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Emily Blunt on Daughters Obsession with Ryan Gosling & Husband John Krasinski vs Australian Spider

May 12, 2024
We also have a great guest tonight, she is an Oscar nominated actress and an overall five star person. Her highly anticipated new movie with Ryan Gosling is called Fall Guy. It opens in theaters on Friday. Please welcome Emily Blunt. It's good to see you, yes. higher I feel like they could be huge platforms come on yeah these are just my legs guys how are they? I'm fine. I heard them with Howard Stern this morning. How I think I did it. I think he did great. I think not just me. I think he did very well. I feel like you and Howard have really good chemistry.
emily blunt on daughters obsession with ryan gosling husband john krasinski vs australian spider
I think I have great chemistry with Howard. Howard Stern. You know, we talked on the phone for half an hour after he couldn't get enough. I guess he was thinking. As I was listening, these two should really do a show together, but I feel like you probably have good chemistry with whoever you choose to have good chemistry with. Well, I mean, it's easy with him, he's a great conversationalist, it's like playing pingpong. with someone exciting yes, it was fun, it got very personal, you said something you wish you hadn't, I always say things I wish I hadn't, you have to text someone, you have to text John, no, I did not do it. text anyone, but I knew he'd ask the kind of questions where he'd have to get out of there somehow and, like, you're going to embrace the impact a little bit.
emily blunt on daughters obsession with ryan gosling husband john krasinski vs australian spider

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emily blunt on daughters obsession with ryan gosling husband john krasinski vs australian spider...

I liked when he talked about him. He was asking you if you and John walked around the house naked and you, what did I say? I said yes, you said yes, and then you didn't answer whether John did it or not. I don't think it's fair to reveal it. I think so, I think maybe when John does Howard Stern he can talk about anything naked with maybe they could be naked during the interview. Look, well, Howard sounds like he's never naked, he just sounds yeah, and you described it, I think quite beautifully because Howard hides his body from his wife and then you said that when you get into bed I get this feeling that he he just surreptitiously slips into bed quickly before she sees him.
emily blunt on daughters obsession with ryan gosling husband john krasinski vs australian spider
I think a bell rang in his head and she thought yes. I'm slipping in bed, he's the best, but isn't he? He's kind of a sweet pee, which sounds ridiculous to call him Howard Stone, but I think he's kind of a sweet PE. Yeah, he's definitely changed a lot in the last 30 years, I think he said a lot of those times just ruined his life and he said, I can't do that again. I have to be nice now. You've been promoting Fall Gu for quite some time now. months, you guys are too long, you, you and Ryan were great at the Oscars, you were really funny at the Oscars, no, no, you guys were really great at the Oscars because there's a lot of planning that goes into it and then.
emily blunt on daughters obsession with ryan gosling husband john krasinski vs australian spider
A lot of times writers write things for hosts and sometimes they do it, sometimes they don't, it almost never feels natural, but you guys, and speaking of chemistry, I mean, you and Ryan Goling have really great chemistry, I mean. Not Ryan, Ryan Gosling has more chemistry than a math lab, let's be honest, he just has it oozing, but he does, yes he does, he's got all those jokes in him, just watch downloaded, it's easy even being vaguely straight. man, it's hard not to blush in his presence, I mean, it's, it really is, you know we were being interviewed by this journalist and he said, you know, if you know Ryan Gosson, you just got that thing where someone comes in and just you look up and down and size them up and it makes me so nervous and then Ryan looked very suspicious and looked him up and down and I was like, oh my gosh, he does that, you know, I mean, Ryan has this expression .
I like that most of the time he looks a little suspicious like you compliment him it's like he lost his glasses it's like he's looking for the nearest exit you know he doesn't like it he doesn't like it oh my god he likes Withers he just does it hates, so when you guys are doing things together, you step in and help him with what when you compliment him and yeah, I have to. Do you feel uncomfortable when you receive praise from people you used to receive? I think if you're English, you feel like everyone is insincere.
I feel like we have that in we have that in common. I mean, you kind of discount the good things, the people. I'm uncomfortable with that, but that doesn't necessarily mean I think they're being disingenuous. It just makes me say I don't know. I think that's the kind of inner sound I make. I think when I first came to America it was alarming how easy it is for Americans to look someone in the eye and say, "You're amazing, you know?" and I was like what's that like an allergic reaction to that are you your parents I met them they're lovely people they're effusive that way with you and your sister's brother something like with age or something I know, oh yeah, well, that It makes sense, yeah your whole family is super talented, it's almost ridiculous, yeah it's not right, is it competitive?
Do you feel like that made you who you are? Having so many talented people in your house. I think I definitely grew up. I grew up in a family where everyone was accepted for who they were in a way I wasn't. I didn't grow up in a family where my parents were too pushy nor did I grow up in a family where they were too complimentary like me. I'm blowing smoke up his ass. I mean, I think you told me that when your mom met Ryan, she had quite the crush on him, so she looked really good in that white suit.
I was like, it was fine. um, it's weird, like I like, you're at a 10 on creep factor right now, okay, we don't want our parents to have sexuality and yet we wouldn't be here if they didn't, no, I know. Know? Have you had to make the birds and the bees talk to your children yet? Well, I told him, I told it to my son who is 30 years old. I told him a couple of years ago, okay, I'm glad Kevin understood, yeah, I told Kevin, that's why. he looked different today he looked different he looked a little surprised a little the way I told him was completely my my mother never had the conversation no my dad either well my dad and I didn't really talk until I turned 25 anyway, perfect , that sounds like a great father, it's like no, he was a great father, only he was at work doing something we don't know, he would come home at night and then in the morning he would put on a suit.
He goes back to whatever he was doing and it wasn't like he was coming out, he says, oh by the way, the way the penis goes into the vagina, you know, just stick it in um, you know how I feel. I've gotten a little sidetracked from the movie a little bit let's take a break we'll collect our thoughts and then I want to know if you get naked in front of your kids yeah okay okay Emily Blunt is here her movie is Fall Guy we how we do it , boss, yeah, it was good, I mean, it was amazing, it was so amazing, let's go do some Karaoke.
If you like karaoke, you know you could, you could come like me. I would like you to do it. I'll be there, okay, I don't know what that was, it was so horrible and really, yeah, who, she, okay, yeah, the Holsted holster, that's it, I forget you, you never saw it, that's Emily, the blonde Ryan, in The Fall Guys, which Do you know what this movie is? It's like a movie. It's one of those movies that we're going to watch for the next 30 years as one of those, one of those classic movies that you're going to say, "Oh, I want my." let the kids see this one there, I think I mean our sign, just put it on the sign, guys, that's wonderful and I have bad memories of Fall Guy because Fall Guy was a TV show, yeah, it was on Saturday nights and It represented me not having dated any girls that I remember clearly and I love Lee Majors, he was a $6 million man and then Fall Guy, but I clearly remember everyone being at the prom and me watching that theme from The Fall Guy .
It was like, oh boy, I mean, listen, this is not a snub to Lee Major, but now, if you're not at prom, you could date Ryan Gosling, you, me, so it's like your kids, your


