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Emote Wheel For LOOT in Fortnite

Jun 08, 2021
Okay, okay, I see. Do you want to see you boo boo I see you boo boo okay we all have I have two you have one we have two more left here we go hyout what is this fandango fandango is not a website fandango is OMG this is the boomer joke I have ever heard in my life life here we go oh oh look it's going away hey oh my god it's the dumbest r


ever oh get it get it so it's the dumbest one I've ever heard I've seen it and I love it so the last one, I have three, you guys They have one, oh boy, the last tiebreaker for you, a new pair of boots, no, no, no, I don't know what, wait, sigils has it. shake why do you have that thing that seems so random that stealths get second place in the most important round of zone wars, which is the shotgun, right now it's your turn, wait, let me find a new challenge when I find a new challenge for you, okay guys, for the final question, now you have to listen to me carefully.
emote wheel for loot in fortnite
A plane crashes on the border of Canada and the United States, where are the survivors buried? Wherever the plane came from, there are survivors, they're not going to bury them, my God, that's the stupidest person I've ever met. Oh, FIFA did it and we heard which one, oh my God, okay, so obviously I'm going to take the load. go ahead uh we're doing uh instant reload no buddy no no what are you going to take what are you going to take the double barrel is still pretty good look at it people's boxes which one are you going to take oh, took the dragon well before it's his turn, tape , okay guys, this is our


, uh, it's time to go, play prizes, okay guys, team zone wars, unite the guys, top center tv, don't use their code, we're going to do three rounds, whoever has the highest score at the end of the three rounds. win, it'll be me, no, I'm not the one who sired me here, who was that, oh, I missed it, I sucked it, get out of here, boy, where are you at henry?, where are you at henry?, I'm ahead, my mind is exactly where the storm is. so I'm the boss oh you got these things okay I can press m and watch the storm so yeah wow that's so good can't you shoot me please okay I'm sorry I thought We were playing zone wars, isn't it small, am I an idiot? cry baby baby i'm not a cry baby wars you're a cry baby wars come yeah what was that?
emote wheel for loot in fortnite

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Go away, go away okay, okay, drink this drink, this drink, this drink, this drink, this drink, this one, drink this, I hate gorillas dude, that's so weird, oh, I gotta go to you guys, oh wait, why didn't that do more? oh it's so sweaty hello wait they take all the damage oh no oh yeah obviously they take fall damage. I didn't expect that too, oh my God. shred oh god I love this gun oh no we can't oh we hit those we hit those get hit you're lucky I ain't got no traps looking right now oh dude this shotgun alright that's alright that's the first round i was really sweaty yeah i like these these little things guys again top core team joins use your support using that code buddy this is a sick map good job guys i don't like how old you are yeah you take damage from falls okay bye oh you're already down oh yeah just shoot him you're a body and you don't make this man can we?
emote wheel for loot in fortnite
I want to do this that caused 90 damage. Okay, we can talk about it. No, you're about to die. Boy, can we talk about our feet. oh henry henry i can't use this campfire oh no no you can't use the campfire oh i couldn't see your stupid candy canes mixing up waiting what a storm surge oh we need to do damage we need to do damage uh ian, come out henry oh no, where you guys fight oh fix your stupid double barreled shotgun dude i should have taken it oh that's not even centered oh that wall wasn't even centered that was weird no you didn't, you didn't place that you're a cheater dude oh you're a cheetah i'm not oh boy I can't be high I know I know I know oh I hit that oh no oh no no you're not going anywhere boy oh where are you?
emote wheel for loot in fortnite
I don't know where you did that, you didn't hit, no, you know how good, I'll just eat all my fish, oh toxic, you know how big that feels about it. Oh, I just broke a shield, get off, get off of me, boy, are you going to get out of the way? fight for it you want to fight for that okay let's write about it gotta eat the social fast the storms are moving guys not him alone oh no oh no oh no okay we're fine my high ground I'm running out of mats yeah me too a shotgun legendary okay, okay, last round, last round, score the dads, oh my goodness, it's a little balanced.
Hey, okay, here we go, here we go, here we go, oh God, hello, hello, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. no no no no no no no hey buddy no no just let me eat my fish come on come on no oh my god that was scary I thought I liked it let's do it again yeah would you do it weird hey hey Hey, I thought we had green can. We, what did we agree, why could we, no whoa, oh God, I shit in the sun, underwear you don't even have those toxic, oh no, I thought I had high ground, okay, okay, okay, we are fine, we are fine. we're fine, everything's fine, oh, I thought you bounced, wait who has the highest score, has a high score, come on, it's got me, it's gotta be me, I've gotta guys, hit the like button if you've enjoyed this, hit the subscribe button if you are new here, click on the video below to watch the next video.
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