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En radio capital con la misky María Jesús Rodriguez

May 01, 2024
live talking about buses talking about buses we are going to receive our great guest artist he lives in huanta where it remains to hold on well in the department of ayacucho and he has come here to lima and of course this space is for you for you artists we are going to receive so to gianfranco hello gianfranco how are you doing well welcome to the program thank you how old are you gianfranco I am eight years old eight years old but I have been told that you have been singing since you were three years old or so when I was starting out with my friends when you were in initial and like you sang participate more in school events in performances yes I participated in always always singing or sometimes also doing other things dancing and singing always singing and how did you learn to sing and I just God gave me that talent and I when I was little in my little book when they said the little book that I want to be when I grow up and I told my singing teacher and there my parents read it and there they were supporting me like that and there I'm going to be a singer well then you You said that you want to be when you grow up, they asked you and you could be a singer and from there you have received the support of your parents and your family.
en radio capital con la misky mar a jes s rodriguez
He tells me no, when he was little he is not big because now he is big and look how big he is because At six years old, for example, you get first place in the contest looking for new values ​​of the Ayacucho song without I have participated with the carnival there, as the talent teacher of my collection, Alfonso, had told us that they were going to bring out singers at my school and they are participating and In the and today I participated with Naranjita and in Yoga Law, then the teacher saw that I had a lot of talent and then he took me to that cute contest and I also participated in the regional stage that was held in Coracora Law.
en radio capital con la misky mar a jes s rodriguez

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en radio capital con la misky mar a jes s rodriguez...

Well, look at the tremendous talent that We have here he is going to continue telling us part of his life not because he is now and he is big he already told us about the time when he was little but now what he is going to do is sing to us if I offer you well it is to sing to us it is a little that you are not going to sing to those of us who are just here behind that camera and thousands of people who are going to see you on the internet and many people also in the entire world who are going to see you, are going to listen to you and in the


