go jump guys, so what she's really scared because we didn't tell her we were heating the pool?
It's actually like 85 degrees in the pool right now so it's really hot so you jumped in thinking this thing was like 59." degrees, okay guys, let's get into the water, global trade. I thought that today you would have a life. Turner, it looks like you took a red swimsuit and put white tape on it. I have an idea what we can do. so you can go there, let's go grab some water guns and throw some good, yeah guys, let's go guys, why don't these people listen to me? You guys are crazy, why don't you listen to my rules?
I'm here to protect you. Nothing, just hunger. Nothing. We can't be in the pool. That's a rule though. The lifeguard sees every day before. I have the best math. Let's never make marshmallows. We could use marshmallows, but we have to be quiet because they already know who's there. Okay, these are huge, we're good, hey, it's in a pool. Those marshmallows are disgusting. It's really gross, guys, if you've ever touched marshmallows when it's on. wet they feel disgusting and disgusting okay Madison yeah let's warm up in the jacuzzi because this is not as long as I thought it would be really hot after being in that cold water different than a hundred degrees okay guys this.
It's very hot but it felt good after being in the cold pool no mom just have to go in just jump just jump ready three two one jump like a tingle burn tingle burn I don't know why the waters overflow Matson in the water overflows when you I came in yeah I got it guys I'm so glad I wasn't the lifeguard today because trying to be like our Trent is like Claire over there. I was the wrong choice to be a lifeguard today, it's much better here, well we don't. I don't even need a life preserver now that they went to the hot tub.
I might as well find something else to do, skate, well because I don't want to spend 20


staying out of the pool, guys and white wine, here I am. Back to the pool, me too, okay guys have fun, I'm just going to stay warm for a little while. Okay guys, I'm not really innocent. The hot dog's cousin is getting super sexy. I have a very good plan, but I have to do it. Come out I have to run into the house real quick so I'll see you here in just a second oh guys as you know it wasn't a real


so I hope you liked this video.

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