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EFREN REYES age 39 vs STRICKLAND age 33 (powerful stroke)

Mar 28, 2024
Allen casino in Las Vegas Nevada is the 9 ball world championship Senna in the final is the oral second favorite Strickland against a fraud kings of the Philippines is packed inside the Riviera Hotel at the convention center on the Pro Tour hello again everyone. I'm Dave, it will be a pleasure to have you with us again as we make history again. This is the first time a serious title fight has been televised live. We started the week with 92, we only have the last two left. we bring our analyst friend, friend, we may be solving more than the world title here, it could be a global dispute, we solved it, it's true, but people in the world feel that that girl is the best player, the other half feels that everyone is the best. player we will find out today we will know that Strickland is known for his power, he is so good in counterattack, tell us about this guy's game, he is a


player, he breaks the balls like King Kong, he makes shots from anywhere where he has a great white ball, he knows the game inside and out, he is really a dominant player, but there is surely a contrast here because Efraín Reyes may be the master of the touch, the touch, in fact, he is the touch.
efren reyes age 39 vs strickland age 33 powerful stroke
Efraín is the master of the white ball, he knows. to keep everything in and out he can pass from one hand to the other he is an excellent shooter he breaks the vaults quite well I have to nod a little he is a great match he is power he is finesse a hairy man like he was yesterday Scott Smith, who does an excellent job, arrived from Colorado Springs closer to the rear cushion, manages to break the brakes so important and Reyes with the touch and Reyes will need to control the brake. Reyes with that follow-up kick unique only to him. style, nothing fell and, in reality, all three balls fell, so Reyes will continue playing.
efren reyes age 39 vs strickland age 33 powerful stroke

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efren reyes age 39 vs strickland age 33 powerful stroke...

He changes cues. There is a different cue for breaking and this friend is a softer type of cube. The breaking cue is usually a little stiffer to hit. ball over the center cue ball for you, it wasn't a great shot, so a safer shot from Mendes here, he just came off a ball and brought the cue ball back to the side rail behind the five, not on the only back table that Earl placed. in a very delicate place right here, as you look at this table right now, look at the problem, this is called a wrinkle here.
efren reyes age 39 vs strickland age 33 powerful stroke
Inc., his cue ball, Barrett has a wrinkle on it, it's just a slight curve and he gave it back to Aaron, he put the cue. ball right on top this is a great shot here here bites the cue ball here ankle said he hits it with a high cue ball with his right hand going down about 45 degrees pinching this ball throwing it towards the inside rail hitting the side rail and carrying the cue ball again to the top of the two, he hit it, he barely moved it, but he did hit it. The amazing thing about Strickland was that he was as confident as that beautiful wrinkle with almost a jump heel.
efren reyes age 39 vs strickland age 33 powerful stroke
I have a great shot from the wing, okay, he's playing a two-way shot here, well, not a two-way shot, he's playing very safe, everyone on the defensive so far playing strategic pool and I imagine there are some nerves , in fact, the ones Earl Strickland was talking about. Saying that the players are very aware of the fact that this is live television, he felt that it was a great benefit for him yesterday against George Breedlove, who might have been very nervous because he had never played in front of much television let alone television in alive. And if you look at it, he played a little bit of luck there, he had a little bit of luck on that shot, he actually missed and hit the Delorean spot and he came back and touched the ball throwing it with a side pocket, okay, we have. give a ball here here are the two we want to try to play position at home the two balls very well made okay before is the next ball on the table here here we have the two here are the four up here with him he has to keep then at the end of the table and keeps the cue ball right there.
I should point out that pros who think three balls ahead will now take a good look after the break to see where everything is, but it's usually in groups of three. the only pocket I see far ball four ball five is here yeah, playing position on ball five oh you missed it now how open is this table with the ball right in the middle for F and Kings, well Efraín is probably slowly spin this ball here is the four this is the five he will cut the four in this corner pocket probably bringing the cue ball from here to here to back into this area right here run a little further back than you thought of everyone modes in good shape Oh catalyst, any problem here just arises now they want to do it placed right on the six to get to the play directly on the seven to get to the eight it's been a couple of years since Reyes and Strickland played In fact, the last time was in 1990 in Osaka, Japan, and Efraín just stopped by Strickland 1110.
