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England LOSES St George's Day ...

Apr 24, 2024
So, St. George's Day, what is St. George's Day? Let's get into this with my fellow veteran Kenny boom Kenny Ken, how are you? Hello, Captain Pugwash. I'm just going to show our friends at home that we have some things to do, right? We have Tommy walking free from court. He was treated a little despicably by old, uh, old Bill. He's pretty funny that he fit right in, isn't he? Old Bill, um, so we've got Tommy gone to Whiteall for the St. George's Day meeting. then we have the police and the people on St. George's day having a bit of partying uh then we have news from GB.
england loses st george s day
I'm not even really sure what we have with the G GB news, except that I dare. Let's say possibly a communist infiltration, but they are talking about this Israeli operation, what is it called? This talk here, Gideon, after it sounds like some kind of SE TV series from the 80s, doesn't it sound like something like a group of things more aber and um? He wonders why a police officer would want to stop me from walking the wrong way through a Palestine prop pal or should we say, you know, let's stop bombing the children in the Palestine protest, um, and it's interesting if you see behind him that He has his Mossad.
england loses st george s day

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england loses st george s day...

Handler with the with again is like a 9 um Jason Stam bad guy haircut, so let's come and look at that um and then uh we have someone here who gets it, um, which, as always, the Zionist or aka the Big Puppet Club trying to stir the AR pot, right? um we're defending the police here, you know, if you're trying to do your job and they call you an anti-Semitic because you're actually trying to do it. Tell someone who's a big crowd and they're not so happy with someone who comes from a country that you know in the Middle East, uh, yeah, and why I'm kind of what I thought we could talk about Kenny. although we don't have to let it take over our chat, you just have all these narratives where essentially there's only one, there's one big club, call them saans or Kazar um the Babylonians, they've been playing this game for thousands of years. years and they're really good at it, they keep everyone by keeping everyone in their ego, everyone, you know, everyone, everyone, was their, you know, big Instagram followers and, um, they're creating division, they're creating division to make that everyone


