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Emma & Jannie Pretend Play w/ Pink Vending Machine Soda Kids Toys

Jun 22, 2024
Wow guys, the



is cool, yeah let's


with them, okay Emma, ​​okay Jenny, let me do it for you. First you press the button, then you put in the coin and press the check. Hey, the



isn't working, Jenny, what should we do? Don't worry, Emma, ​​let me check, oh, this is 50 cents, so you should put in one more coin. Okay, Danny, wow, here's your tail, Danny, thanks, Emma, ​​look, the color is great. Now is my turn. Emma, ​​what do you want? Hmm again. queue, I think I have water, okay, we'll do it now, thanks, hey guys, what are you doing, this is my vending machine, really, this is your vending machine.
emma jannie pretend play w pink vending machine soda kids toys
We're so sorry, okay guys, but remember to ask others first. You guys


with your


, okay Aunt Joy, I actually got this as a gift for Jenny and Emma, ​​but they don't know it's a surprise. I'll give it to you after you do your homework. Oh no, the vending machine is broken, guys. What should I do? Oh, I have an idea. I'll go buy a new one. I've finished now. Wow, I'm done too. What should we do next? I don't know. I am so bored. I have an idea too. Let's go to Uncle K's store and buy a new vending machine and it's a good idea, but we don't have any money, don't worry, Danny, look at this, where do you get those coins?
emma jannie pretend play w pink vending machine soda kids toys

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emma jannie pretend play w pink vending machine soda kids toys...

Emma, ​​this is my saved money, we can use it to buy the vending machine, come on, let's buy the vending machine, okay, hello, welcome to my store, how can I help you today? Guys, we want a vending machine. Do you have an uncle? The vending machine is the one Aunt Joyce is holding. We are looking, yes. that one but I only have one left really uncle Jenny, let's ask aunt if we can buy the vending machine okay, let's be useful aunt, we want to buy the yes, I'm sorry guys, but I've already decided to buy it, we can't buy it, bye. guys okay can you check this for me please no problem aunty ten dollars please okay no problem here you go thank you aunty why are you buying the toy again I think you already have it.
emma jannie pretend play w pink vending machine soda kids toys
I'm buying this one because the other one broke and I can't fix it oh really I'm a toy repairman I think I can help you oh thanks okay did you bring it with you? oh yeah, I did, it's here but it doesn't work look, worry, give it to me, I'll fix it, okay, here you go, okay, let me see, I need the hammer. Wow, Uncle K is very professional, guys, I think I'm done, let me try it. Okay, man, press this, put the coin in and then press this. Wow, thanks man, how much is it? It's only five dollars five dollars here's your money thank you bye I'm so bored what should we do danny I don't know hello guys hello aunt joyce hey what are you guys looking for we're bored because we don't have any


to play with yeah we don't have any toys to play with?
emma jannie pretend play w pink vending machine soda kids toys
Did they finish their homework? Yes, we did hmm, since you finished everything, I will give you two vending machines. Wow, very empty. Thanks, no problem guys, let's play. That's fine thanks. auntie let's open it guys I would like a mix of Emma's berries and Jenny's apple juice please let me be fresh again now it's my turn Emma first I click this button then I put the chords here and I do click the button, wow, that's so. Great, thanks guys, do you like our vending machine? If you leave us a comment, thank you for watching our video.
I hope you enjoy our program. Remember to subscribe to our channel and click the bell button. Until next time. Hi guys. Floating so cool, yeah, wanna come in and check it out? Get out first guys, no I'm still floating away, guys let me go get it, guys okay wait here, right here, huh, oh no, it exploded, guys, oh man, guys, my float. pop, huh, what should we do? Don't worry,


, uncle timon, I can fix it, can I help you? Wait, Emma, ​​don't you have a lot of homework to do yet? Oh yeah, I have to do it right now.
Come in and finish your task. Emma, ​​it's okay, Emma, ​​remember come back after you finish your homework, okay, bye, let's fix it oh no, it's not working, what should we do? I'll go with him, let's go to aunt's store and get another one, John, okay, hello, welcome to my store. how can I help you today I have a lot of clothes look here too wow, you floated a lot do you have a bucket float? It's like that yes, I know, let me check it, I remember it around here oh, right here is the one you guys looking for yeah, okay, wow, how much does this chick cost?
One hundred dollars plus free shipping. Wow, that's so cheap. Your money, thank you. Okay, bye, okay, bye, oh no, it's too heavy, I can't hand it over, oh, good job, what happened auntie? It's too heavy. Can? guys help me please I'm sure we will help you aunty come on ok thanks let's do it three two one that's so heavy I can't do it either guys I have an idea let's push it guys good idea Let's do it guys, okay, ready three. two one oh no, how are we going to get it through the door? guys, I don't know, oh I have an idea, let's try to get it inside, guys, okay, oh no, no, don't do that, okay, so what should we do?
Aunt, let yourself have it. leave it or want a pen good idea good idea let's do it let's drop it guys yeah thanks guys I gotta go bye oh uncle Tim let's make a surprise for Emma yeah let's push it come on I'm a good team to hide . the floating guy I'm going to the pool let's swim again the guy's equipment can't fix it huh I really couldn't fix it I just bought a new one come on it's cool here I'll go check it out it's so powerful Can you spin me around next ? Well, did you like it?
Yes, it's a lot of fun if I'm hungry. Uncle John. Me too, don't worry. I'll call aunt. Hi Aunt. We need ice cream. Do not worry. Aunt will come. Right now Hey guys, she brought some drink for you. Cones. Can I have an ice cream sandwich? Please can I have a popsicle? Please, okay guys, let's go right away. Okay, here you go, thank you, thank you, that's great, how much does it cost auntie? It's free. because you guys helped me deliver the vlog before remember wow thanks for enjoying the cream cool guys yeah watch mine okay thanks for watching our video I hope you enjoy our show remember to support our channel and click on the bell button if you wish.
I like the flow, give us a big thumbs up. See you next time.

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