They say they've played so many times around the world that they don't even know what the head is, but Strickland might. I'll be a little ahead, but it's probably too close to call. This is a really close game. Very even. Efraín Reyes has done something that no one else has done in this type of game and that has left Earl Strickland behind. We'll be back in a moment. nine ball championships, the world title that you are watching in the Philippines it is 7:30 in the morning and that is a sign for you, he is a hero at home, yes, he is a national hero, he has been known as the best player in the Philippine Islands for a long time.
It's been a few years and most people feel that he is the best player in the world today. They may be eating strawberries and cream in his honor right now. One swims over Earl Strickland, you'll see what Strickland can do. Some representatives. The most vocal audience available. Nothing. fell I would say here I probably say this is the only ball here these are the two that you don't have a chance to go from side 1 to 2 thanks to the deal, play carefully here, let yourself fall and make the white ball behind these balls like so easy if you're looking for an advantage you have to go with Efraín Reyes now granted it's just one nothing but you remember Strickland got up yesterday and ran a table and ran a table and ran a table he's Reyes he's forcing Strickland to play defensively and sure after the break, I wouldn't be surprised to see your old bait with this ball, Earl from Roseboro, North Carolina, a ball here are the two that the one on the other side can put to make it look like he can throw the ball white directly towards her and He has chosen to play it safe, but isn't that playing into Reyes' hands?
That's playing the kind of game Efraín wants to play. He wants it to be a moving game. Button here. Touch the safety of him here. Security there. He does not want. it comes down to a shooting battle with Earl he wants to be a game of maneuver he got to the ball but not so well he has a lead he has a shot at the 1 but the 2 is in such a tough spot if he could make the 1 and land on a place where I could knock them both out, the 2 ball here is the whole problem on this rack, they are fighting right now for the advantage for both of them, these are the best players in the world, they don't.
Neither of them wants to do 1 and has to deal with both. This is a thinking game right now, that's why you don't want to fight, whatever it is, it's going to be a tough shot just to walk again, what a difference. between yesterday and today, when Strickland ran as many tables as we mentioned, nine to one he did it, which they sure did in 35 minutes, you might have to jump your q-ball here and try to hit the edge of the one okay, I'll just go to try to hit the edge of a ball. This is, oh, he tried to shake her.
Look at the problems on the table now and they may be important because, friend, as we mentioned yesterday, ball in hand after a foul means you almost certainly have. you're going to run the table what the odds are the really tremendous answer for these guests the way they play generally when they have a ball in their hand they just run away if they can place the cue ball exactly where they want it the first time then the rest of time is a secondary thing, you have a two, three combination here, if you do this, you have cleared everything, all three are set up perfectly, you look at the rest of the table and see what is left and the two fall, you just knocked this over. lower the table a little bit for five, no problem, play five in a row here, bring the cue ball back to this area, right here you want to be almost Radian with the seven ball, no problems, you just want to make sure you don't do it .
There is no foul here, there are two more balls left and a lead of two is nothing for the magician and his exchange of shots is almost perfect. If there was a fugitive, it would be Earl Strickland, but Efraín has some different ideas when it comes to glamour. I have beautiful people here and beautiful players who can really show you how the game should be done. That was Lisa Strickland, she fell and you saw where that ball ended up. That's why we had all the juice in her eyes. It's going to be hard to get to him, but he was another guy for trouble and that's basically the problem and whoever will deploy here has the option to push him and put him right up against the corner.
Does that come in? Alright, yeah, if he gets too close to the corner, he might actually hook up behind it, well he made a great shot right there, he just put it right behind the ball boy, what a masterful shot in the push, I thought he could give it back to Reyes, but he decided that he would become the defensive mind of that play, which is an aggressive defensive move, yes, this is really the first offensive shot that Earl really had, that he could, that he could play, to be able to try to get to the field.
The position on the two balls Earl, looking at things there, is that 30-second shot clock. He usually shoots in about 12 seconds. Anyway, he is one of the fastest players on tour earlier this year when the Glass City Open placed third in the base city shootout. in Reno 5th in the Players Championship 7th in Florida it's been a successful year good he kept it up and bounced back perfect yes he did he will rise to the occasion we have a good match here in store for Everyone Earl can roll and he could really go on a rampage and he can do what he had done yesterday with anyone he can't beat, come together as one, I mean, he can, he can beat anyone, nine to one, if things just happened. to continue on his way for a few minutes, if he manages to control the rest, he has not been able to do so.
