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Entanglement w/Maxine Waters + The Wild N Out Classroom w DC young Fly Karlous Miller & Chico B

May 31, 2021
man in a wheelchair that's on the floor, she's the funniest of them all, bro, don't you see that when he joined me, man, what's wrong with this man? This is just bad. Listen under the blanket, they're like stupid, the wheelchair guy was walking around and he fell, he had a new one, right before he got his new wheelchair, that hit me, he was off the floor for a couple for days because he turned around and fell backwards. wait in life alert to come get him no he was the one who joked about it don't feel bad let me tell you something so right now I don't have a wheelchair man listen man wait so he failed at the wedding he had to wait for six days to come get it independent stay alone no, but I'm saying what with the life alert the little button where was the button? had to wait six days I'm probably not saying it was six days like it was a couple of hours, although listen, let me tell you something that if you can take, if you want to look at someone who appreciates life and doesn't look for sympathy for no reason, you could get it out of a man in a wheelchair.
entanglement w maxine waters the wild n out classroom w dc young fly karlous miller chico b
That's been like that forever, he'll go up and down the street in his wheelchair, talking, burning everything down, that's what he does, so we're at the champagne fair, how fucking funny when he puts that sound on the back end, jump, that's stupid and man. Yeah, that man in the wheelchair, that's my man, keep your life alert around your neck, man, real, it's wrong, why would the life alert know he had Christmas? There you go, look, we have to call it that. Excuse me, how can you not love this man? Listen, man, listen. that's what I carry, man in a bad wheelchair, you think there's no trust issue, look I've been looking at that for years, it's like you know what I mean, man in a wheelchair, what should I do? be handy, by the way, oh, my bad wheelchair, damn, my fault, this is what he said, walk, man, that crazy guy is, I don't even know, oh, yeah, that, wow, yeah, we probably used to go crazy 2020 when the governor was suing the mail madman.
entanglement w maxine waters the wild n out classroom w dc young fly karlous miller chico b

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entanglement w maxine waters the wild n out classroom w dc young fly karlous miller chico b...

I'm living in the earthquake, boy friend, pray up to Mike, yeah, that's Aunt Maxine, we love you, Aunt Maxine, well everyone at Maxine Water gave me a kiss and told me I was a handsome man, hey, it's a blessing, what happened, you have been baptized. Aunt Maxine, seeing a police officer you know, arrested someone and went out to make sure they were really doing their job. She just pulled out the monitor and made sure they were doing that and she wasn't recording it or anything, she was really out there. like what they used to do when pre-surveillance when everyone had a camera when it was all action right now someone else recorded it she was like oh yeah I'm just here doing what I'm doing yeah just making sure everything's okay , how are you all no disrespect no disrespect, I know she would be in the house drunk on wine like she was walking with him, but that damn little man we should be cool enough to respect him, oh she could look at us what.
entanglement w maxine waters the wild n out classroom w dc young fly karlous miller chico b
Little do you know Maxine now from the bank someone what happened I'm trying to see who they're talking about they don't know Maxine it's not water you on yourself come on man hey, about your jail and what? I say the last episode, I don't have to ask you what I like, I know what you have in every photo that you like, uh, what are you around to mess with it, she sees you with a


