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Engineering the PERFECT CITY in Cities Skylines 2!

May 19, 2024
Hello fellow engineers and welcome back to City Skylines 2. If you have been watching this channel and have seen any of my City Skyline 1 videos, you will know that I created the utopia of the engineers' dream. So today we are going to recreate. We are going to start a new game, now we have to choose a map that is


for Utopia. Oh, and I honestly feel like Waterway Pass might be the one that gives me Timber Borners vibes, so of course Utopia 2 is the name and it's controversial. I'm going to keep the North American theme, but I'm going to drive on the left side just to really confuse people, so here we are, it's enopia, it's June 2023, let's pause and just take.
engineering the perfect city in cities skylines 2
Take a look around, we have a huge river passing by, unfortunately there are no bridges, there is a nice FY bridge in the background, although look at fair play, yes, we have road connection, we have electrical connection, which is quite useful. In this corner we have a small lake and then obviously we have the spring. The building field on this map is home, so we're going to play it somewhat legitimately, we have to unlock everything we can. We have to keep an eye on our cash flow and I want to try that. Of course, some of you will resist this and that's okay.
engineering the perfect city in cities skylines 2

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engineering the perfect city in cities skylines 2...

I'm going to try to teach you some real road design principles and drainage issues as we go. you get bored in the comments you can say just build a pocono that's what it's all about but yeah for now let's get started so what do we have here? We have a big highway up here, we have access roads going out, so these are fast roads, although in reality it's the speed limit is 55, wait, what's the drive? Oh, I'm pretty sure it's Miles, because look, it's 70, we don't have five in the UK, as are the speeds. always rounded, which is pretty strange because sometimes a five would make sense anyway, my point is the cars are going to bomb it here.
engineering the perfect city in cities skylines 2
I mean, oh, the speed limit goes back up to 70, okay, so the car is whipping it here and then from 70 mph. the speed limit drops to 35 and at that point where they get off there is a zebra crossing for pedestrians to cross the street safely with 70mph incoming traffic, so yeah, not going to lie, not the safest start for Utopia, however, I haven't actually unlocked many. different types of roads I don't have highways if I want to do something else. I mean, I'm tempted. I'm tempted to drop a roundabout. I feel like it will be pretty safe.
engineering the perfect city in cities skylines 2
Well, yeah, let's get this out of the way. Let's see if we get it. any money is fine we won't get any money back for that but yeah we'll go from our highway to our kind of normal road oh no now I have elevation and feet because it's American oh man I can't have a foot I need it. meters, okay, so anyway now we go down to 30 mph, that's great and then I want I want to go to a roundabout now you'll notice in real life with roundabouts they never like to go like that so if there is, if there's like two lanes of traffic going down, you're never going to see a roundabout just sitting in the middle of that, which you're going to see instead, hopefully, assuming the designer designed it correctly and let me flatten this out first too because, by the way, we have access to these tools right from the start and they don't cost anything, so what you'll notice is that before the roundabout we'll have a pretty tight little curve and then we'll have our roundabout down here and what that does. for anyone who's going too fast or just not paying attention, they'll bomb you down this road and look, see, oh, there's a corner, better, better, slow down at the corner and go around the corner and then, oh, there's a roundabout and because they already slowed down for the corner, they already slowed down for the roundabout, whereas before, when it was just a straight line, people could just bomb and they would absolutely go flying over a roundabout, uh, like in this video that I found where someone did it. exactly that, which is quite scary, this is not a clip from GTA, this is real anyway, since this is the


of Utopia's home, we are making the entrance safe, so we have done it, then We need an exit arm to return to that path.
So we end up with something like that that's cool and nice and safe and then we can add our first path. Now what I want to try to do in this is be somewhat realistic so that there is some sort of hierarchy of paths. We have roads that take people very quickly from one point to another, there is nothing along them, then we have our arterial roads, now they are kind of like AR trees, you want them to be as big as possible and I mean, for now we're kind of stuck on just a four-lane road, but we definitely want that to happen from the main entrance to our