Reyes has been able to play Panna's game with him. You recovered it perfectly and this will make you unable to. I don't see too much emotion, although against a veteran Reyes, he is the calm man, yesterday he had a 4 to 1 advantage and his face never changed, he was the same when he was down 8/7, yes from us and we only got the break from the mighty Earl and one fell out okay look at the spread he's got he's really coming out he's laying down he said and in my opinion he's got the best break on the tour look at the way the balls explode there when He goes into it to literally throw a cue ball which is also a good cue ball.
I'll call this a shortcut. It will be a shortcut. It took about 30 seconds. Reyes' lead of two nothings was gone. Even in Las Vegas, he hits the shot with a low left hand. cue ball by simply pulling the cue ball down on the table in a nice smooth motion its speed is perfect here this is the completion of a magnificent shot here for this shot to be really effective you need to be straight for the 4 and that is exactly where He landed on the bed in the 4 and Earl likes it, now he has the opportunity to do his thing and that is dominate and play offense.
You know, we talk about gliding forward and you look at the entire table and then you advance three balls on that. In one particular case, he saw what he had available up ahead, took a shot and then brought it back. What do you have here? Here's a problem he has to deal with. You can thank the one crossing the side. This is ball two. It is the ball in which he has to play the position right here he lost the bench advantage Reyes and how the table looks for him now there are problem spots it seems that the first shot maybe was a problem shot because it is close to the end band the cue ball is very close to the end rail we have the one here, you can play it on the side to have a very thin shot, you can plant in the corner, but the two balls are here, you have to bring the cue ball back to this area , right here. he can get up, try to draw it across the table, that's what he's doing, he's trying to draw it, he'll shoot it right into the corner and try to draw his ball.
I think that girl is looking at the bank shot again, this time it's a much softer bank he's really inland for the bank this time this is a soft bank you would probably have this one bring the cue ball back to the table let's bring the cue ball to this area here to position it in the grave can We don't give the girls much of a chance that's for sure, the only other problem we have on this shelf is the fireball that the eight ball has blocked from this corner. You will have to find another hole to play the five.
Oh, he rolled. up about an inch too much he wanted to play the four down in the corner and just smash the cue ball down on the table with him he wants to play the four ball down here bring the ballwhite to this area right here far the four five talk about the touch of Kings well, there is some touch of the master blaster himself from master blaster mm-hmm Earl the Pearl is fine, he has to dodge the eight here, he doesn't want to hit the ball eight well done, not now You may have created a problem.
He has thrown the eight against the railing blocking the path of the seven. Here we have the 8 and the 7. This is the eight ball. right here it is blocking the way to the hole you will have to settle for a combination the 8 7 from the 7 to the 8 combination each one gets pregnant so I was able to get your cue ball right there and the combinations are a little riskier and more difficult oh absolutely you have to make them more perfect but he did Safran Reyes opened the door Strickland took advantage of lisa


in the happy medium her husband has come to the head people and Roseboro are happy too she said, Be sure to say hello to Mom and Dad and all the friends at the Country Club so they don't harass me too much when I go home to play golf.
Vinson, everyone in Tampa and Tulsa told me that maybe I could mention everyone in about 30 seconds on that time he loves it there, even though he does it, he's not happy with the rack, he feels like it's not tight enough, so You can't ask Connie Smith to put the shelves back, she just did it. I think you can't, there's nothing in the rules that says you can't ask for a rear AK yesterday he complained about the speed of the table today I asked him again he should know it's a lot better boy, he's hammering that break that corner ball is flying in the idea here of what is spread the balls and place the white balls as close to the middle as you can, all three fell, so he controls the table again.