meet Ryan, who they are so obsessed with. Ken, you know we have, yeah, my daughter too, she's nine years old and she's crazy. She met him at the Oscars and she was like she was like one of these, you know, we didn't even know she had that in her body, we really did, because. she likes Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift and they too, at that age where they're T, are well behaved, you know, so they finally got to meet him and, um, he showed up with AA and the girls to say goodbye.
Would they stay in New York while he did SNL and he brought them this huge box of roses that he had in his dressing room for SNL that spelled out Ken and he just said to the girls, I just want to thank you for everything? the support for Ken and they literally said like that and then like my 8 year old said they smell so good and I thought almost like she was talking about him you know you know my son Uh Kevin who's at it again 30 of each had the same reaction when her


John came to our house and said there was definitely some kind of yes, that kind of thing.
I think John likes that reaction. I mean, I think he probably liked that more from me. the whole family went to Australia when you, they all came to Australia and look, I know everyone goes out and talks about an Australian animal story, but I have one and is it boring to talk about the


story? Have you had too many? those um no, but yeah, you're right, even though people do it, it seems like that and we have some Australians who are running away from um, they're actually so sick of hearing people talk about


s, oh look, look, those people are totally out.
Even though they think La is clean, okay, so we know we come from a different place up there, okay, Australia was very welcoming. I loved it, the spiders were very welcoming too and there was one night I was sitting having a quiet drink with John on the terrace and um I looked in and I saw one of those hunters and it's not like you know how people go, it was the size of your hand, it was like a bird in all its wingspan, they look like a crab, right? it was like that it was like that it was and I was about to take a sip and I said you're up you're up no you're not up I'm not I'm not I'm not going to do it and John is very He's good with most bugs, but he likes them a little bit. the spiders, like I've probably never seen a spider that size, yeah, so just watching it go and becoming aware and trying to work your way up to putting the Tupperware on the spider and trying to act.
I thought it was okay, he said, "Okay, I'm just going to, you know, yeah, I'm going to do it." Okay, let's just go in, okay, here we go, yeah, and I like to keep going and then I got the paper. and I slid the paper under oh you helped I helped well I handed it over and then I backed away and then he came out and said everything was fine but then he came out and it was pitch black so he couldn't see it but he felt the spider go around the Tupperware thank you, thank you anyway, thank you anyway and I was like, "Oh my God," and then he let her go, shook her, but I didn't know if she was outside because it was dark and that was the inside in a whoop can.
I tell you how I would have handled it, how I killed it, no, no, not well, I don't know, maybe if I could have, I don't know if I would have had a bow and arrow or something, yeah, maybe, but I would have thrown the Tupperware to the jungle or whatever. I know why he kept the Tupperware. I don't have it there. It's not like you're going to pack that up and take it home. I'm not going to put the leftover pesto in it. just leave it, but then you know what Jack Ryan is and none of us are, so I guess that's the kind of heroism you just play.
I wish, oh man, I wish I had known about this spider thing when you guys lived on the other side. the street no, you would have been very bad and I would, I would, we don't tell you our vulnerabilities anymore, we don't trust you, yes, no, but now I know one, so get ready for Christmas, perfect, it's great to see you, congratulations on the movie the movie is Fall Guy opens in theaters on Friday Emily Blunt everyone, we'll be right back

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