and in fact, I should probably think about where we are, where I'm actually going.
I feel like I probably want to go down. This way, then maybe add another roundabout and then just send these like one that way and one that way and these are going to distribute the traffic where people want to be, so I probably should have done this with my another arm, but Let's try to add that curve and then I'll tell you what would be good to see. It would be nice to see the contours in this view because I couldn't really tell how steep it is. Do we have anything like diving yet? We'll take it this way.
We'll take another one there. I'm not going to complain about that, but yes, from above we have our arterial roads and then we want them as collector roads, they are called and they basically take, they bring traffic from various areas to these arterial roads, eh, in the UK too Call them as distribution roads because they distribute people to various places. I mean, they would be kind of a widened version of these or maybe they would be four lane roads and then this would be upgraded to six lanes or something like that anyway. We can always update them later, so I guess for starters, where do I want to start?
I don't know, just up here might be a good place now. Crossroads, if they are not marked, you generally have to be a little careful. where you put them like outside a curve it's pretty good inside a curve not so much because when you get close to this so you can see very far this is called your visibility game and basically you just have to make sure there's nothing there , whereas if our junction was on this side of the road, when we look to the left, can you see that you really can't see as far as you imagine if there were bushes or trees growing on this edge like you really would?
I can't see like you, you just can't see that far, so generally junctions should be outside BZ because you have that nice clear view of what's coming, but if there are traffic lights it doesn't matter too much and in fact I do. I just realized what I did. I put in a one-way road, so we replaced it with a two-way road, there we go, so there's our traffic light so people don't go flying, but it's okay anyway. from our distributor road then we have the local roads now the local roads are like the roads where people live or where the shops are and stuff.
I mean, you can also put them on these collector paths, but I mean, overall, like new. Such large areas are not made in the world, as places have generally existed for a long time and slowly become larger, roads are slowly improved and stuff, however there are countries like for example the Middle East where they simply arise.


in the middle of the desert of nowhere, so this kind of hierarchy happens and I actually helped design one in Qar. I did 30,000 gulley locations, which was fun. Gullies are like grates on the side of roads that collect rainwater in case you By the way, you're wondering, we now have our dealer Road.
You will notice that I have put a little nonsense. You may be wondering, especially any American watching this, why haven't you followed a straight path, you idiot? the terrain is quite flat, you're not trying to avoid anything important, what are you doing right, what are we trying and doing, trying to do, at least in the UK, this is, keep in mind that all my knowledge of the road is Ukishima Junction, there you are. We're not going to literally turn around, drive onto a straight road and then instantly fall asleep. I mean, you might, but yeah, we want our local rad from here.
Now what I was thinking of doing. I could make a grid just because I have I kind of find it in this game, if I try to keep things curvy, I have too much grass and I want this place to be dense, so if I get out and go, I don't know how far it can go. grid all that and look at all the grid space there which is beautiful, yeah, and what we're going to do because from this junction it's too close. In fact, I'm going to delete that path, oh no, I have. I just punched a hole in the Space-Time Continuum oh, too bad, too bad, there we go all fixed up, but yeah, we don't want the seams to be too close to each other, so again I've done it this way.
I think it should be fine. I just realized. I actually literally built where the trees are like all this barren grass land where I couldn't have built anything at all there, but no, E.R. decides we have to take down some trees anyway. Another thing I really don't like is Crossroads, like particularly this one. I mean, no one cares what Carnage is, who is kind to tears, so we have to go around them like this, we must love a roundabout or, since they're like local roads, it's probably a bit excessive, so it's better to just delete all that and then make my connections to the Road distributor, like make them not happen in Crossroad, so we just got Junction and then Junction.
I think that's pretty cool and you could probably also add some additional roads like up there and up there right now that's our first grid area and I think this is going to be our residential area as well so we'll start painting in some low residential density, okay, that's good. the cranes are being built they are doing their job we have a bit of commercial demand so this is where the shops and things can go and to be honest I could push them like in these entrances and on the distribution roads as well as on the front roads. stores because then everyone has to go through the stores to go home and when they leave home they have to go through the stores to go to work.
I think that will be convenient for people, and we're all about convenience at Utopia anyway. I need to think about what people really need to survive at least somewhere as aspirational as a utopia. They need electri


