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Elsa and Anna toddlers celebrate Mother's Day - Surprise - Cleaning - Gifts

Jun 09, 2021
hello girls how was your day at school hello daddy hello and look what we have good this is for your moms because


's day is here wait


's day is today I didn't even do anything for mommy or I didn't do anything nice for mommy oh no, well what do I do right? Don't worry, I heard that mommy went to Ariel's house to help her. Oh well, I better do something. Our room is a disaster. Anya just watches and Elsia, since it's Mother's Day, maybe we can do it. this to


her by


your room yes, yes, it's a good idea dad, okay Anya, let's go clean, besides, today is Mother's Day, so let's go clean.
elsa and anna toddlers celebrate mother s day   surprise   cleaning   gifts
I'm going to go ask my dad where the


supplies are. I heard you, Anya, they are perfect here. Girls, girls, you just remodeled your room a while ago and now look at the mess you made. I know when you play with something you have to put it back later. Okay, but look at all those cleaning supplies. There are vacuum cleaners and dust cleaners. I want to see. I want to see whoa I'm calling the vacuum cleaner no I'm calling the vacuum cleaner I said it first girls girls we don't need to fight over things I'll give you jobs to do but before we start you have to pick up all your toys and put them where they belong or you can't vacuum look what you have on the floor look oh oh yeah so tell us when you're done doing that okay I'm going to clean up all the pink humming ladybugs they're coming yeah.
elsa and anna toddlers celebrate mother s day   surprise   cleaning   gifts

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elsa and anna toddlers celebrate mother s day surprise cleaning gifts...

Are you done, eh, anya, are you helping me?, oh, yes, yes, I was just playing with the squirrel a little, eh, let's go back to work with a pencil, oh, there are some on the floor and leave them on the last one, four, here we go, the pencils are ready. I'm going to push the chairs last, plop, hang up on Anya, I'm done with the lyrics. Hello, chocolate bear, I'll put you on the shelf, here we go, and the cotton candy bunny right on top. Now I just have to find a way to put them in the closet yeah, oh no I can't reach any of them I can't either because we're both too small Hey daddy, can you come and help me?
elsa and anna toddlers celebrate mother s day   surprise   cleaning   gifts
Yes, I'm here, what do you need help with Elsia? I can't put these pajamas up there and I can't reach them, so could you help me dad, no problem, I can do it for you. Let's put Anya's dress ready and now Elsia's. hurry up because mom will be home soon, okay, pink dice stacked on top of the blue, oh, and there's one on my bed, oh, and Elsia, I'll put the blanket on you, okay, thank you, let me put the teddy bear there, perfect. Oops, books on the table, Oops, train under the chair, what's that silly train doing down there?
elsa and anna toddlers celebrate mother s day   surprise   cleaning   gifts
Anya to the shelf. Here are some more books. Let's see if we missed something. I'm not sure. Yes. I don't think we missed anything. our room looks super clean, let's call dad and see what he thinks, okay, come on, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, yeah, I was trying to tell you something, but I think the vacuum cleaner was making too much noise, okay, so Please tell me well, we finished cleaning. our room and I wanted you to see it good job of course let me see wow do you like it? Good job girls, very kind, beautiful, your mom will be very happy.
Can we please? um, you know, dust our bed, just a little bit, sure. help you but first let me finish cleaning up this mess you see what's here in your mom's room oh yeah we're sorry it was us dad that's fine as long as we clean everything up when they come they should say wow , anya, here you can use this. duster to the dust thank you no problem go away dust don't ruin our mother's day confrontations wait wait a minute what's happening why are they both moving oh no what's wrong it looks like a snake something's wrong with the vacuum cleaner what do you mean it's ? moving silly elsia me I just have to put your hand on it that's how you suck and then it won't move oh okay my mistake got you okay wow so many crumbs one two three the crowns are going to go because mom is coming oh there's a big one here , there's a big mess and Kristoff, you can vacuum here after I'm done sweeping, you just need to put it all together in a pile like this, okay, now I can put it here, swipe up and put it in the trash can.
Okay, you're done Jack, yes, I'm done, you can vacuum. Okay, I'll start now. Oh, it's so strong. Well, I'm done. I can turn it off. Here we go. Hmm, I'm not sure we have anything else to do. Anya, is there anything else we can help with? Wait a minute dad, I forgot, we didn't make anything for mom, what do you mean we didn't make a card or buy anything for her and today is her mother's day? Okay, do not worry. elsia, i already have some






, but if you want to make a card, you can go ahead, okay, come on, yes, let's take a photo, we can make a big poster, anya, you're a genius, good idea, come on. let's go look for it here and it's pink, okay, hmm, since we love mommy, let's write we love you mommy, okay, let's love and make the or a heart, you and mommy, how do you spell mommy?
Well, start with m for mom and put a heart there. Come on, we love you mommy and now Anya, let's draw some hearts and smiley faces, what a mess, oh no, what happened. It's stuck, get off, get off, get off, jack, can you understand this please? Well what happened, look, he got stuck here, oh yeah, that's so dumb. Okay, I got it out thanks, I have an idea, let's get the rug out. You can help? Please, let's get her out. Okay, the last thing we need to do is mop to get the extra crumbs out. Okay, let me dip this here on the floor.
It's going to be extra bright. I can't wait to see Elsa's expression and her face when they see this. I think we worked really hard on this and when Elsa and Anna are gone they will be very happy, I'm pretty sure I'll love it and let's hide it somewhere, okay, come on, we're done, I'm happy, jacka, yeah, and


