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Ep. 3 Prowlin, Mineral, and Pablo Escobar

Apr 28, 2024
Tomorrow, a big day to rip apart, we've got, uh, I've got the old doctor loaded in the back, he's already asleep, we're only a mile down the road and then I've got Rick, aka Ricky, aka Slick Rick, also known as Rick Ross. among many other names, those are just a few, but we headed around for a bit. We need to check a lot of fences today. We picked up a new country and, as far as I understand, there have been no cattle. I've been in this place for a while and it's so new to me and new to the ranch that I haven't even seen it yet so I need to move some cattle and before I feel comfortable pulling a bunch of cattle.
ep 3 prowlin mineral and pablo escobar
There I need to check that fence because I sure don't want to go chasing F, chasing the neighbor's cows. I also don't want the neighbors chasing me. The bulls get in, so we head over there, we're already making tracks and then I'm going to unload and make real tracks, horse tracks, the good tracks here, in a few, come on, come on, doctor, I'd stop eating, trying to chew my legs, this works pretty well when I can ride Colts, outside stuff. external stuff, I mean, it's not mine, it's not my property, I only know people who needed Colt to start and for some reason they can't find anyone, so they go for the complete last option, which is me, but it works pretty good because uh it helps me do my job it gives me more horses to ride and it allows me to let you know some more money for my family um and it helps the ranch because they don't have to pay for feed and um I have two horses from the ranch and I have one of my own the ranch pays um takes care of those three and everything else all the outside horses um the people who send them to me pay for their feed and for them to be shot and everything and everything What I have to do is improve them, which It's a lot harder for me than most people, but we can try and we can put clues on them, so that's what we're going to do and we're downloading Mr.
ep 3 prowlin mineral and pablo escobar

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ep 3 prowlin mineral and pablo escobar...

Rick Ricky. The dock is ready to rock, ready to rock, this fence is really good because it's outside of mine, just the grass neighbor but the others don't, but I have to lower this fence line to get to the fences that don't let us They surround and I have no idea about them, but oh, you're doing well, doctor, you're doing well, so there are some water lines that run through here that I didn't know about. It's what happens when you wander around your country, even when you think you know it. If you find something new, it may just be a rock you've never seen, it may be a knot on a tree you've never seen, but you can always get to know your country better and the more you know your country, the better you will be.
ep 3 prowlin mineral and pablo escobar
You can do your job because you find out where the cattle go, where they hide, you find material that you could use for a project, so I love hanging around there. Pretty easy job, just get on a young horse and move it around, just go see things. your waters check your


