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Emma Jannie and Friends Pizza Drive Thru Food Toys Episodes for Kids

Mar 09, 2024
Hey, how come your


is so small and expensive? Because my


is the best. How do you want a large pizza? Look at my costume, it's cool, but I don't want a costume, okay, I want a big pizza toy, come on. go change you can't find any better visa than mine that's really it get a hundred dollars a hundred dollars for this yes that's so cheap uncle john it's too expensive how much is your pizza? The whole pizza is ten dollars and a slice is six dollars wow That's so cheap guys, I'll buy it at Emma's store.
emma jannie and friends pizza drive thru food toys episodes for kids
I'm sorry for John, I'll tell him they forgot to pay me for the pizza. Here they have a hundred and 100 for the pizza, that's a scam. Sorry, hi Emma, ​​I don't think so. I try to be the guy myself, let's check it out. Can I get a giant slice? Please, okay, okay, come up, thank you now, let's make the pizza frog, your giant pizza is great, Emma, ​​thanks, Uncle Tim, you're a total of six dollars, six thanks. You guys look how big it is and the pizza is so big and I might be so small I can't compete before I have to ruin what happened Emma, ​​I have to go home now, why are you closing your store?
emma jannie and friends pizza drive thru food toys episodes for kids

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emma jannie and friends pizza drive thru food toys episodes for kids...

No one wants to buy my pizza because you're bigger and cheaper than mine, yeah I have no choice, I have to close the stove, bye, good luck, oh no, I feel bad that I made Uncle John close this one door, what happened


? We can sell pizza together. Do you really want to do it? Emma, ​​yes. Wow but my pizza is so small Emma my customer doesn't want it don't worry Uncle John they could buy my giant pizza and they can have your small pizza for free you will Emma yeah come to my store right now.
emma jannie and friends pizza drive thru food toys episodes for kids
Okay, come here and come here. Okay, yeah, your pizza was amazing. Can I get a whole one this time? All the pizza. Yes, please don't worry. Uncle Emma's team is the best chip so you can prepare the giant pizza for yourself. Okay, what happened? Emma. No more ingredients to really make the giant pizza look. What should we do? Don't worry, Uncle John. I will buy more right now. Can you take care of the store? No problem. Bye bye. Hello. Good job. What happened? Can you wait a little? Am I buying ingredients for my pizza for you?
emma jannie and friends pizza drive thru food toys episodes for kids
No problem, oh uncle Tim, do you know what happens if you buy the champion eye? You'll get a small one for free, really, yeah, I mean, do it right now, thanks. Okay, let's do the uncle tim bits guys oh good job uncle john uh what happened and goten you're almost done I still have to go uncle john wait a bit and go tim she's coming right now hurry up uncle john I have to go oh no one good team se goes what he should I do, I'll go tell him about him, what's up Uncle John? You're done?
Don't go to the team, but I can do it right now. You're going to make me a giant pizza. Yes, thanks. Okay, I think I can. make the giant bija, let's do it, you're chatting, these are ready, guys, the pizza is ready, okay, eh, this is not a giant pizza, it looks like a pizza pie, but that's all I can do now, Uncle Tim isn't good enough. I'm so sad guys, huh, why do you look so sad? Uncle Tim left because he can't wait for the giant pizza. I make this one, but he doesn't like it, but it's just a pie pizza.
I know, but I have no choice, don't worry. I have enough ingredients, we can make the giant pizza right now, okay, let's do it, okay, letters, tomatoes, mushrooms, I'm going to put the tomato sauce, okay, I'm done, let's cook it, okay, now we have to wait five minutes. You already did a good job next time, don't do it like that, it's okay, I'm alone, but he's already gone. I know where his house is because the women are here. Okay, wait, you bring this pizza boom. Okay, let's do it. you still want the giant pizza and the small one for free yes you really made it for me yes thank you here is your money thank you


I'm really hungry can you make me breakfast?
Oh, Uncle John wants pizza. I'll make you pizza. browse, how do you make pizza? Guys, I have an idea. I need dog, cheese, meat, tomato and mushrooms. Now I'm going to put it in the oven. Wow, it's ready, guys. Yes, I have a pizza combo. Uncle John is perfect. He's not my favorite. Oh, thanks Emma. Do they have red pepper and cheese, hot red pepper and cheese? I don't have it, man, huh? I need red pepper and cheese for my pizza. Oh, you guys need some red pepper and cheese. Yes, I have it. Oh really, here's your red. pepper and here you have cheese oh thanks you're welcome I'm up for everything I've done right now how about you three dollars three dollars one two three with your money and here's your money thank you thank you bye wow pizza here you go uncle mike thank you wow se go delicious pizza I love the pizza for your money thank you hello what do you want to order Alex pepperoni pizza please there you have it oh here is your money thank you wow bye oh no my pizza wait eh, it's dirty no but I don't have any more money to buy new one, wait here, hey, it's free, yeah, just have it, thank you,