The only problem I can see is the 4 to 5, this is the 4 ball that has to land. in a position where he can go to the end of the rail and come back out to a position at the 5, so he has to have a perfect angle, which is a perfect angle, right there he wants to shoot him, get to the end, the path comes up. he tries to play almost radiant on the 5 like that, he's over his head by just a little bit, as we saw yesterday, he can handle a little bit of margin for error, well, he can get his ball out if he has to, he can catch it, he saw the ball rattle. the pocket in the corner there is a term we use a little loosely in the pool world if he's going to take out his ball they say he's going to snatch his rock dad begged for a little more he thinks he's had enough he's buried playing very well just play this one riding and he brings the cue ball across the table for the nine I see no problem this is the old Earl Strickland he has won four consecutive world night ball championships we are at the Riviera Hotel Convention Center in Las Vegas Nevada we are looking at some vintage Earl Strickland what this is about was reduced to nothing what two minutes ago seems like two minutes ago Aronson has played perfect Earl has played perfect and the scores four to two with a perfect girl first you called him four and now you call him perfect who the one who almost left he made a cool boa look at that oh he hung up he took the corner again he has a problem here he can try to play it safe here they both fell he met Bank the one that this area here and I played the white ball in this direction and I used these three balls here as blockers to play their safety no, the bench.
Hey guys, it's in offensive mode. He realized that he doesn't want a duck with this man, yes. I guess he wants to play his style and is trying hard, that's exactly it, he decided to stop playing it safe and started trying to stay safe. Remember that scratch means a file, which means ball in hand, open tables, it doesn't work. and it looks like he's about to run five in a row, you don't want to let this guy have the break, even if you're an opponent, right?, you want to keep the table, he has a shot option here, he can play the seven ball . up in the corner you can play whichever side you prefer mate, there are some who have always been overlooked by a cynic as he was probably hesitant about the six, which is anyone's first real mistake in the match, really uncharacteristic of Earl, he actually shot the ball comes out a little bit, hits the outside point, he's trying to play position on the seven ball up in the corner, he was probably a little hesitant when he hit the ball, okay, Aaron is using those three balls as blockers, may have left the crowd.
I don't think so from this angle, it's hard to say, you might be able to hit him, you might be able to hit him hard, to see if he can hit him. Earl slims balls better than anyone I've seen in this range, right here you say Finn. What do you mean he barely bites the ball like that? What he did, that's why he really hit her good. He left a space, although everyone has a chance to pass. You can hit the sixth whether you can do anything with it or not. I don't know, Earl said yeah, I left it about six inches too far for him to hit.
It's an Earl who asked if the ball was frozen. If the ball is frozen, you have to hit another rail after making contact with that ball and a mini. standing out here for the effort Earl, he comes with this shot, shoot from the rail among the best, hit it, close it in the eight here, just shoot the ATM, go down to the inside rail and come back up for the man, not only no problem. Not only can he hit him, but he can also talk to five in a row. His friend George Breedlove was looking for Andreas yesterday.
He had a small chance. He played safety and Strickland beat. Earl is talking to the crowd. Chippy Johnny. Our trip to Johnny Arch. For the two-time defending champion here, tired victory, Kim Davenport, that's a pretty good tournament, sitting right there in the stands, rice batting, that's who's who, oh, hit him in the center, he was almost at nine, so Efraín Reyes has some work to do, he was up. nothing now he is five two down he hit the one very badly that time he didn't hit the one he hit it off center and almost like the nine but as a result he didn't make a ball on the counterattack the one simply falls in love with Efraín


, now take a look to the table buddy and tell us what you see well he ain't got here you got a playing position on all three it's pretty basic here just give it a nice light hit come out like so it's all out there .
I don't see any problem at all, the only possible problem would be this five balls here. He has to have an adequate position at four to reach five, a really critical table as a reference in which he finds himself. the point of no return is life or death now he has to run away, she can get so far behind him it's almost impossible to catch up with her when you stay too far behind and he's like a freight train, I'd give him a head start and he'd leave. he says, yeah, okay, he came up a little short but he's got a chance, this is a pretty tough shot, he hit five with Ben here, this isn't a back and forth ball, this is what he's known for, though Yes, and yesterday he cut too much. he had left her, the other girl on the bench jumped out of her chair, she wants to leave.
Earl may have a chance here, he can paint this ball, he can't get the cue ball because of this pocket in the corner, he'll have to follow his ball, okay? Like there's no problem here, it just seems like there's no stopping Earl Strickland, now he was down, he had a chance there, he couldn't do it, the freight train is out of control, nothing is superior about his little Strickland, he just Well, he's willing to win six tables in a row. oh, those corner balls that fly when he hits the one on the nose, it's dangerous, he doesn't seem to have a chance of hitting the one he can.
