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EPIC Barcelona Food Tour (10 AWESOME Stops!)

May 29, 2021
Hello guys, you come to Barcelona and want to eat well. I get it okay, this city can be a pretty tough place to eat well and there are plenty of


ist traps, but there are plenty of amazing places to eat. You also just have to know how to find them and that's what today is all about Yali behind the camera and I will take you on an


10 stop



of Barcelona we will go to tapas bars sweet markets restaurants we will drink kava, vermouth, wine the whole range, so are you ready, let's do it?
epic barcelona food tour 10 awesome stops
So come on, come on, hello guys, I'm James Flick and welcome to Spain. I revealed that this channel is about helping you explore Spain like a local and We are starting this ten stop eating show right here in the Gothic Quarter and in a neighborhood of Barcelona where it is very difficult to eat well, there are so many traps to tourists here, so we turned down this small narrow street that is next to one of the main tourist areas. drags Cavalier petit Chou and this place is famous for its chocolate shop since the 17th century so let's start with the typical breakfast of the champions here in Barcelona a huge chocolate bomb come on so here we are in Gahan Sweet now now this place Has been open since 1941 as a growl ha and before that it was in a winery or wine shop, so what is going to happen because there is something that you are going to see all over Barcelona and Guernica means a farm and what happened is that there in In the old days these places used to provide a lot of dairy products to the people who lived here in Barcelona and they actually had cows in the back, so now many of these places survived as places to have coffee, chocolate, sweets and Of course, that means having breakfast in Spain and there is one thing you must try when you are in Barcelona, ​​especially if you have a sweet tooth and a way to start, and that is a sweet thought, so here is the sweet thing, although this is just for you, ready, see them.
epic barcelona food tour 10 awesome stops

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epic barcelona food tour 10 awesome stops...

In Barcelona and Catalonia their melted chocolate is like what you'll find elsewhere in Spain, but with this huge dollop of whipped cream on top and then you have to order it with a million bits or a laugh and that's what you're going to dip into. there, the cold cream in the hot chocolate, this is the way it's done today inside, so when you eat this, make sure you mix the chocolate well so that sometimes it's sticky and you sink a little to the bottom. You want to mix it up and start the perfect day, gee, I need a glass of wine now, free chocolate, yes, karma comes, that in the market, so here we are in the Santa Catarina market, right in the center of Barcelona, ​​​in the Bourne neighborhood. and this is one of my favorite markets or one of my favorite markets to visit here in Barcelona because it's a traditional neighborhood market that really works and it's still here in the center and it's a real place to get an idea of ​​how these markets work . the city and in Spain we come here and our tastes and traditions of Barcelona


tour and I want to take you to two of the wonderful bindas that we visited on that tour about ajowan yes, I'm Tony like you eat eggs, come on, okay, stop.
epic barcelona food tour 10 awesome stops
Number two, it's time for alcohol. Sometimes I feel like I'm an alcoholic and drink too early, but this is typical. Everyone in this bar is almost drinking a beer or a glass of wine and we are at Juwan fired, which is a bar. been here for 25 years John is actually not here right now but his family is a lot of people who work here our family members say here is Scott who is not actually a family member but his name is himself an adopted member of the family, making it a family business. The business is an integral part of the market neighbors here and I love this place, cheers, Barcelona, ​​greetings to you guys, let's dig in and you already have your glass there in the morning, hey, so just one thing behind me you can see those two people drinking beer.
epic barcelona food tour 10 awesome stops
I love it and what I love is that they seemed like the kind of people who would be drinking beer at 10:00 a.m. m. on a Tuesday, but there you go, that's the beauty of this culture, okay, so I have my food here and you. You might be thinking, wait, James, you're eating an English breakfast. What I said, oh, Scott, you know I want something strong, I want something, you know, something rustic and he said, what's with the sausages and the fried egg and the fried paper? Do it like in La Cala Morpho, this is a country that knows how to make fantastic local sausages that have this little pork and have a wonderful peppery flavor and in the fried green pepper so young, just what I mean.