of course because millions of people also then sing to Peru and to the entire world from your dear how much the hope of the rather the guitar in this land for the dollars in the emerald villa my leg saved we sell a point of gold flying twine throats of the weak I found your account passing lands to which no one gives to me one is passing stores to which no one wins no and the same with your successes of 20 carts and that's why I but what is this land over there weather stripping on Miranda Avenue for something You gave her in childhood and I am speaking for news the expert and I have mine only Uruguay ribbon from here on this land and when I tell me about mountains the land later well a black will listen without respite and build I have you are for me give me a la vulgarity 30 the mental I take away just like that I love you as a stranger just like that from you or as a passenger you are so from where are you give me a kiss for me I meditate like that just like that I love you as a stranger just like that I want to pass you how beautiful and 20 god it seems to me that The survey is that of the computer that they put now on the singers, not on the computer, now on the most famous singers in the world tuning their work on the computer, no, this child has already sold with the built-in tuner to Gianfranco, how beautifully you sing, my love, thank you well.
en radio capital con la misky mar a jes s rodriguez
Tell me now what year you are in, you will be in third grade, if I am going to move on to fourth grade this year, then you are in fourth grade, fourth grade now, and at your school, now that you are in primary school, what do your teachers tell you when you have to go sing their song? They always say when there is a performance I was born from my school when you go and for Jesus to the child the plan always only takes me out so that the child can sing to the beauty but that is at school but and apart from that you sing in other places in other performances I know where, for example, they invited me to am the captain one day one day in the park they invited me to the maguana yes I sang five songs and then they are telling me another one yes that was when you were how old I was eight years old there This year, Jesus just happened today and you wanted to repeat yourself to each other, but if not my throat is going to wear out because I was going to go sing somewhere else, that's fine, that's fine, you have to take care of your throat too with the work tool. there is God already then but and now you are preparing more repertoire more more songs yes how many they already have I already have ten and if there is then now when I sing 68 they can almost ask for another yes and also they are already giving me songs like one they heard them sing I liked it and they are giving me songs like this, new compositions for the performers, guagua gianfranco, that's very good, that's very good because sometimes you not only have to sing the traditional songs, those from many years ago, but also new songs, right, you think so and we thank the teachers who are accompanying you now and the first guitar the teacher Felipe Ruiz and here on the second guitar edwin par pan thank you thank you for also sending us the little message to have it here for gianfranco because that is the idea of ​​this program not only the great ones pioneers teacher you with so much experience with so many years in music come here because a little princess from yungay comes here a flat degrees come here the springs the social ones no wow so many artists or manuelcha prado but here is the future of our of our peru no, here is the proof that if children can love what is ours, he definitely said it from the beginning, god has given me this talent, no, and when you put your talent at the service of people, it becomes a gift, it is a wonderful gift that you have and who is there and recording and filming and doing everything who is the father your father yes and what is your father's name roberto bustillo sánchez roberto bustillo sánchez and your family the others where they are have stayed there in huanta brother what is the name of the sea ​​and candles flowers and your brother robert bustíos come on well let's also congratulate and thank your family your dad your mom because they support you right because sometimes I tell you I tell you years ago the children who wanted to sing like that their parents said you're not going to be a singer so it can't be you have to study something else instead your parents are supporting each other yes that's good and it's what you like to do the most without perfect you're going to participate in some other contest soon I'm going to participate in huanta and if I win I'm going to go to the regional and in that case it will be close I will be able to go it will be in ayacucho in ayacucho perfect then but first you have to participate in how many ideas and you go out to the regional perfect or bio audios then yes because he has been winning the first place, not twice, but twice in a row, he has won first place and within his repertoire, songs stand out such as, for example, he looked for huamanga, she will it, or negro siren treacherous, and among other songs, one of his favorites being the chicks, that's your favorite song yes because it is one of those songs dedicated to children who do not have orphan parents to those orphans and you can sing a little girl to see chicks so it is the song that he likes the most so I did not dedicate it for those orphan children without father if we did not have and very flight crime I represent sir andigital yes I represent sir a light without destiny its value is gold the body in scream of the children's memories well I do not remember it for him and I and her keep quiet sir so much news in this and due to damage from the sea in the shoots above me and but I protect sir with 31 points in campaign color I protect followed by death the product of waiting I thresh when I am radiant warm your body and the chicks will take normal flight the chicks will take his flight with me 1 day well finish from eight more left to the naranco gianfranco dear look you have put me up year after year you have never broken my heart but not from sadness but from real emotion to hear you sing and to look at it is his favorite song not the chicks an oh my god song with so much message with so much message and that he identifies with those children and not with those children and you there ask the Lord for those children for those who sleep there in the street in helplessness and everything else and That's why, since you have such a beautiful and noble heart, God is going to bless you definitively and is going to put everything there for you to have a beautiful artistic career and to continue singing and to continue fulfilling your dreams.
en radio capital con la misky mar a jes s rodriguez
I want to be a singer and also a veterinarian, look at you. perfect gianfranco better even better even because you are going to have two careers two careers one as a singer and one as a veterinarian the dad has tried if they are going to support him with the vet too today the cute one look what a blessing you have gianfranco well now I guess you want to send Greetings suddenly to your school to your friends to your teachers I want to send greetings to my child and my godparents oh and also to my godfather Edwin Farfán and to all my friends and my parents and I thank God very much for giving me this talent oh my god The child is even a child of faith, a little man of faith, sir, what is your dad's name?
You tell me, Rodarte, distressing, Don Roberto, congratulations, truly, and thank you for bringing us this blessing to the program. Thank you, thank you to your entire family for supporting you, daddy. give me more bathroom year one and sing not your carnival if you think its let's listen to me then to gianfranco buzios hit and so much putting them need pepper the marketing action can no longer said I would come out with the mind already composed god will say so much of affection of a liar for from hunger I feel a love super involved in what such now a litany wheels maestro Felipe Gris let's go with the carnivals where you learn for the carnivals the return back for me so let's see about Itatí your father we have to look in you the same and Now Jean Blanco has sung to those waves of betrayals here because he despises, he is ready to resume when he grows up and we were grateful to give him a kiss and nice blessings God bless you Gianfranco keep singing keep enchanting with your talent teacher thank you very much also to you Felipe Ruiz and Edwin Farfán on the guitar they have one more presentation it was love in lima what are the activities gianfranco lives on my album you have come to record your album and wow how many songs are on the album a perfect 11 12 songs so you are taking advantage of the holidays to be able to record your album here in Lima thanks to the intercom for supporting me to record my perfect album my life thank you thank you God bless you well let the successes continue then now white with a little carnival dancing ahead contemplate what this our Peru looks like gentlemen now serena are so now serena there is no one so serene similar and singing anxiety with tomato the tatami then to the life that there is no paying directly one more is knowing how to be the life that I am so happy from the same trend in this also select sample they say that it is pure evil of 30 that I do not kill me for sales factor mornings of balls to consider inside I kill myself for your love one morning I leave singing and

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