their spirituality. battle so the bad guys essentially win and you know, I like Tommy, Tommy's been on the show.
england loses st george s day
I don't say bad words about people, but I think it's exactly the club that is trying to destroy patriotism in this country and So, the division, um, is the same one that controls ironism and controls the Middle East or the situation there, and it's funny that you have these protagonists and you know that a lot of what they do is great, but there's always one thing, maybe there is one. What you already know is that all of us are clever, I'm not trying to know that we can't change, we can't change it, that's the thing because people are still absorbed by this narrative of voting for these psychopaths that they just No, no, no They care about you, they don't care about you, it's just a game, let's move people from one side of the world to this side of the world, this because you know they ask, that's how it is unless people realize that they calls.
england loses st george s day
Soviet subversion, it takes a long time, something like 25 or 30 years, to subvert a country without even firing a shot, and it's working brilliantly, you know, like I said before the school systems went away, I don't even know , Chris can. Can you like me because I don't give a shit what it means to wake up? Why have you decided to wake up? Kenny. I don't give a shit. I'm like people say they wake up. What they did to you is racist and homophobic and it's a little sexist. You need to go talk to yourself and then paint your toenail.
Rainbow nails. Then come back and we can put on a show, buddy. Do you have an answer for me? I hear this word and I can't be asked to investigate anything, okay, I'll explain. So can we talk about the Beast system? Because awakening is part of the Beast system. a slide is very simple it's us friends at home and I know you know it and I'm preaching to the choir we're all just a part A manifestation of the quantum energy field, that's why you hear the word Quantum so much you and me and I'm you We're Just Frequency and vibration of energy applied to the field that is the universe this goes back to your Genesis yes for those of you who know you like your Bible and all of this um in the beginning it was the voice of God the voice is a frequency in the energy field create life that's all it's like the wonderful B Bill Hicks said it's just a trip don't take it seriously and don't hate people it's so dumb anyway but psychopaths are the Babylonians they've been doing this for thousands of years and that they acted together in the last 400 because they managed to merge the banking system um with esotericism, so you're seeing all this nonsense, you know, secret method of communication. hiding the numbers 33 da d d d da and they they throw their hand with the Saban, so they sabotage all those who were dedicated to the Redemption through sin, so sin to get to the top, do things.
I'm just going to say with the little ones. No, I can't name the people, you can figure it out, you know, drinking red stuff or this is what it's about, Redemption through sin, this is what we are, this is the clique in modern language, now it which they don't do. What I want you to do is realize that you are me and I am AMU because if you do that, you raise the Matrix, its control system. Matrix is ​​just your typical modern person and I've had an amazing experience with that this week. modern man now can't even pick up the phone they have to communicate via text it's pathetic sneaky the cabal has destroyed the people they've turned everyone into sissies um and what they've done is kept people in their vibrational selves lower, the lower Dimension, some people call this new age, but no friend, all this is like you live in your lower chakras, it says, this is just the antiquity of biology and chemistry that I just read.
I just read half of it. book on magic Magan Kenny just bear with me so I can post this so people at home can understand it so they want people at their lowest level they want people protesting in London they want people supporting Zionism they want anti-Palestine people they want people Pro Palestine they want division, they want bombings, they want people to think that the way to get a girl's attention is to have your Instagram and do your air in a funny way instead of what we all know as old, you just smile, that's it What girls want most is a BL with a sense of humor who is kind, unless of course they are still suffering from childhood trauma, in which case they probably want a mirror image of the person who abused them.
I say this without any disrespect. It's one of those rare ones, you know, and I don't mean everyone who's obviously had childhood trauma, but going back to the diagram, they want people down here, when people wake up to this nonsense, they don't care because people wake up. He never speaks in terms. of energy frequency and vibration, so it doesn't matter, they're like they have a cannon but they don't know how to load it properly and ultimately the way they do it, um, let me get this straight. my other slide is: this is system B, this is what we're seeing, this is why you're seeing Sadi KH as the mayor of, you know, your 15 minutes, your 15 minutes, your digitals, your funny health narratives, etc, etc. they've put you in, I'll just get us out of the way against you, this is awakening, because awakening depends on people playing The Matrix and living down here in their birth certificate identity instead of realizing that no, you are energy and they want people to fight over whether they are gay, straight, transgender, lesbian Rastafari, uh, they want all those subcategories to keep creating, keep dividing people, keep making them believe Kenny, you're a blue hat, I'm a hat blooming white, I have a problem with you, right?
I'm going to start a group called The White baseball cap Ace people and we're going to be back and you see how it works, they just keep people away from their Divinity Kenny, they don't want you to realize that we're all Divine and what is the answer? Well, the answer is love, isn't it? Of course it's the highest form of vibration or in fact it's below authenticity and as I always tell anyone who was around The Rave days, you didn't touch a single pinger. you go out and hate people, you blow one up because it gave you this amazing experience called love that you had never had, it had been hidden your whole life, it was a new experience to realize that we are all one, we are all one. and that we have to start taking care of each other, so that's what awakening is when you fall for the communist insurance agenda for the new world order of divide and control based on identity, okay?
Anyway, what have we achieved? right now everyone is excited about the people coming on boats, let's say and um, the hotels and stuff and the agenda and I've seen a lot of things this week and it goes on and on, it's the same thing. fear fear fear Yahoo where what do we do what is the solution here you know they are doing it on purpose these psychopaths are doing it on purpose to put you in that bubble in that state of anger in that state of we can't do anything you know, it's us against them, the kind of thing that's what they want and I just said non-compliance is the way to go, let them say that, like Let them burn, let them run, Let them burn and they'll go away, they'll go back to their own place, this is what I was thinking the other day, like everyone comes from these foreign lands that are beautiful and sunny, why the hell would you want to come here?