Assemble water lines make sure there are no leaks that's all you can do among many other things including look for arrowheads take a break I love looking for arrowheads my success rate in finding an arrowhead pretty thin pretty thin I found one The other day, OMG I love finding AirHeads, there's like 2/3 of one, but I think it still counts well.
ep 3 prowlin mineral and pablo escobar
I like it. It's okay, idiot, it's good because it's good for me. rck, he wants to leave me now, not leave me, but just. wanting no I don't know Cults, just half the battle is when you start riding them is just getting them to ride he just wants to go side to side, little Tod, this is a cool place right here, little Ricky still wants to do it. Go back to the trailer, we're a long way from the trailer now Bubba, it'll be easier for you if you keep walking and get out of here, stop eating when we're jogging.
I kind of slowed down because he took a breath. He's been a bit not like Brony, he just wants to travel, which I agree, but he's gotten to where he wants to go from left to right and go back to the trailer and go everywhere, but he just wants to Veer off, look at that pushing my legs a little bit, so when he does that, instead of just pulling him, I just speed him up, let's do some circles. Go ahead, put it back on the line we want and leave it. rest on the line we want and I'll help him a little bit if he, you know, starts to want to go one way or another, but you'll see he'll realize I don't have to work as hard if I just keep going. straight and before long that's all they will know, but there are things he doesn't know.
They told me that he has uh. They told me this horse was about 45 days old. I don't know if he could have had it, but he doesn't have it either. No or it's just not a very smart cult and I think he's pretty smart, he catches on pretty quickly, I see he wants to leave, let's just speed it up, but a few circles like we're chasing Dock and then he's right. there again on the line and I'm not asking him to trot, but if he wants to trot, I'm fine, as long as he doesn't run away, look, now he wants to go, keep them moving, make things harder for him. pushing me good, just let him keep going, sorry that's not the best footage but I think I got the point, look, look, he's hanging his head, he took a deep breath, he's ready to see now he wants to shoot again, let's see what happens. do just one, see if I get the point, yeah, good job.
I noticed here's an old fence that you can see up there, it's where there was an old fence a long time ago that was put up there and, uh, cedar posts in the rock because up there. At the top, that's where the cedar post is, it's in a rock, so as long as you think you're pretty tough, know that a long time ago there was an old guy who was building a fence with no equipment, probably just a chisel old man and a hammer making holes. on rock and stringing wire my fence stops at the top of that hill so now we gotta get there go Ricky find a place to get up and get back to the fence oh it's a coyote for Coyote you can barely see him ears.
Everyone sees his ears right there, Ricky, wait, Ricky, look at that real one over there, you can see his ears and his back, which is a bobcat or a coyote. I can not say it. At first I thought it was Bobcat, then I thought it was him. a coyote, but the way he's crouched there makes me think he's a cat. I don't know, that's weird, but I wonder if they have eyes on that one over there. Hey, you can't catch my dog. I was looking at this ridge and realized there was another ridge just like it a couple of miles away, go up Ricky and it looks like there was a flood here at some point.
I think there's an old book like a A very old book that talks about a flood update, it was a CYO if a stranger stands still here and finds a coil of wire Bob right here, a lot of times you'll see things that are hard to reach and especially in really big things. On ranches people leave wires like this hanging on a pole or something because if they see it when they're outside they don't have to go back, you know, an hour and a half to the house, they can fix it right there and I already have wire, so I guess That's what it was.
This cable is really good, but it's a little snagged, so I'm going to wind it up again to make sure nothing's snagging it and make it a little neater. Winding this wire, he's not afraid of getting in the way, it's a little irritating, the timid will have to back off again, but it's okay because this country is great, I like it, there's a lot of grass here, the fence has been very good until now, so Ricky, so to speak. turn around please sir thank you find the place to get off now Doc they stepped on his paw I hope it's not broken you have to get out of the way buddy there's your pig there's your little babies go find a doctor go find that pig he likes no, my PW hurts, it's not broken, we're back at the trailer and we've put in some good miles, we checked our fence, the fence is fine, uh, we checked some Waters water.
The situation isn't great, but we're going to have to find something about that deal. Because I don't know if I have enough water right now to completely supply this. Well, I guess what I'm saying is that this pasture as far as grass can hold more cattle than this pasture can hold as far as water, so I go. have to figure something out and uh, there could be water lines running into all these ground tanks. I didn't, there were a couple of tanks, very few, there aren't many and there's only one or two that actually had decent water and the decent water that's there isn't much so they might have lines running to them .
I hope there are. I hope they have them. I'm not sure we're going to have to figure it out. Today he got everything he wanted. The doctor is not hurt, that's good. He didn't break his leg when they stepped on him, uh, so I guess we'll keep it up, keep getting ready for Brands, we're on the John Deere, uh, I got Ricky restless, he came back and, uh, when it was all said. and voila, we went about 11 and 1 12 12 miles, I think he got a dose today, that's for sure. Doc is a little sore. His little Paul, his little Paul is a little sore, so he's just hanging out.
He's a little lame, but we have it. some


here we are going to quench and the mineral that has been in this place has been a block mineral. I'm not a big fan of block minerals, uh, mineral, sorry, mineral blocks, uh, I like loose minerals, I think they tend to Eat It a little better and they've taken mineral blocks out of them, but they just hadn't. touched, so they should do it because this grass is bursting, as they say, normally, when the grass is very green, they are going to eat it. more mineral, so we're going to take some out, but I'm going to use it a little bit as bait because I think they're going to hammer it, so we're going to put them around the trap that We're going to try to put everything in when we want or when we mark, sorry, like this that I hope I can keep them around and I also don't want to waste this mineral and I don't want to move it when I move these. cows because chances are these cows won't stay in the same place after we mark them.
There's a big debate among cow beaters about what to do with your empty mineral bags, who cares if you roll them up and stick them in there, if you fold them? stick it and stick it there, who cares, just throw it in the empty bag and move on, make sure everything goes in the trash. The most important thing is that you have to leave this hanging, you can't tear it off completely, then you are loose. Unnecessary trash Unnecessary loose trash is pretty much the same thing in the same debate as hey, what size toilet paper do you put on top or bottom?
I can't stand that, first of all who cares you'll get the same result and if you think it's too hard to get toilet paper one way or another you need to do some harder things in your life these are my donkeys they're not actually mine They are only here when we arrive and they are very friendly. I still had a name for it. I know you shouldn't change the name of a horse, but no one says anything about changing the name of donkeys. Pablo Escobar comes to maybe just Pablo. I like Pablo. Pablo we are pretty good.
My friend and I Pablo. Yes Yes. Paul, yes. Buster, Pablo and me. the cows are hammering that mineral I knew they would excuse me Pablo get out of the shot get out of the shot I'm saying important things here thank you sir Move over appreciated look at his somewhat funny cheeks I like it Pablo is my friend I'm ruining the store so the kids can set up their playground jumps, we don't have any holes and the doctor doesn't like the blower, okay guys, that's all for today. I'm glad you've been with me and I hope. See you next time, we did a lot of things to feed the horses and then I'm going to play in the tent with my kids in the jump park, the inflatable jump house, all you parents, it's worth the investment to give a leap.
Costco park, believe me, satisfied customer. I'm going to feed the horses and go hang out to cool off and have a good time so they don't forget. Jesus is like a package of ranch makes everything better, we will prepare. to ranch them tomorrow see you

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