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episode #1083 mixed bag of snakes movie

Mar 30, 2024
Keeping venomous reptiles is a relentless hobby that requires proper training and a lot of experience. A simple mistake can be the difference between life and death. Remember that the most poisonous snake in the world is the one that just bit you. There are no venomous


with training wheels just for the sake of it. You see Viper Keeper handle


a certain way, doesn't mean you should try it too, she doesn't necessarily take off, oh there we go behind the cactus where I can't see any, yeah of course, it's like we're doing Mrs. .Viper Keeper. difficult, they are so adorable that she will disappear into a cabin where it will be nice and warm so she can digest her food.
episode 1083 mixed bag of snakes movie
You know, I was thinking the other day, this is considered compared to containers, this is a lot of territory for them. hello hello yes I have something for you hello hello would you like that oh yes would you like that little hit and release although a little scared by the camera yes of course it's okay keep rolling because the Pig needs something to eat and I open the drawer uh with the hook and it was a good thing I did because I would have entered with a combination lock because the pig would have marked my finger.
episode 1083 mixed bag of snakes movie

More Interesting Facts About,

episode 1083 mixed bag of snakes movie...

Rattlesnakes for their size have a very powerful bite and we see them all on the Florida snakebite support page and I've seen some in person myself and wow, your fingers swell, they get bruised and they hurt like a firearm, they usually give you something really powerful like phenol to relieve the pain and until the antidote can take effect, that is if you are lucky enough to find a doctor who knows how to administer Andy Venon and we will give it to you to so we can close this let him do his thing hello let's put this daddy like bread yes he's active let me see if I can get him to lift his head look at those marks there they are from his fangs going through the bottom Taipan's fangs are quite long for Hey, and they will actually stick out and make holes in his lower jaw and that is exactly what those brown spots are, they are healed wounds from the protruding fangs.
episode 1083 mixed bag of snakes movie
God, he moves so fast it's hard to catch him, yeah, well. You won't let me open the door, no, thanks and we'll see if we can do it that way, no, okay, that's all for tonight, here's a very chubby eus illus cage that also needs to be clean, not much interest on putting on a show for us today oh this could be hello I see you've moved too oh yeah you can bet they're not beautiful. These I think are some of the most beautiful. um Aus um because they have this nice chocolate color. What is it?
episode 1083 mixed bag of snakes movie
We have a bundle. there, uh, we have a lump, there could be a lipoma, it's because I overfed them since we've been here and that one is visible, let March Palm Viper be outside because I just fed him, you don't see him often. and it's really quite beautiful because it has blues and greens, but it's a very, very shy snake. These are from Central America. Very, very beautiful. Species although very, very shy. This one has been eating live food. So you haven't been. Seeing him on the cameras, he was actually already available, so I thought I'd stop by real quick and take a quick look at his patus.
Marchi March is called Palm Viper, yes that's a treat, we definitely don't see that very often. Okay, I see you. So here we are back in the land of Echus. These are the lucog gasters born in captivity. Here is what I consider the most beautiful. Aren't you lovely? You just got amazing colors. Now number two eats live food and number four eats live food. Somehow it makes me think they're males here's another female there's another mouse warmer we're not going to attack we're going to be shy and just eat it ourselves okay now she's going to move really fast once that door is open and there we go, oh, we're upset because we have a camera, huh?
I know, isn't she beautiful? These are some very, very beautiful vipers from Central America, they are distantly related to The Copper Head, except they really pack a punch. if you get bitten and look who we have here sniffing around oh we have a little Hood hello no I don't have food for you this week because she eats uh live bash shiners uh she feeds every two weeks because I don't. Don't go to the bait shop weekly, but we have the other channel right below where we'll get something to eat you're excited you're excited you're excited I know it's right here here it's okay you're having trouble meandering too, there you go, they focus on me and not necessarily in the food, which is quite disturbing, yes that looks good, stop looking at me and bring me food here, let me see if I can insult her. offering a mouse find out if it's really hungry relax relax hello are you interested in that eh no Drew under the shelf over there and she's probably very insulted now the mice heads out wait looking like what the hell seconds they come out and take it away from I take it away, uh, but You know, the big male, uh, uh, would bite into this and a heartbeat, oh, I know it's a big scary dead house.
I want to go to my cabin, okay, that's been in her Cav, so we're just going. until morning, give her a chance to be scared all night with him, um, maybe she'll bite him and kill him, maybe she'll look into it and decide that maybe it's not a bad thing to try, who knows, I think so. Very insulted Where are my fish? It is very rare to see any of our hooded cobras. They are so used to us. This is quite unusual. Okay, I'll leave you alone.

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