It rains 90% of the time. blood a year part of the Kery plan, which you don't know, no one really knows if that was Kery's intention, but they call it the Kery plan, which is an old Saban doctrine, is that Kenny? What is it? Just destroy the patriotism, destroy the community that you're trying to make there. Well, that's what they're trying to do. I don't know today. I had never seen everything we used to wear when I was a border regiment. I used to wear a red rose on St. George's Day. That was all. Know? They are trying to do something big because of what is happening in the Middle East.
They are trying to delve deeper into this thing about it being St. George's Day. I mean, oh, come on, you're really waving a flag and that's going to change things and it's going to be. patriotic that is going to change things is that you are facing a monster that is coming to your ear, you know what I mean? It's not going to change unless you stop it. Yes, you have to disconnect from the hate and the division and um, but you also have to want to help understand who is doing this to you and why they are doing it and you know it, unless you are. prepared to read books or, I guess, watch the right videos um you know you won't understand because you got to the old saying, yeah, the old saying, no, your enemy, yeah, well this comes into play when I read that book about what I showed you, the week the magician started with this guy. magic and I'm halfway through and my God, you understand why they do these things, they know it and now I know how they do it, why they do it and what it's about, and once you understand it, you realize what are. doing and you can see it and you say no no no no no no no no I don't know who you are I know who you are who you're digging and a good yes, but I know what I know what you're doing, yeah, you see it, you see it, you have You have to understand it, this goes beyond the church, this goes beyond any religion, this is more on another plane, on another astral level, this is more in your head, yes, it is something powerful. you're playing with your mind that's all they're doing they're just playing with you yeah once you understand energy then it's easy to control people Kenny because you know what you know how to keep a population in their lower self which is called Netflix, not that.
I don't watch Netflix but I understand what I'm watching, you know, that's called the music industry, that's called soap operas, uh, and that's called news, they keep people in their lower vibration self divided, unhinged, unhappy, basically unhappy, without being able to be another person or to achieve like one more car or one more job, completely losing the presence of the present moment, that's what you know, that's your connection with whatever God, the Universe, is. , eternal energy, being present and understanding this moment now, is all you have, is all you have. You don't have a future, you know when that future comes, pleasure doesn't create happiness CU pleasure is external, so the rolls-royces, the parties, the substances, the girls, the boys, that's external.
Paradise comes from within, it's internal, isn't it? It's working on yourself and getting your chemicals in balance, just biochemistry or they call it alchemy in um in history, it's getting your sacred secretion, your christ, your chrism to work so that your body produces the right amount of serotonin and DMT, um, you're controlling. the horrible chemicals like cortisol, which is your stress hormone, and you're aware of things like dopamine, so when you're endlessly scrolling on your phone, you say who? Leave that right now,story I think I think oh yeah oh yeah and it flew with a hit in the middle oh yeah yeah I definitely don't care I'm talking about football but I don't want to talk about it all the way rowing across the Atlantic you know what I mean?
I like to talk about energy frequency and vibration, a little bit of sacred secretion, maybe a little bit about ancient numerology, sacred geometry. Eternal mathematics, the three, the six and the nine, power numbers like 33, the masculine and the feminine, which can be multiplied to create nine, which is the Universe of Unity Consciousness, there are many good things, so if that person is you, send us an email and let's go, uh, let's paddle, um, Kenny, I think we're almost there, come on, there are things I can't say here, Kenny, can we go to the locals and we'll have that we don't we want to be?
I don't want to be like I was about 15 years ago, when we were in the veterans, uh, for peace. We are not anti-British forces, we are anti-globalism, we see it for what it is and we are not here. to push our young people towards that line again that's why we said never again and that's why they just feed off it it's just a machine and they're good at it it's a machine it's something like I'll tell you what it's like before Let's go, it's like when you were in Hong Kong and you had the Triads and they always picked the low hanging fruit, people who were damaged joined their gang, their mafia, that's exactly what the military does, it's the same book , Yeah. and the thing is all your fucking Rich Richi sunak will send your children and your sons and daughters to their Illuminati Wars to be slaughtered and slaughtered by the new world order or they will come back damaged with PTSD unable to deal yet. with childhood trauma who are missing eyeballs, missing legs, even missing genitals and I saw some pictures online the other day.
I accidentally typed something into a search engine that also meant something else. I'm not trying to defend myself here, it's just I choose not to look at gross stuff online because it has an effect on your energy, right? But it's like when they come back and they're broken and damaged, guess, guess, who helps them, it's rishy Sunak and his multi-millionaire family. Is it Mr. David Cameron and his billionaire family, is it the future billionaire Tony, the warmonger Blair, or the Bush family who made their money from opium and using slave labor from Aitz, no, it's you, it's your kind people through charity, that's the only one The people you know are the only ones that the government is never going to help because to help they would have to admit that there was a problem and they won't admit that there is a problem because then they will lose even more recruitment to the New World Order, so yeah , here we go, so thank you all, come on board with a line, look, we are at 8455, anyone who can insert an IVF and lift it, I will give you a shout out, so let's give a shout out to Andreas. uh tro, I think that's Lisa, bless you Lisa Reynolds Jason harer, that's our Susie.
I think hi Susie uh and there's Karen Karen Clark so uh yeah, I'll be watching that now to see if an FIV comes up, right? Local friends, let's go local, this is our free speech platform, there is a link there or there is a link below in the description. We'll just go there and chat with Kenny about the things we can't talk about on the other platforms. Here we go, much love everyone, thank you for your likes and subs, thank you to everyone who supported us on Patreon Locals or just become a YouTube member if you become a YouTube member, friends, our entire back catalog is there, all the videos we have.
I've deleted YouTube because you know they don't work, the algorithm they're all on there see you locals chiao chiao thank you Kenny because I've been living life well like I could die at any moment. the P side border of the country I don't need a guide follow the lights take me where I want to visit are you alive or just breathing cause I been living life like me?

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