It can arise at 10 a.m. m. in the morning, which is not a chance for some losers to run well, so the next stop in the market is a barracks Antonio Antonio is here, he has been here for 30 years serving cured meats of the entire range and I have here a some little pieces that he has put together we have a ham, of course we have, come on, Sara, it's not normal, come on, a video of the black-hoofed pig, but also for Catalan needs. I really want to show you guys younger then wet Neetha. these are meats that are just pork sausages, they are really simple and delicious, especially with wine, wet is literally pork and a little bit of pepper and no other spices and by far something similar, this one has black pepper on the outside, It's so addictive, of course, yelling, yes, oh, yes, fouetté and I actually means whip because you see how nice and long, so rich, like literally what you will do with people.
I meet people who quit smoking. That would be weird. It would be an end. It ends like this one thing. What I love about the market is that it's a great place to try these foods like cured meats, cheese and things like that, that would normally be quite expensive to order at a topless bar, so you can come here and try some, maybe on the next stop, so there is a dish that I want to try here in the market to show you because it is something that you will see on many menus here in Barcelona and throughout Catalonia and I loved it and I don't know if it will be served in anyone else. places we go to so there is a place here in the market that makes it and it is escalivada escalivada is effectively roasted red in green pepper and onion it is a very traditional dish historically and traditionally from rural areas and the peppers are roasted The onion and then you remove the skin and then let it cool and reach room temperature.
It's quite a popular addition in summer and is a wonderful way to eat such good vegetables. I love when those papers have their sweetness but a little bit of bitterness still the roasted onion yes, we will take this home for dinner Yali no, yes, okay, we leave the Santa Catherina market and now we go deeper into Bourne, this neighborhood which I love, beautiful winding streets, wonderful places to eat, etc. It has a lot of fascinating history, it's also known as Latin or Iveta which means seashore because literally about five hundred years ago the seashore was a five minute walk that way, now it's a 20 minute walk that way to Lynetta bus, but what happened is that the land of Lala has been reclaimed over the years, this neighborhood became rich in the 13th and 15th century, when many rich merchants lived here and built their palaces here with everything the money that made trade across the Mediterranean, so you'll see these wonderful old buildings.
It has such a fantastic atmosphere. I love it. Now we will go to three different places in the neighborhood and visit some amazing historic shops and eat fantastic food. Let's go to this place. Casa Juice Perfect, founded in 1851, just by touching it, it is like that. It still feels like it's 1851 there and this place is called cold mother and if you went to the market back then for your fresh produce, this is where you came to get your spices, your coffee, your nuts, your chocolate, all those different things and It was actually also in the same family around 1995 and I read that the last kind of descendant that was writing it suddenly became a nun and it was bought by another family and they run it today and they never really maintained the integrity of this place and that goes. to check it out okay so I've sorted out a selection of some things to try that are very typical of this place and really delicious to show you what you know you should order and buy when you come here but walking in here is like a time machine , this shop smells, the light is just magical, so I've selected a few things that I think are indicative of the kesaji spell and if you come here and want to grab a bite to eat while exploring the city.
It's a great place to pick them up, so we have macadamia nuts that are, oh my gosh, delicious, we have arms that roast themselves, they actually have their own oven and the almond skin has this beautiful kind of smoky flavor. they're okay and this one what they have is a chocolate covered almond, but it's like a beautiful milk chocolate and a layer of powder on top and then they make this guy, which is all that happens, which is unique to here and it's koto, which means Riverstone. in Catalan and it's a macadamia nut covered in white chocolate and then covered in dark chocolate so if I can buy this you can see the inside oh my goodness it's so good the dark chocolate on the outside the white chocolate the macadamia the sweetness of the macadamia there is like the perfect snack who is boring Barcelona okay, let's keep eating there is something else that we will be very sweet, super sweet, that we have to try and you have to try while you are in Barcelona, ​​come on guys, this place is called Hoffmann and It's a cupcake. shop is a cooking school for a lot of different things started in the 80's by a woman who as the daughter of a Catalan and a German so a real mix hints the name Hoffmann of the super Catalan sounds and now in addition to being a famous cooking school they also have this little pastry shop here where they make the most amazing pastries including this signature croissant that has mascarpone inside of ramiz, the best one but they have many others besides the low one and the typical butter classic but this is the one that He is involved in a croissant and says: I'm going to split it for the camera.
