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Jun 05, 2021
Hey guys welcome back to the new Dirt Bike Luna video, today we are back with another episode of






and for today we have some


people, some police clips, friendly


s and much more so sit back and Enjoy, let's start with another one. video so today we will catch a person who is selling fake iPhone 11 pro max and we will expose his face here on youtube so you can share it and here if you live in Las Vegas keep an eye out for these type of people and I will. Go ahead and explain live what to look for.
epic angry kind awesome motorcycle moments daily dose of biker stuff ep 4
I'm going to circle k up here, but um and then I just wanted the full cash, obviously didn't want me to go to Metro Pcs to check it out. um, I recently messaged someone else about the offer and she said she recently got scammed anyway, have you tried that? Yes, you tried. Wow, the Apple logo and everything that allowed you to open it. No, no, I'll try to see if I could quit. I open it up, yeah, this is almost, they almost have it on par, you can tell this little piece of plastic is a little, you know, fake, I just want to see if it's true, what I read online, okay , guys, it's about to drop. now um this is going to be fun that's that's that's different dude yeah this one and then this one here one eight six seven oh shoot you're right okay now you're right you're right would you mind if I Open them up just so I can check it and see if they're on and those things.
epic angry kind awesome motorcycle moments daily dose of biker stuff ep 4

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epic angry kind awesome motorcycle moments daily dose of biker stuff ep 4...

I have the money. I just want to make sure that yes, just in case, I will be recording from time to time because I especially like it. oh here hello I got you on camera you fool right there you walk with that gunman that was live streamed right there bro I already got your face on some fake iPhones so this bike recorded a crazy ride on the country called Kenya, guys, look at this. highway where everyone drives as they want hmm it's our friend from this channel motor corey recorded this accident two years ago and they stopped this car in front of him, which hit him directly.
epic angry kind awesome motorcycle moments daily dose of biker stuff ep 4
He said this shook his life in many different ways, but luckily he successfully recovered from it, you got him out, I'm calling you, I'm going to sit still, I'm calling you, stay still, baby, sit still, soul, call 9-1- 1, do it quickly, you took them off, no, I swear. I didn't know, yeah buddy, so a strange situation happened to this motorcyclist at the gas station, he stopped at this gas station to get some gas and behind him was his wife and his newborn baby and while he was talking to the other motorcyclist. He realized that one of the guys in the car in front was filming them and that's why he had to confront them.
epic angry kind awesome motorcycle moments daily dose of biker stuff ep 4
Check it out. 650 oh that's it yeah I wanted the 650. Wow this thing is clean yeah just because it was like yeah. go to the phases man now I'm in this whole life when I stop the boy look at the baby thanks man thanks brother be careful what's the problem? What's happening? Okay, listen everyone, okay, I'm fine, but you don't want to do it. Yo, I'm telling you right now you don't really want to because I have my newborn in the car and you're going to take him away, yeah, okay, okay, thank you, go, they're talking about you, go, I'm not.
Don't try it, my girlfriend was right, yeah, I know she's getting good, you're good, that's why we learned to break real feet, no, pick it up, you're lucky she didn't touch your exhaust, oh, she's Hurray, now is my time to cross. Oh man, I don't want to cross the water now. I will come back soon. No, were you the first? I should be right. My bicycle is broken? I think my bike is smoking. Holy, wait, I think my bike is smoking. Looking at myself in the mirror. I really think my bike is smoking like crazy wait, oh my bike is smoking holy oh, I was leaking oil, I forgot to look at this, this could start a fire, that's a lot of oil, this motorcyclist forgot to lock his car because of the oil and it spilled into its exhaust causing it to smoke like crazy.
What do you think guys, could this thing catch on fire or will it just smoke a lot of oil all the time? I'm glad this isn't burning. Right now it's okay at least it's not going to be Hello, what's happening with the bike? Okay, I thought I couldn't even see the eyelash or ear tab. I'm trying to get a new one replaced. It's okay, it's okay. Yes, what happens when the police enter a wrong VIN number and it comes back as a stolen bike? Unfortunately, that happened to this motorcyclist. Look at it. They almost took away his badge.
Someone took his badge. Yes, I have insurance, everything in me. backpack no sir I'm doing the steering wheel yes just driving a little reckless sorry they're heading I'm going home bite well I just got pulled over for a wheelie they kept me here for about 15 minutes they said the vin it was stolen in Seattle which is obviously fake because I registered the bike through the DMV and everything came back fine so they kept me here for 15 minutes waiting in Seattle to confirm if it was stolen or not and it came back fine I guess so. One of the cops that stopped was the cop that stopped me in one of my other videos and I asked him if he had seen the video and he said yes, so that was cool.
He said he liked it. Well, we got a race here, there it is, yeah, yeah, buddy, you can send it, buddy, we whip those guys, but we're not going to slow down, let's hurry up and get home now. I would say yeah, so, um, so, bro, your license plate. bro, he fell backwards, I don't know how he felt, he just came out from behind like he was right behind you and I saw him, that's yours, no problems and that's it for this episode, I hope you enjoyed it. If you want more videos like this, like this video and subscribe to the channel.
Also visit the Dirt Bike Lunatic store and pick up some double merch until the next episode.

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