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English People try Korean Magic Winter Pancake!?

Jun 04, 2021
So since it's so cold outside we thought it would be nice to give you a Korean


dessert today. I


dessert I go out behind the street and market hot duck. Do you have a duck? It's hot. It is not related to darkness. It's a little embarrassing. Okay, it's a


sauce, so it's like a


mix with a danish and then someone just sits on it, it smells good, it looks like there's something underneath in it, it's like chocolate or something, I don't know, hmm. The way we eat this is with a paper cup.
english people try korean magic winter pancake
What you drink doesn't fit in a glass. What we are going to do is grab it by holding it in the middle. Yes, it's a good sound. Who needs cutlery in a paper cup? As? wonderful, enjoyable, practical novel because you know, if innovation drips into the cup and it's recyclable and recyclable, there you have it, oh yeah, that's weird. I would have thought that a plate with a spoon and fork would be much more sensible. Okay, like please stop talking. Feed me, can I eat it? Please, yes, go right, try it mmm, it's gotten big mmm, look at this, oh my God, moving, yeah, what's amazing, hey buddy, that's magnificent.
english people try korean magic winter pancake

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english people try korean magic winter pancake...

John is like that, he's very nice, he's not as sweet as you. or too much like this, it's a good amount of sugar nor expenditure of honey, okay, mmm, getting to the middle is more liquid, oh, cute, that's very good, the middle is better than the edge, it has maple syrup, is a golden maple, barley and caramel syrup. I would choose a chestnut sauce or something like that. Actually, it is brown sugar that gives it that substance. How does it compare to an English bread set? Yes, it's like a poor cousin, isn't the English pancake really different?
english people try korean magic winter pancake
I'll have crepes that are very thin or we'll have Scottish pancakes and they're all very soft, while having a nice kind of crunchy texture. I don't think we have anything like this in the UK, the equivalent would be a hot drink. that you can have outside but nothing that warms you up inside as quickly in the form of food, but it's a food that comes in a cup so it's a bit strange, it really warms up like you would love it to, it's very cold and warming. your hands warm your heart winter wonderland in a cup I'm glad visually I could almost imagine something a little tastier well interestingly you can actually get savory versions which I've sung I have like noodles inside they will be tasty you can also become like sweet red beans, unlike kidney beans, there are no sweet beans in England, we don't let them know, sweet, it's less that they are vegan.
english people try korean magic winter pancake
Well, before you wrap it up, there's actually one thing we want to add to this. We were recently in Korea at a traditional market like a true professional. Well, he had this special metal disc with a handle tool that he was using and it was a best seller. Let's try one of his methods. as long as it's not fire, noodles humming, grasping slowly would like to know what's wrong, you've added an ingredient so good it looks exactly the same oh oh, it's got something in the middle, the secret ingredient, oh my god, isn't it amazing how that we did to deserve. this genius is already sold you haven't even tried it yeah oh yeah I'm convinced of this now this is really fantastic.
I'll make lovely melted chocolate I'll add something beneficial to almost any meal It's really good Josh, it's really nice, it's just great, it's really Good, another great addition to your repertoire that would go really well with a bit of an open fire. Yes, they have a lot of rum. Okay, I'm not sure it's beard friendly with the hotel. Ah, there we go. I'm willing to get over it. Okay, is it better? in the tower is debatable. I was blown away by the initial first place finish. I feel like I know Nutella well, so I feel like I'm experiencing something that's really nice with Nutella instead of something that's really nice and new.
I like brown sugar better. ok the traditional one if you hadn't told me it was brown sugar I would have thought it was something exotic so I like how they do it that it's not obvious without lies that She knows it's Nutella I think with the chocolate I think maybe it's a little too sweet for me to finish it for some


, this may be a little rich, but for me not, I mean, it's very good, but Nutella is great, yeah, well, see, have a spoon, okay, you could just you. I could have one of the ones with brown sugar and then just a jar of this somehow exactly how you imagine it, but in many ways better than what you could have.
Okay, okay, the market guy knew he was doing it. I would like to ask him, yes, where he would imagine himself. Actually, it's funny to mention it because I also make it with official ice cream. Yes, yes, perfect for Christmas. In fact, we could make this a tradition. It's so good it should be in Christmas markets everywhere. the place tell me British winter desserts mince pies Christmas pudding remind you of Christmas not because they're really nice it's at least part of the nostalgia a crunchy pudding in June you'd say: I don't really know, that's really It was really hard to make , that was like a self-sacrifice.
I would encourage the use of the cup, yes, that would be an absolute disaster. You didn't have the car. You need a poncho. I think if you didn't have the car, it would be difficult. eat with decent table manners but fabulous yum-yum so you guys would buy this if it was sold here absolutely I would like the recipe well the cup says it's the most wonderful time of the year yes maybe the filming will be missed. I'm going to have to redo all of this. Oh Chris, you have to do it. I'm sorry. I imagine with the Winter Olympics coming up in Korea, they will be selling a lot of these.
Hopefully next time you come to Korea, hmm, we'll have to take you. for an authentic club, but because although this was good, it's not the same as having them in Korea, okay guys, thank you very much, it's a pleasure, Josh instructor yoku County Yoga. I understand you, subscribe, right?

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