. Look, they're going to need water now too, since our outdoor pylon goes in there and this is where our residential area is. Think about what I'm going to do for now: I'm just going to stick a transformer down here and then we're going to take our electricity from the outside world, for now we're not going to produce our own and then this.
It will power all these homes and businesses that will set up shop here at least until we start producing our own electricity, so what more do we need? We have industrial demand, people need industry, oh wa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa people have demands for poop and water. I forgot it. About that too, it's a good thing I'm not a real engineer anymore anyway, in City Skylands 2 you can see all the pipes that are already underground and honestly, it's one of my biggest mistakes, the bears, because they follow the path that they continue. If they are curved, we don't have curved pipes in the real world.
I mean, there could be a gentle curve in a gravity sewer, but it would be so small that it would be straight on a drawing. Look at the state of those curved pipes around. the roundabout oh it makes me angry it makes me angry so yeah anyway we have to find a place for our sewage to go now. Not really, I don't like directly polluting the river. In which direction does the river flow? Okay, it's flowing down there, yeah, I'm going to let myself go over the bridge. Downstream or pooy, I don't want to do that, by the way, look at the water department report, we are experiencing some problems with water pressure at the moment, please wait, yes, the problem is that I have completely ignored it.
I'm going, I'm going to do it. I said I wouldn't do it, but we're just going to pump raw sewage directly into the river, so we'll take our sewage pipe. I mean, to be honest, I could finish this road and then connect directly to it, so the highway arterial to the sewage pipe from there to there, so now everyone can po lovely, yeah, actually I feel quite, oh, there goes. There it goes, it's flowing. I actually feel pretty bad that we're polluting the river, but for now that's how things have to work. Look, everyone asks what's wrong with my drinking water.
Well, we have a couple of solutions. we can have onewater pumping station that we are used to in the previous game, there are also water towers that we have seen before, yes they cost quite a bit to maintain so probably not the best idea and then we also have this underground water pumping station , so if you look on the map, there are a lot of blue spots, they are all sources of groundwater, so we could pump out this groundwater and start drinking it. How much does it cost to build this? 40 grand and then 20 grand maintenance and it pumps just under 20 million gallons a month, oh why am I still in the imperial system you stupid American?
Okay, to hell with the MS, we go back to the metric system, oh, here we go, it pumps.75,000 cubic M a month uh, if we make the water pumping station, it pumps more water, costs less to build and is less good to maintain , we'll go with that and what I'm thinking instead of pumping from the river, I could pump from this like the lake up here because this is higher than our city, while the river is lower, so if we use the river, we would have to pump that water uphill whereas from here we can only use gravity and gravity is our friend because gravity doesn't require pumps so we need to make a path from here so I'm just going to make a little dirt path , I'll try to weave between some trees and then connect it to the rest of the city and then do that. carry, carry electricity, carry pipes, oh, it does that too, sweet, okay, now we're pumping water from this lake directly into people's houses.
I love watching him. I need an industrial area, so I'm going to do it again. This way I think because this is where our poop is anyway, just like before the distributor road here and then from here we will have our local roads, now what I want to test is that you can build similar keys in this game, No. key e y but q a y and it's a little bit tricky if I turn off the setting completely if you increase the elevation slightly, we can put a nice little sea wall here and that's pretty useful, especially since this is going to be our industrial sector.
It just makes things look a little bit cleaner, so things are going to get dirty down here, so we need to make some connections with this and then we can start zoning with the industrial, so we'll have it to along the edge. and uh, this is where people can work so decently in the meantime, take a look at all the houses that a lot of people go to. In fact, there's a lot of demand now as well, so we'll continue to zone some of these in the back and then things. "Everything is going well, except remember that we are not generating electricity, so we are importing 800 KW, which is obviously costing us some money per hour, but yeah, to be honest, I feel like this is going pretty well, you can see When people join the city.
We have the roundabout, we have the turn, making them slow down. I love to see it. They come along the arterial roads to the side. Are you going to live? Are you going to work? , these people go home a caravan to your new house you don't need a caravan mate you're not Danny and yes, then they come along the distributor road and then the local roads to get to their real houses where they live, okay , what am I thinking. Now that I have to do it, I need to get a little more XP to be able to progress, so is it worth guessing a small coal power plant in the GU They say how small it is is huge, but it could? push one like kind of peish and yeah yeah Now we're small so we got 600 grand.
We have some progression points. We've unlocked a lot of things that are cool. Oh, we've unlocked a bridge. We have unlocked a bridge. Yeah, just wondering. I need, oh, I need two points to get the incinerator. I'm not sure I can get there very quickly. I'm not going to lie, oh wait, I didn't realize what the floor was doing. I built this whole area as the steepest part of the clay, why didn't I landscape this? Landscaping is free now Matt, tell you what to expect, oh look at that softening, I mean some decent contours, okay, now we've got a bit of space over here, which means I can easily grab some pylons and then bring them in this way to connect them and now we are generating electricity and we are connected to the grid, so if we are generating excess, we will sell it back to the grid, look at those fumes, it is the view of progress, okay, anyway, This is the most doubtful thing, look, look at that container, how does that container stay there?
I should probably level this all out to be honest, oh why? t I level it first I like challenges, that's the problem I like challenges, I mean that way it looks a little flatter, anyway, we have someone complaining here, what do you want waiting for a hearse? A hearse hasn't done it. I arrived even though one was called quite some time ago. Oops, let's take a break. Yes, we have people dying. We don't have any mortuary care, so I need a cemetery. My question is: where should I put the cemetery? Good. I have pushed here. I feel like it made sense to go a little bit close to the lake um, I'm going to be, I'm going to be a decent person, although I'm going to try to plant some trees here, these are the only saplings, but these I can also push some bushes in front so that, When people come to the cemetery to cry, like architects who have passed away, and don't look up and see a horrible pumping station, these trees will grow. that will be covered, we can sit on this bench looking at the architects who didn't make it and thank the heavens we chose