Here you will not be surprised to know that in our food tour of tastes and traditions, this is often people's favorite flavor among all. the things they eat, I mean, look at that creamy, gooey mascarpone and then on the outside there's the flaky croissant and then there's some kind of frosting on top, it's very sweet on the outside with that frosting, but the inside has a slight kind of bitterness I'm floating and heaven baby right, yes, weak in the knees, I want to see what it looks like when you eat it, I think everyone, oh wow, you confirm, yes, you confirm, base, press down whenever when you're in Spain, there's a sweep we did at Christmas but you can try any time of the year you will get them in different parts of the country but they are made in Holly and the day and it is cold in Iran and it is like nuga a bit but it is much better and there are a place here in Barcelona this is our next stop it's called the campaign and they have been doing it since 1819 and had this store open since 1920 and since 1890 this business is still in the same family so let's go in here we have a outside and there are the two sisters that run this workshop, they are the fourth generation that makes this amazing tool room that we are going to try now and we will tell you all about it and also I am going to try a really special drink here, so I guess you guys, What does it have to do with what we eat at Christmas?
It is so delicious and good for you because it gives you a lot of energy. Basically it is something very simple. Ingredients egg, honey, sugar and nuts mixed together toasted and what you get is one of the smoothest, it's that hard, it's really very hard and delicious, you break it up and then there's the softer stuff that has more dirt. almonds and tastes almost like peanut butter and has that kind. I have this dish here with something to try. I'm not going to go too crazy Yali, don't worry, so hard things I really like pasta. honey and walnuts, almonds and I'm really good, I like spicy things and then my guilty pleasure is the song with peanut butter, so they have this other one that's caramelized egg yolk, okay, and there's something else that you should try. and Spain when you come here, especially if it's summer and that's Chatta, now if you're from the United States you might think that Java is rice milk because I think that's what horchata in Mexico is made of, but here in Spain it's made from nuts.
Tigra. As my brother often says, pour tigers, but no, tiger nuts are actually tubers that you dig up, it's something that the Moors brought to Spain, they grew it and then you grind these tubers and then mix them with water and sugar to create this incredibly refreshing. Drinking that literally from me the first or Tata of the summer is like a ritual, it's so thirst-quenching, maybe even more thirst-quenching than water, seriously, it's so good, check it out guys, okay, now we leave the born and cross. the beer was in Danner, in the Gothic quarter, that famous historic, beautiful, gloomy, gloomy and magical neighborhood here in Barcelona, ​​it is a very difficult place to eat well, there are many tourists who go there and there are many tourist traps , there are a couple of places that I want to take you to where you can eat well and the food is fantastic, so let's go there, so here we areat La Panetta, this tiny little gourmet chakuda, wine shop, wine shop here and in the Gothic Quarter that literally if you don't know where.
If you're not looking for it, you'll walk past it and it's surrounded by all these horrible shops and here it's been running as a sausage shop since 1910 and 1930 in the same family, you can see me just hanging my hand out. I love these kind of places so we are here for our parrot teeth, that was the magic time of the day it's like 1:00 p.m. plate and this we are going to remove to whet the appetite and obviously it is a great place to eat it is just wonderful so remove this coming we have ordered some delicious things okay let's do it beautiful vermouth here nice and long glass is I have a small slice of orange there, it's all over so greetings everyone on the back, you have a very mysterious mystery, seriously, what do we have here in front of us?