Deposit the back table now I'm a bench, send the one ball and rail back table. the cue ball to this rail and back to this area right here I don't see much for him, he has to avoid the kiss, this is a dangerous shot, he asked about the shot clock, I think he took his time here because it's below, you don't know what to do, this is a difficult situation, you have to find a way to play safely because you don't have a shot and you don't want to fall, that's for sure, you could possibly kick behind the 1 ball and throw it behind the 4 or 5 9.
You can use that option. He has a couple of options. By the way, the first time none of the players use it, you are allowed three per game. Okay, he chose two relights. That is very dangerous. he got his way he was lucky it seems he hooked it right here behind the 5 he knew it - Efraín can get to the edge Efraín needs a break something that happened well he needs to run he is playing for a safe place He hasn't had many opportunities, no, he hasn't done it. Earl has just been on the ground, although in the last 20 minutes he is right up against the nine.
He has a real kick before you hit him right in the nose. He's fine, he kicks a cushion and hits the nine. right in line, I mean the one in line, hitting the one that crossed the side and coming out to the middle of the table for a perfect shot on the pipe, that shot is incredible three balls down, it has to position itself in sixth right here and once if he gets to the sixth, then he has no problem, he places himself quite clearly on just the seven, eight, nine or now that you have Aiden left, he brings the cue ball almost perfectly.
Enoch, the nine here, will know. He's two games away from being the undisputed world champion $20,000 richest, that's seven in a row and all Efrain Reyes can really do is sit back and look at the huge crowd in Las Vegas at the Riviera Hotel and go out and get a good chance to see these people in person Nate, hey wow, you don't think they do it. Oh, that hurt your ears. Maybe I'll have a chance with the nine here. There's a chance. I don't think he wants to kick it. but he could kick this, there's a chance he kicks this shot, both balls fell, so he's got the shot, he's got the 1/9 here, here's the cue ball, he's going to split it, he's going to bank it. a right backrest table is benching the backrest table play it safe perfect and there is not much shot to the left correct Andreas you know that Efraín has been in so many finals in recent years in fact this year he finished second in the bicycle club third in Florida broke out in fourth place in Reno, he has that mentality somehow he manages to get to the finals, but it's been a couple of years, a bad streak, you could say, in the finals, it's an answer that just seems to be in the United States The United States has always had that what we call the best players in the world all come from the United States.
Well, the Filipinos are ranking the best players in the world; They're always a little bit mentally upset with America. tournament and he made a physical mistake there a ball was hit a foul it's called ball in hand and his friend likes to say it's about 99 percent if Earl Strickland's signal and hand he would run out after the ball in hand that's what would make it 8 to 2 if you position yourself on the 4 ball and you are on the 4, you wanted to take a direct hit on the 4, you got a little angle, you just played and played the cue ball back to this area right here, ok, elected to go for three way, it's perfect mate, there are some who say that because the break is so important and a player like Earl is so dominant with that factor of the game, maybe they should play the loser break to keep things a little longer close, what do you think?
On that note, I've heard players throw that back and forth and there are very high opinions that they would prefer to play with looser brakes or trailer brakes over the winter break. I think it's really if you play with someone like Earl, he can just win the game by breaking the balls. can his rest is a great force from the title welcome back to Las Vegas Nevada the best in the world in nine ball live on television it was a while ago that F and Reyes were leading two to nothing suddenly he is down eight to two, because Earl Strickland has taken care of it, I feel like Efraín Ríos is a hero in the Philippines that you are seeing there this morning, thinking that maybe this would be the moment he would come out of that depression and he looked like this when he was two zippers up, but Earl Strickland started the streak we saw yesterday against George Breedlove when he won the semi-final nine to one.
He has run eight in a row and threatens to go nine in a row to win. The one who fell is looking for a shot that this Punk attacks. where the three stops has got the crowd excited what the table looks like you can play a combination on the six here you made both balls well it may have been caught in the corner it's close it must be right you're looking at it yes, you obviously have a take , shows his emotions, if he had caught himself in a corner you would see it, it's a difficult shot, it's a great close up though, a robotic camera overhead is used for the first time and we've had some great shots here, heavenly, yeah , we have this one. really a difficult shot here you have to cross until the end you have a very close shot this shot good shot he has had power he has had touch he has done everything he is also here just a little bit he will be our world champion he is won twice his wife Lisa giving him a nice congratulations honey, third time Earl Strickland won the title, your winner in fine fashion, nine to two, won nine games in a row and boy, he showed us how it's done.

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