over architecture because we can live in a lovely place like this, so the hearse now should. come and take that dead person who actually lives here, by the way, let's take a look at 25 foggy streets, so the residents, the two dogs live there, oh no, oh okay, so these are the people who live There, there are Barry and Bella, the dogs, but then their owner Aaron.
Serrano has passed away oh no the dogs have lost everything the dogs are there what's going to happen to the dogs oh no I can't hack this this game just went dark where's the damn h? Where are the Hearst vehicles in use? Zer from 15 what where is it oh wait they're not gone no where is Bella where is Barry no oh what happened to the dogs oh this is this is this is obsessing me now that's not right right anyway let's just press pause for a second because look , there's a lot of demand that we have Finally, there's some demand for medium density, so I could try to fill in some of these areas a little bit more like if we take a road on the side of this and this could be like a nice little medium density area, just next to pylons and transformers, but at least they will have good electricity, then they will add a little more low density, like on the side of the cemetery, and a little middle on that edge.
I'm going to try to get my medium houses into the Shield. like everyone else's road noise, I'm sure they won't care, then we're going to need real medical attention just to try and reduce the rate of people dying, so we need a medical clinic. I feel like that makes it make sense to have this on the dealer road because there's going to be a lot of traffic, yeah, so if I push it there and that should allow people to get to this pretty quickly, yeah, I'm happy, I'm happy with it. I've done there is that we have more demand, it may be worth expanding this direction as well as maybe lowering some beachside properties this week because I did what we did on the industrial walk, maybe we can do it as a charmer. pedestrian dance and I don't like making grids, but they are very easy to draw, look how quickly I can add all this, this is great, very commercial, along the edge, that's the distributor.
Highway on that literally WIP. I only liked three buildings and there is no more demand. Then I'll start getting some houses. I don't know why I started in the middle, but we did, oh I just realized we have Crossroads everywhere. I mean, actually, this could be a good test. I can see if right is better for traffic or left, junctions or T-junctions, okay, anyway, we're a small town now, which means a lot more progression points, ooh, and instead of incineration, should it go to the recycling center or should it? Not using my progression points on these at all and instead putting them into education because that's the cornerstone of engineering, so maybe I could make an architect theme area for the terrain.
I can't lie, I'm leaning towards that solution. Oh, also look. We have seven Map tiles to unlock. Well, this is just the beginning of our journey to Utopia. I imagine a lot of shenanigans will happen, but before the start, I'm trying to play it as realistically as possible. I'll see how long that lasts, but yeah, for now I'll say peace, love, bridges and utopia, goodbye guys.

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