man claiming my cock movement,


Maxine probably hit. like the earth, the boy in boomerang, the older women in ticking, talking like that, huh, oh, that's funny, man, there's a white lady there, she was in ticking, I've got these titties right here, they're still high, oh yeah, I see, you know?
entanglement w maxine waters the wild n out classroom w dc young fly karlous miller chico b
I see that when I run they move just a little, they don't sink. I see that your tits are sagging. The old white lady at the table said, "You know, my never stinks" and the guy said, come on, granny, are you really going to have it? this conversation well, it's not like that, it never stinks old women again, they understood everything there, they forgot, they better understand, the lady was in the kitchen cooking, she said no, she said the only meat she I don't wash it's my hamburger meat, he said, I know a little more about blank meat, shout out to that man, you're seeing all this, yeah, but you know the world is crazy right now, there's a, I'm glad that let's keep at it, I'm glad that Still in this, man, I only fought just because you smell something that I knew you did, that I heard it in my heart, give me courage, I finish what you're not supposed to talk about if you burst, yeah, Let me finish, okay, I fought.
Yes, let it be known. Claim that your werefox is not confused. Come on brother. Which one of you knows? His butt didn't. Who did it? I always smell it, man. I have to give a shout out to Backwoods. for catching us yeah I know this isn't the kind of smoke you don't need to leave 20 comments about your personal preferences shut the fuck up everyone keep smoking that beef salute owl hurts and manchester man United, it's a salute to the airheads, you know what else? We gotta give you a shout out, we with all of you, I met you and them at the same time, man we've seen that man, if you ain't watching the idiots you're missing the dope sports podcast, we gotta give it a shout out I salute Wallow and Gilly because there on the podcast man oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, look, what you have to understand is that we're from below and you won't know anything about the below because they're not with you, right?
Don't do it to yourself and you'll see, that's what you have to understand. See them with us in the background, so everything you're talking about, let me tell you something, let me tell you something, I don't care what you think because you're not my type. by the way, that was Wallow too, let me tell yourselves we own our IP address, we own everything, yes we do, you know what I'm saying, one of the only, one of the only, one of the only podcasts what's here There are podcasts here, they're on aip, so you should know that yeah, yeah, like these, it's funny man, you gotta be crazy, talk about you being one of the coldest ones ever, oh, yeah, oh, Damn, man, look at your respect.
They, man, gilly, they can't, gilly, that kid, come on, man, that's the og 1000, I just got this, this good note we got, we can't leave without telling john lewis rest in peace, hey, Greetings, thanks rb to the og's, gee, those who really walk that path cross those bridges, right, it was really real, that's why they tell them they have to go vote like that without hitting, really, really catch the ass, I'm talking to talk about getting the rhythm out of them, we gotta go sing songs, you know what I mean, that's how they really went nct martin said he started making the backpack ct martin ctv yeah, john lewis started the backpack yeah man, I want say that was hell, that was a turbulent time right there, let me see bart, yeah, I thought it was someone else, no, I wasn't here either, barton bailey, I hope he gets the timber wolves, I hope he gets what he deserves , yes, I hope you do, I will too, no one will get more of that.
It's not like they're trying to sell the point nine percent, yeah, exactly, the whole team, right, they said they were going to put the Jordan logo on the jerseys and also, yeah, that or Jordan one of the two, you know, I I mean one of the two. I'm excited about rec league, that's great, let's go next week, never mind, what's up? What's up with playing the live recreation league? It's about me, real. I hope they don't block the sound. It's great? It's just that they will have to do it. Put that on HBO right now, what a direct advantage, I mean I'm talking about the basket, but the NBA was a great start, yeah, and it's called Wreck League, I mean, they play because they know the fans there, it's like were playing in The Wreck Man, yeah, I mean.
But I just hope they let the sound play, all that black gon' talk real good, yeah, Lebron, I know that piece of head, oh, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, hey, laughs, oh, I . I'm telling you this is going to go down, don't smoke with this is the season to do it, there are not enough people to break up the fight, no, right here, I don't want to hit him, you don't understand. what I'm saying, oh three, I'm telling you it's going down, man, you can slap your wrist, now shut up, hold your hands, there's no one here, Ted, where you're going to send me back to the bubble.
I'm going to give them a them. they kick you out and they talk about the nfl coming back too if the nfl comes back they said nash is going to play the black national anthem how about you let a little black black magic on that black voice lift every voice and sing , lift up every voice and sing? Y'all know we been singing candace too old, yeah, yeah, I don't know, I don't know why we do that, but hey, we need to make some real changes, let some blacks buy some teams, man how 'bout that? We know that, give him one, everyone always wants to take the politically correct approach and you have to pay the guy, you give him one of those teams, you have 32 of them, you probably give him one, get everyone, trying to get everyone, whatever to be.
You're about to change to the redskins, don't you understand it like everyone else? Because my grandfather died and died. He didn't steal anything because he died. Your grandfather stole a lot and he left you some. Give me some of yours, yeah, take that, yeah. but hey, I'm not above that, stop acting like we can't get something for free, they did it right, we'll just take ours off the dough, not what we want, that's why we don't get it now, wait, no, why not? You build your credit and get some equity and then maybe we'll look at not giving it to me.
I want to use some of the Confederate money your grandfather left under that big house. I want it to be easy for me to go to school and get a degree. They gave it to me in the ass, you know, money, money is the worst thing you will ever appreciate if someone gives it to you, let me see, let me see, figure it out, give me 50 generations to upload some paper without consequences. We'll figure it out like you did right, you're 44. At least teach me how to steal like everyone else does, how you cheat with all these taxes, how the stock market works, I want to steal with all of you.
I want to be an equal opportunity American. I want the same amount of privileges as an old white man. Nobody in America tells an old white man what to do. Think about it. You can see it when they face the man, not the carrots. He is older. let them, the ones who call you boy, miss carolyn, and fill them with those big old antebellum houses that look like museums, look like Adam looking for Easter eggs and just like that, Mississippi, you're yours, a whole town in Illinois, somewhere you meet the only cruella de ville. Girls, now, my God, no one in America tells old white men what to do.
Why do you think white people hate their grandmother so much? Because they live here too long retaining the inheritance, but you have 90 billion dollars. leather doesn't even absorb water leather well, thanks for helping me young man, here's a quarter, please give me some of that. All of his favorite songs start like this. Wow, this is crazy. I have to hit him with a goodbye. Hey, oh damn quartet, the bomber. take coming here from the barbershop quartet from the show 85 starring carlos


this one here is new we are live here and we are coming to you right now with a new one from the bottom of the shark tank man everyone make sure you can support us watch everything go back and see all the super we need them right now once before we leave now is the time we need them what's up let me down before we get out of here hold me lights out I had to take my microphone away make sure you hear me ring we got a new one from the barbershop quartet in 85 time soul starring carlos


dc young posh elf if you're ever in dixie oh my god.

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