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English Footballers try Korean Beef BBQ for the first time!!

May 29, 2021
Alright, welcome guys, okay, thank you very much. I can't stand spicy food at all. Should be fine today. Let's try some Korean barbecue. I am very excited. Have you ever tried Korean food before me personally? I could have done it, but maybe I didn't know it. Okay, hey, okay, this actually reminds me of my ex, so I feel a little wow, you're right, you're in for a tissue to hug, I might need a tissue, I don't know how. you like a steak you like a steak lovely lovers you love some meat I'm a big fan of steak how do you normally eat steak what do you like medium rare for me I'm a medium well I have no respect for any man who doesn't do it Have it at least medium rare, this will be different than any steak you've had before, it looks sensational, look at the marble, it looks amazing, this is Korean, so what kind of steak cut is it?
english footballers try korean beef bbq for the first time
It's similar. to a rib eye because there is a lot of veining that is like patterns on a flower. This is one of the best cuts of bulk green meat. You will get good quality


. Okay, you probably don't go to a restaurant and eat it. the middle of the table is that it's all part of the experience, that's how Korean barbecue works, okay,



I've seen it cut with a pair of scissors, although yeah, that's very pretty, absolutely sensational, just Get involved, look at that, oh. Oh my god, oh my god, I'm stupid. It's so good, yes, it's actually so cute, oh my god, yes, that's unreal.
english footballers try korean beef bbq for the first time

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english footballers try korean beef bbq for the first time...

We can continue? Yes, I feel like all the juices are coming out of my mouth. Yeah, that was crazy, that was amazing. I hope this doesn't have to go around because there won't be anything else to do this is all you guys are from everywhere this I'm doing it without training I like it that's premium seriously that's special with that yeah well if you see it , someone we just got from the fa cup, we don't smile, no, honestly, that's very true, you know, it's nice when everyone is quiet, yeah, I mean, I normally don't like fat on a steak, but you've made me convinced. that's because you have a medium melt in your mouth, so I'm glad to go for more because it's all ready, it's really good, that makes my eyes warm, that texture is unreal, so this is what people have been saying.
english footballers try korean beef bbq for the first time
I'm missing the idea of ​​why we don't have this next


it comes out. I'm going to grab one of these next time I go out. I promise you when people say it should melt in your mouth, that's not what usually happens, but in this case. it's happening on the palate and you're like, okay, see ya, it's just gone, guys, clean up quick, it's very, very, very nice, it's as good as anything I've ever tried, considering it's even remotely like in the middle . pizza it's a bit Essex yeah yeah what do we do brought the race to Essex honestly we need to diversify guys we can't go on honestly BBQ wow would that type of cut of meat be available in the UK for us? get it or not, it's hard to find, yeah look that's what I'm saying, I think it's all in the ingredients too, isn't it?
english footballers try korean beef bbq for the first time
What can you ask for? Do you have some meat from a fat and lazy cow? What is this kimchi kimchi? yeah, my colleagues told me about this, it's great for your microbiome, you're saying, do you know what that means, probiotics are good, I told her, I said, okay, I think she's right, yeah, that's it. amazing, okay, oh oh, the kimchi is. amazing jeff that's lovely it's like a comfy


it's a good show it's really nice yes it's been fermented in a little bit of hot sauce oh don't say that word but it's healthy in it it's nice it's good it's healthy if I tried to introduce you to all the types of Korean barbecue, you'll be here for a whole day.
Okay, we have plenty of time, but we have time for at least one more. The next part is called highly marbled meat from around the world. ribs in a sweet Korean barbecue style marinade this comes out after 10:30 because I'm getting a little horny here honestly this turns me on just the descriptions turn me on what other experience do you have with Korea? I'm a Spurs fan, okay, son is the man, I mean, a good guy, a very nice guy, he likes everything that appears, like even watching a new documentary, the way he appears on there, it's a nice guy, long and round, yeah, it's okay guys, everything is fine.
Go for it, get stuck in the river, that's the good thing, I mean, the rest was good, this is good, oh, the marinade is lovely, um, oh wow, that's sensational, that's Asian, what you really like Like, what you didn't expect. The flavor here is crazy. Wow, this makes me think of a summer night, a couple of beers while traveling with your friends and just having this while traveling and just having it every once in a while, you are available for the height. and come and have a barbecue again next week yeah look yeah this is me all day very rarely speechless but now he can't talk no that's the best I've had in months really , maybe years, if you want, for the last time. bits, talk to us, you can make some Korean sam, which is when you wrap it in lettuce, what does that give us?
Because I'm going to be honest, I'm not a big fan of lettuce, okay, okay, get some meat, yeah, dip it in. in that sauce in the middle the samjang and then you want a little bit of this kimchi here a little bit of pajari and if he saw it he left you already did it all oh in korea it's all about flavor combinations I like the idea of ​​also wrapping it in lettuce in place of bread, yes, how do I say? Cheers dan jan jan come on this channel is not a joke oh my god I can't swear on this channel come on awesome wait can you take a look yeah. it's just amazing to get to the end of the night the perfect combination of


barbecue is vodka debs we love this yeah oh it's alcohol it's alcohol okay yeah you're trying this yeah yeah yeah try it give us one . or two, one hooray, oh I was waiting for that one that's really decent, I was hoping to be one of them that's smooth, very good, yeah, it's not bad at all, it's easy to drink, yeah, yeah, I mean, I could have another of them, yes, yes.
I mean, today I can have another one that tastes like very dangerous clothes. If it is dangerous. Do you think it's dangerous now? It's about half as strong as vodka, but will cost you around two quid. It becomes dangerous. Yes, yes, no. That's not it. Great, I don't think I'm going to train. Thank you very much for sharing this with us. By the way, guys, I really appreciate it. I think that has changed my whole perspective. I don't even know what life is, thank you. Thank you very much guys, it was beautiful, although it is incredible.

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