We have these fries, now you might be thinking fries are you crazy, but you can literally order tender fries at these places and they are very good and what you have to order with them is this guy's southern bone layer, this It is a Catalan sauce that is like a kind of pepper or red pepper sauce. so delicious with vinegar and you often put canned seafood in it, but also in fries you can see that color there and their delicious selection of cheeses and also fried almonds looks good and then for the brain, pull the braid, the word beautiful anchovies canned anchovies cured in salt and then just a couple of olives here on the eve obviously I'm getting my almond conquest right now my body is starting to reject foods like a creamy goat cheese and this cheese is being cured in wine it's the color these are soft I'm sure they are healthy I'm also going to be a little extra that we got here because with the friends of the house we start filming upstairs while the hands or hangers go We were told that we had to be very careful, although this It's something that everyone who runs around lets me get close to, so one of the things about these old shops here in Barcelona is that families used to live above them, so this space here was the family. house and it's small and they had little space out there looking at the store and everything that happens here sleeping together eating together mm-hmm I mean it's crazy to think about now they use it to store Olli hams, if you pass by there you can see everything hands hanging from the hooks is amazing okay, we've already had the aperitif vermouth next, we can even go to another really historic place here, hidden and hidden in the gothic quarter, a place you'll probably never find on your own and we're going to have a really delicious dinner and a glass of wine, come on, now it's time for tapas proper and when I talk about tapas proper, I speak but Alice, so this place La Palma winery is a classic in the Gothic corner, it is I really latched onto its essence, that's what I love and the food is fantastic and this place is actually included in the hardest video I did here in Barcelona, ​​but medication.
I came here for dessert this time we are here because they are part of the business, but about us I think of the city in the style of Barcelona when I lost you see that word before they arrived here in Barcelona you know it refers to a place that once was which is still a wine shop and then you can see all these big old barrels behind me since the place opened in 1935 a whole year the Spanish Civil War broke out and back then it was old wine ice I think oil soap olive and things like that and it was run by this anarchist woman and a lot of times the people who came here a lot of them The artists, including Picasso, couldn't pay their money, so they paid by painting art on the walls and these places are now obviously a restaurant , but you can see behind me, you can see the type of room up there and that's where the family would have lived.
When this was a store that sold wine and I love it, I love sitting in these places with that beautiful gothic corner, so how they do the Brahmas here in Barcelona is with our sauce, the hot pepper sauce, but also with Allianz. mixed together and I love the combination here, they make the potatoes perfectly with the skin and just a creamy garlic aioli and the beautiful but our sauce really very good smoked paprika really smoky and creamy aioli, you know when you're wandering around checking out the history of En this area, look more, they definitely have Padma, so one thing you can see how you know how I told you that the old owner 100 years ago that artists often paid for their wine by painting, here you can see one of the remaining paintings in the wall that has not been repainted in the world and you can really want to see that the influences of cubism in the painting that reflects the era or when it was painted started to crack a little, it's surprising that it's still here, it's the only one left very, very great Lewton story let's move on I'm hungry okay we're crossing the street we've left the gothic the sun is now in our faces we've left the narrow dark streets of the gothic and now we have the lord and now we're going where the sun shines we're headed towards Barceloneta and that is what they put on the route we have this little stop Versa let's see that so that guys this place can fight against the shadow or the light jump an idea is Ramos and it opened its doors in 1969 in Barcelona.
What is this place all about, it's all about standing and it gets very crowded, it gets crowded at the moment, it's actually quite quiet, sometimes you're literally like this, you can't move and what's good about it? this place is super rustic food everything is grilled look at my beauty salon Gudivada is a fantastic Catalan sausage with onion very simple food other how much did this cost? 3 euros and then another pork loin with cheese so the bread just roast pork loin and cheese and they are also famous for their really cheap topping and they are served in these wonderful glasses, you can get a pink one, we can get a normal one, it's like a red filling, a blue pill, so tasty, omg, crazy simple food, some might say hangover food. about three euros for this guy I want you to tell me what your favorite wine is as a super taster it's delicious if you're in Barcelona and you have a big knife then you're hungover you should come to this place this is a Breakfast of Champions Alright, next stop is This very famous and very small tapas bar in the hustle and bustle of the neighborhood.
I want to show you what this neighborhood is like and tell you a little about it as we walk there. Come on, welcome to Barcelona. In the neighborhood, these straight streets, all perpendicular, like New York, are very different from Born, the Gothic, those medieval, winding, dark streets, so remember when I said that the seashore used to reach where Born was, Well, we'd be outside. to the sea back then five hundred years ago, but what happened is that the sea slowly, the land was slowly reclaimed and the born smart filled up with people inside the medieval walls, well, in the 18th century they had to put people somewhere so he built this neighborhood right on this peninsula, a kind of reclaimed land.