, and They're about to come home, dad, dad, dad, dad, why are you all so happy because we finished cleaning our rooms and? Wow, this room looks so clean Yes, we're so glad we finally finished it Do you like it?
Yes, we love it and we still forget something. Oh yes, you are right. You can't forget the rug. Good idea. We can help you? Yes, there we are. go and now let's make it real fluffy and nice yay poofy poofy poofy ah it feels like Tracy and the puppies fur do you want to spray some air freshener on the beds? Yes, I `d love to. I want to make my mom and I's bed. I'll do it, mom, okay, then you can go first, Dania, okay, just spray a few times, like three times, and here it smells like strawberries, here's a cup of tea for Anna and here's a cup of tea for Elsa, oh, I can't wait to see. her face I'm so excited can I spray on the bed yeah uh and the paints and her dresser on that plant over there and the paints on the rug no elsia just the bed maybe it won't hurt if I just spray a little the flower no but the flower will die elsia wow that's very easy and we finished just in time so girls when elsa and


come we'll go hug them and say what we say happy mother's day yes, shut up, they're coming. right now it's okay, it's okay, I'm sorry, it was nice to see Ariel again.
Yes, I agree, but now is the time to clean because remember that our rooms are very dirty. Hey? What has happened? How can our rooms suddenly become perfect? What happened here? Surprise.


happy mother's day oh you did this for us girls yes I love you elsia you too anya yes in our parents help us clean your room wow thank you very much happy mother's day oh thank you honey I love the surprise happy mother's day and that not everything you want to say we have something for you a gift wow I want to break it I want to bring it come on come on come on calm down girls be careful but wait before you see with what's inside your presence ken can we show you? our room we also made a surprise for you a surprise okay, come on, come, come, come, mommy, come on, yes, I'm coming, don't worry, we cleaned our room, wow, girls, we are very proud of you, normally you don't likes to clean. your room and I always want to play, but wow, you surprised us, yeah, and I'm not mine, not with the help of my dad, but I vacuumed the carpet by myself, and you actually did a good job, I don't see any crumbs and Mommy mommy. yes, I dusted all the furniture, wow, it looks very dusted, come here girls, we love you very much, thank you, we made it especially for mother's day, yes, thank you, we did not imagine such a big surprise, wait, but we still have some to open. elsa oh yes I can't believe it come on mommy it smells so good in here I just realized and then I also see two cups of tea for us very attentive thank you all we did it yes we worked together and we also did the tea. and now your


here are yours elsa oh thank you jack I can't wait to see what's in there and now a special gift for a special mom oh thank you kristoff come on mommy wow look at these beautiful orange flowers ah they smell so good look at these girls, do you know these gifts or not, no, we don't really know, it's like a surprise for you too, yes, wow, and the vase is such a pretty pink, oh, a new matching pink bag, I love it, it's so bright and I can keep it.
My coins there are a new pair of shoes. Wow, I can use them when I use my bag. They are so pink. Thank you very much, Kristoff. It's a pleasure, darling. My mom's turn. My mom's turn. Yes, degrees Celsius, that's right, what did you get? I do not do it. I don't know, just look at those roses, how perfect they are, oh they smell so good mommy, yes you're right, they are so beautiful and match the bow on the bag. Yeah, oh, I have a bag too and look how shiny it is. It's wow, it looks like it's made of ice mommy yes, I think that's why because I really love icy and shiny things what's there what's there mommy come on, did you buy new shoes too?
Let's see, I did it. I see shoes that match your bag. wow look how sparkly they are oh I love them, I look like I should go to a fashion show in these shoes, thanks again, I really love the gifts, you're welcome, I love you too darling, ah, this has been a very mother pleasant. Good morning, Anna, yes, we didn't expect all these gifts, thank you very much, and also the house is clean, we don't need to do any cleaning, besides, we have something great for you, yes, and it's special, come on, onion, oh, another one thing, happy mother. day mommy so this is from me and elsia three two one we love you mommy wow what a cute card girls wow look at that anna they used so many colorful hearts and the smiling faces look so cute too and yes mommy, I drew the rainbow oh and too I drew the smiley face with the heart as eyes, yes it looks like an emoji, very cool, well I have all the hearts, they look like a rainbow, yes, it doesn't matter who made it we love it, the whole card, thank you very much .
You're welcome mom though, we will remember this day for a long time, it was a very happy day, thank you all, I think this was probably the best mother's day ever, yes happy mother's day, we love you Mommy, I love you mommy, visit our channel and subscribe. for more videos you

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