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Entire School Board Resigns After Members Caught Disparaging Parents | TODAY

Mar 25, 2024
We're alone? Yeah, if you're going to call me, I'll tell you about the unfiltered conversation


on camera Wednesday night between the Oakley Union Elementary School District


of directors, they don't know what we're doing behind the scenes and it's really unfortunate that they want to bother us because They want their babysitters back. At one point they had a good laugh after a member talked about


using marijuana. My brother had a medical marijuana delivery service. The clientele were


with their children at


. The sincere ones. The discussion that lasted several minutes was abruptly interrupted when they realized they had an audience.
entire school board resigns after members caught disparaging parents today
We have the meeting open to the public right now. Someone not only tuned in but recorded the meeting and uploaded it to YouTube. Board President Lisa Brisendine can be heard apologizing at the end of the meeting we were having a private conversation because we were really struggling at the time with all the


comments that were coming in because we want the best for the kids. , so the parents so outraged quickly responded even starting an online petition demanding the


lower my heart rate soared I couldn't believe the comments they were making and overnight the parents got what they wanted when all the


of the


board resigned issued a statement that said in part this was a difficult decision but we heard the concerns of the community I will not make excuses for what happened or why it happened I am the superintendent I am responsible and I am very sorry for what happened before these latest developments Oakley parents say they were planning to protest later


and while they say they are pleased with the resignations, the group says they will still be there


demanding in-person learning five days a week, as well as the return of youth activities and sports. kristin peter okay kathy park thanks guy talk about a uh-oh moment that's just painful to watch and I feel like in this kind of era of zoom calls and all this stuff like now more than ever it's like everyone's worst nightmare.
entire school board resigns after members caught disparaging parents today

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entire school board resigns after members caught disparaging parents today...

A lot of people are right about that, before someone joins or even after the call, that you didn't hang up or mute, it really is, and Dylan, I know you got the forecast, but as a parent and as someone who zooms, you have to feel that. moment is amazing, feel it and I mean, you should always make sure the laptop is closed yes, mute button exactly, hey, thanks for watching our youtube channel, find your favorite recipes, celebrity interviews, inspiring stories, buy our Favorite offers and much more with today. app download now
entire school board resigns after members caught disparaging parents today

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