The first bricks were laid there in 1753 with single story homes and over the years they have been built and it was originally a fishing neighborhood, then industry and now famous for its seafood. and there are some great restaurants here, so we'll go to those two first, we'll go to a famous tapas place and then we'll go to the famous P there, why guys, is this place really special? La Cava, mother. There is no sign above the door, it opened in 1944 and is an institution here in love. I am a pillow network that used to be the place where fishermen and neighborhood people came to cook their own dishes and drink wine and now it converges twice. where they cook the food here you can eat it's rustic it's full of locals it's noisy so let's go to La Cava para mama let's see it so the dishes that come out the first one I have here are the famous indigenous flavors of Bamba here in that colorful mama and finally invented here let's suppose it represents a bomb the presenter is a criminal ball of meat potato with aioli and spicy banana sauce on top look at this guy this is fried squid this development with a little garlic and parsley on top many incredible and we also have Saudi , so grilled sardines again, parsley and garlic on top, let me see it, it looks so fresh and amazing, this is the kind of place where I love spices, this is comfort food, man, this is a dream.
How I love seafood, just fresh and lightly grilled, a really big one, something very important to keep in mind for love, colorful mother, is to arrive early. Opens at 9 a.m. m. Kitchens open at 9 a.m. m. They close at 3 p.m. m. Although it opens a little later on the weekends I think, but you need to get there early because that's when it seems like a lot of locals are there before a lot of tourists get there and that's when the line starts so you know get there and have lunch, have lunch at 11 :00 a.m. m. and just drink cheap wine, eat seafood, it's a magical place, this is why you travel.
Okay, one will stop and it's more seafood. Okay guys, last stop may, but I'm on it, this place. It is famous for its seafood, its bias and its V there And, which is what we are going to try in this building, it was the first building that was built here in Barceloneta in 1753, which is quite incredible, it has been one more winery than a restaurant for approximately 60 years. years is in the fourth generation this place let's go see it I love it here so this place comes but I'm in that come that is to say house because I'm in it Canon is house in Catalan it has belonged to the same family for four generations and they prepare fantastic seafood here and rice dishes that make you come here to try paya traditions at the end of the tour, but today we will make a little twist, we will not receive paya, we will receive a fee.
Wow, it's a cousin of pasta, so this is a dish where you'll see that it's a seafood base, but instead of rice it has little females which are little noodles that you'll see in dishes on the east coast of Spain. So if you're having lunch in Barcelona and you're somewhere a little bit rustic, then there's one way you need to drink wine and it's from a foot long and how do you drink it like that? They are happy? The key is the movement at the end. I'm always wrong and I would haggle everything myself, but you know well, it's my turn, eh, yeah, your turn.
I hope he's turned on by this, let's see, okay, pretty good, Molly, shall we call Mother? Mine smells amazing so what I love about feed a wah is that it's different because it has a unique texture and flavor and I think it's really cool to try something a little bit different in the fact that it's always seafood and originally a seafood yeah oh yes very delicious boom a I like it so the fish broth they use cook the videos and it gives them a lot of flavor and it's a very intense seafood flavor and in that aioli Wow, I know you're very full, you know, sometimes I'm just going to say this quietly but um sometimes I prefer to walk to shop yeah I know I mean why compare?
Although there are different dishes, you know, I love this, you have to compare them, I know, perfect combination B, ideally with the washed Yoli. aioli someone called Yoli Yoli aioli in the comments actually yoga is called many names in the comments often because people don't know Yoli as a name and that's why this me the jolly allioli me me your lambda your Lander we hit you under you are under the head of the earth you're under Meister like Yoli olly olly olly olly in Honey Honey Halls and IM in twisted O'Neill psycho boys pile up okay you come to Barcelona you don't know where to eat there are a lot of tourist traps in the city let me tell you The first time I came here it was really very complicated and I fell into a lot of shit places, so these ten places are fantastic, if you come and want to discover more, take a look. the playlist below which has more videos great places to eat and we will see it in the next video and see you in Barcelona, ​​are you there?

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