pizza, wow, hi jenny, hi aunt, welcome to my drive-thru pizza, ready to order, I really don't leave it .
I check it, oh this looks good, can I have this kind of pizza? Ten dollars please use your money thank you pizza is coming wow amazing thank you wow oh no oh my pizza do you want another one? Yes, please, five dollars, please, okay, oh oh no. money hello do you want a pizza okay are you okay danny i think my scooter is broken now i can't deliver my pizza don't worry i can help you i have a car right here hello jenny grandpa what's up? I lose my wallet and I can't really buy


, yes, you would have gotten any


, yes, but this is for my client, this is not my food, I'm sorry, grandpa, oh, I'm hungry, okay, just have a slice, grandpa , wow, pizza, I love it, here you go, thank you, are you okay?
Now grandpa, I'm still hungry, eh, okay, have one more slice, go, grandpa, thank you, you're so kind, I'm full now, thank you, you're welcome, but I have to go now, bye, grandpa, bye, Andrew is a very good boy, hello. Hello, do you have my pizza? Oh yeah, here you go, thanks, uh, a few slices missing, hey, danny, danny, I'm done fine, good job, Andrew, hey, what happened? My pizza is missing some slices, Andrew, what did you do? I gave some to Grandpa. Grandpa, yes, it's me, I was hungry and Andrew, give me pizza, I want to buy you pizza, Grandpa, ah, for me, but now I'm full, oh, I thought you were still hungry, hey, he brought me a pizza for you, oh, Thank you, wow, this pizza looks good.
Very good, come on grandpa, let's go home, here's your pizza for me, yes, because you help people, you deserve it, thank you, danny, how delicious, I finally have pizza, thank you, danny, I want a slice of this pizza Thanks, I'll try it. First, hey, can I have four pieces, this one, this one, okay, man, we're going to make a lot of money, bye, this pizza is so good, can I have this one on this one, please, okay, auntie, amazing, still I haven't cooked them okay I will cook them later thank you bye time to order I want this this this sorry no more pizza eh yes pizza sorry I really wanted pizza hmm I'm really hungry what a great pizzeria hello everyone, hello to this one and this one is coming.
Right up there, yeah, yeah, it's definitely coming here, go Jenny, it's not even cooked, sorry, no, no, I don't want your pizza anymore, wait, hey, give me another chance. I'll make a really good pizza, okay, so please make me a good pizza this time. Of course it's time to make pizza, aunt, aunt, I'm going to go upstairs, Jenny. Hey, it doesn't look so good, but it's crispy. No, I don't want it. Bye, no one wants my pizza. What happened, Ellie, Can you teach me how to make it? pizza, I'm sure I can help you, you already have it, aunt, yes, now I have it, more water, now the ingredients are time to bake it, okay, aunt, are you done?
It's almost there, yes, it's done, wow, Here you go, Jimmy, thank you, let me try it, very delicious, thank you. to Ellie, now I can make pizza, yeah, here's your money, thanks, stop, sorry, there's traffic, hey, hurry up, oh no, again, no, I'm going to miss the movie, what's the delay? I can't see, I'm going to miss my appointment. The ice cream will be sent by mail. I'm going to miss my appointment with the hairdresser. How long will this take? About one hour. I need to deliver these pizzas or I can't get this job. I ordered a pepperoni with cheese and you only gave me a pepperoni.
Oh. oh sorry you can't get the job, can you show me how to make a pizza? I'll show you how to do hello, what you can't do hello, can you hear me? Hello, my delivery man can't do it, why me? I don't know, I couldn't really hear, it must be bad phone reception, how can I keep this store open and deliver pizza? Ah, I can help you if you can make this delivery. I'll give you the job, but you can't screw this up. up, okay, wow, don't fail me now, I won't fail, I have to do something, nothing will happen if I stay here, excuse me, Ellie, what's wrong?
My car is broken, I will help you with everything, that's it, thanks, make it work, bye, oh no. I don't have gas hey I saw what you did there I'll help you I always have extra gas thank you your pizza is here I've been waiting for five minutes now I'll tell your boss I'm not going to tip you oh okay I guess I'll pay you back this apron. Good job Wendy, huh, but I delivered the pizza late, but you helped my delivery guy. You work here, you did a great job wendy, you went above and beyond what was required of you. the job

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